John Lenz 977a8b0aaa RFC for embedded static resource support
This code allows to embed static content such as javascript and CSS into the executable at compile time
so that it does not need to be distributed along with the server.  In addition, this module
supports processing of these resources before they are embedded, such as javascript or CSS
minification.  Finally, there is a development mode which will recompute each resource on every
request, so allow a simple browser refresh to reload potentially changed javascript or CSS.

Documentation is in the haddock comment in Servant.Server.Embedded.hs
2016-01-23 17:45:37 -06:00

215 lines
9.2 KiB

-- | This module which contains the template haskell code which embeds the content. Normally, you
-- do not need to use anything from this module. You only need this module if you are creating your
-- own custom content generators, or you want more control over specifically how the resulting
-- 'EmbeddedEntry' structs are created and stored.
module Servant.Server.Embedded.TH (
, EmbeddableEntry(..)
, Generator
, base64md5
, etagAsHash
, embedDevel
, embedProduction
) where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder.ByteString (insertByteString)
import Codec.Compression.GZip (compress)
import Crypto.Hash (MD5, Digest, hashlazy)
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafePackAddressLen)
import Data.Byteable (toBytes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import GHC.Exts (Int(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib (TExpQ)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (TExp(..), lift)
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200, status304)
import Network.Mime (MimeType)
import Network.Wai
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
import Servant.Server.Embedded.Types
-- | For each entry, the template haskell code will produce a variable of type @'EmbeddedEntry'
-- mime@. The variable name is specified by a value of type 'EntryVarName', so the string must
-- be a valid haskell identifier (start with a lower case letter, no spaces, etc.).
type EntryVarName = String
-- | A structure which only exists at compile time and specifies how some content should
-- be served. The same content is described in two possible ways, either an IO action
-- which is executed at compile time to embed the content in the executable, or as an
-- action which will be executed on every request.
data EmbeddableEntry = EmbeddableEntry {
ebeName :: EntryVarName
, ebeMimeType :: MimeType
, ebeProduction :: IO (Etag, BL.ByteString)
-- ^ An action executed at compile time to load the content to embed.
, ebeDevelReload :: TExpQ (IO BL.ByteString)
-- ^ A template haskell expression that produces an @IO BL.ByteString@. This
-- @IO BL.ByteString@ will be executed on every request to load the content.
-- The etag will be the hash of the content.
-- | A generator is an action which describes how to embed some content.
type Generator = Q EmbeddableEntry
-- | Hash and base64 encode a bytestring.
base64md5 :: BL.ByteString -> B.ByteString
base64md5 lbs = Base64.encode $ toBytes d
d :: Digest MD5
d = hashlazy lbs
-- | Helper function to create the Etag by calling 'base64md5' on the content.
etagAsHash :: BL.ByteString -> (Etag, BL.ByteString)
etagAsHash b = (Etag $ base64md5 b, b)
-- | This is executed at runtime to recreate and serve the content on each request.
serveDevel :: MimeType -> IO BL.ByteString -> Application
serveDevel mime buildCt request sendResp = do
ct <- buildCt
let etag = "\"" <> base64md5 ct <> "\""
h = [ ("Content-Type", mime)
, ("ETag", etag)
case lookup "if-none-match" $ requestHeaders request of
Just m | m == etag -> sendResp $ responseLBS status304 [] ""
_ -> sendResp $ responseLBS status200 h ct
-- | Embed the 'EmbeddableEntry' into the executable using 'ebeDevelReload', so that the
-- content will be recomputed on each request. The action 'ebeProduction' is ignored.
embedDevel ::EmbeddableEntry -> TExpQ (EmbeddedEntry mime)
embedDevel e = addTypeDecl (ebeMimeType e)
[| EmbeddedEntry
{ eeEtag = Nothing
, eeApp = serveDevel $(bytestringE $ ebeMimeType e) $(unType <$> ebeDevelReload e)
-- | This is executed at runtime to serve the previously embedded content.
serveProd :: MimeType -> Bool -> Etag -> B.ByteString -> Application
serveProd mime isCompressed (Etag etag) ct request sendResp = do
let etag' = "\"" <> etag <> "\""
h = [ ("Content-Type", mime)
, ("ETag", etag')
] ++
[ ("Content-Encoding", "gzip") | isCompressed ]
cacheControl = [ ("Expires", "Thu, 31 Dec 2037 23:55:55 GMT")
, ("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000") -- one year = 60*60*24*365
let ifMatch = lookup "if-none-match" $ requestHeaders request
etagQuery = lookup "etag" $ queryString request
sendResp $ case (ifMatch, etagQuery) of
-- if both header and query, check both match
(Just m, Just (Just t)) | m == etag' && t == etag -> responseLBS status304 [] ""
-- if just the header, check that it matches
(Just m, Nothing) | m == etag' -> responseLBS status304 [] ""
-- if the etag argument was given correctly, respond with the content and
-- specify that it should be cached forever.
(_, Just (Just t)) | t == etag ->
responseBuilder status200 (h++cacheControl) $ insertByteString $ ct
-- if no etag argument was given or it was incorrect, then we cannot specify
-- the cache control headers
_ -> responseBuilder status200 h $ insertByteString $ ct
-- | Embed the 'EmbeddableEntry' into the executable by calling 'ebeProduction'. The resulting
-- content will be compressed using gzip (depends on mime-type) and embedded into the executable.
-- At runtime, the content will be served. In addition, if the incomming request URL contains an
-- @?etag=..@ query parameter, a @Cache-Control@ header will be returned to the client to indicate
-- that the content should be cached by the client forever. Links with this etag are created by
-- the 'HasLink' instance, so if you always use links from 'safeLink' to refer to this
-- resource, the client will only request the resource when the etag changes.
embedProduction :: EmbeddableEntry -> TExpQ (EmbeddedEntry mime)
embedProduction e = do
runIO $ putStrLn $ "Embedding resouce for " ++ ebeName e
(Etag etag, ct) <- runIO $ ebeProduction e
let (isCompressed, embeddedCt) = tryCompress (ebeMimeType e) ct
etagVar <- newName "etag"
addTypeDecl (ebeMimeType e)
$ letE [ valD (varP etagVar) (normalB $ bytestringE etag) [] ]
[| EmbeddedEntry
{ eeEtag = Just (Etag $(varE etagVar))
, eeApp = serveProd $(bytestringE $ ebeMimeType e)
$(lift isCompressed)
(Etag $(varE etagVar))
$(bytestringLazyE embeddedCt)
-- | Turn an expression producing an 'EmbeddedEntry' into one which has a type
-- declaration for 'EmbeddedEntry' with the given mime type.
addTypeDecl :: MimeType -> ExpQ -> TExpQ (EmbeddedEntry mime)
addTypeDecl mime entryExp = do
eVar <- newName "entry"
let mimeStr = T.unpack $ T.decodeUtf8 mime
TExp <$> letE
-- let eVar :: EmbeddedEntry mime = entryExp
[ valD (sigP (varP eVar) (conT ''EmbeddedEntry `appT` litT (strTyLit mimeStr)))
(normalB entryExp)
-- in eVar
(varE eVar)
-- The following code was copied from wai-app-static (with a few small changes)
-- The use of unsafePackAddressLen is safe here because the length
-- is correct and we will only be reading from the bytestring, never
-- modifying it.
-- The only IO within unsafePackAddressLen is within newForeignPtr_ where
-- a new IORef is created as newIORef (NoFinalizers, []) to hold the finalizer
-- for the pointer. Since the pointer for the content will never have a finalizer
-- added, we do not care if this finalizer IORef gets created more than once since
-- the IORef will always be holding (NoFinalizers, []). Therefore
-- unsafeDupablePerformIO is safe.
bytestringE :: B.ByteString -> ExpQ
bytestringE b = [| unsafeDupablePerformIO (unsafePackAddressLen (I# $lenE) $ctE) |]
lenE = litE $ intPrimL $ toInteger $ B.length b
ctE = litE $ stringPrimL $ B.unpack b
bytestringLazyE :: BL.ByteString -> ExpQ
bytestringLazyE b = [| unsafeDupablePerformIO (unsafePackAddressLen (I# $lenE) $ctE) |]
lenE = litE $ intPrimL $ toInteger $ BL.length b
ctE = litE $ stringPrimL $ BL.unpack b
shouldCompress :: MimeType -> Bool
shouldCompress m = "text/" `B.isPrefixOf` m || m `elem` extra
extra = [ "application/json"
, "application/javascript"
, "application/ecmascript"
-- | Only compress if the mime type is correct and the compressed text is actually shorter.
tryCompress :: MimeType -> BL.ByteString -> (Bool, BL.ByteString)
tryCompress mime ct
| shouldCompress mime = (c, ct')
| otherwise = (False, ct)
compressed = compress ct
c = BL.length compressed < BL.length ct
ct' = if c then compressed else ct