We allow a user-specified type to represent the foreign type of haskell types encountered in the API. This lets users map Integer, Date etc. to representations other than Text, and have those representations available in the returned list of Req. For example, we might want to map a type which has an instance of Generic to both a foreign type name and a class declaration for that foreign type such that it can encode/decode itself to JSON. The previous limitation to a single Text output prevented this case.
108 lines
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108 lines
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#include "overlapping-compat.h"
module Servant.ForeignSpec where
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Proxy
import Servant.Foreign
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Servant.Foreign" $ do
camelCaseSpec :: Spec
camelCaseSpec = describe "camelCase" $ do
it "converts FunctionNames to camelCase" $ do
camelCase (FunctionName ["post", "counter", "inc"])
`shouldBe` "postCounterInc"
camelCase (FunctionName ["get", "hyphen-ated", "counter"])
`shouldBe` "getHyphenatedCounter"
data LangX
instance HasForeignType LangX String () where
typeFor _ _ _ = "voidX"
instance HasForeignType LangX String Int where
typeFor _ _ _ = "intX"
instance HasForeignType LangX String Bool where
typeFor _ _ _ = "boolX"
instance OVERLAPPING_ HasForeignType LangX String String where
typeFor _ _ _ = "stringX"
instance OVERLAPPABLE_ HasForeignType LangX String a => HasForeignType LangX String [a] where
typeFor lang ftype _ = "listX of " <> typeFor lang ftype (Proxy :: Proxy a)
type TestApi
= "test" :> Header "header" [String] :> QueryFlag "flag" :> Get '[JSON] Int
:<|> "test" :> QueryParam "param" Int :> ReqBody '[JSON] [String] :> Post '[JSON] ()
:<|> "test" :> QueryParams "params" Int :> ReqBody '[JSON] String :> Put '[JSON] ()
:<|> "test" :> Capture "id" Int :> Delete '[JSON] ()
testApi :: [Req String]
testApi = listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy LangX) (Proxy :: Proxy String) (Proxy :: Proxy TestApi)
listFromAPISpec :: Spec
listFromAPISpec = describe "listFromAPI" $ do
it "generates 4 endpoints for TestApi" $ do
length testApi `shouldBe` 4
let [getReq, postReq, putReq, deleteReq] = testApi
it "collects all info for get request" $ do
shouldBe getReq $ defReq
{ _reqUrl = Url
[ Segment $ Static "test" ]
[ QueryArg (Arg "flag" "boolX") Flag ]
, _reqMethod = "GET"
, _reqHeaders = [HeaderArg $ Arg "header" "listX of stringX"]
, _reqBody = Nothing
, _reqReturnType = Just "intX"
, _reqFuncName = FunctionName ["get", "test"]
it "collects all info for post request" $ do
shouldBe postReq $ defReq
{ _reqUrl = Url
[ Segment $ Static "test" ]
[ QueryArg (Arg "param" "intX") Normal ]
, _reqMethod = "POST"
, _reqHeaders = []
, _reqBody = Just "listX of stringX"
, _reqReturnType = Just "voidX"
, _reqFuncName = FunctionName ["post", "test"]
it "collects all info for put request" $ do
shouldBe putReq $ defReq
{ _reqUrl = Url
[ Segment $ Static "test" ]
-- Shoud this be |intX| or |listX of intX| ?
[ QueryArg (Arg "params" "listX of intX") List ]
, _reqMethod = "PUT"
, _reqHeaders = []
, _reqBody = Just "stringX"
, _reqReturnType = Just "voidX"
, _reqFuncName = FunctionName ["put", "test"]
it "collects all info for delete request" $ do
shouldBe deleteReq $ defReq
{ _reqUrl = Url
[ Segment $ Static "test"
, Segment $ Cap (Arg "id" "intX") ]
, _reqMethod = "DELETE"
, _reqHeaders = []
, _reqBody = Nothing
, _reqReturnType = Just "voidX"
, _reqFuncName = FunctionName ["delete", "test", "by", "id"]