The default Generics-based ToSample instance now uses Omega type to productively produce distinct samples. The previous version was based on lists and hence left-recursive. This means that with previous versions the default toSamples for [Bool] would return an infinite list like this: [[],[False],[False,False],[False,False,False],... As you can see it would never produce a list with True in it. Omega handles this and produces a more diverse output: [[],[False],[False,False],[True],... This is still not the best possible case, but to do better we need to use Omega not only in GToSample, but in ToSample as well since GToSample uses ToSample instances recursively. |
.. | ||
example | ||
src/Servant | ||
test | ||
docs.sh | ||
README.md | ||
servant-docs.cabal | ||
Setup.hs |
Generate API docs for your servant webservice. Feel free to also take a look at servant-pandoc which uses this package to target a broad range of output formats using the excellent pandoc.
See here for the output of the following program.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text
import Servant
-- our type for a Greeting message
data Greet = Greet { _msg :: Text }
deriving (Generic, Show)
-- we get our JSON serialization for free. This will be used by the default
-- 'MimeRender' instance for 'JSON'.
instance FromJSON Greet
instance ToJSON Greet
-- We can also implement 'MimeRender' explicitly for additional formats.
instance MimeRender PlainText Greet where
mimeRender Proxy (Greet s) = "<h1>" <> cs s <> "</h1>"
-- we provide a sample value for the 'Greet' type
instance ToSample Greet where
toSample = Just g
where g = Greet "Hello, haskeller!"
instance ToParam (QueryParam "capital" Bool) where
toParam _ =
DocQueryParam "capital"
["true", "false"]
"Get the greeting message in uppercase (true) or not (false). Default is false."
instance ToCapture (Capture "name" Text) where
toCapture _ = DocCapture "name" "name of the person to greet"
instance ToCapture (Capture "greetid" Text) where
toCapture _ = DocCapture "greetid" "identifier of the greet msg to remove"
-- API specification
type TestApi =
"hello" :> Capture "name" Text :> QueryParam "capital" Bool :> Get '[JSON,PlainText] Greet
:<|> "greet" :> RQBody '[JSON] Greet :> Post '[JSON] Greet
:<|> "delete" :> Capture "greetid" Text :> Delete '[] ()
testApi :: Proxy TestApi
testApi = Proxy
-- Generate the Documentation's ADT
greetDocs :: API
greetDocs = docs testApi
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ markdown greetDocs