Replace functionName with an array, and use functionRenamer to build …
93 lines
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93 lines
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module Servant.JS.JQuery where
import Servant.JS.Internal
import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
-- | Generate javascript functions that use the /jQuery/ library
-- to make the AJAX calls. Uses 'defCommonGeneratorOptions'
-- for the generator options.
jquery :: JavaScriptGenerator
jquery = concat . map generateJQueryJS
-- | Generate javascript functions that use the /jQuery/ library
-- to make the AJAX calls. Lets you specify your own 'CommonGeneratorOptions'.
jqueryWith :: CommonGeneratorOptions -> JavaScriptGenerator
jqueryWith opts = concat . map (generateJQueryJSWith opts)
-- | js codegen using JQuery using default options
generateJQueryJS :: AjaxReq -> String
generateJQueryJS = generateJQueryJSWith defCommonGeneratorOptions
-- | js codegen using JQuery
generateJQueryJSWith :: CommonGeneratorOptions -> AjaxReq -> String
generateJQueryJSWith opts req = "\n" <>
fname <> " = function(" <> argsStr <> ")\n"
<> "{\n"
<> " $.ajax(\n"
<> " { url: " <> url <> "\n"
<> " , success: " <> onSuccess <> "\n"
<> dataBody
<> reqheaders
<> " , error: " <> onError <> "\n"
<> " , type: '" <> method <> "'\n"
<> " });\n"
<> "}\n"
where argsStr = intercalate ", " args
args = captures
++ map (view argName) queryparams
++ body
++ map (toValidFunctionName . (<>) "header" . headerArgName) hs
++ [onSuccess, onError]
captures = map captureArg
. filter isCapture
$ req ^. reqUrl.path
hs = req ^. reqHeaders
queryparams = req ^.. reqUrl.queryStr.traverse
body = if req ^. reqBody
then [requestBody opts]
else []
onSuccess = successCallback opts
onError = errorCallback opts
dataBody =
if req ^. reqBody
then " , data: JSON.stringify(body)\n" <>
" , contentType: 'application/json'\n"
else ""
reqheaders =
if null hs
then ""
else " , headers: { " ++ headersStr ++ " }\n"
where headersStr = intercalate ", " $ map headerStr hs
headerStr header = "\"" ++
headerArgName header ++
"\": " ++ show header
namespace = if null (moduleName opts)
then "var "
else (moduleName opts) <> "."
fname = namespace <> (functionNameBuilder opts $ req ^. funcName)
method = req ^. reqMethod
url = if url' == "'" then "'/'" else url'
url' = "'"
++ urlPrefix opts
++ urlArgs
++ queryArgs
urlArgs = jsSegments
$ req ^.. reqUrl.path.traverse
queryArgs = if null queryparams
then ""
else " + '?" ++ jsParams queryparams