2018-03-27 12:24:54 +02:00

203 lines
7.6 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
#include "overlapping-compat.h"
-- | This module provides facilities for adding headers to a response.
-- >>> let headerVal = addHeader "some-url" 5 :: Headers '[Header "Location" String] Int
-- The value is added to the header specified by the type (@Location@ in the
-- example above).
module Servant.API.ResponseHeaders
( -- * "Static" response headers, tracked at the type-level
, ResponseHeader (..)
, AddHeader
, addHeader
, noHeader
, BuildHeadersTo(buildHeadersTo)
, GetHeaders(getHeaders)
, HeaderValMap
, HList(..)
, -- * "Dynamic" response headers
, DynResponse(..)
, withDynHeaders
) where
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
(ByteString, init, pack, unlines)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Map
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.TypeLits
(KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as HTTP
import Web.HttpApiData
(FromHttpApiData, ToHttpApiData, parseHeader, toHeader)
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Servant.API.Header
-- | Response Header objects where each header name is tracked at the type-level.
-- You should never need to construct one directly. Instead, use
-- 'addOptionalHeader'.
data Headers ls a = Headers { getResponse :: a
-- ^ The underlying value of a 'Headers'
, getHeadersHList :: HList ls
-- ^ HList of headers.
} deriving (Functor)
data ResponseHeader (sym :: Symbol) a
= Header a
| MissingHeader
| UndecodableHeader ByteString
deriving (Typeable, Eq, Show, Functor)
data HList a where
HNil :: HList '[]
HCons :: ResponseHeader h x -> HList xs -> HList (Header h x ': xs)
type family HeaderValMap (f :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]) where
HeaderValMap f '[] = '[]
HeaderValMap f (Header h x ': xs) = Header h (f x) ': HeaderValMap f xs
class BuildHeadersTo hs where
buildHeadersTo :: [HTTP.Header] -> HList hs
-- ^ Note: if there are multiple occurences of a header in the argument,
-- the values are interspersed with commas before deserialization (see
-- < RFC2616 Sec 4.2>)
instance OVERLAPPING_ BuildHeadersTo '[] where
buildHeadersTo _ = HNil
instance OVERLAPPABLE_ ( FromHttpApiData v, BuildHeadersTo xs, KnownSymbol h )
=> BuildHeadersTo (Header h v ': xs) where
buildHeadersTo headers =
let wantedHeader = . pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy h)
matching = snd <$> filter (\(h, _) -> h == wantedHeader) headers
in case matching of
[] -> MissingHeader `HCons` buildHeadersTo headers
xs -> case parseHeader (BS.init $ BS.unlines xs) of
Left _err -> UndecodableHeader (BS.init $ BS.unlines xs)
`HCons` buildHeadersTo headers
Right h -> Header h `HCons` buildHeadersTo headers
-- * Getting
class GetHeaders ls where
getHeaders :: ls -> [HTTP.Header]
instance OVERLAPPING_ GetHeaders (HList '[]) where
getHeaders _ = []
instance OVERLAPPABLE_ ( KnownSymbol h, ToHttpApiData x, GetHeaders (HList xs) )
=> GetHeaders (HList (Header h x ': xs)) where
getHeaders hdrs = case hdrs of
Header val `HCons` rest -> (headerName , toHeader val):getHeaders rest
UndecodableHeader h `HCons` rest -> (headerName, h) :getHeaders rest
MissingHeader `HCons` rest -> getHeaders rest
where headerName = . pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy h)
instance OVERLAPPING_ GetHeaders (Headers '[] a) where
getHeaders _ = []
instance OVERLAPPABLE_ ( KnownSymbol h, GetHeaders (HList rest), ToHttpApiData v )
=> GetHeaders (Headers (Header h v ': rest) a) where
getHeaders hs = getHeaders $ getHeadersHList hs
-- * Adding
-- We need all these fundeps to save type inference
class AddHeader h v orig new
| h v orig -> new, new -> h, new -> v, new -> orig where
addOptionalHeader :: ResponseHeader h v -> orig -> new -- ^ N.B.: The same header can't be added multiple times
instance OVERLAPPING_ ( KnownSymbol h, ToHttpApiData v )
=> AddHeader h v (Headers (fst ': rest) a) (Headers (Header h v ': fst ': rest) a) where
addOptionalHeader hdr (Headers resp heads) = Headers resp (HCons hdr heads)
instance OVERLAPPABLE_ ( KnownSymbol h, ToHttpApiData v
, new ~ (Headers '[Header h v] a) )
=> AddHeader h v a new where
addOptionalHeader hdr resp = Headers resp (HCons hdr HNil)
-- | @addHeader@ adds a header to a response. Note that it changes the type of
-- the value in the following ways:
-- 1. A simple value is wrapped in "Headers '[hdr]":
-- >>> let example1 = addHeader 5 "hi" :: Headers '[Header "someheader" Int] String;
-- >>> getHeaders example1
-- [("someheader","5")]
-- 2. A value that already has a header has its new header *prepended* to the
-- existing list:
-- >>> let example1 = addHeader 5 "hi" :: Headers '[Header "someheader" Int] String;
-- >>> let example2 = addHeader True example1 :: Headers '[Header "1st" Bool, Header "someheader" Int] String
-- >>> getHeaders example2
-- [("1st","true"),("someheader","5")]
-- Note that while in your handlers type annotations are not required, since
-- the type can be inferred from the API type, in other cases you may find
-- yourself needing to add annotations.
addHeader :: AddHeader h v orig new => v -> orig -> new
addHeader = addOptionalHeader . Header
-- | Deliberately do not add a header to a value.
-- >>> let example1 = noHeader "hi" :: Headers '[Header "someheader" Int] String
-- >>> getHeaders example1
-- []
noHeader :: AddHeader h v orig new => orig -> new
noHeader = addOptionalHeader MissingHeader
-- | Combinator to use when you want your endpoint to return a response
-- along with some response headers, dynamically,
-- by simply building a value of type 'DynResponse a', which is just a
-- response of type @a@ along with a map from header names to header values.
-- For all other interpretations than the server one, this combinator basically
-- has no effect and behaves just as if you were using @a@ directly.
data DynHeaders a
data DynResponse a = DynResponse
{ dynResponse :: a
, dynHeaders :: Map HTTP.HeaderName ByteString
} deriving (Typeable, Eq, Show, Functor)
-- | Build a \"response with headers\", where the headers are
-- provided at runtime as a 'Map' from header name to header value.
withDynHeaders :: a -> Map HTTP.HeaderName ByteString -> DynResponse a
withDynHeaders = DynResponse
-- $setup
-- >>> import Servant.API
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> data Book
-- >>> instance ToJSON Book where { toJSON = undefined }