Julian K. Arni 21c8fcbea2 Flip fixity of TH sub.
And do some general cleanup.
2014-10-29 12:16:02 +01:00

77 lines
2.6 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Servant.API.QQ where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Servant.API.Capture
import Servant.API.Get
import Servant.API.Post
import Servant.API.Put
import Servant.API.Delete
import Servant.API.Sub
import Servant.API.Union
class ExpSYM repr' repr | repr -> repr', repr' -> repr where
lit :: String -> repr' -> repr
capture :: String -> String -> repr -> repr
conj :: repr' -> repr -> repr
get :: String -> repr
post :: String -> repr
put :: String -> repr
delete :: String -> repr
infixr 6 >:
(>:) :: Type -> Type -> Type
(>:) = conj
instance ExpSYM Type Type where
lit name r = (LitT (StrTyLit name)) >: r
capture name typ r = (AppT (AppT (ConT ''Capture) (LitT (StrTyLit name)))
(ConT $ mkName typ)) >: r
conj x y = AppT (AppT (ConT ''(:>)) x) y
get typ = AppT (ConT ''Get) (ConT $ mkName typ)
post typ = AppT (ConT ''Post) (ConT $ mkName typ)
put typ = AppT (ConT ''Put) (ConT $ mkName typ)
delete typ = AppT (ConT ''Delete) (ConT $ mkName typ)
readEntry :: ExpSYM r r => [String] -> Maybe r
readEntry [] = Nothing
readEntry (met:typ:xs) = case met of
"GET" -> readEntry' xs $ get typ
"POST" -> readEntry' xs $ post typ
"PUT" -> readEntry' xs $ put typ
"DELETE" -> readEntry' xs $ delete typ
x -> error $ "Unknown method: " ++ x
readEntry x = error $ "Wrong number of elems in line: " ++ show x
readEntry' :: ExpSYM r r => [String] -> r -> Maybe r
readEntry' [] _ = Nothing
readEntry' [xs] r = Just $ foldr1 (.) (tRepr <$> splitOn "/" xs) r
tRepr y | [x] <- splitOn ":" y = lit x
| a:[b] <- splitOn ":" y = capture a b
| otherwise = error "Only one ':' per section"
readEntry' _ _ = Nothing
readAll :: String -> Type
readAll s = foldr1 union $ mapMaybe readEntry $ words <$> lines s
where union :: Type -> Type -> Type
union a b = AppT (AppT (ConT ''(:<|>)) a) b
sitemap :: QuasiQuoter
sitemap = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = undefined
, quotePat = undefined
, quoteType = return . readAll
, quoteDec = undefined