module Servant.API ( -- * Combinators -- | Type-level combinator for expressing subrouting: @':>'@ module Servant.API.Sub, -- | Type-level combinator for alternative endpoints: @':<|>'@ module Servant.API.Alternative, -- * Accessing information from the request -- | Capturing parts of the url path as parsed values: @'Capture'@ module Servant.API.Capture, -- | Retrieving specific headers from the request module Servant.API.Header, -- | Retrieving parameters from the query string of the 'URI': @'QueryParam'@ module Servant.API.QueryParam, -- | Accessing the request body as a JSON-encoded type: @'ReqBody'@ module Servant.API.ReqBody, -- | Retrieving matrix parameters from the 'URI' segment: @'MatrixParam'@ module Servant.API.MatrixParam, -- * Actual endpoints, distinguished by HTTP method -- | GET requests module Servant.API.Get, -- | POST requests module Servant.API.Post, -- | DELETE requests module Servant.API.Delete, -- | PUT requests module Servant.API.Put, -- * Untyped endpoints -- | Plugging in a wai 'Network.Wai.Application', serving directories module Servant.API.Raw, -- * Utilities -- | QuasiQuotes for endpoints module Servant.QQ, -- | Type-safe internal URIs module Servant.Utils.Links, ) where import Servant.API.Alternative ( (:<|>)(..) ) import Servant.API.Capture ( Capture ) import Servant.API.Delete ( Delete ) import Servant.API.Get ( Get ) import Servant.API.Header ( Header ) import Servant.API.Post ( Post ) import Servant.API.Put ( Put ) import Servant.API.QueryParam ( QueryFlag, QueryParams, QueryParam ) import Servant.API.MatrixParam ( MatrixFlag, MatrixParams, MatrixParam ) import Servant.API.Raw ( Raw ) import Servant.API.ReqBody ( ReqBody ) import Servant.API.Sub ( (:>)(..) ) import Servant.QQ ( sitemap ) import Servant.Utils.Links ( safeLink, URI(..), IsElem, IsElem', HasLink(..) )