{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Servant.JSSpec where import Data.Either (isRight) #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Data.Monoid ((<>),mconcat) #else import Data.Monoid ((<>)) #endif import Data.Proxy import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Language.ECMAScript3.Parser (program, parse) import Test.Hspec hiding (shouldContain, shouldNotContain) import Servant.JS import Servant.JS.Internal import qualified Servant.JS.Angular as NG import qualified Servant.JS.Axios as AX import qualified Servant.JS.JQuery as JQ import qualified Servant.JS.Vanilla as JS import Servant.JSSpec.CustomHeaders type TestAPI = "simple" :> ReqBody '[JSON,FormUrlEncoded] Text :> Post '[JSON] Bool :<|> "has.extension" :> Get '[FormUrlEncoded,JSON] Bool type TopLevelRawAPI = "something" :> Get '[JSON] Int :<|> Raw type HeaderHandlingAPI = "something" :> Header "Foo" Text :> Get '[JSON] Int type CustomAuthAPI = "something" :> Authorization "Basic" Text :> Get '[JSON] Int type CustomHeaderAPI = "something" :> MyLovelyHorse Text :> Get '[JSON] Int type CustomHeaderAPI2 = "something" :> WhatsForDinner Text :> Get '[JSON] Int headerHandlingProxy :: Proxy HeaderHandlingAPI headerHandlingProxy = Proxy customAuthProxy :: Proxy CustomAuthAPI customAuthProxy = Proxy customHeaderProxy :: Proxy CustomHeaderAPI customHeaderProxy = Proxy customHeaderProxy2 :: Proxy CustomHeaderAPI2 customHeaderProxy2 = Proxy data TestNames = Vanilla | VanillaCustom | JQuery | JQueryCustom | Angular | AngularCustom | Axios | AxiosCustom deriving (Show, Eq) customOptions :: CommonGeneratorOptions customOptions = defCommonGeneratorOptions { successCallback = "okCallback" , errorCallback = "errorCallback" } spec :: Spec spec = describe "Servant.JQuery" $ do generateJSSpec Vanilla JS.generateVanillaJS generateJSSpec VanillaCustom (JS.generateVanillaJSWith customOptions) generateJSSpec JQuery JQ.generateJQueryJS generateJSSpec JQueryCustom (JQ.generateJQueryJSWith customOptions) generateJSSpec Angular (NG.generateAngularJS NG.defAngularOptions) generateJSSpec AngularCustom (NG.generateAngularJSWith NG.defAngularOptions customOptions) generateJSSpec Axios (AX.generateAxiosJS AX.defAxiosOptions) generateJSSpec AxiosCustom (AX.generateAxiosJSWith (AX.defAxiosOptions { AX.withCredentials = True }) customOptions) angularSpec Angular axiosSpec --angularSpec AngularCustom shouldContain :: Text -> Text -> Expectation a `shouldContain` b = shouldSatisfy a (T.isInfixOf b) shouldNotContain :: Text -> Text -> Expectation a `shouldNotContain` b = shouldNotSatisfy a (T.isInfixOf b) axiosSpec :: Spec axiosSpec = describe specLabel $ do let reqList = listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy NoTypes) (Proxy :: Proxy TestAPI) it "should add withCredentials when needed" $ do let jsText = genJS withCredOpts $ reqList output jsText jsText `shouldContain` "withCredentials: true" it "should add xsrfCookieName when needed" $ do let jsText = genJS cookieOpts $ reqList output jsText jsText `shouldContain` ("xsrfCookieName: 'MyXSRFcookie'") it "should add withCredentials when needed" $ do let jsText = genJS headerOpts $ reqList output jsText jsText `shouldContain` ("xsrfHeaderName: 'MyXSRFheader'") where specLabel = "Axios" output _ = return () withCredOpts = AX.defAxiosOptions { AX.withCredentials = True } cookieOpts = AX.defAxiosOptions { AX.xsrfCookieName = Just "MyXSRFcookie" } headerOpts = AX.defAxiosOptions { AX.xsrfHeaderName = Just "MyXSRFheader" } genJS :: AxiosOptions -> [AjaxReq] -> Text genJS opts req = mconcat . map (AX.generateAxiosJS opts) $ req angularSpec :: TestNames -> Spec angularSpec test = describe specLabel $ do let reqList = listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy NoTypes) (Proxy :: Proxy TestAPI) it "should implement a service globally" $ do let jsText = genJS reqList output jsText jsText `shouldContain` (".service('" <> testName <> "'") it "should depend on $http service globally" $ do let jsText = genJS reqList output jsText jsText `shouldContain` ("('" <> testName <> "', function($http) {") it "should not depend on $http service in handlers" $ do let jsText = genJS reqList output jsText jsText `shouldNotContain` "getsomething($http, " where specLabel = "AngularJS(" <> (show test) <> ")" output _ = return () testName = "MyService" ngOpts = NG.defAngularOptions { NG.serviceName = testName } genJS req = NG.angularService ngOpts req generateJSSpec :: TestNames -> (AjaxReq -> Text) -> Spec generateJSSpec n gen = describe specLabel $ do let parseFromText = parse program "" it "should generate valid javascript" $ do let s = jsForAPI (Proxy :: Proxy TestAPI) (mconcat . map gen) parseFromText s `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "should use non-empty function names" $ do let (_ :<|> topLevel) = javascript (Proxy :: Proxy TopLevelRawAPI) output $ genJS (topLevel "GET") parseFromText (genJS $ topLevel "GET") `shouldSatisfy` isRight it "should handle simple HTTP headers" $ do let jsText = genJS $ javascript headerHandlingProxy output jsText parseFromText jsText `shouldSatisfy` isRight jsText `shouldContain` "headerFoo" jsText `shouldContain` (header n "Foo" $ "headerFoo") it "should handle complex HTTP headers" $ do let jsText = genJS $ javascript customAuthProxy output jsText parseFromText jsText `shouldSatisfy` isRight jsText `shouldContain` "headerAuthorization" jsText `shouldContain` (header n "Authorization" $ "\"Basic \" + headerAuthorization") it "should handle complex, custom HTTP headers" $ do let jsText = genJS $ javascript customHeaderProxy output jsText parseFromText jsText `shouldSatisfy` isRight jsText `shouldContain` "headerXMyLovelyHorse" jsText `shouldContain` (header n "X-MyLovelyHorse" $ "\"I am good friends with \" + headerXMyLovelyHorse") it "should handle complex, custom HTTP headers (template replacement)" $ do let jsText = genJS $ javascript customHeaderProxy2 output jsText parseFromText jsText `shouldSatisfy` isRight jsText `shouldContain` "headerXWhatsForDinner" jsText `shouldContain` (header n "X-WhatsForDinner" $ "\"I would like \" + headerXWhatsForDinner + \" with a cherry on top.\"") it "can generate the whole javascript code string at once with jsForAPI" $ do let jsStr = jsForAPI (Proxy :: Proxy TestAPI) (mconcat . map gen) parseFromText jsStr `shouldSatisfy` isRight where specLabel = "generateJS(" <> (show n) <> ")" output _ = return () genJS req = gen req header :: TestNames -> Text -> Text -> Text header v headerName headerValue | v `elem` [Vanilla, VanillaCustom] = "xhr.setRequestHeader(\"" <> headerName <> "\", " <> headerValue <> ");\n" | otherwise = "headers: { \"" <> headerName <> "\": " <> headerValue <> " }\n"