You can use the `shell.nix` from this directory to build the servant packages or even the tutorial or cookbook if you want to, optionally. Just the servant packages: ``` sh $ nix-shell nix/shell.nix ``` Everything needed for the tutorial and the cookbook too: ``` sh $ nix-shell nix/shell.nix --arg tutorial true ``` The `shell.nix` file also supports specifying a particular ghc version, e.g: ``` sh $ nix-shell nix/shell.nix --argstr compiler ghcHEAD ``` **Possible GHC versions** - `ghc865Binary` - `ghc884` - `ghc8104` - default - `ghc901` ### Cabal users GHC version can be chosen via the nix-shell parameter `cabal build all` ### Stack version Since the ghc version is set by the LTS version, it is preferable to use the `ghc8104` version parameter for the nix-shell. `stack --no-nix --system-ghc <command>`