POST /greet ----------- **Request Body**: ``` javascript { "msg": "Hello, haskeller!" } ``` **Response**: - Status code 201 - If you use ?capital=true ``` javascript { "msg": "HELLO, HASKELLER" } ``` - If you use ?capital=false ``` javascript { "msg": "Hello, haskeller" } ``` GET /hello/:name ---------------- **Captures**: - *name*: name of the person to greet **GET Parameters**: - capital - **Values**: *true, false* - **Description**: Get the greeting message in uppercase (true) or not (false). Default is false. **Response**: - Status code 200 - If you use ?capital=true ``` javascript { "msg": "HELLO, HASKELLER" } ``` - If you use ?capital=false ``` javascript { "msg": "Hello, haskeller" } ``` DELETE /greet/:greetid ---------------------- **Captures**: - *greetid*: identifier of the greet msg to remove **Response**: - Status code 204 - No response body