{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | Authentication for clients module Servant.Common.Auth ( AuthenticateReq(AuthenticateReq, unAuthReq) , AuthClientData , mkAuthenticateReq ) where import Servant.Common.Req (Req) -- | For a resource protected by authentication (e.g. AuthProtect), we need -- to provide the client with some data used to add authentication data -- to a request -- -- NOTE: THIS API IS EXPERIMENTAL AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE type family AuthClientData a :: * -- | For better type inference and to avoid usage of a data family, we newtype -- wrap the combination of some 'AuthClientData' and a function to add authentication -- data to a request -- -- NOTE: THIS API IS EXPERIMENTAL AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE newtype AuthenticateReq a = AuthenticateReq { unAuthReq :: (AuthClientData a, AuthClientData a -> Req -> Req) } -- | Handy helper to avoid wrapping datatypes in tuples everywhere. -- -- NOTE: THIS API IS EXPERIMENTAL AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE mkAuthenticateReq :: AuthClientData a -> (AuthClientData a -> Req -> Req) -> AuthenticateReq a mkAuthenticateReq val func = AuthenticateReq (val, func)