{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} module Servant.Utils.LinksSpec where import Test.Hspec ( Spec, it, describe, shouldBe, Expectation ) import Data.Proxy ( Proxy(..) ) import Servant.API type TestApi = -- Capture and query/matrix params "hello" :> Capture "name" String :> QueryParam "capital" Bool :> Delete :<|> "parent" :> MatrixParams "name" String :> "child" :> MatrixParam "gender" String :> Get '[JSON] String -- Flags :<|> "ducks" :> MatrixFlag "yellow" :> MatrixFlag "loud" :> Delete :<|> "balls" :> QueryFlag "bouncy" :> QueryFlag "fast" :> Delete -- All of the verbs :<|> "get" :> Get '[JSON] () :<|> "put" :> Put '[JSON] () :<|> "post" :> ReqBody '[JSON] 'True :> Post '[JSON] () :<|> "delete" :> Header "ponies" :> Delete :<|> "raw" :> Raw type TestLink = "hello" :> "hi" :> Get '[JSON] Bool type TestLink2 = "greet" :> ReqBody '[JSON] [Int] :> Post '[PlainText] Bool type TestLink3 = "parent" :> "child" :> Get '[JSON] String type BadTestLink = "hallo" :> "hi" :> Get '[JSON] Bool type BadTestLink2 = "greet" :> Get '[PlainText] Bool type BadTestLink3 = "parent" :> "child" :> MatrixFlag "male" :> Get '[JSON] String type BadTestLink' = "hello" :> "hi" :> Get '[OctetStream] Bool type BadTestLink'2 = "greet" :> Get '[OctetStream] Bool type NotALink = "hello" :> Capture "x" Bool :> Get '[JSON] Bool type NotALink2 = "hello" :> ReqBody '[JSON] 'True :> Get '[JSON] Bool apiLink :: (IsElem endpoint TestApi, HasLink endpoint) => Proxy endpoint -> MkLink endpoint apiLink = safeLink (Proxy :: Proxy TestApi) -- | Convert a link to a URI and ensure that this maps to the given string -- given string shouldBeURI :: URI -> String -> Expectation shouldBeURI link expected = show link `shouldBe` expected spec :: Spec spec = describe "Servant.Utils.Links" $ do it "Generates correct links for capture query and matrix params" $ do let l1 = Proxy :: Proxy ("hello" :> Capture "name" String :> Delete) apiLink l1 "hi" `shouldBeURI` "hello/hi" let l2 = Proxy :: Proxy ("hello" :> Capture "name" String :> QueryParam "capital" Bool :> Delete) apiLink l2 "bye" True `shouldBeURI` "hello/bye?capital=true" let l3 = Proxy :: Proxy ("parent" :> MatrixParams "name" String :> "child" :> MatrixParam "gender" String :> Get '[JSON] String) apiLink l3 ["Hubert?x=;&", "Cumberdale"] "Edward?" `shouldBeURI` "parent;name[]=Hubert%3Fx%3D%3B%26;\ \name[]=Cumberdale/child;gender=Edward%3F" it "Generates correct links for query and matrix flags" $ do let l1 = Proxy :: Proxy ("balls" :> QueryFlag "bouncy" :> QueryFlag "fast" :> Delete) apiLink l1 True True `shouldBeURI` "balls?bouncy&fast" apiLink l1 False True `shouldBeURI` "balls?fast" let l2 = Proxy :: Proxy ("ducks" :> MatrixFlag "yellow" :> MatrixFlag "loud" :> Delete) apiLink l2 True True `shouldBeURI` "ducks;yellow;loud" apiLink l2 False True `shouldBeURI` "ducks;loud" it "Generates correct links for all of the verbs" $ do apiLink (Proxy :: Proxy ("get" :> Get '[JSON] ())) `shouldBeURI` "get" apiLink (Proxy :: Proxy ("put" :> Put '[JSON] ())) `shouldBeURI` "put" apiLink (Proxy :: Proxy ("post" :> Post '[JSON] ())) `shouldBeURI` "post" apiLink (Proxy :: Proxy ("delete" :> Delete)) `shouldBeURI` "delete" apiLink (Proxy :: Proxy ("raw" :> Raw)) `shouldBeURI` "raw"