doc(servant-foreign): Document module
I spend some considerable time reverse engineering the module, so I thought I’d write the documentation I would have liked to see. The strategy here is that a user not necessarily has insight into how servant works internally, or even how to write complex servant routes, they just want to generate a list of endpoints and convert the `Req` type into e.g. generated code in $language. Thus, they need to know the semantics of all fields of Req, how they interact and how they relate to a plain http route. I made sure every `f` is replaced with `ftype`, so we have one conventional way of referring to the foreign type argument everywhere. Some enums are not set at all, they are marked as such. `_reqBodyContentType` introduces a major restriction of the module, so that is mentioned in the documentation for now, until the time it will be fixed. A few TODO’s describe places where types don’t make sense but would introduce API-breaking changes, so these should probably be simplified, but bundled in one go.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 133 additions and 39 deletions
@ -3,28 +3,30 @@
-- See documentation of 'HasForeignType' for a simple example. 'listFromAPI' returns a list of all your endpoints and their foreign types, given a mapping from Haskell types to foreign types (conventionally called `ftypes` below).
-- See documentation of 'HasForeignType' for a simple example. 'listFromAPI' returns a list of all your endpoints and their foreign types, given a mapping from Haskell types to foreign types (conventionally called `ftypes` below).
module Servant.Foreign
module Servant.Foreign
( listFromAPI
-- * Main API
, Req(..)
, Req(..)
, defReq
, defReq
, HasForeignType(..)
, HasForeignType(..)
, GenerateList(..)
, GenerateList(..)
, HasForeign(..)
, HasForeign(..)
, NoTypes
, NoTypes
, ArgType(..)
-- * Subtypes of 'Req'
, HeaderArg(..)
, Url(..)
, QueryArg(..)
, Path
, ReqBodyContentType(..)
, Segment(..)
, Segment(..)
, SegmentType(..)
, isCapture
, isCapture
, captureArg
, captureArg
, SegmentType(..)
, QueryArg(..)
, Url(..)
, ArgType(..)
-- * aliases
, HeaderArg(..)
, Path
, Arg(..)
, Arg(..)
, FunctionName(..)
, FunctionName(..)
, ReqBodyContentType(..)
, PathSegment(..)
, PathSegment(..)
-- * lenses
-- * Lenses
, argName
, argName
, argType
, argType
, argPath
, argPath
@ -40,7 +42,7 @@ module Servant.Foreign
, queryArgName
, queryArgName
, queryArgType
, queryArgType
, headerArg
, headerArg
-- * prisms
-- * Prisms
, _PathSegment
, _PathSegment
, _HeaderArg
, _HeaderArg
, _ReplaceHeaderArg
, _ReplaceHeaderArg
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ module Servant.Foreign
, _Normal
, _Normal
, _Flag
, _Flag
, _List
, _List
-- * re-exports
-- * Re-exports
, module Servant.API
, module Servant.API
, module Servant.Foreign.Inflections
, module Servant.Foreign.Inflections
) where
) where
@ -46,45 +46,67 @@ newtype FunctionName = FunctionName { unFunctionName :: [Text] }
makePrisms ''FunctionName
makePrisms ''FunctionName
-- | See documentation of 'Arg'
newtype PathSegment = PathSegment { unPathSegment :: Text }
newtype PathSegment = PathSegment { unPathSegment :: Text }
deriving (Data, Show, Eq, IsString, Semigroup, Monoid, Typeable)
deriving (Data, Show, Eq, IsString, Semigroup, Monoid, Typeable)
makePrisms ''PathSegment
makePrisms ''PathSegment
data Arg f = Arg
-- | Maps a name to the foreign type that belongs to the annotated value.
-- Used for header args, query args, and capture args.
data Arg ftype = Arg
{ _argName :: PathSegment
{ _argName :: PathSegment
, _argType :: f }
-- ^ The name to be captured.
-- Only for capture args it really denotes a path segment.
, _argType :: ftype
-- ^ Foreign type the associated value will have
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
makeLenses ''Arg
makeLenses ''Arg
argPath :: Getter (Arg f) Text
argPath :: Getter (Arg ftype) Text
argPath = argName . _PathSegment
argPath = argName . _PathSegment
data SegmentType f
data SegmentType ftype
= Static PathSegment
= Static PathSegment
-- ^ a static path segment. like "/foo"
-- ^ Static path segment.
| Cap (Arg f)
-- ^ a capture. like "/:userid"
-- @"foo\/bar\/baz"@
-- contains the static segments @"foo"@, @"bar"@ and @"baz"@.
| Cap (Arg ftype)
-- ^ A capture.
-- @"user\/{userid}\/name"@
-- would capture the arg @userid@ with type @ftype@.
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
makePrisms ''SegmentType
makePrisms ''SegmentType
newtype Segment f = Segment { unSegment :: SegmentType f }
-- | A part of the Url’s path.
newtype Segment ftype = Segment { unSegment :: SegmentType ftype }
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
makePrisms ''Segment
makePrisms ''Segment
isCapture :: Segment f -> Bool
-- | Whether a segment is a 'Cap'.
isCapture :: Segment ftype -> Bool
isCapture (Segment (Cap _)) = True
isCapture (Segment (Cap _)) = True
isCapture _ = False
isCapture _ = False
captureArg :: Segment f -> Arg f
-- | Crashing Arg extraction from segment, TODO: remove
captureArg :: Segment ftype -> Arg ftype
captureArg (Segment (Cap s)) = s
captureArg (Segment (Cap s)) = s
captureArg _ = error "captureArg called on non capture"
captureArg _ = error "captureArg called on non capture"
type Path f = [Segment f]
-- TODO: remove, unnecessary indirection
type Path ftype = [Segment ftype]
-- | Type of a 'QueryArg'.
data ArgType
data ArgType
= Normal
= Normal
| Flag
| Flag
@ -93,18 +115,41 @@ data ArgType
makePrisms ''ArgType
makePrisms ''ArgType
data QueryArg f = QueryArg
-- | Url Query argument.
{ _queryArgName :: Arg f
-- Urls can contain query arguments, which is a list of key-value pairs.
-- In a typical url, query arguments look like this:
-- @?foo=bar&alist[]=el1&alist[]=el2&aflag@
-- Each pair can be
-- * @?foo=bar@: a plain key-val pair, either optional or required ('QueryParam')
-- * @?aflag@: a flag (no value, implicitly Bool with default `false` if it’s missing) ('QueryFlag')
-- * @?alist[]=el1&alist[]=el2@: list of values ('QueryParams')
-- @_queryArgType@ will be set accordingly.
-- For the plain key-val pairs ('QueryParam'), @_queryArgName@’s @ftype@ will be wrapped in a @Maybe@ if the argument is optional.
data QueryArg ftype = QueryArg
{ _queryArgName :: Arg ftype
-- ^ Name and foreign type of the argument. Will be wrapped in `Maybe` if the query is optional and in a `[]` if the query is a list
, _queryArgType :: ArgType
, _queryArgType :: ArgType
-- ^ one of normal/plain, list or flag
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
makeLenses ''QueryArg
makeLenses ''QueryArg
data HeaderArg f = HeaderArg
data HeaderArg ftype =
{ _headerArg :: Arg f }
-- | The name of the header and the foreign type of its value.
{ _headerArg :: Arg ftype }
-- | Unused, will never be set.
-- TODO: remove
| ReplaceHeaderArg
| ReplaceHeaderArg
{ _headerArg :: Arg f
{ _headerArg :: Arg ftype
, _headerPattern :: Text
, _headerPattern :: Text
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
@ -113,29 +158,71 @@ makeLenses ''HeaderArg
makePrisms ''HeaderArg
makePrisms ''HeaderArg
data Url f = Url
-- | Full endpoint url, with all captures and parameters
{ _path :: Path f
data Url ftype = Url
, _queryStr :: [QueryArg f]
{ _path :: Path ftype
, _frag :: Maybe f
-- ^ Url path, list of either static segments or captures
-- @"foo\/{id}\/bar"@
, _queryStr :: [QueryArg ftype]
-- ^ List of query args
-- @"?foo=bar&a=b"@
, _frag :: Maybe ftype
-- ^ Url fragment.
-- Not sent to the HTTP server, so only useful for frontend matters (e.g. inter-page linking).
-- @#fragmentText@
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
defUrl :: Url f
defUrl :: Url ftype
defUrl = Url [] [] Nothing
defUrl = Url [] [] Nothing
makeLenses ''Url
makeLenses ''Url
-- | See documentation of '_reqBodyContentType'
data ReqBodyContentType = ReqBodyJSON | ReqBodyMultipart
data ReqBodyContentType = ReqBodyJSON | ReqBodyMultipart
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Read)
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Read)
data Req f = Req
-- | Full description of an endpoint in your API, generated by 'listFromAPI'. It should give you all the information needed to generate foreign language bindings.
{ _reqUrl :: Url f
-- Every field containing @ftype@ will use the foreign type mapping specified via 'HasForeignType' (see its docstring on how to set that up).
-- See for accessible documentation of the possible content of an endpoint.
data Req ftype = Req
{ _reqUrl :: Url ftype
-- ^ Full list of URL segments, including captures
, _reqMethod :: HTTP.Method
, _reqMethod :: HTTP.Method
, _reqHeaders :: [HeaderArg f]
-- ^ @\"GET\"@\/@\"POST\"@\/@\"PUT\"@\/…
, _reqBody :: Maybe f
, _reqHeaders :: [HeaderArg ftype]
, _reqReturnType :: Maybe f
-- ^ Headers required by this endpoint, with their type
, _reqBody :: Maybe ftype
-- ^ Foreign type of the expected request body ('ReqBody'), if any
, _reqReturnType :: Maybe ftype
-- ^ The foreign type of the response, if any
, _reqFuncName :: FunctionName
, _reqFuncName :: FunctionName
-- ^ The URL segments rendered in a way that they can be easily concatenated into a canonical function name
, _reqBodyContentType :: ReqBodyContentType
, _reqBodyContentType :: ReqBodyContentType
-- ^ The content type the request body is transferred as.
-- This is a severe limitation of @servant-foreign@ currently,
-- as we only allow the content type to be `JSON`
-- no user-defined content types. ('ReqBodyMultipart' is not
-- actually implemented.)
-- Thus, any routes looking like this will work:
-- @"foo" :> Get '[JSON] Foo@
-- while routes like
-- @"foo" :> Get '[MyFancyContentType] Foo@
-- will fail with an error like
-- @• JSON expected in list '[MyFancyContentType]@
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
deriving (Data, Eq, Show, Typeable)
@ -179,11 +266,16 @@ defReq = Req defUrl "GET" [] Nothing Nothing (FunctionName []) ReqBodyJSON
class HasForeignType lang ftype a where
class HasForeignType lang ftype a where
typeFor :: Proxy lang -> Proxy ftype -> Proxy a -> ftype
typeFor :: Proxy lang -> Proxy ftype -> Proxy a -> ftype
-- | The language definition without any foreign types. It can be used for dynamic languages which do not /do/ type annotations.
data NoTypes
data NoTypes
instance HasForeignType NoTypes NoContent ftype where
-- | Use if the foreign language does not have any types.
instance HasForeignType NoTypes NoContent a where
typeFor _ _ _ = NoContent
typeFor _ _ _ = NoContent
-- | Implementation of the Servant framework types.
-- Relevant instances: Everything containing 'HasForeignType'.
class HasForeign lang ftype (api :: *) where
class HasForeign lang ftype (api :: *) where
type Foreign ftype api :: *
type Foreign ftype api :: *
foreignFor :: Proxy lang -> Proxy ftype -> Proxy api -> Req ftype -> Foreign ftype api
foreignFor :: Proxy lang -> Proxy ftype -> Proxy api -> Req ftype -> Foreign ftype api
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