diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index eac70422..df11a239 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -38,3 +38,23 @@ release of `servant` package. ## Contributing See `CONTRIBUTING.md` + +## Release process outline (by phadej) + +- Update changelog and bump versions in `master` + - `git log --oneline v0.12.. | grep 'Merge pull request'` is a good starting point (use correct previous release tag) +- Create a release branch, e.g. `release-0.13`, and *protect it* from accidental force pushes. + - Release branch is useful for backporting fixes from `master` +- Smoke test in [`servant-universe`](https://github.com/phadej/servant-universe) + - `git submodule foreach git checkout master` and `git submodule foreach git pull` to get newest of everything. + - `cabal new-build --enable-tests all` to verify that everything builds, and `cabal new-test all` to run tests + - It's a good idea to separate these steps, as tests often pass, if they compile :) + - See `cabal.project` to selectively `allow-newer` + - If some packages are broken, on your discretisation there are two options: + - Fix them and make PRs: it's good idea to test against older `servant` version too. + - Temporarily comment out broken package + - If you make a commit for `servant-universe`, you can use it as submodule in private projects to test even more +- When ripples are cleared out: + - `git tag -s` the release + - `git push --tags` + - `cabal sdist` and `cabal upload`