Expose content type in response.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 16 additions and 10 deletions
@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ test-suite spec
, deepseq
, either
, hspec == 2.*
, http-media
, http-types
, network >= 2.6
, QuickCheck >= 2.7
@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasClient sublayout)
-- | Pick a 'Method' and specify where the server you want to query is. You get
-- back the status code and the response body as a 'ByteString'.
instance HasClient Raw where
type Client Raw = H.Method -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO (Int, ByteString)
type Client Raw = H.Method -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO (Int, ByteString, MediaType)
clientWithRoute :: Proxy Raw -> Req -> Client Raw
clientWithRoute Proxy req httpMethod host =
@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ import Data.Aeson.Parser
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.String
import Data.String.Conversions
import Data.Text
@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ reqToRequest req (BaseUrl reqScheme reqHost reqPort) =
setrqb r = case (reqBody req) of
Nothing -> r
Just (b,t) -> r { requestBody = RequestBodyLBS b
, requestHeaders = [(hContentType, BS.pack . show $ t)] }
, requestHeaders = [(hContentType, cs . show $ t)] }
setQS = setQueryString $ queryTextToQuery (qs req)
setheaders r = r { requestHeaders = requestHeaders r
++ Prelude.map toProperHeader (headers req) }
@ -110,7 +109,7 @@ displayHttpRequest :: Method -> String
displayHttpRequest httpmethod = "HTTP " ++ cs httpmethod ++ " request"
performRequest :: Method -> Req -> (Int -> Bool) -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO (Int, ByteString)
performRequest :: Method -> Req -> (Int -> Bool) -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO (Int, ByteString, MediaType)
performRequest reqMethod req isWantedStatus reqHost = do
partialRequest <- liftIO $ reqToRequest req reqHost
@ -129,7 +128,12 @@ performRequest reqMethod req isWantedStatus reqHost = do
let status = Client.responseStatus response
unless (isWantedStatus (statusCode status)) $
left (displayHttpRequest reqMethod ++ " failed with status: " ++ showStatus status)
return $ (statusCode status, Client.responseBody response)
ct <- case lookup "Content-Type" $ Client.responseHeaders response of
Nothing -> pure $ "application"//"octet-stream"
Just t -> case parseAccept t of
Nothing -> left $ "invalid Content-Type header: " <> cs t
Just t' -> pure t'
return $ (statusCode status, Client.responseBody response, ct)
showStatus (Status code message) =
show code ++ " - " ++ cs message
@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ performRequest reqMethod req isWantedStatus reqHost = do
performRequestJSON :: FromJSON result =>
Method -> Req -> Int -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO result
performRequestJSON reqMethod req wantedStatus reqHost = do
(_status, respBody) <- performRequest reqMethod req (== wantedStatus) reqHost
(_status, respBody, _) <- performRequest reqMethod req (== wantedStatus) reqHost
(\ message -> left (displayHttpRequest reqMethod ++ " returned invalid json: " ++ message))
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics
import Network.HTTP.Media
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Socket
import Network.Wai
@ -101,8 +102,8 @@ getQueryFlag :: Bool -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO Bool
getMatrixParam :: Maybe String -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO Person
getMatrixParams :: [String] -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO [Person]
getMatrixFlag :: Bool -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO Bool
getRawSuccess :: Method -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO (Int, ByteString)
getRawFailure :: Method -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO (Int, ByteString)
getRawSuccess :: Method -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO (Int, ByteString, MediaType)
getRawFailure :: Method -> BaseUrl -> EitherT String IO (Int, ByteString, MediaType)
getMultiple :: String -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> [(String, [Rational])]
-> BaseUrl
-> EitherT String IO (String, Maybe Int, Bool, [(String, [Rational])])
@ -167,10 +168,10 @@ spec = do
runEitherT (getMatrixFlag flag host) `shouldReturn` Right flag
it "Servant.API.Raw on success" $ withServer $ \ host -> do
runEitherT (getRawSuccess methodGet host) `shouldReturn` Right (200, "rawSuccess")
runEitherT (getRawSuccess methodGet host) `shouldReturn` Right (200, "rawSuccess", "application"//"octet-stream")
it "Servant.API.Raw on failure" $ withServer $ \ host -> do
runEitherT (getRawFailure methodGet host) `shouldReturn` Right (400, "rawFailure")
runEitherT (getRawFailure methodGet host) `shouldReturn` Right (400, "rawFailure", "application"//"octet-stream")
modifyMaxSuccess (const 20) $ do
it "works for a combination of Capture, QueryParam, QueryFlag and ReqBody" $
Add table
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