Add basic-auth support to servant-client

This commit is contained in:
aaron levin 2016-02-17 20:12:47 +01:00
parent 104ac29bf8
commit d989d15e4c
4 changed files with 73 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -28,11 +28,13 @@ library
exposed-modules: exposed-modules:
Servant.Client Servant.Client
Servant.Common.BaseUrl Servant.Common.BaseUrl
Servant.Common.Req Servant.Common.Req
build-depends: build-depends:
base >=4.7 && <5 base >=4.7 && <5
, aeson , aeson
, attoparsec , attoparsec
, base64-bytestring
, bytestring , bytestring
, exceptions , exceptions
, http-api-data >= 0.1 && < 0.3 , http-api-data >= 0.1 && < 0.3

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as HTTP import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Header as HTTP
import Servant.API import Servant.API
import Servant.Common.BaseUrl import Servant.Common.BaseUrl
import Servant.Common.BasicAuth
import Servant.Common.Req import Servant.Common.Req
-- * Accessing APIs as a Client -- * Accessing APIs as a Client
@ -424,6 +425,15 @@ instance HasClient subapi =>
clientWithRoute Proxy = clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy subapi) clientWithRoute Proxy = clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy subapi)
-- * Basic Authentication
instance HasClient api => HasClient (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) where
type Client (BasicAuth realm usr :> api) = BasicAuthData -> Client api
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager val =
clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy api) (basicAuthReq val req) baseurl manager
{- Note [Non-Empty Content Types] {- Note [Non-Empty Content Types]
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Rather than have Rather than have

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | Basic Authentication for clients
module Servant.Common.BasicAuth (
) where
import Data.ByteString.Base64 (encode)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Servant.Common.Req (addHeader, Req)
import Servant.API.BasicAuth (BasicAuthData(BasicAuthData))
-- | Authenticate a request using Basic Authentication
basicAuthReq :: BasicAuthData -> Req -> Req
basicAuthReq (BasicAuthData user pass) req =
let authText = decodeUtf8 ("Basic " <> encode (user <> ":" <> pass))
in addHeader "Authorization" authText req

View file

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Client" $ do
sucessSpec sucessSpec
failSpec failSpec
wrappedApiSpec wrappedApiSpec
-- * test data types -- * test data types
@ -148,6 +149,29 @@ failServer = serve failApi (
:<|> (\_request respond -> respond $ responseLBS ok200 [("content-type", "fooooo")] "") :<|> (\_request respond -> respond $ responseLBS ok200 [("content-type", "fooooo")] "")
) )
-- * auth stuff
type BasicAuthAPI =
BasicAuth "foo-realm" () :> "private" :> "basic" :> Get '[JSON] Person
basicAuthAPI :: Proxy BasicAuthAPI
basicAuthAPI = Proxy
basicAuthHandler :: BasicAuthCheck ()
basicAuthHandler =
let check (BasicAuthData username password) =
if username == "servant" && password == "server"
then return (Authorized ())
else return Unauthorized
in BasicAuthCheck check
serverConfig :: Config '[ BasicAuthCheck () ]
serverConfig = basicAuthHandler :. EmptyConfig
basicAuthServer :: Application
basicAuthServer = serve basicAuthAPI serverConfig (const (return alice))
{-# NOINLINE manager #-} {-# NOINLINE manager #-}
manager :: C.Manager manager :: C.Manager
manager = unsafePerformIO $ C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings manager = unsafePerformIO $ C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
@ -292,6 +316,22 @@ data WrappedApi where
HasClient api, Client api ~ ExceptT ServantError IO ()) => HasClient api, Client api ~ ExceptT ServantError IO ()) =>
Proxy api -> WrappedApi Proxy api -> WrappedApi
basicAuthSpec :: Spec
basicAuthSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp basicAuthServer) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
context "Authentication works when requests are properly authenticated" $ do
it "Authenticates a BasicAuth protected server appropriately" $ \(_,baseUrl) -> do
let getBasic = client basicAuthAPI baseUrl manager
let basicAuthData = BasicAuthData "servant" "server"
(left show <$> runExceptT (getBasic basicAuthData)) `shouldReturn` Right alice
context "Authentication is rejected when requests are not authenticated properly" $ do
it "Authenticates a BasicAuth protected server appropriately" $ \(_,baseUrl) -> do
let getBasic = client basicAuthAPI baseUrl manager
let basicAuthData = BasicAuthData "not" "password"
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runExceptT (getBasic basicAuthData)
responseStatus `shouldBe` Status 403 "Forbidden"
-- * utils -- * utils