servant-auth-server: Support NamedRoutes
Trying to use `NamedRoutes` with `servant-auth-server` currently results in hideous error messages such as: ``` app/Main.hs:50:7: error: • No instance for (Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.AddSetCookie.AddSetCookies ('Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.AddSetCookie.S ('Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.AddSetCookie.S 'Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.AddSetCookie.Z)) (AdminRoutes (Servant.Server.Internal.AsServerT Handler)) (ServerT (Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.AddSetCookie.AddSetCookieApi (Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.AddSetCookie.AddSetCookieApi (NamedRoutes AdminRoutes))) Handler)) arising from a use of 'serveWithContext' • In the expression: serveWithContext (Proxy @API) ctx RootAPI {..} ``` This is because we didn't teach it how to recurse along `NamedRoutes` trees and sprinkle headers at the tip of each branch. This commit adds a test case and fixes the issue. In the process, it also implements `ThrowAll` for `NamedRoutes`, which was necessary for the test to run, and should also prove convenient for users.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 29 additions and 1 deletions
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import Data.Tagged (Tagged (..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Network.Wai (mapResponseHeaders)
import Servant
import Servant.API.Generic
import Servant.Server.Generic
import Web.Cookie
-- What are we doing here? Well, the idea is to add headers to the response,
@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ type family AddSetCookieApiVerb a where
type family AddSetCookieApi a :: *
type instance AddSetCookieApi (a :> b) = a :> AddSetCookieApi b
type instance AddSetCookieApi (a :<|> b) = AddSetCookieApi a :<|> AddSetCookieApi b
type instance AddSetCookieApi (NamedRoutes api) = AddSetCookieApi (ToServantApi api)
type instance AddSetCookieApi (Verb method stat ctyps a)
= Verb method stat ctyps (AddSetCookieApiVerb a)
type instance AddSetCookieApi Raw = Raw
@ -72,6 +75,15 @@ instance {-# OVERLAPS #-}
=> AddSetCookies ('S n) (a :<|> b) (a' :<|> b') where
addSetCookies cookies (a :<|> b) = addSetCookies cookies a :<|> addSetCookies cookies b
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-}
( AddSetCookies ('S n) (ServerT (ToServantApi api) m) cookiedApi
, Generic (api (AsServerT m))
, GServantProduct (Rep (api (AsServerT m)))
, ToServant api (AsServerT m) ~ ServerT (ToServantApi api) m
=> AddSetCookies ('S n) (api (AsServerT m)) cookiedApi where
addSetCookies cookies = addSetCookies cookies . toServant
-- | for @servant <0.11@
AddSetCookies ('S n) Application Application where
@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ module Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.ThrowAll where
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
import Data.Tagged (Tagged (..))
import Servant ((:<|>) (..), ServerError(..))
import Servant ((:<|>) (..), ServerError(..), NamedRoutes(..))
import Servant.API.Generic
import Servant.Server.Generic
import Servant.Server
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai
@ -26,6 +29,12 @@ class ThrowAll a where
instance (ThrowAll a, ThrowAll b) => ThrowAll (a :<|> b) where
throwAll e = throwAll e :<|> throwAll e
( ThrowAll (ToServant api (AsServerT m)) , GenericServant api (AsServerT m)) =>
ThrowAll (api (AsServerT m)) where
throwAll = fromServant . throwAll
-- Really this shouldn't be necessary - ((->) a) should be an instance of
-- MonadError, no?
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} ThrowAll b => ThrowAll (a -> b) where
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ import Network.Wreq (Options, auth, basicAuth,
import Network.Wreq.Types (Postable(..))
import Servant hiding (BasicAuth,
IsSecure (..), header)
import Servant.API.Generic ((:-))
import Servant.Auth.Server
import Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.Cookie (expireTime)
import Servant.Auth.Server.SetCookieOrphan ()
@ -405,6 +406,7 @@ type API auths
= Auth auths User :>
( Get '[JSON] Int
:<|> ReqBody '[JSON] Int :> Post '[JSON] Int
:<|> NamedRoutes DummyRoutes
:<|> "header" :> Get '[JSON] (Headers '[Header "Blah" Int] Int)
#if MIN_VERSION_servant_server(0,15,0)
:<|> "stream" :> StreamGet NoFraming OctetStream (SourceIO BS.ByteString)
@ -416,6 +418,10 @@ type API auths
:<|> "logout" :> Get '[JSON] (Headers '[ Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie
, Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie ] NoContent)
data DummyRoutes mode = DummyRoutes
{ dummyInt :: mode :- "dummy" :> Get '[JSON] Int
} deriving Generic
jwtOnlyApi :: Proxy (API '[Servant.Auth.Server.JWT])
jwtOnlyApi = Proxy
@ -476,6 +482,7 @@ server ccfg =
(\authResult -> case authResult of
Authenticated usr -> getInt usr
:<|> postInt usr
:<|> DummyRoutes { dummyInt = getInt usr }
:<|> getHeaderInt
#if MIN_VERSION_servant_server(0,15,0)
:<|> return (S.source ["bytestring"])
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