This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 18 additions and 8 deletions
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ import Servant.API
Stream, StreamBody', Summary, ToSourceIO (..), Vault, Verb,
WithNamedContext, NamedRoutes, UVerb, WithStatus(..))
import Servant.API.UVerb (HasStatus, IsMember, Statuses, UVerb, Union, Unique, WithStatus (..), foldMapUnion, inject, statusOf)
import Servant.API.UVerb (HasStatus, IsMember, Statuses, UVerb, Union, Unique, WithStatus (..), Elem, foldMapUnion, inject, statusOf)
import Servant.API.Generic (GenericMode(..), ToServant, ToServantApi, GServantProduct, toServant, fromServant)
import Servant.API.ContentTypes
(AcceptHeader (..), AllCTRender (..), AllCTUnrender (..),
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ import Servant.API.ResponseHeaders
(GetHeaders, Headers, getHeaders, getResponse)
import Servant.API.Status
(statusFromNat, KnownStatus)
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
import Servant.API.TypeErrors
import Web.HttpApiData
@ -324,11 +325,17 @@ noContentRouter method status action = leafRouter route'
-- status = statusFromNat (Proxy :: Proxy status)
(KnownStatus statusCode, HasServer (UVerb method ctypes '[WithStatus statusCode a]) context) =>
( KnownNat statusCode, HasServer (UVerb method ctypes '[WithStatus statusCode a]) context
, Elem (WithStatus statusCode a) '[WithStatus statusCode a] ~ True) =>
HasServer (Verb method statusCode ctypes a) context where
type ServerT (Verb method statusCode ctypes a) m = m a
route = undefined
route _ pcontext denv = route
(Proxy :: Proxy (UVerb method ctypes '[WithStatus statusCode a]))
((>>= \a -> respond $ WithStatus @statusCode a) <$> denv)
-- ((>>= respond . WithStatus @statusCode) <$> denv)
hoistServerWithContext p1 p2 nat s = undefined
instance (ReflectMethod method) =>
@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ import Servant.Server.Internal.BasicAuth
import Servant.Server.Internal.Context
(NamedContext (..))
import Servant.API.Status
-- * comprehensive api test
-- This declaration simply checks that all instances are in place.
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ module Servant.API.UVerb
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (Proxy))
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat)
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat, natVal, KnownNat)
import Network.HTTP.Types (Status, StdMethod)
import Servant.API.ContentTypes (JSON, PlainText, FormUrlEncoded, OctetStream, NoContent, MimeRender(mimeRender), MimeUnrender(mimeUnrender))
import Servant.API.Status (KnownStatus, statusVal)
import Servant.API.Status (KnownStatus, statusVal, statusFromNat)
import Servant.API.UVerb.Union
class KnownStatus (StatusOf a) => HasStatus (a :: *) where
class KnownNat (StatusOf a) => HasStatus (a :: *) where
type StatusOf (a :: *) :: Nat
statusOf :: forall a proxy. HasStatus a => proxy a -> Status
statusOf = const (statusVal (Proxy :: Proxy (StatusOf a)))
statusOf = const (statusFromNat (Proxy :: Proxy (StatusOf a)))
-- | If an API can respond with 'NoContent' we assume that this will happen
-- with the status code 204 No Content. If this needs to be overridden,
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ newtype WithStatus (k :: Nat) a = WithStatus a
-- You can also use the convience newtype wrapper 'WithStatus' if you want to
-- avoid writing a 'HasStatus' instance manually. It also has the benefit of
-- showing the status code in the type; which might aid in readability.
instance KnownStatus n => HasStatus (WithStatus n a) where
instance KnownNat n => HasStatus (WithStatus n a) where
type StatusOf (WithStatus n a) = n
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ module Servant.API.UVerb.Union
( IsMember
, Unique
, Union
, Elem
, inject
, eject
, foldMapUnion
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