Replace servant-jquery with servant-js in remaining files
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 29 additions and 24 deletions
@ -2,11 +2,14 @@

This library lets you derive automatically (JQuery based) Javascript functions that let you query each endpoint of a *servant* webservice.
This library lets you derive automatically Javascript functions that let you query each endpoint of a *servant* webservice.
It contains a powerful system allowing you to generate functions for several frameworks (Angular, AXios, JQuery) as well as
vanilla (framework-free) javascript code.
## Example
Read more about the following example [here](
Read more about the following example [here](
``` haskell
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
@ -21,7 +24,7 @@ import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Generics
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Servant
import Servant.JQuery
import Servant.JS
import System.FilePath
-- * A simple Counter data type
@ -48,13 +51,21 @@ currentValue :: MonadIO m => TVar Counter -> m Counter
currentValue counter = liftIO $ readTVarIO counter
-- * Our API type
type TestApi = "counter" :> Post Counter -- endpoint for increasing the counter
:<|> "counter" :> Get Counter -- endpoint to get the current value
:<|> Raw -- used for serving static files
type TestApi = "counter" :> Post '[JSON] Counter -- endpoint for increasing the counter
:<|> "counter" :> Get '[JSON] Counter -- endpoint to get the current value
type TestApi' = TestApi -- The API we want a JS handler for
:<|> Raw -- used for serving static files
-- this proxy only targets the proper endpoints of our API,
-- not the static file serving bit
testApi :: Proxy TestApi
testApi = Proxy
-- this proxy targets everything
testApi' :: Proxy TestApi'
testApi' = Proxy
-- * Server-side handler
-- where our static files reside
@ -65,26 +76,20 @@ www = "examples/www"
server :: TVar Counter -> Server TestApi
server counter = counterPlusOne counter -- (+1) on the TVar
:<|> currentValue counter -- read the TVar
server' :: TVar Counter -> Server TestApi'
server counter = server counter
:<|> serveDirectory www -- serve static files
runServer :: TVar Counter -- ^ shared variable for the counter
-> Int -- ^ port the server should listen on
-> IO ()
runServer var port = run port (serve testApi $ server var)
-- * Generating the JQuery code
incCounterJS :<|> currentValueJS :<|> _ = jquery testApi
writeJS :: FilePath -> [AjaxReq] -> IO ()
writeJS fp functions = writeFile fp $
concatMap generateJS functions
runServer var port = run port (serve testApi' $ server' var)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- write the JS code to www/api.js at startup
writeJS (www </> "api.js")
[ incCounterJS, currentValueJS ]
writeJSForAPI testApi jquery (www </> "api.js")
-- setup a shared counter
cnt <- newCounter
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Make a temporary clone
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ cd $SERVANT_DIR
# Make sure to pull the latest
git remote add haskell-servant
git remote add haskell-servant
git fetch haskell-servant
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ cd $SERVANT_DIR
rm *
rm -rf build
mv doc/html/servant-jquery/* .
mv doc/html/servant-js/* .
rm -r doc/
# Add everything
@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ name: servant-js
version: 0.5
synopsis: Automatically derive javascript functions to query servant webservices.
Automatically derive jquery-based javascript functions to query servant webservices.
Automatically derive javascript functions to query servant webservices.
Supports deriving functions using vanilla javascript AJAX requests, Angular or JQuery.
Supports deriving functions using vanilla javascript AJAX requests, Angulari, Axios or JQuery.
You can find an example < here>
You can find an example < here>
which serves the generated javascript to a webpage that allows you to trigger
webservice calls.
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Alp Mestanogullari
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