Merge pull request #519 from jml/capture-all-take-2
CaptureAll combinator - take #2
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 235 additions and 18 deletions
@ -118,6 +118,38 @@ instance (KnownSymbol capture, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient api)
where p = unpack (toUrlPiece val)
where p = unpack (toUrlPiece val)
-- | If you use a 'CaptureAll' in one of your endpoints in your API,
-- the corresponding querying function will automatically take an
-- additional argument of a list of the type specified by your
-- 'CaptureAll'. That function will take care of inserting a textual
-- representation of this value at the right place in the request
-- path.
-- You can control how these values are turned into text by specifying
-- a 'ToHttpApiData' instance of your type.
-- Example:
-- > type MyAPI = "src" :> CaptureAll Text -> Get '[JSON] SourceFile
-- >
-- > myApi :: Proxy
-- > myApi = Proxy
-- > getSourceFile :: [Text] -> Manager -> BaseUrl -> ClientM SourceFile
-- > getSourceFile = client myApi
-- > -- then you can use "getSourceFile" to query that endpoint
instance (KnownSymbol capture, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient sublayout)
=> HasClient (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) where
type Client (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) =
[a] -> Client sublayout
clientWithRoute Proxy req vals =
clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout)
(foldl' (flip appendToPath) req ps)
where ps = map (unpack . toUrlPiece) vals
-- Note [Non-Empty Content Types]
-- Note [Non-Empty Content Types]
(MimeUnrender ct a, ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts)
(MimeUnrender ct a, ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts)
@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ type Api =
"get" :> Get '[JSON] Person
"get" :> Get '[JSON] Person
:<|> "deleteEmpty" :> DeleteNoContent '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "deleteEmpty" :> DeleteNoContent '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "capture" :> Capture "name" String :> Get '[JSON,FormUrlEncoded] Person
:<|> "capture" :> Capture "name" String :> Get '[JSON,FormUrlEncoded] Person
:<|> "captureAll" :> CaptureAll "names" String :> Get '[JSON] [Person]
:<|> "body" :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded,JSON] Person :> Post '[JSON] Person
:<|> "body" :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded,JSON] Person :> Post '[JSON] Person
:<|> "param" :> QueryParam "name" String :> Get '[FormUrlEncoded,JSON] Person
:<|> "param" :> QueryParam "name" String :> Get '[FormUrlEncoded,JSON] Person
:<|> "params" :> QueryParams "names" String :> Get '[JSON] [Person]
:<|> "params" :> QueryParams "names" String :> Get '[JSON] [Person]
@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ api = Proxy
getGet :: C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getGet :: C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getDeleteEmpty :: C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM NoContent
getDeleteEmpty :: C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM NoContent
getCapture :: String -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getCapture :: String -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getCaptureAll :: [String] -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM [Person]
getBody :: Person -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getBody :: Person -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getQueryParam :: Maybe String -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getQueryParam :: Maybe String -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getQueryParams :: [String] -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM [Person]
getQueryParams :: [String] -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM [Person]
@ -140,6 +142,7 @@ getDeleteContentType :: C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM NoContent
:<|> getDeleteEmpty
:<|> getDeleteEmpty
:<|> getCapture
:<|> getCapture
:<|> getCaptureAll
:<|> getBody
:<|> getBody
:<|> getQueryParam
:<|> getQueryParam
:<|> getQueryParams
:<|> getQueryParams
@ -155,6 +158,7 @@ server = serve api (
return alice
return alice
:<|> return NoContent
:<|> return NoContent
:<|> (\ name -> return $ Person name 0)
:<|> (\ name -> return $ Person name 0)
:<|> (\ names -> return (zipWith Person names [0..]))
:<|> return
:<|> return
:<|> (\ name -> case name of
:<|> (\ name -> case name of
Just "alice" -> return alice
Just "alice" -> return alice
@ -250,6 +254,10 @@ sucessSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp server) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
it "Servant.API.Capture" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
it "Servant.API.Capture" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
(left show <$> runExceptT (getCapture "Paula" manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right (Person "Paula" 0)
(left show <$> runExceptT (getCapture "Paula" manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right (Person "Paula" 0)
it "Servant.API.CaptureAll" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let expected = [(Person "Paula" 0), (Person "Peta" 1)]
(left show <$> runExceptT (getCaptureAll ["Paula", "Peta"] manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right expected
it "Servant.API.ReqBody" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
it "Servant.API.ReqBody" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let p = Person "Clara" 42
let p = Person "Clara" 42
(left show <$> runExceptT (getBody p manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right p
(left show <$> runExceptT (getBody p manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right p
@ -351,7 +359,7 @@ failSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp failServer) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
_ -> fail $ "expected UnsupportedContentType, but got " <> show res
_ -> fail $ "expected UnsupportedContentType, but got " <> show res
it "reports InvalidContentTypeHeader" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
it "reports InvalidContentTypeHeader" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let (_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> getBody :<|> _) = client api
let (_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> getBody :<|> _) = client api
Left res <- runExceptT (getBody alice manager baseUrl)
Left res <- runExceptT (getBody alice manager baseUrl)
case res of
case res of
InvalidContentTypeHeader "fooooo" _ -> return ()
InvalidContentTypeHeader "fooooo" _ -> return ()
@ -702,6 +702,22 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToCapture (Capture sym a), HasDocs api)
symP = Proxy :: Proxy sym
symP = Proxy :: Proxy sym
-- | @"books" :> 'CaptureAll' "isbn" Text@ will appear as
-- @/books/:isbn@ in the docs.
instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToCapture (CaptureAll sym a), HasDocs sublayout)
=> HasDocs (CaptureAll sym a :> sublayout) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint', action')
where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
captureP = Proxy :: Proxy (CaptureAll sym a)
action' = over captures (|> toCapture captureP) action
endpoint' = over path (\p -> p ++ [":" ++ symbolVal symP]) endpoint
symP = Proxy :: Proxy sym
(ToSample a, AllMimeRender (ct ': cts) a, KnownNat status
(ToSample a, AllMimeRender (ct ': cts) a, KnownNat status
, ReflectMethod method)
, ReflectMethod method)
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ instance ToParam (QueryFlag "foo") where
toParam = error "unused"
toParam = error "unused"
instance ToCapture (Capture "foo" Int) where
instance ToCapture (Capture "foo" Int) where
toCapture = error "unused"
toCapture = error "unused"
instance ToCapture (CaptureAll "foo" Int) where
toCapture = error "unused"
-- * specs
-- * specs
@ -211,6 +211,21 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType lang ftype t, HasForeign lang ftype ap
{ _argName = PathSegment str
{ _argName = PathSegment str
, _argType = ftype }
, _argType = ftype }
instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType lang ftype [t], HasForeign lang ftype sublayout)
=> HasForeign lang ftype (CaptureAll sym t :> sublayout) where
type Foreign ftype (CaptureAll sym t :> sublayout) = Foreign ftype sublayout
foreignFor lang Proxy Proxy req =
foreignFor lang Proxy (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout) $
req & reqUrl . path <>~ [Segment (Cap arg)]
& reqFuncName . _FunctionName %~ (++ ["by", str])
str = pack . symbolVal $ (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
ftype = typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy ftype) (Proxy :: Proxy [t])
arg = Arg
{ _argName = PathSegment str
, _argType = ftype }
instance (Elem JSON list, HasForeignType lang ftype a, ReflectMethod method)
instance (Elem JSON list, HasForeignType lang ftype a, ReflectMethod method)
=> HasForeign lang ftype (Verb method status list a) where
=> HasForeign lang ftype (Verb method status list a) where
type Foreign ftype (Verb method status list a) = Req ftype
type Foreign ftype (Verb method status list a) = Req ftype
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ type TestApi
:<|> "test" :> QueryParam "param" Int :> ReqBody '[JSON] [String] :> Post '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "test" :> QueryParam "param" Int :> ReqBody '[JSON] [String] :> Post '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "test" :> QueryParams "params" Int :> ReqBody '[JSON] String :> Put '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "test" :> QueryParams "params" Int :> ReqBody '[JSON] String :> Put '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "test" :> Capture "id" Int :> Delete '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "test" :> Capture "id" Int :> Delete '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "test" :> CaptureAll "ids" Int :> Get '[JSON] [Int]
testApi :: [Req String]
testApi :: [Req String]
testApi = listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy LangX) (Proxy :: Proxy String) (Proxy :: Proxy TestApi)
testApi = listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy LangX) (Proxy :: Proxy String) (Proxy :: Proxy TestApi)
@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ testApi = listFromAPI (Proxy :: Proxy LangX) (Proxy :: Proxy String) (Proxy :: P
listFromAPISpec :: Spec
listFromAPISpec :: Spec
listFromAPISpec = describe "listFromAPI" $ do
listFromAPISpec = describe "listFromAPI" $ do
it "generates 4 endpoints for TestApi" $ do
it "generates 4 endpoints for TestApi" $ do
length testApi `shouldBe` 4
length testApi `shouldBe` 5
let [getReq, postReq, putReq, deleteReq] = testApi
let [getReq, postReq, putReq, deleteReq, captureAllReq] = testApi
it "collects all info for get request" $ do
it "collects all info for get request" $ do
shouldBe getReq $ defReq
shouldBe getReq $ defReq
@ -106,3 +107,16 @@ listFromAPISpec = describe "listFromAPI" $ do
, _reqReturnType = Just "voidX"
, _reqReturnType = Just "voidX"
, _reqFuncName = FunctionName ["delete", "test", "by", "id"]
, _reqFuncName = FunctionName ["delete", "test", "by", "id"]
it "collects all info for capture all request" $ do
shouldBe captureAllReq $ defReq
{ _reqUrl = Url
[ Segment $ Static "test"
, Segment $ Cap (Arg "ids" "listX of intX") ]
, _reqMethod = "GET"
, _reqHeaders = []
, _reqBody = Nothing
, _reqReturnType = Just "listX of intX"
, _reqFuncName = FunctionName ["get", "test", "by", "ids"]
@ -115,6 +115,9 @@ instance (KnownSymbol path, HasMock rest context) => HasMock (path :> rest) cont
instance (KnownSymbol s, FromHttpApiData a, HasMock rest context) => HasMock (Capture s a :> rest) context where
instance (KnownSymbol s, FromHttpApiData a, HasMock rest context) => HasMock (Capture s a :> rest) context where
mock _ context = \_ -> mock (Proxy :: Proxy rest) context
mock _ context = \_ -> mock (Proxy :: Proxy rest) context
instance (KnownSymbol s, FromHttpApiData a, HasMock rest context) => HasMock (CaptureAll s a :> rest) context where
mock _ context = \_ -> mock (Proxy :: Proxy rest) context
instance (AllCTUnrender ctypes a, HasMock rest context) => HasMock (ReqBody ctypes a :> rest) context where
instance (AllCTUnrender ctypes a, HasMock rest context) => HasMock (ReqBody ctypes a :> rest) context where
mock _ context = \_ -> mock (Proxy :: Proxy rest) context
mock _ context = \_ -> mock (Proxy :: Proxy rest) context
@ -45,13 +45,15 @@ import Prelude.Compat
import Web.HttpApiData (FromHttpApiData)
import Web.HttpApiData (FromHttpApiData)
import Web.HttpApiData.Internal (parseHeaderMaybe,
import Web.HttpApiData.Internal (parseHeaderMaybe,
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..), (:>), BasicAuth, Capture,
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..), (:>), BasicAuth, Capture,
Verb, ReflectMethod(reflectMethod),
CaptureAll, Verb,
IsSecure(..), Header,
QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams,
IsSecure(..), Header, QueryFlag,
Raw, RemoteHost, ReqBody, Vault,
QueryParam, QueryParams, Raw,
RemoteHost, ReqBody, Vault,
import Servant.API.ContentTypes (AcceptHeader (..),
import Servant.API.ContentTypes (AcceptHeader (..),
AllCTRender (..),
AllCTRender (..),
@ -128,11 +130,44 @@ instance (KnownSymbol capture, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer api context)
CaptureRouter $
CaptureRouter $
route (Proxy :: Proxy api)
route (Proxy :: Proxy api)
(addCapture d $ \ txt -> case parseUrlPieceMaybe txt :: Maybe a of
(addCapture d $ \ txt -> case parseUrlPieceMaybe txt of
Nothing -> delayedFail err400
Nothing -> delayedFail err400
Just v -> return v
Just v -> return v
-- | If you use 'CaptureAll' in one of the endpoints for your API,
-- this automatically requires your server-side handler to be a
-- function that takes an argument of a list of the type specified by
-- the 'CaptureAll'. This lets servant worry about getting values from
-- the URL and turning them into values of the type you specify.
-- You can control how they'll be converted from 'Text' to your type
-- by simply providing an instance of 'FromHttpApiData' for your type.
-- Example:
-- > type MyApi = "src" :> CaptureAll "segments" Text :> Get '[JSON] SourceFile
-- >
-- > server :: Server MyApi
-- > server = getSourceFile
-- > where getSourceFile :: [Text] -> Handler Book
-- > getSourceFile pathSegments = ...
instance (KnownSymbol capture, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer sublayout context)
=> HasServer (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) context where
type ServerT (CaptureAll capture a :> sublayout) m =
[a] -> ServerT sublayout m
route Proxy context d =
CaptureAllRouter $
route (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout)
(addCapture d $ \ txts -> case parseUrlPieces txts of
Left _ -> delayedFail err400
Right v -> return v
allowedMethodHead :: Method -> Request -> Bool
allowedMethodHead :: Method -> Request -> Bool
allowedMethodHead method request = method == methodGet && requestMethod request == methodHead
allowedMethodHead method request = method == methodGet && requestMethod request == methodHead
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ data Router' env a =
| CaptureRouter (Router' (Text, env) a)
| CaptureRouter (Router' (Text, env) a)
-- ^ first path component is passed to the child router in its
-- ^ first path component is passed to the child router in its
-- environment and removed afterwards
-- environment and removed afterwards
| CaptureAllRouter (Router' ([Text], env) a)
-- ^ all path components are passed to the child router in its
-- environment and are removed afterwards
| RawRouter (env -> a)
| RawRouter (env -> a)
-- ^ to be used for routes we do not know anything about
-- ^ to be used for routes we do not know anything about
| Choice (Router' env a) (Router' env a)
| Choice (Router' env a) (Router' env a)
@ -90,6 +93,9 @@ routerStructure (StaticRouter m ls) =
routerStructure (CaptureRouter router) =
routerStructure (CaptureRouter router) =
CaptureRouterStructure $
CaptureRouterStructure $
routerStructure router
routerStructure router
routerStructure (CaptureAllRouter router) =
CaptureRouterStructure $
routerStructure router
routerStructure (RawRouter _) =
routerStructure (RawRouter _) =
routerStructure (Choice r1 r2) =
routerStructure (Choice r1 r2) =
@ -163,6 +169,10 @@ runRouterEnv router env request respond =
first : rest
first : rest
-> let request' = request { pathInfo = rest }
-> let request' = request { pathInfo = rest }
in runRouterEnv router' (first, env) request' respond
in runRouterEnv router' (first, env) request' respond
CaptureAllRouter router' ->
let segments = pathInfo request
request' = request { pathInfo = [] }
in runRouterEnv router' (segments, env) request' respond
RawRouter app ->
RawRouter app ->
app env request respond
app env request respond
Choice r1 r2 ->
Choice r1 r2 ->
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ module Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplication where
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.Wai (Application, Request,
import Network.Wai (Application, Request,
Response, ResponseReceived)
Response, ResponseReceived)
import Prelude ()
import Prelude ()
@ -161,8 +160,8 @@ withRequest f = DelayedIO (\ req -> runDelayedIO (f req) req)
-- | Add a capture to the end of the capture block.
-- | Add a capture to the end of the capture block.
addCapture :: Delayed env (a -> b)
addCapture :: Delayed env (a -> b)
-> (Text -> DelayedIO a)
-> (captured -> DelayedIO a)
-> Delayed (Text, env) b
-> Delayed (captured, env) b
addCapture Delayed{..} new =
addCapture Delayed{..} new =
{ capturesD = \ (txt, env) -> (,) <$> capturesD env <*> new txt
{ capturesD = \ (txt, env) -> (,) <$> capturesD env <*> new txt
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Network.Wai.Test (defaultRequest, request,
simpleHeaders, simpleStatus)
simpleHeaders, simpleStatus)
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..), (:>), AuthProtect,
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..), (:>), AuthProtect,
BasicAuth, BasicAuthData(BasicAuthData),
BasicAuth, BasicAuthData(BasicAuthData),
Capture, Delete, Get, Header (..),
Capture, CaptureAll, Delete, Get, Header (..),
Headers, HttpVersion,
Headers, HttpVersion,
IsSecure (..), JSON,
IsSecure (..), JSON,
NoContent (..), Patch, PlainText,
NoContent (..), Patch, PlainText,
@ -216,6 +216,58 @@ captureSpec = do
it "strips the captured path snippet from pathInfo" $ do
it "strips the captured path snippet from pathInfo" $ do
get "/captured/foo" `shouldRespondWith` (fromString (show ["foo" :: String]))
get "/captured/foo" `shouldRespondWith` (fromString (show ["foo" :: String]))
-- }}}
-- * captureAllSpec {{{
type CaptureAllApi = CaptureAll "legs" Integer :> Get '[JSON] Animal
captureAllApi :: Proxy CaptureAllApi
captureAllApi = Proxy
captureAllServer :: [Integer] -> Handler Animal
captureAllServer legs = case sum legs of
4 -> return jerry
2 -> return tweety
0 -> return beholder
_ -> throwE err404
captureAllSpec :: Spec
captureAllSpec = do
describe "Servant.API.CaptureAll" $ do
with (return (serve captureAllApi captureAllServer)) $ do
it "can capture a single element of the 'pathInfo'" $ do
response <- get "/2"
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just tweety
it "can capture multiple elements of the 'pathInfo'" $ do
response <- get "/2/2"
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just jerry
it "can capture arbitrarily many elements of the 'pathInfo'" $ do
response <- get "/1/1/0/1/0/1"
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just jerry
it "can capture when there are no elements in 'pathInfo'" $ do
response <- get "/"
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just beholder
it "returns 400 if the decoding fails" $ do
get "/notAnInt" `shouldRespondWith` 400
it "returns 400 if the decoding fails, regardless of which element" $ do
get "/1/0/0/notAnInt/3/" `shouldRespondWith` 400
it "returns 400 if the decoding fails, even when it's multiple elements" $ do
get "/1/0/0/notAnInt/3/orange/" `shouldRespondWith` 400
with (return (serve
(Proxy :: Proxy (CaptureAll "segments" String :> Raw))
(\ _captured request_ respond ->
respond $ responseLBS ok200 [] (cs $ show $ pathInfo request_)))) $ do
it "consumes everything from pathInfo" $ do
get "/captured/foo/bar/baz" `shouldRespondWith` (fromString (show ([] :: [Int])))
-- }}}
-- }}}
-- * queryParamSpec {{{
-- * queryParamSpec {{{
@ -644,4 +696,7 @@ jerry = Animal "Mouse" 4
tweety :: Animal
tweety :: Animal
tweety = Animal "Bird" 2
tweety = Animal "Bird" 2
beholder :: Animal
beholder = Animal "Beholder" 0
-- }}}
-- }}}
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Servant.API (
-- * Accessing information from the request
-- * Accessing information from the request
module Servant.API.Capture,
module Servant.API.Capture,
-- | Capturing parts of the url path as parsed values: @'Capture'@
-- | Capturing parts of the url path as parsed values: @'Capture'@ and @'CaptureAll'@
module Servant.API.Header,
module Servant.API.Header,
-- | Retrieving specific headers from the request
-- | Retrieving specific headers from the request
module Servant.API.HttpVersion,
module Servant.API.HttpVersion,
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ module Servant.API (
import Servant.API.Alternative ((:<|>) (..))
import Servant.API.Alternative ((:<|>) (..))
import Servant.API.BasicAuth (BasicAuth,BasicAuthData(..))
import Servant.API.BasicAuth (BasicAuth,BasicAuthData(..))
import Servant.API.Capture (Capture)
import Servant.API.Capture (Capture, CaptureAll)
import Servant.API.ContentTypes (Accept (..), FormUrlEncoded,
import Servant.API.ContentTypes (Accept (..), FormUrlEncoded,
FromFormUrlEncoded (..), JSON,
FromFormUrlEncoded (..), JSON,
MimeRender (..), NoContent (NoContent),
MimeRender (..), NoContent (NoContent),
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Servant.API.Capture (Capture) where
module Servant.API.Capture (Capture, CaptureAll) where
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
@ -15,9 +15,22 @@ import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol)
data Capture (sym :: Symbol) a
data Capture (sym :: Symbol) a
deriving (Typeable)
deriving (Typeable)
-- | Capture all remaining values from the request path under a certain type
-- @a@.
-- Example:
-- >>> -- GET /src/*
-- >>> type MyAPI = "src" :> CaptureAll "segments" Text :> Get '[JSON] SourceFile
data CaptureAll (sym :: Symbol) a
deriving (Typeable)
-- $setup
-- $setup
-- >>> import Servant.API
-- >>> import Servant.API
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> data Book
-- >>> data Book
-- >>> instance ToJSON Book where { toJSON = undefined }
-- >>> instance ToJSON Book where { toJSON = undefined }
-- >>> data SourceFile
-- >>> instance ToJSON SourceFile where { toJSON = undefined }
@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ type ComprehensiveAPI =
Vault :> GET :<|>
Vault :> GET :<|>
Verb 'POST 204 '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Verb 'POST 204 '[JSON] NoContent :<|>
Verb 'POST 204 '[JSON] Int :<|>
Verb 'POST 204 '[JSON] Int :<|>
WithNamedContext "foo" '[] GET
WithNamedContext "foo" '[] GET :<|>
CaptureAll "foo" Int :> GET
comprehensiveAPI :: Proxy ComprehensiveAPI
comprehensiveAPI :: Proxy ComprehensiveAPI
comprehensiveAPI = Proxy
comprehensiveAPI = Proxy
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ import Prelude.Compat
import Web.HttpApiData
import Web.HttpApiData
import Servant.API.BasicAuth ( BasicAuth )
import Servant.API.BasicAuth ( BasicAuth )
import Servant.API.Capture ( Capture )
import Servant.API.Capture ( Capture, CaptureAll )
import Servant.API.ReqBody ( ReqBody )
import Servant.API.ReqBody ( ReqBody )
import Servant.API.QueryParam ( QueryParam, QueryParams, QueryFlag )
import Servant.API.QueryParam ( QueryParam, QueryParams, QueryFlag )
import Servant.API.Header ( Header )
import Servant.API.Header ( Header )
@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ type family IsElem endpoint api :: Constraint where
IsElem sa (ReqBody y x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (ReqBody y x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem (Capture z y :> sa) (Capture x y :> sb)
IsElem (Capture z y :> sa) (Capture x y :> sb)
= IsElem sa sb
= IsElem sa sb
IsElem (CaptureAll z y :> sa) (CaptureAll x y :> sb)
= IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryParam x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryParam x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryParams x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryParams x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryFlag x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryFlag x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
@ -284,6 +286,13 @@ instance (ToHttpApiData v, HasLink sub)
toLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub) $
toLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub) $
addSegment (escape . Text.unpack $ toUrlPiece v) l
addSegment (escape . Text.unpack $ toUrlPiece v) l
instance (ToHttpApiData v, HasLink sub)
=> HasLink (CaptureAll sym v :> sub) where
type MkLink (CaptureAll sym v :> sub) = [v] -> MkLink sub
toLink _ l vs =
toLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub) $
foldl' (flip $ addSegment . escape . Text.unpack . toUrlPiece) l vs
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (Header sym a :> sub) where
instance HasLink sub => HasLink (Header sym a :> sub) where
type MkLink (Header sym a :> sub) = MkLink sub
type MkLink (Header sym a :> sub) = MkLink sub
toLink _ = toLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
toLink _ = toLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Servant.API
type TestApi =
type TestApi =
-- Capture and query params
-- Capture and query params
"hello" :> Capture "name" String :> QueryParam "capital" Bool :> Delete '[JSON] NoContent
"hello" :> Capture "name" String :> QueryParam "capital" Bool :> Delete '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "all" :> CaptureAll "names" String :> Get '[JSON] NoContent
-- Flags
-- Flags
:<|> "balls" :> QueryFlag "bouncy" :> QueryFlag "fast" :> Delete '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "balls" :> QueryFlag "bouncy" :> QueryFlag "fast" :> Delete '[JSON] NoContent
@ -46,6 +47,10 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Utils.Links" $ do
:> Delete '[JSON] NoContent)
:> Delete '[JSON] NoContent)
apiLink l2 "bye" (Just True) `shouldBeURI` "hello/bye?capital=true"
apiLink l2 "bye" (Just True) `shouldBeURI` "hello/bye?capital=true"
it "generates correct links for CaptureAll" $ do
apiLink (Proxy :: Proxy ("all" :> CaptureAll "names" String :> Get '[JSON] NoContent))
["roads", "lead", "to", "rome"]
`shouldBeURI` "all/roads/lead/to/rome"
it "generates correct links for query flags" $ do
it "generates correct links for query flags" $ do
let l1 = Proxy :: Proxy ("balls" :> QueryFlag "bouncy"
let l1 = Proxy :: Proxy ("balls" :> QueryFlag "bouncy"
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