Move more content-type logic from servant-server
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 184 additions and 14 deletions
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ library
base >=4.7 && <5
, bytestring == 0.10.*
, http-media >= 0.4 && < 0.5
, http-types == 0.8.*
, text >= 1 && < 2
, template-haskell >= 2.7 && < 2.10
@ -54,19 +55,19 @@ library
, network-uri >= 2.6
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
extensions: DataKinds
, DeriveDataTypeable
, FunctionalDependencies
, KindSignatures
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, PolyKinds
, QuasiQuotes
, ScopedTypeVariables
, TemplateHaskell
, TypeFamilies
, TypeOperators
, UndecidableInstances
, FlexibleInstances
other-extensions: DataKinds
, DeriveDataTypeable
, FunctionalDependencies
, KindSignatures
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, PolyKinds
, QuasiQuotes
, ScopedTypeVariables
, TemplateHaskell
, TypeFamilies
, TypeOperators
, UndecidableInstances
, FlexibleInstances
ghc-options: -Wall
test-suite spec
@ -1,9 +1,26 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Servant.API.ContentTypes where
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad (join)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Media as M
-- * Provided content types
data XML deriving Typeable
data HTML deriving Typeable
data JSON deriving Typeable
@ -11,3 +28,155 @@ data JavaScript deriving Typeable
data CSS deriving Typeable
data PlainText deriving Typeable
data OctetStream deriving Typeable
-- * Accept class
-- | Instances of 'Accept' represent mimetypes. They are used for matching
-- against the @Accept@ HTTP header of the request, and for setting the
-- @Content-Type@ header of the response
-- Example:
-- > instance Accept HTML where
-- > contentType _ = "text" // "html"
class Accept ctype where
contentType :: Proxy ctype -> M.MediaType
-- | @text/html;charset=utf-8@
instance Accept HTML where
contentType _ = "text" M.// "html" M./: ("charset", "utf-8")
-- | @application/json;charset=utf-8@
instance Accept JSON where
contentType _ = "application" M.// "json" M./: ("charset", "utf-8")
-- | @application/xml;charset=utf-8@
instance Accept XML where
contentType _ = "application" M.// "xml" M./: ("charset", "utf-8")
-- | @application/javascript;charset=utf-8@
instance Accept JavaScript where
contentType _ = "application" M.// "javascript" M./: ("charset", "utf-8")
-- | @text/css;charset=utf-8@
instance Accept CSS where
contentType _ = "text" M.// "css" M./: ("charset", "utf-8")
-- | @text/plain;charset=utf-8@
instance Accept PlainText where
contentType _ = "text" M.// "plain" M./: ("charset", "utf-8")
-- | @application/octet-stream@
instance Accept OctetStream where
contentType _ = "application" M.// "octet-stream"
newtype AcceptHeader = AcceptHeader BS.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- * Render (serializing)
-- | Instantiate this class to register a way of serializing a type based
-- on the @Accept@ header.
-- Example:
-- > data MyContentType
-- >
-- > instance Accept MyContentType where
-- > contentType _ = "example" // "" /: ("charset", "utf-8")
-- >
-- > instance Show a => MimeRender MyContentType where
-- > toByteString _ val = pack ("This is MINE! " ++ show val)
-- >
-- > type MyAPI = "path" :> Get '[MyContentType] Int
class Accept ctype => MimeRender ctype a where
toByteString :: Proxy ctype -> a -> ByteString
class AllCTRender list a where
-- If the Accept header can be matched, returns (Just) a tuple of the
-- Content-Type and response (serialization of @a@ into the appropriate
-- mimetype).
handleAcceptH :: Proxy list -> AcceptHeader -> a -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString)
instance ( AllMimeRender ctyps a, IsNonEmpty ctyps
) => AllCTRender ctyps a where
handleAcceptH _ (AcceptHeader accept) val = M.mapAcceptMedia lkup accept
where pctyps = Proxy :: Proxy ctyps
amrs = amr pctyps val
lkup = zip (map fst amrs) $ map (\(a,b) -> (cs $ show a, b)) amrs
-- * Unrender
class Accept ctype => MimeUnrender ctype a where
fromByteString :: Proxy ctype -> ByteString -> Maybe a
class AllCTUnrender list a where
handleCTypeH :: Proxy list
-> ByteString -- Content-Type header
-> ByteString -- Request body
-> Maybe a
instance ( AllMimeUnrender ctyps a, IsNonEmpty ctyps
) => AllCTUnrender ctyps a where
handleCTypeH _ ctypeH body = join $ M.mapContentMedia lkup (cs ctypeH)
where lkup = amu (Proxy :: Proxy ctyps) body
-- * Utils (Internal)
-- Check that all elements of list are instances of MimeRender
class AllMimeRender ls a where
amr :: Proxy ls
-> a -- value to serialize
-> [(M.MediaType, ByteString)] -- content-types/response pairs
instance ( MimeRender ctyp a ) => AllMimeRender '[ctyp] a where
amr _ a = [(contentType pctyp, toByteString pctyp a)]
where pctyp = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp
instance ( MimeRender ctyp a
, MimeRender ctyp' a -- at least two elems to avoid overlap
, AllMimeRender ctyps a
) => AllMimeRender (ctyp ': ctyp' ': ctyps) a where
amr _ a = (contentType pctyp, toByteString pctyp a)
:(contentType pctyp', toByteString pctyp' a)
:(amr pctyps a)
where pctyp = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp
pctyps = Proxy :: Proxy ctyps
pctyp' = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp'
instance AllMimeRender '[] a where
amr _ _ = []
-- Check that all elements of list are instances of MimeUnrender
class AllMimeUnrender ls a where
amu :: Proxy ls -> ByteString -> [(M.MediaType, Maybe a)]
instance ( MimeUnrender ctyp a ) => AllMimeUnrender '[ctyp] a where
amu _ val = [(contentType pctyp, fromByteString pctyp val)]
where pctyp = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp
instance ( MimeUnrender ctyp a
, MimeUnrender ctyp' a
, AllMimeUnrender ctyps a
) => AllMimeUnrender (ctyp ': ctyp' ': ctyps) a where
amu _ val = (contentType pctyp, fromByteString pctyp val)
:(contentType pctyp', fromByteString pctyp' val)
:(amu pctyps val)
where pctyp = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp
pctyps = Proxy :: Proxy ctyps
pctyp' = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp'
type family IsNonEmpty (ls::[*]) :: Constraint where
IsNonEmpty '[] = 'False ~ 'True
IsNonEmpty x = ()
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