tutorial: make Server compile
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 56 additions and 70 deletions
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ module Server where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString
@ -130,11 +130,11 @@ corresponding API type.
The first thing to know about the `Server` type family is that behind the
scenes it will drive the routing, letting you focus only on the business
logic. The second thing to know is that for each endpoint, your handlers will
by default run in the `EitherT ServantErr IO` monad. This is overridable very
by default run in the `ExceptT ServantErr IO` monad. This is overridable very
easily, as explained near the end of this guide. Third thing, the type of the
value returned in that monad must be the same as the second argument of the
HTTP method combinator used for the corresponding endpoint. In our case, it
means we must provide a handler of type `EitherT ServantErr IO [User]`. Well,
means we must provide a handler of type `ExceptT ServantErr IO [User]`. Well,
we have a monad, let's just `return` our list:
``` haskell
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ userAPI = Proxy
-- which you can think of as an "abstract" web application,
-- not yet a webserver.
app1 :: Application
app1 = serve userAPI server1
app1 = serve userAPI EmptyConfig server1
The `userAPI` bit is, alas, boilerplate (we need it to guide type inference).
@ -288,15 +288,15 @@ server3 = position
:<|> hello
:<|> marketing
where position :: Int -> Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO Position
where position :: Int -> Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO Position
position x y = return (Position x y)
hello :: Maybe String -> EitherT ServantErr IO HelloMessage
hello :: Maybe String -> ExceptT ServantErr IO HelloMessage
hello mname = return . HelloMessage $ case mname of
Nothing -> "Hello, anonymous coward"
Just n -> "Hello, " ++ n
marketing :: ClientInfo -> EitherT ServantErr IO Email
marketing :: ClientInfo -> ExceptT ServantErr IO Email
marketing clientinfo = return (emailForClient clientinfo)
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ $ curl -X POST -d '{"name":"Alp Mestanogullari", "email" : "alp@foo.com", "age":
For reference, here's a list of some combinators from *servant* and for those
that get turned into arguments to the handlers, the type of the argument.
> - `Delete`, `Get`, `Patch`, `Post`, `Put`: these do not become arguments. They provide the return type of handlers, which usually is `EitherT ServantErr IO <something>`.
> - `Delete`, `Get`, `Patch`, `Post`, `Put`: these do not become arguments. They provide the return type of handlers, which usually is `ExceptT ServantErr IO <something>`.
> - `Capture "something" a` becomes an argument of type `a`.
> - `QueryParam "something" a`, `MatrixParam "something" a`, `Header "something" a` all become arguments of type `Maybe a`, because there might be no value at all specified by the client for these.
> - `QueryFlag "something"` and `MatrixFlag "something"` get turned into arguments of type `Bool`.
@ -369,22 +369,7 @@ data Direction
| Left
| Right
instance FromText Direction where
-- requires {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
fromText "up" = Just Up
fromText "down" = Just Down
fromText "left" = Just Server.Left
fromText "right" = Just Server.Right
fromText _ = Nothing
instance ToText Direction where
toText Up = "up"
toText Down = "down"
toText Server.Left = "left"
toText Server.Right = "right"
newtype UserId = UserId Int64
deriving (FromText, ToText)
or writing the instances by hand:
@ -643,7 +628,7 @@ server4 :: Server PersonAPI
server4 = return persons
app2 :: Application
app2 = serve personAPI server4
app2 = serve personAPI EmptyConfig server4
And we're good to go. You can run this example with `dist/build/tutorial/tutorial 4`.
@ -656,10 +641,10 @@ And we're good to go. You can run this example with `dist/build/tutorial/tutoria
# or just point your browser to http://localhost:8081/persons
The `EitherT ServantErr IO` monad
The `ExceptT ServantErr IO` monad
At the heart of the handlers is the monad they run in, namely `EitherT
At the heart of the handlers is the monad they run in, namely `ExceptT
ServantErr IO`. One might wonder: why this monad? The answer is that it is the
simplest monad with the following properties:
@ -677,11 +662,11 @@ data Either e a = Left e | Right a
-- from the 'either' package at
-- http://hackage.haskell.org/package/either-
newtype EitherT e m a
= EitherT { runEitherT :: m (Either e a) }
newtype ExceptT e m a
= ExceptT { runEitherT :: m (Either e a) }
In short, this means that a handler of type `EitherT ServantErr IO a` is simply
In short, this means that a handler of type `ExceptT ServantErr IO a` is simply
equivalent to a computation of type `IO (Either ServantErr a)`, that is, an IO
action that either returns an error or a result.
@ -689,7 +674,7 @@ The aforementioned `either` package is worth taking a look at. Perhaps most
``` haskell ignore
left :: Monad m => e -> EitherT e m a
left :: Monad m => e -> ExceptT e m a
Allows you to return an error from your handler (whereas `return` is enough to
return a success).
@ -701,14 +686,14 @@ kind and abort early. The next two sections cover how to do just that.
Performing IO
Another important instance from the list above is `MonadIO m => MonadIO (EitherT e m)`. [`MonadIO`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers- is a class from the *transformers* package defined as:
Another important instance from the list above is `MonadIO m => MonadIO (ExceptT e m)`. [`MonadIO`](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers- is a class from the *transformers* package defined as:
``` haskell ignore
class Monad m => MonadIO m where
liftIO :: IO a -> m a
Obviously, the `IO` monad provides a `MonadIO` instance. Hence for any type `e`, `EitherT e IO` has a `MonadIO` instance. So if you want to run any kind of IO computation in your handlers, just use `liftIO`:
Obviously, the `IO` monad provides a `MonadIO` instance. Hence for any type `e`, `ExceptT e IO` has a `MonadIO` instance. So if you want to run any kind of IO computation in your handlers, just use `liftIO`:
``` haskell
type IOAPI1 = "myfile.txt" :> Get '[JSON] FileContent
@ -748,8 +733,8 @@ module. If you want to use these values but add a body or some headers, just
use record update syntax:
``` haskell
failingHandler :: EitherT ServantErr IO ()
failingHandler = left myerr
failingHandler :: ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
failingHandler = throwE myerr
where myerr :: ServantErr
myerr = err503 { errBody = "Sorry dear user." }
@ -764,7 +749,7 @@ server6 = do
exists <- liftIO (doesFileExist "myfile.txt")
if exists
then liftIO (readFile "myfile.txt") >>= return . FileContent
else left custom404Err
else throwE custom404Err
where custom404Err = err404 { errBody = "myfile.txt just isn't there, please leave this server alone." }
@ -854,7 +839,7 @@ server7 :: Server CodeAPI
server7 = serveDirectory "tutorial"
app3 :: Application
app3 = serve codeAPI server7
app3 = serve codeAPI EmptyConfig server7
This server will match any request whose path starts with `/code` and will look for a file at the path described by the rest of the request path, inside the *tutorial/* directory of the path you run the program from.
@ -981,25 +966,25 @@ type UserAPI4 = Capture "userid" Int :>
However, you have to be aware that this has an effect on the type of the corresponding `Server`:
``` haskell ignore
Server UserAPI3 = (Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO User)
:<|> (Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO ())
Server UserAPI3 = (Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO User)
:<|> (Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ())
Server UserAPI4 = Int -> ( EitherT ServantErr IO User
:<|> EitherT ServantErr IO ()
Server UserAPI4 = Int -> ( ExceptT ServantErr IO User
:<|> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
In the first case, each handler receives the *userid* argument. In the latter,
the whole `Server` takes the *userid* and has handlers that are just computations in `EitherT`, with no arguments. In other words:
the whole `Server` takes the *userid* and has handlers that are just computations in `ExceptT`, with no arguments. In other words:
``` haskell
server8 :: Server UserAPI3
server8 = getUser :<|> deleteUser
where getUser :: Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO User
where getUser :: Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO User
getUser _userid = error "..."
deleteUser :: Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()
deleteUser :: Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
deleteUser _userid = error "..."
-- notice how getUser and deleteUser
@ -1008,10 +993,10 @@ server8 = getUser :<|> deleteUser
server9 :: Server UserAPI4
server9 userid = getUser userid :<|> deleteUser userid
where getUser :: Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO User
where getUser :: Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO User
getUser = error "..."
deleteUser :: Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()
deleteUser :: Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
deleteUser = error "..."
@ -1055,23 +1040,23 @@ type UsersAPI =
usersServer :: Server UsersAPI
usersServer = getUsers :<|> newUser :<|> userOperations
where getUsers :: EitherT ServantErr IO [User]
where getUsers :: ExceptT ServantErr IO [User]
getUsers = error "..."
newUser :: User -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()
newUser :: User -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
newUser = error "..."
userOperations userid =
viewUser userid :<|> updateUser userid :<|> deleteUser userid
viewUser :: Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO User
viewUser :: Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO User
viewUser = error "..."
updateUser :: Int -> User -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()
updateUser :: Int -> User -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
updateUser = error "..."
deleteUser :: Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()
deleteUser :: Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
deleteUser = error "..."
@ -1090,23 +1075,23 @@ data Product = Product { productId :: Int }
productsServer :: Server ProductsAPI
productsServer = getProducts :<|> newProduct :<|> productOperations
where getProducts :: EitherT ServantErr IO [Product]
where getProducts :: ExceptT ServantErr IO [Product]
getProducts = error "..."
newProduct :: Product -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()
newProduct :: Product -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
newProduct = error "..."
productOperations productid =
viewProduct productid :<|> updateProduct productid :<|> deleteProduct productid
viewProduct :: Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO Product
viewProduct :: Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO Product
viewProduct = error "..."
updateProduct :: Int -> Product -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()
updateProduct :: Int -> Product -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
updateProduct = error "..."
deleteProduct :: Int -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()
deleteProduct :: Int -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()
deleteProduct = error "..."
@ -1134,11 +1119,11 @@ type APIFor a i =
-- Build the appropriate 'Server'
-- given the handlers of the right type.
serverFor :: EitherT ServantErr IO [a] -- handler for listing of 'a's
-> (a -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()) -- handler for adding an 'a'
-> (i -> EitherT ServantErr IO a) -- handler for viewing an 'a' given its identifier of type 'i'
-> (i -> a -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()) -- updating an 'a' with given id
-> (i -> EitherT ServantErr IO ()) -- deleting an 'a' given its id
serverFor :: ExceptT ServantErr IO [a] -- handler for listing of 'a's
-> (a -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()) -- handler for adding an 'a'
-> (i -> ExceptT ServantErr IO a) -- handler for viewing an 'a' given its identifier of type 'i'
-> (i -> a -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()) -- updating an 'a' with given id
-> (i -> ExceptT ServantErr IO ()) -- deleting an 'a' given its id
-> Server (APIFor a i)
serverFor = error "..."
-- implementation left as an exercise. contact us on IRC
@ -1148,10 +1133,10 @@ serverFor = error "..."
Using another monad for your handlers
Remember how `Server` turns combinators for HTTP methods into `EitherT ServantErr IO`? Well, actually, there's more to that. `Server` is actually a simple type synonym.
Remember how `Server` turns combinators for HTTP methods into `ExceptT ServantErr IO`? Well, actually, there's more to that. `Server` is actually a simple type synonym.
``` haskell ignore
type Server api = ServerT api (EitherT ServantErr IO)
type Server api = ServerT api (ExceptT ServantErr IO)
`ServerT` is the actual type family that computes the required types for the handlers that's part of the `HasServer` class. It's like `Server` except that it takes a third parameter which is the monad you want your handlers to run in, or more generally the return types of your handlers. This third parameter is used for specifying the return type of the handler for an endpoint, e.g when computing `ServerT (Get '[JSON] Person) SomeMonad`. The result would be `SomeMonad Person`.
@ -1173,24 +1158,24 @@ newtype m :~> n = Nat { unNat :: forall a. m a -> n a}
(`Nat` comes from "natural transformation", in case you're wondering.)
So if you want to write handlers using another monad/type than `EitherT
So if you want to write handlers using another monad/type than `ExceptT
ServantErr IO`, say the `Reader String` monad, the first thing you have to
prepare is a function:
``` haskell ignore
readerToEither :: Reader String :~> EitherT ServantErr IO
readerToEither :: Reader String :~> ExceptT ServantErr IO
Let's start with `readerToEither'`. We obviously have to run the `Reader`
computation by supplying it with a `String`, like `"hi"`. We get an `a` out
from that and can then just `return` it into `EitherT`. We can then just wrap
from that and can then just `return` it into `ExceptT`. We can then just wrap
that function with the `Nat` constructor to make it have the fancier type.
``` haskell
readerToEither' :: forall a. Reader String a -> EitherT ServantErr IO a
readerToEither' :: forall a. Reader String a -> ExceptT ServantErr IO a
readerToEither' r = return (runReader r "hi")
readerToEither :: Reader String :~> EitherT ServantErr IO
readerToEither :: Reader String :~> ExceptT ServantErr IO
readerToEither = Nat readerToEither'
@ -1214,7 +1199,7 @@ readerServerT = a :<|> b
We unfortunately can't use `readerServerT` as an argument of `serve`, because
`serve` wants a `Server ReaderAPI`, i.e., with handlers running in `EitherT
`serve` wants a `Server ReaderAPI`, i.e., with handlers running in `ExceptT
ServantErr IO`. But there's a simple solution to this.
Enter `enter`
@ -1233,7 +1218,7 @@ readerServer :: Server ReaderAPI
readerServer = enter readerToEither readerServerT
app4 :: Application
app4 = serve readerAPI readerServer
app4 = serve readerAPI EmptyConfig readerServer
And we can indeed see this webservice in action by running `dist/build/tutorial/tutorial 7`.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ library
, Client
-- , Docs
-- , Javascript
-- , Server
, Server
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base == 4.*
@ -51,3 +51,4 @@ library
ghc-options: -Wall -Werror -pgmL markdown-unlit
-- to silence aeson-0.10 warnings:
ghc-options: -fno-warn-missing-methods
ghc-options: -fno-warn-name-shadowing
Add table
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