clean up servant-js significantly, simplify the API of the library a lot and document @freezeboy's sweet generators from #159 a bit in the main module of the library, Servant.JS along with how people should use the library.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 216 additions and 83 deletions
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ server' = server
:<|> serveDirectory "tutorial/t9"
apiJS :: String
apiJS = jsForAPI api generateJQueryJS
apiJS = jsForAPI api jquery
writeJSFiles :: IO ()
writeJSFiles = do
@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Servant
import Servant.JS
import qualified Servant.JS as SJS
import qualified Servant.JS.Vanilla as JS
import qualified Servant.JS.JQuery as JQ
import qualified Servant.JS.Angular as NG
import System.FilePath
@ -43,55 +41,58 @@ currentValue counter = liftIO $ readTVarIO counter
-- * Our API type
type TestApi = "counter" :> Post '[JSON] Counter -- endpoint for increasing the counter
:<|> "counter" :> Get '[JSON] Counter -- endpoint to get the current value
:<|> Raw -- used for serving static files
type TestApi' = TestApi
:<|> Raw -- used for serving static files
-- this proxy only targets the proper endpoints of our API,
-- not the static file serving bit
testApi :: Proxy TestApi
testApi = Proxy
-- this proxy targets everything
testApi' :: Proxy TestApi'
testApi' = Proxy
-- * Server-side handler
-- where our static files reside
www :: FilePath
www = "examples/www"
-- defining handlers
-- defining handlers of our endpoints
server :: TVar Counter -> Server TestApi
server counter = counterPlusOne counter -- (+1) on the TVar
:<|> currentValue counter -- read the TVar
:<|> serveDirectory www -- serve static files
-- the whole server, including static file serving
server' :: TVar Counter -> Server TestApi'
server' counter = server counter
:<|> serveDirectory www -- serve static files
runServer :: TVar Counter -- ^ shared variable for the counter
-> Int -- ^ port the server should listen on
-> IO ()
runServer var port = run port (serve testApi $ server var)
runServer var port = run port (serve testApi' $ server' var)
-- * Generating the JQuery code
incCounterJS :: AjaxReq
currentValueJS :: AjaxReq
incCounterJS :<|> currentValueJS :<|> _ = javascript testApi
writeJS :: JavaScriptGenerator -> FilePath -> [AjaxReq] -> IO ()
writeJS gen fp functions = writeFile fp $
concatMap (\req -> generateJS req gen) functions
writeServiceJS :: FilePath -> [AjaxReq] -> IO ()
writeServiceJS fp functions = writeFile fp $
NG.wrapInServiceWith (NG.defAngularOptions { NG.serviceName = "counterSvc" })
(defCommonGeneratorOptions { SJS.moduleName = "counterApp" }) functions
writeServiceJS :: FilePath -> IO ()
writeServiceJS fp =
writeJSForAPI testApi
(angularServiceWith (NG.defAngularOptions { NG.serviceName = "counterSvc" })
(defCommonGeneratorOptions { SJS.moduleName = "counterApp" })
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- write the JS code to www/api.js at startup
writeJS JQ.generateJQueryJS (www </> "jquery" </> "api.js")
[ incCounterJS, currentValueJS ]
writeJS JS.generateVanillaJS (www </> "vanilla" </> "api.js")
[ incCounterJS, currentValueJS ]
writeJS (NG.generateAngularJS
NG.defAngularOptions) (www </> "angular" </> "api.js")
[ incCounterJS, currentValueJS ]
(www </> "angular" </> "api.service.js")
[ incCounterJS, currentValueJS ]
writeJSForAPI testApi jquery (www </> "jquery" </> "api.js")
writeJSForAPI testApi vanillaJS (www </> "vanilla" </> "api.js")
writeJSForAPI testApi (angular defAngularOptions) (www </> "angular" </> "api.js")
writeServiceJS (www </> "angular" </> "api.service.js")
-- setup a shared counter
cnt <- newCounter
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ library
other-modules: Servant.JS.Internal
build-depends: base >=4.5 && <5
, charset
, lens >= 4
@ -4,56 +4,140 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : Servant.JQuery
-- Module : Servant.JS
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Alp Mestanogullari <>
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
-- Generating Javascript code to query your APIs using vanilla Javascript,
-- Angular.js or JQuery.
-- Using this package is very simple. Say you have this API type around:
-- > type API = "users" :> Get '[JSON] [Users]
-- > :<|> "messages" :> Get '[JSON] [Message]
-- All you need to do to generate the Javascript code is to write a 'Proxy'
-- for this API type:
-- > api :: Proxy API
-- > api = Proxy
-- And pick one of the generators:
-- - 'vanillaJS' and 'vanillaJSWith' generate functions that use
-- /XMLHttpRequest/ to query your endpoints. The former just calls
-- the latter with default code-generation options.
-- - 'jquery' and 'jqueryWith' follow the same pattern except that they
-- generate functions that use /jQuery/'s AJAX functions.
-- - 'angular' and 'angularWith' do the same but use /Angular.js/'s $http
-- service. In addition, we provide 'angularService' and 'angularServiceWith'
-- which produce functions under an Angular service that your controlers
-- can depend on to query the API.
-- Let's keep it simple and produce vanilla Javascript code with the default options.
-- @
-- jsCode :: String
-- jsCode = 'jsForAPI' api 'vanillaJS'
-- @
-- That's it! If you want to write that code to a file:
-- @
-- writeJSCode :: IO ()
-- writeJSCode = 'writeJSForAPI' api 'vanillaJS' "./my_api.js"
-- @
-- If you want to customize the rendering options, take a look
-- at 'CommonGeneratorOptions' which are generic options common to all the
-- generators. the /xxxWith/ variants all take 'CommonGeneratorOptions' whereas
-- the /xxx/ versions use 'defCommonGeneratorOptions'. Once you have some custom
-- > myOptions :: 'CommonGeneratorOptions'
-- All you need to do to use it is to use 'vanillaJSWith' and pass it @myOptions@.
-- @
-- jsCodeWithMyOptions :: String
-- jsCodeWithMyOptions = 'jsForAPI' api ('vanillaJSWith' myOptions)
-- @
-- Follow the same pattern for any other generator.
-- /Note/: The Angular generators take an additional type of options,
-- namely 'AngularOptions', to let you tweak aspects of the code generation
-- that are specific to /Angular.js/.
module Servant.JS
( javascript
, generateJS
, jsForAPI
, listFromAPI
, printJS
, module Servant.JS.Internal
, GenerateCode(..)
, CommonGeneratorOptions(..)
( -- * Generating javascript code from an API type
, writeJSForAPI
, JavaScriptGenerator
, -- * Options common to all generators
, defCommonGeneratorOptions
, -- * Vanilla Javascript code generation
, vanillaJSWith
, -- * JQuery code generation
, jqueryWith
, -- * Angular.js code generation
, angularWith
, angularService
, angularServiceWith
, AngularOptions(..)
, defAngularOptions
, -- * Misc.
, javascript
, HasJS(..)
, GenerateList(..)
, AjaxReq
) where
import Data.Proxy
import Servant.API
import Servant.JS.Angular
import Servant.JS.Internal
import Servant.JS.JQuery
import Servant.JS.Vanilla
-- | Generate the data necessary to generate javascript code
-- for all the endpoints of an API, as ':<|>'-separated values
-- of type 'AjaxReq'.
javascript :: HasJS layout => Proxy layout -> JS layout
javascript p = javascriptFor p defReq
printJS :: AjaxReq -> JavaScriptGenerator -> IO ()
printJS req gen = putStrLn (generateJS req gen)
generateJS :: AjaxReq -> JavaScriptGenerator -> String
generateJS req gen = gen $ req
-- | Utility class used by 'jsForAPI' which will
-- directly hand you all the Javascript code
-- instead of handing you a ':<|>'-separated list
-- of 'AjaxReq' like 'javascript' and then having to
-- use 'generateJS' on each 'AjaxReq'.
class GenerateCode reqs where
jsFor :: reqs -> JavaScriptGenerator -> String
instance GenerateCode AjaxReq where
jsFor = generateJS
instance GenerateCode rest => GenerateCode (AjaxReq :<|> rest) where
jsFor (req :<|> rest) gen = jsFor req gen ++ jsFor rest gen
-- | Directly generate all the javascript functions for your API
-- from a 'Proxy' for your API type. You can then write it to
-- a file or integrate it in a page, for example.
jsForAPI :: (HasJS api, GenerateCode (JS api)) => Proxy api
-> JavaScriptGenerator -> String
jsForAPI p = jsFor (javascript p)
jsForAPI :: (HasJS api, GenerateList (JS api))
=> Proxy api -- ^ proxy for your API type
-> JavaScriptGenerator -- ^ js code generator to use (angular, vanilla js, jquery, others)
-> String -- ^ a string that you can embed in your pages or write to a file
jsForAPI p gen = gen (listFromAPI p)
-- | Directly generate all the javascript functions for your API
-- from a 'Proxy' for your API type using the given generator
-- and write the resulting code to a file at the given path.
writeJSForAPI :: (HasJS api, GenerateList (JS api))
=> Proxy api -- ^ proxy for your API type
-> JavaScriptGenerator -- ^ js code generator to use (angular, vanilla js, jquery, others)
-> FilePath -- ^ path to the file you want to write the resulting javascript code into
-> IO ()
writeJSForAPI p gen fp = writeFile fp (jsForAPI p gen)
-- | Utility class used by 'jsForAPI' which computes
-- the data needed to generate a function for each endpoint
-- and hands it all back in a list.
class GenerateList reqs where
generateList :: reqs -> [AjaxReq]
@ -63,5 +147,7 @@ instance GenerateList AjaxReq where
instance GenerateList rest => GenerateList (AjaxReq :<|> rest) where
generateList (r :<|> rest) = r : generateList rest
-- | Generate the necessary data for JS codegen as a list, each 'AjaxReq'
-- describing one endpoint from your API type.
listFromAPI :: (HasJS api, GenerateList (JS api)) => Proxy api -> [AjaxReq]
listFromAPI p = generateList (javascript p)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
-- | Options specific to the angular code generator
data AngularOptions = AngularOptions
{ serviceName :: String -- ^ When generating code with wrapInService,
-- name of the service to generate
@ -24,28 +25,37 @@ defAngularOptions = AngularOptions
-- | Instead of simply generating top level functions, generates a service instance
-- on which your controllers can depend to access your API.
-- This variant uses default 'AngularOptions'.
wrapInService :: AngularOptions -> [AjaxReq] -> String
wrapInService ngOpts reqs = wrapInServiceWith ngOpts defCommonGeneratorOptions reqs
angularService :: AngularOptions -> JavaScriptGenerator
angularService ngOpts = angularServiceWith ngOpts defCommonGeneratorOptions
-- | Instead of simply generating top level functions, generates a service instance
-- on which your controllers can depend to access your API
wrapInServiceWith :: AngularOptions -> CommonGeneratorOptions -> [AjaxReq] -> String
wrapInServiceWith ngOpts opts reqs =
((prologue ngOpts) svc mName)
<> (intercalate "," $ map generator reqs) <>
(epilogue ngOpts)
angularServiceWith :: AngularOptions -> CommonGeneratorOptions -> JavaScriptGenerator
angularServiceWith ngOpts opts reqs =
prologue ngOpts svc mName
<> intercalate "," (map generator reqs) <>
epilogue ngOpts
generator req = (generateAngularJSWith ngOpts opts req)
generator req = generateAngularJSWith ngOpts opts req
svc = serviceName ngOpts
mName = if null (moduleName opts)
then "app."
else (moduleName opts) <> "."
else moduleName opts <> "."
-- js codegen using $http service from Angular using default options
-- | Generate regular javacript functions that use
-- the $http service, using default values for 'CommonGeneratorOptions'.
angular :: AngularOptions -> JavaScriptGenerator
angular ngopts = angularWith ngopts defCommonGeneratorOptions
-- | Generate regular javascript functions that use the $http service.
angularWith :: AngularOptions -> CommonGeneratorOptions -> JavaScriptGenerator
angularWith ngopts opts = intercalate "\n\n" . map (generateAngularJSWith ngopts opts)
-- | js codegen using $http service from Angular using default options
generateAngularJS :: AngularOptions -> AjaxReq -> String
generateAngularJS ngOpts = generateAngularJSWith ngOpts defCommonGeneratorOptions
-- js codegen using $http service from Angular
-- | js codegen using $http service from Angular
generateAngularJSWith :: AngularOptions -> CommonGeneratorOptions -> AjaxReq -> String
generateAngularJSWith ngOptions opts req = "\n" <>
fname <> fsep <> " function(" <> argsStr <> ")\n"
@ -36,6 +36,17 @@ data CommonGeneratorOptions = CommonGeneratorOptions
, moduleName :: String -- ^ namespace on which we define the js function (empty mean local var)
-- | Default options.
-- @
-- > defCommonGeneratorOptions = CommonGeneratorOptions
-- > { functionRenamer = id
-- > , requestBody = "body"
-- > , successCallback = "onSuccess"
-- > , errorCallback = "onError"
-- > , moduleName = ""
-- > }
-- @
defCommonGeneratorOptions :: CommonGeneratorOptions
defCommonGeneratorOptions = CommonGeneratorOptions
@ -48,7 +59,10 @@ defCommonGeneratorOptions = CommonGeneratorOptions
type Arg = String
type JavaScriptGenerator = AjaxReq -> String
-- A 'JavascriptGenerator' just takes the data found in the API type
-- for each endpoint and generates Javascript code in a String. Several
-- generators are available in this package.
type JavaScriptGenerator = [AjaxReq] -> String
data Segment = Segment { _segment :: SegmentType, _matrix :: [MatrixArg] }
deriving (Eq, Show)
@ -5,6 +5,17 @@ import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
-- | Generate javascript functions that use the /jQuery/ library
-- to make the AJAX calls. Uses 'defCommonGeneratorOptions'
-- for the generator options.
jquery :: JavaScriptGenerator
jquery = concat . map generateJQueryJS
-- | Generate javascript functions that use the /jQuery/ library
-- to make the AJAX calls. Lets you specify your own 'CommonGeneratorOptions'.
jqueryWith :: CommonGeneratorOptions -> JavaScriptGenerator
jqueryWith opts = concat . map (generateJQueryJSWith opts)
-- | js codegen using JQuery using default options
generateJQueryJS :: AjaxReq -> String
generateJQueryJS = generateJQueryJSWith defCommonGeneratorOptions
@ -5,6 +5,18 @@ import Control.Lens
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
-- | Generate vanilla javascript functions to make AJAX requests
-- to your API, using /XMLHttpRequest/. Uses 'defCommonGeneratorOptions'
-- for the 'CommonGeneratorOptions'.
vanillaJS :: JavaScriptGenerator
vanillaJS = concat . map generateVanillaJS
-- | Generate vanilla javascript functions to make AJAX requests
-- to your API, using /XMLHttpRequest/. Lets you specify your
-- own options.
vanillaJSWith :: CommonGeneratorOptions -> JavaScriptGenerator
vanillaJSWith opts = concat . map (generateVanillaJSWith opts)
-- | js codegen using XmlHttpRequest using default generation options
generateVanillaJS :: AjaxReq -> String
generateVanillaJS = generateVanillaJSWith defCommonGeneratorOptions
@ -97,15 +97,13 @@ angularSpec test = describe specLabel $ do
output _ = return ()
testName = "MyService"
ngOpts = NG.defAngularOptions { NG.serviceName = testName }
genJS req = NG.wrapInService ngOpts req
genJS req = NG.angularService ngOpts req
generateJSSpec :: TestNames -> (AjaxReq -> String) -> Spec
generateJSSpec n gen = describe specLabel $ do
it "should generate valid javascript" $ do
let (postSimple :<|> getHasExtension ) = javascript (Proxy :: Proxy TestAPI)
parseFromString (genJS postSimple) `shouldSatisfy` isRight
parseFromString (genJS getHasExtension) `shouldSatisfy` isRight
output $ genJS getHasExtension
let s = jsForAPI (Proxy :: Proxy TestAPI) (concat . map gen)
parseFromString s `shouldSatisfy` isRight
it "should use non-empty function names" $ do
let (_ :<|> topLevel) = javascript (Proxy :: Proxy TopLevelRawAPI)
@ -141,13 +139,13 @@ generateJSSpec n gen = describe specLabel $ do
jsText `shouldContain` (header n "X-WhatsForDinner" $ "\"I would like \" + headerXWhatsForDinner + \" with a cherry on top.\"")
it "can generate the whole javascript code string at once with jsForAPI" $ do
let jsStr = jsForAPI (Proxy :: Proxy TestAPI) gen
let jsStr = jsForAPI (Proxy :: Proxy TestAPI) (concat . map gen)
parseFromString jsStr `shouldSatisfy` isRight
specLabel = "generateJS(" ++ (show n) ++ ")"
--output = print
output _ = return ()
genJS req = generateJS req gen
genJS req = gen req
header :: TestNames -> String -> String -> String
header v headerName headerValue
| v `elem` [Vanilla, VanillaCustom] = "xhr.setRequestHeader(\"" ++ headerName ++ "\", " ++ headerValue ++ ");\n"
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
import Servant.API
import Servant.JS
import Servant.JS.Internal
-- | This is a hypothetical combinator that fetches an Authorization header.
-- The symbol in the header denotes what kind of authentication we are
Add table
Reference in a new issue