Add initial mockup of general extra info API
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 69 additions and 4 deletions
@ -78,6 +78,14 @@ type TestApi =
testApi :: Proxy TestApi
testApi = Proxy
extras :: ExtraInfo TestApi
extras =
safeInfo (Proxy :: Proxy ("greet" :> Capture "greetid" Text :> Delete)) $
defAction & headers <>~ ["unicorns"]
& notes <>~ [ DocNote "Title" ["This is some text"]
, DocNote "Second secton" ["And some more"]
-- Generate the data that lets us have API docs. This
-- is derived from the type as well as from
-- the 'ToCapture', 'ToParam' and 'ToSample' instances from above.
@ -86,7 +94,7 @@ testApi = Proxy
-- > docs testAPI
docsGreet :: API
docsGreet = docsWithIntros [intro1, intro2] testApi
docsGreet = docsWith [intro1, intro2] extras testApi
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn $ markdown docsGreet
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
-- | This module lets you get API docs for free. It lets generate
@ -128,7 +131,9 @@
-- > main = putStrLn $ markdown docsGreet
module Servant.Docs
( -- * 'HasDocs' class and key functions
HasDocs(..), docs, docsWithIntros, markdown
HasDocs(..), docs, markdown
-- * Generating docs with extra information
, ExtraInfo(..), docsWith, docsWithIntros, safeInfo
, -- * Classes you need to implement for your types
@ -169,7 +174,9 @@ import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.String.Conversions
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import GHC.Exts(Constraint)
import Servant.API
import Servant.Utils.Links
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -343,12 +350,21 @@ data Action = Action
{ _captures :: [DocCapture] -- type collected + user supplied info
, _headers :: [Text] -- type collected
, _params :: [DocQueryParam] -- type collected + user supplied info
, _notes :: [DocNote] -- user supplied
, _mxParams :: [(String, [DocQueryParam])] -- type collected + user supplied info
, _notes :: [DocNote] -- user supplied
, _rqbody :: Maybe ByteString -- user supplied
, _response :: Response -- user supplied
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Combine two Actions, we can't make a monoid as merging Response breaks the
-- laws.
-- As such, we invent a non-commutative, left associative operation
-- 'combineAction' to mush two together taking the response from the very left.
combineAction :: Action -> Action -> Action
Action c h p m n r resp `combineAction` Action c' h' p' m' n' r' _ =
Action (c <> c') (h <> h') (p <> p') (m <> m') (n <> n') (r <> r') resp
-- Default 'Action'. Has no 'captures', no GET 'params', expects
-- no request body ('rqbody') and the typical response is 'defResponse'.
@ -389,10 +405,51 @@ makeLenses ''Action
docs :: HasDocs layout => Proxy layout -> API
docs p = docsFor p (defEndpoint, defAction)
newtype ExtraInfo layout = ExtraInfo (HashMap Endpoint Action)
instance Monoid (ExtraInfo a) where
mempty = ExtraInfo mempty
ExtraInfo a `mappend` ExtraInfo b =
ExtraInfo $ HM.unionWith combineAction a b
-- | Closed type family, check if endpoint is exactly within API.
-- We aren't sure what affects how an Endpoint is built up, so we require an
-- exact match.
type family IsIn (endpoint :: *) (api :: *) :: Constraint where
IsIn e (sa :<|> sb) = Or (IsIn e sa) (IsIn e sb)
IsIn (e :> sa) (e :> sb) = IsIn sa sb
IsIn e e = ()
safeInfo :: (IsIn endpoint layout, HasLink endpoint, HasDocs endpoint)
=> Proxy endpoint -> Action -> ExtraInfo layout
safeInfo p action =
let api = docsFor p (defEndpoint, defAction)
-- Assume one endpoint, HasLink constraint means that we should only ever
-- point at one endpoint.
in ExtraInfo $ api ^. apiEndpoints & traversed .~ action
-- | Generate documentation given some initial state, in which you may wish to
-- note that certain endpoints are special in some way.
-- If you only want to add an introduction, use 'docsWithIntros'.
-- You are expected to build up the SafeMap with safeEntry
docsWith :: HasDocs layout
=> [DocIntro]
-> ExtraInfo layout
-> Proxy layout
-> API
docsWith intros (ExtraInfo endpoints) p =
docs p & apiIntros <>~ intros
& apiEndpoints %~ HM.unionWith combineAction endpoints
-- | Generate the docs for a given API that implements 'HasDocs' with with any
-- number of introduction(s)
docsWithIntros :: HasDocs layout => [DocIntro] -> Proxy layout -> API
docsWithIntros intros p = docs p & apiIntros <>~ intros
docsWithIntros intros = docsWith intros mempty
-- | The class that abstracts away the impact of API combinators
-- on documentation generation.
Add table
Reference in a new issue