Correct some doctest looking things to be doctests
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 43 additions and 31 deletions
@ -76,14 +76,15 @@ import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
-- or any 'Endpoint' value you want using the 'path' and 'method'
-- lenses to tweak.
-- @
-- λ> 'defEndpoint'
-- GET /
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"]
-- GET /foo
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"] & 'method' '.~' 'HTTP.methodPost'
-- POST /foo
-- @
-- >>> defEndpoint
-- "GET" /
-- >>> defEndpoint & path <>~ ["foo"]
-- "GET" /foo
-- >>> defEndpoint & path <>~ ["foo"] & method .~ HTTP.methodPost
-- "POST" /foo
data Endpoint = Endpoint
{ _path :: [String] -- type collected
, _method :: HTTP.Method -- type collected
@ -104,14 +105,15 @@ showPath ps = concatMap ('/' :) ps
-- Here's how you can modify it:
-- @
-- λ> 'defEndpoint'
-- GET /
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"]
-- GET /foo
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"] & 'method' '.~' 'HTTP.methodPost'
-- POST /foo
-- @
-- >>> defEndpoint
-- "GET" /
-- >>> defEndpoint & path <>~ ["foo"]
-- "GET" /foo
-- >>> defEndpoint & path <>~ ["foo"] & method .~ HTTP.methodPost
-- "POST" /foo
defEndpoint :: Endpoint
defEndpoint = Endpoint [] HTTP.methodGet
@ -222,12 +224,14 @@ data ParamKind = Normal | List | Flag
-- want to write a 'ToSample' instance for the type that'll be represented
-- as encoded data in the response.
-- Can be tweaked with three lenses.
-- Can be tweaked with four lenses.
-- >>> defResponse
-- Response {_respStatus = 200, _respTypes = [], _respBody = [], _respHeaders = []}
-- >>> defResponse & respStatus .~ 204 & respBody .~ [("If everything goes well", "application/json", "{ \"status\": \"ok\" }")]
-- Response {_respStatus = 204, _respTypes = [], _respBody = [("If everything goes well",application/json,"{ \"status\": \"ok\" }")], _respHeaders = []}
-- > λ> defResponse
-- > Response {_respStatus = 200, _respTypes = [], _respBody = []}
-- > λ> defResponse & respStatus .~ 204 & respBody .~ [("If everything goes well", "{ \"status\": \"ok\" }")]
-- > Response {_respStatus = 204, _respTypes = [], _respBody = [("If everything goes well", "{ \"status\": \"ok\" }")]}
data Response = Response
{ _respStatus :: Int
, _respTypes :: [M.MediaType]
@ -237,12 +241,14 @@ data Response = Response
-- | Default response: status code 200, no response body.
-- Can be tweaked with two lenses.
-- Can be tweaked with four lenses.
-- >>> defResponse
-- Response {_respStatus = 200, _respTypes = [], _respBody = [], _respHeaders = []}
-- >>> defResponse & respStatus .~ 204
-- Response {_respStatus = 204, _respTypes = [], _respBody = [], _respHeaders = []}
-- > λ> defResponse
-- > Response {_respStatus = 200, _respBody = Nothing}
-- > λ> defResponse & respStatus .~ 204 & respBody .~ Just "[]"
-- > Response {_respStatus = 204, _respBody = Just "[]"}
defResponse :: Response
defResponse = Response
{ _respStatus = 200
@ -288,10 +294,12 @@ Action a c h p n m ts body resp `combineAction` Action a' c' h' p' n' m' _ _ _ =
-- Tweakable with lenses.
-- > λ> defAction
-- > Action {_captures = [], _headers = [], _params = [], _mxParams = [], _rqbody = Nothing, _response = Response {_respStatus = 200, _respBody = Nothing}}
-- > λ> defAction & response.respStatus .~ 201
-- > Action {_captures = [], _headers = [], _params = [], _mxParams = [], _rqbody = Nothing, _response = Response {_respStatus = 201, _respBody = Nothing}}
-- >>> defAction
-- Action {_authInfo = [], _captures = [], _headers = [], _params = [], _notes = [], _mxParams = [], _rqtypes = [], _rqbody = [], _response = Response {_respStatus = 200, _respTypes = [], _respBody = [], _respHeaders = []}}
-- >>> defAction & response.respStatus .~ 201
-- Action {_authInfo = [], _captures = [], _headers = [], _params = [], _notes = [], _mxParams = [], _rqtypes = [], _rqbody = [], _response = Response {_respStatus = 201, _respTypes = [], _respBody = [], _respHeaders = []}}
defAction :: Action
defAction =
Action []
@ -359,7 +367,8 @@ makeLenses ''RenderingOptions
-- | Generate the docs for a given API that implements 'HasDocs'. This is the
-- default way to create documentation.
-- prop> docs == docsWithOptions defaultDocOptions
-- > docs == docsWithOptions defaultDocOptions
docs :: HasDocs api => Proxy api -> API
docs p = docsWithOptions p defaultDocOptions
@ -1046,3 +1055,6 @@ instance ToSample a => ToSample (Product a)
instance ToSample a => ToSample (First a)
instance ToSample a => ToSample (Last a)
instance ToSample a => ToSample (Dual a)
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
Add table
Reference in a new issue