Loads of documetation and doctests.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 128 additions and 68 deletions
@ -1,29 +1,51 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
This module collects utilities for manipulating @servant@ API types. The
functionality in this module is for advanced usage.
The code samples in this module use the following type synonym:
> type SampleAPI = "hello" :> Get '[JSON] Int
> :<|> "bye" :> Capture "name" String :> Post '[JSON, PlainText] Bool
module Servant.API.TypeLevel where
import GHC.Exts(Constraint)
import Servant.API.Capture ( Capture, CaptureAll )
import Servant.API.ReqBody ( ReqBody )
import Servant.API.QueryParam ( QueryParam, QueryParams, QueryFlag )
import Servant.API.Header ( Header )
import Servant.API.Verbs ( Verb )
import Servant.API.Sub ( type (:>) )
import Servant.API.Alternative ( type (:<|>) )
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import Servant.API.Alternative (type (:<|>))
import Servant.API.Capture (Capture, CaptureAll)
import Servant.API.Header (Header)
import Servant.API.QueryParam (QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams)
import Servant.API.ReqBody (ReqBody)
import Servant.API.Sub (type (:>))
import Servant.API.Verbs (Verb)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import GHC.TypeLits (TypeError, ErrorMessage(..))
import GHC.TypeLits (TypeError, ErrorMessage(..))
-- * API predicates
-- | Flatten API into a list of endpoints.
-- >>> :t showType @(Endpoints SampleAPI)
-- ...
-- ... :: Proxy
-- ... '["hello" :> Verb 'GET 200 '[JSON] Int,
-- ... "bye"
-- ... :> (Capture "name" String
-- ... :> Verb 'POST 200 '[JSON, PlainText] Bool)]
type family Endpoints api where
Endpoints (a :<|> b) = AppendList (Endpoints a) (Endpoints b)
Endpoints (e :> a) = MapSub e (Endpoints a)
@ -47,24 +69,56 @@ type family IsElem' a s :: Constraint
-- | Closed type family, check if @endpoint@ is within @api@.
-- Uses @'IsElem''@ if it exhausts all other options.
-- >>> ok @(IsElem ("hello" :> Get '[JSON] Int) SampleAPI)
-- OK
-- >>> ok @(IsElem ("bye" :> Get '[JSON] Int) SampleAPI)
-- ...
-- ... Could not deduce: ...
-- ...
-- An endpoint is considered within an api even if it is missing combinators
-- that don't affect the URL:
-- >>> ok @(IsElem (Get '[JSON] Int) (Header "h" Bool :> Get '[JSON] Int))
-- OK
-- >>> ok @(IsElem (Get '[JSON] Int) (ReqBody '[JSON] Bool :> Get '[JSON] Int))
-- OK
-- *N.B.:* @IsElem a b@ can be seen as capturing the notion of whether the URL
-- represented by @a@ would match the URL represented by @b@, *not* whether a
-- request represented by @a@ matches the endpoints serving @b@ (for the
-- latter, use 'IsIn').
type family IsElem endpoint api :: Constraint where
IsElem e (sa :<|> sb) = Or (IsElem e sa) (IsElem e sb)
IsElem (e :> sa) (e :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (Header sym x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (ReqBody y x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem (CaptureAll z y :> sa) (CaptureAll x y :> sb)
= IsElem sa sb
IsElem (Capture z y :> sa) (Capture x y :> sb)
= IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryParam x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryParams x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryFlag x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem (Verb m s ct typ) (Verb m s ct' typ)
= IsSubList ct ct'
IsElem e e = ()
IsElem e a = IsElem' e a
IsElem e (sa :<|> sb) = Or (IsElem e sa) (IsElem e sb)
IsElem (e :> sa) (e :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (Header sym x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (ReqBody y x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem (CaptureAll z y :> sa) (CaptureAll x y :> sb)
= IsElem sa sb
IsElem (Capture z y :> sa) (Capture x y :> sb)
= IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryParam x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryParams x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryFlag x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem (Verb m s ct typ) (Verb m s ct' typ)
= IsSubList ct ct'
IsElem e e = ()
IsElem e a = IsElem' e a
-- | Check whether @sub@ is a sub API of @api@.
-- | Check whether @sub@ is a sub-API of @api@.
-- >>> ok @(IsSubAPI SampleAPI (SampleAPI :<|> Get '[JSON] Int))
-- OK
-- >>> ok @(IsSubAPI (SampleAPI :<|> Get '[JSON] Int) SampleAPI)
-- ...
-- ... Could not deduce: ...
-- ...
-- This uses @IsElem@ for checking; thus the note there applies here.
type family IsSubAPI sub api :: Constraint where
IsSubAPI sub api = AllIsElem (Endpoints sub) api
@ -76,18 +130,31 @@ type family AllIsElem xs api :: Constraint where
-- ** Strict inclusion
-- | Closed type family, check if @endpoint@ is exactly within @api@.
-- We aren't sure what affects how an endpoint is built up, so we require an
-- exact match.
-- >>> ok @(IsIn ("hello" :> Get '[JSON] Int) SampleAPI)
-- OK
-- Unlike 'IsElem', this requires an *exact* match.
-- >>> ok @(IsIn (Get '[JSON] Int) (Header "h" Bool :> Get '[JSON] Int))
-- ...
-- ... Could not deduce: ...
-- ...
type family IsIn (endpoint :: *) (api :: *) :: Constraint where
IsIn e (sa :<|> sb) = Or (IsIn e sa) (IsIn e sb)
IsIn (e :> sa) (e :> sb) = IsIn sa sb
IsIn e e = ()
IsIn e (sa :<|> sb) = Or (IsIn e sa) (IsIn e sb)
IsIn (e :> sa) (e :> sb) = IsIn sa sb
IsIn e e = ()
-- | Check whether @sub@ is a sub API of @api@.
-- Like 'IsSubAPI', but uses 'IsIn' rather than 'IsElem'.
type family IsStrictSubAPI sub api :: Constraint where
IsStrictSubAPI sub api = AllIsIn (Endpoints sub) api
-- | Check that every element of @xs@ is an endpoint of @api@ (using @'IsIn'@).
-- OK @(AllIsIn (Endpoints SampleAPI) SampleAPI)
-- OK
type family AllIsIn xs api :: Constraint where
AllIsIn '[] api = ()
AllIsIn (x ': xs) api = (IsIn x api, AllIsIn xs api)
@ -107,45 +174,31 @@ type family AppendList xs ys where
AppendList (x ': xs) ys = x ': AppendList xs ys
type family IsSubList a b :: Constraint where
IsSubList '[] b = ()
IsSubList (x ': xs) y = Elem x y `And` IsSubList xs y
IsSubList '[] b = ()
IsSubList (x ': xs) y = Elem x y `And` IsSubList xs y
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
-- | Check that a value is an element of a list:
-- >>> ok (Proxy :: Proxy (Elem Bool '[Int, Bool]))
-- >>> ok @(Elem Bool '[Int, Bool])
-- OK
-- >>> ok (Proxy :: Proxy (Elem String '[Int, Bool]))
-- ...
-- No instance for (ElemNotFoundIn [Char] '[Int, Bool])
-- arising from a use of ‘ok’
-- ...
type Elem e es = ElemGo e es es
-- | Check that a value is an element of a list:
-- >>> ok (Proxy :: Proxy (Elem Bool '[Int, Bool]))
-- OK
-- >>> ok (Proxy :: Proxy (Elem String '[Int, Bool]))
-- >>> ok @(Elem String '[Int, Bool])
-- ...
-- ... [Char] expected in list '[Int, Bool]
-- ...
type Elem e es = ElemGo e es es
-- 'orig' is used to store original list for better error messages
type family ElemGo e es orig :: Constraint where
ElemGo x (x ': xs) orig = ()
ElemGo y (x ': xs) orig = ElemGo y xs orig
ElemGo x (x ': xs) orig = ()
ElemGo y (x ': xs) orig = ElemGo y xs orig
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
-- Note [Custom Errors]
ElemGo x '[] orig = TypeError ('ShowType x
':<>: 'Text " expected in list "
':<>: 'ShowType orig)
-- Note [Custom Errors]
ElemGo x '[] orig = TypeError ('ShowType x
':<>: 'Text " expected in list "
':<>: 'ShowType orig)
ElemGo x '[] orig = ElemNotFoundIn x orig
ElemGo x '[] orig = ElemNotFoundIn x orig
-- ** Logic
@ -154,12 +207,12 @@ type family ElemGo e es orig :: Constraint where
type family Or (a :: Constraint) (b :: Constraint) :: Constraint where
-- This works because of:
-- https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/NewAxioms/CoincidentOverlap
Or () b = ()
Or a () = ()
Or () b = ()
Or a () = ()
-- | If both a or b produce an empty constraint, produce an empty constraint.
type family And (a :: Constraint) (b :: Constraint) :: Constraint where
And () () = ()
And () () = ()
-- * Custom type errors
@ -173,7 +226,14 @@ We might try to factor these our more cleanly, but the type synonyms and type
families are not evaluated (see https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/12048).
-- $setup
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> :set -XPolyKinds
-- >>> import Data.Proxy
-- >>> data OK = OK deriving (Show)
-- >>> let ok :: ctx => Proxy ctx -> OK; ok _ = OK
-- >>> import Servant.API
-- >>> data OK ctx = OK deriving (Show)
-- >>> let ok :: ctx => OK ctx; ok = OK
-- >>> let showType :: Proxy a ; showType = Proxy
-- >>> type SampleAPI = "hello" :> Get '[JSON] Int :<|> "bye" :> Capture "name" String :> Post '[JSON, PlainText] Bool
-- >>> let sampleAPI = Proxy :: Proxy SampleAPI
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