Merge pull request from phadej/natural-transformation-0.4

Use natural-transformation-0.4
This commit is contained in:
Julian Arni 2016-11-19 15:14:59 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 8ed7a95458
7 changed files with 32 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -1044,17 +1044,17 @@ If we have a function that gets us from an `m a` to an `n a`, for any `a`, what
do we have?
``` haskell ignore
newtype m :~> n = Nat { unNat :: forall a. m a -> n a}
newtype m :~> n = NT { ($$) :: forall a. m a -> n a}
For example:
``` haskell
listToMaybeNat :: [] :~> Maybe
listToMaybeNat = Nat listToMaybe -- from Data.Maybe
listToMaybeNT :: [] :~> Maybe
listToMaybeNT = NT listToMaybe -- from Data.Maybe
(`Nat` comes from "natural transformation", in case you're wondering.)
(`NT` comes from "natural transformation", in case you're wondering.)
So if you want to write handlers using another monad/type than `Handler`, say the `Reader String` monad, the first thing you have to
prepare is a function:
@ -1066,14 +1066,14 @@ readerToHandler :: Reader String :~> Handler
Let's start with `readerToHandler'`. We obviously have to run the `Reader`
computation by supplying it with a `String`, like `"hi"`. We get an `a` out
from that and can then just `return` it into `ExceptT`. We can then just wrap
that function with the `Nat` constructor to make it have the fancier type.
that function with the `NT` constructor to make it have the fancier type.
``` haskell
readerToHandler' :: forall a. Reader String a -> Handler a
readerToHandler' r = return (runReader r "hi")
readerToHandler :: Reader String :~> Handler
readerToHandler = Nat readerToHandler'
readerToHandler = NT readerToHandler'
We can write some simple webservice with the handlers running in `Reader String`.

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@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
* Use `NT` from `natural-transformation` for `Enter`

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@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ library
, http-api-data >= 0.3 && < 0.4
, http-media >= 0.4 && < 0.7
, http-types >= 0.8 && < 0.10
, natural-transformation >= 0.4 && < 0.5
, mtl >= 2.0 && < 2.3
, mmorph >= 1 && < 1.1
, text >= 1 && < 1.3

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@ -8,9 +8,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Servant.Utils.Enter where
module Servant.Utils.Enter (
module Servant.Utils.Enter,
-- * natural-transformation re-exports
) where
import qualified Control.Category as C
import Control.Natural
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Monad.Reader
@ -18,7 +22,6 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.State.Lazy as LState
import qualified Control.Monad.State.Strict as SState
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Lazy as LWriter
import qualified Control.Monad.Writer.Strict as SWriter
import Data.Typeable
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
@ -38,57 +41,49 @@ instance (Enter b arg ret) => Enter (a -> b) arg (a -> ret) where
-- ** Useful instances
-- | A natural transformation from @m@ to @n@. Used to `enter` particular
-- datatypes.
newtype m :~> n = Nat { unNat :: forall a. m a -> n a} deriving Typeable
instance C.Category (:~>) where
id = Nat id
Nat f . Nat g = Nat (f . g)
instance Enter (m a) (m :~> n) (n a) where
enter (Nat f) = f
enter (NT f) = f
-- | Like `lift`.
liftNat :: (Control.Monad.Morph.MonadTrans t, Monad m) => m :~> t m
liftNat = Nat Control.Monad.Morph.lift
liftNat = NT Control.Monad.Morph.lift
runReaderTNat :: r -> (ReaderT r m :~> m)
runReaderTNat a = Nat (`runReaderT` a)
runReaderTNat a = NT (`runReaderT` a)
evalStateTLNat :: Monad m => s -> (LState.StateT s m :~> m)
evalStateTLNat a = Nat (`LState.evalStateT` a)
evalStateTLNat a = NT (`LState.evalStateT` a)
evalStateTSNat :: Monad m => s -> (SState.StateT s m :~> m)
evalStateTSNat a = Nat (`SState.evalStateT` a)
evalStateTSNat a = NT (`SState.evalStateT` a)
-- | Log the contents of `SWriter.WriterT` with the function provided as the
-- first argument, and return the value of the @WriterT@ computation
logWriterTSNat :: MonadIO m => (w -> IO ()) -> (SWriter.WriterT w m :~> m)
logWriterTSNat logger = Nat $ \x -> do
logWriterTSNat logger = NT $ \x -> do
(a, w) <- SWriter.runWriterT x
liftIO $ logger w
return a
-- | Like `logWriterTSNat`, but for strict @WriterT@.
logWriterTLNat :: MonadIO m => (w -> IO ()) -> (LWriter.WriterT w m :~> m)
logWriterTLNat logger = Nat $ \x -> do
logWriterTLNat logger = NT $ \x -> do
(a, w) <- LWriter.runWriterT x
liftIO $ logger w
return a
-- | Like @mmorph@'s `hoist`.
hoistNat :: (MFunctor t, Monad m) => (m :~> n) -> (t m :~> t n)
hoistNat (Nat n) = Nat $ hoist n
hoistNat (NT n) = NT $ hoist n
-- | Like @mmorph@'s `embed`.
embedNat :: (MMonad t, Monad n) => (m :~> t n) -> (t m :~> t n)
embedNat (Nat n) = Nat $ embed n
embedNat (NT n) = NT $ embed n
-- | Like @mmorph@'s `squash`.
squashNat :: (Monad m, MMonad t) => t (t m) :~> t m
squashNat = Nat squash
squashNat = NT squash
-- | Like @mmorph@'s `generalize`.
generalizeNat :: Applicative m => Identity :~> m
generalizeNat = Nat (pure . runIdentity)
generalizeNat = NT (pure . runIdentity)

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ extra-deps:
- hspec-discover-2.2.3
- hspec-expectations-0.7.2
- http-api-data-0.3
- natural-transformation-0.4
- primitive-
- should-not-typecheck-2.1.0
- time-locale-compat-

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@ -8,4 +8,5 @@ packages:
- http-api-data-0.3
- uri-bytestring-
- natural-transformation-0.4
flags: {}

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@ -9,4 +9,5 @@ packages:
- http-api-data-0.3
- servant-js-0.9 # needed for tutorial
- natural-transformation-0.4
resolver: lts-6.0