Augment Delayed to handle authentication.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 72 additions and 20 deletions
@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ toApplication ra request respond = ra request routingRespond
-- static routes (can cause 404)
-- delayed captures (can cause 404)
-- methods (can cause 405)
-- authentication and authorization (can cause 401, 403)
-- delayed body (can cause 415, 400)
-- accept header (can cause 406)
@ -119,36 +120,71 @@ toApplication ra request respond = ra request routingRespond
-- The accept header check can be performed as the final
-- computation in this block. It can cause a 406.
data Delayed :: * -> * where
Delayed :: IO (RouteResult a)
-> IO (RouteResult ())
-> IO (RouteResult b)
-> (a -> b -> RouteResult c)
-> Delayed c
data Delayed c where
Delayed :: { capturesD :: IO (RouteResult captures)
, methodD :: IO (RouteResult ())
, authD :: IO (RouteResult auth)
, bodyD :: IO (RouteResult body)
, serverD :: (captures -> auth -> body -> RouteResult c)
} -> Delayed c
instance Functor Delayed where
fmap f (Delayed a b c g) = Delayed a b c ((fmap . fmap . fmap) f g)
fmap f Delayed{..}
= Delayed { capturesD = capturesD
, methodD = methodD
, authD = authD
, bodyD = bodyD
, serverD = (fmap.fmap.fmap.fmap) f serverD
} -- Note [Existential Record Update]
-- | Add a capture to the end of the capture block.
addCapture :: Delayed (a -> b)
-> IO (RouteResult a)
-> Delayed b
addCapture (Delayed captures method body server) new =
Delayed (combineRouteResults (,) captures new) method body (\ (x, v) y -> ($ v) <$> server x y)
addCapture Delayed{..} new
= Delayed { capturesD = combineRouteResults (,) capturesD new
, methodD = methodD
, authD = authD
, bodyD = bodyD
, serverD = \ (x, v) y z -> ($ v) <$> serverD x y z
} -- Note [Existential Record Update]
-- | Add a method check to the end of the method block.
addMethodCheck :: Delayed a
-> IO (RouteResult ())
-> Delayed a
addMethodCheck (Delayed captures method body server) new =
Delayed captures (combineRouteResults const method new) body server
addMethodCheck Delayed{..} new
= Delayed { capturesD = capturesD
, methodD = combineRouteResults const methodD new
, authD = authD
, bodyD = bodyD
, serverD = serverD
} -- Note [Existential Record Update]
-- | Add an auth check to the end of the auth block.
addAuthCheck :: Delayed (a -> b)
-> IO (RouteResult a)
-> Delayed b
addAuthCheck Delayed{..} new
= Delayed { capturesD = capturesD
, methodD = methodD
, authD = combineRouteResults (,) authD new
, bodyD = bodyD
, serverD = \ x (y, v) z -> ($ v) <$> serverD x y z
} -- Note [Existential Record Update]
-- | Add a body check to the end of the body block.
addBodyCheck :: Delayed (a -> b)
-> IO (RouteResult a)
-> Delayed b
addBodyCheck (Delayed captures method body server) new =
Delayed captures method (combineRouteResults (,) body new) (\ x (y, v) -> ($ v) <$> server x y)
addBodyCheck Delayed{..} new
= Delayed { capturesD = capturesD
, methodD = methodD
, authD = authD
, bodyD = combineRouteResults (,) bodyD new
, serverD = \ x y (z, v) -> ($ v) <$> serverD x y z
} -- Note [Existential Record Update]
-- | Add an accept header check to the end of the body block.
-- The accept header check should occur after the body check,
@ -157,8 +193,13 @@ addBodyCheck (Delayed captures method body server) new =
addAcceptCheck :: Delayed a
-> IO (RouteResult ())
-> Delayed a
addAcceptCheck (Delayed captures method body server) new =
Delayed captures method (combineRouteResults const body new) server
addAcceptCheck Delayed{..} new
= Delayed { capturesD = capturesD
, methodD = methodD
, authD = authD
, bodyD = combineRouteResults const bodyD new
, serverD = serverD
} -- Note [Existential Record Update]
-- | Many combinators extract information that is passed to
-- the handler without the possibility of failure. In such a
@ -190,13 +231,17 @@ combineRouteResults f m1 m2 =
-- | Run a delayed server. Performs all scheduled operations
-- in order, and passes the results from the capture and body
-- blocks on to the actual handler.
-- This should only be called once per request; otherwise the guarantees about
-- effect and HTTP error ordering break down.
runDelayed :: Delayed a
-> IO (RouteResult a)
runDelayed (Delayed captures method body server) =
captures `bindRouteResults` \ c ->
method `bindRouteResults` \ _ ->
body `bindRouteResults` \ b ->
return (server c b)
runDelayed Delayed{..} =
capturesD `bindRouteResults` \ c ->
methodD `bindRouteResults` \ _ ->
authD `bindRouteResults` \ a ->
bodyD `bindRouteResults` \ b ->
return (serverD c a b)
-- | Runs a delayed server and the resulting action.
-- Takes a continuation that lets us send a response.
@ -215,3 +260,10 @@ runAction action respond k = runDelayed action >>= go >>= respond
case e of
Left err -> return . Route $ responseServantErr err
Right x -> return $! k x
{- Note [Existential Record Update]
Due to GHC issue < 2595>, we cannot
do the more succint thing - just update the records we actually change.
Add table
Reference in a new issue