Merge master and fix conflicts

This commit is contained in:
Erik Aker 2020-01-13 19:41:59 -08:00
commit 7d2997098a
70 changed files with 612 additions and 1106 deletions

View file

@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
# For more information, see
# version: 0.5.20190916
# version: 0.9.20200110
version: ~> 1.0
language: c
dist: xenial
os: linux
dist: bionic
# whether to recursively clone submodules
submodules: false
@ -20,6 +22,7 @@ cache:
- $HOME/.cabal/packages
- $HOME/.cabal/store
- $HOME/.hlint
- rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/
# remove files that are regenerated by 'cabal update'
@ -29,20 +32,26 @@ before_cache:
- rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/
- rm -fv $CABALHOME/packages/
- rm -rfv $CABALHOME/packages/head.hackage
- compiler: ghcjs-8.4
addons: {"apt":{"sources":["hvr-ghc"],"packages":["cabal-install-3.0"]}}
addons: {"apt":{"sources":[{"sourceline":"deb bionic main","key_url":""},{"sourceline":"deb bionic main"},{"sourceline":"deb bionic main","key_url":""}],"packages":["ghcjs-8.4","cabal-install-3.0","ghc-8.4.4","nodejs"]}}
os: linux
- compiler: ghc-8.8.1
addons: {"apt":{"sources":["hvr-ghc"],"packages":["ghc-8.8.1","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
addons: {"apt":{"sources":[{"sourceline":"deb bionic main","key_url":""}],"packages":["ghc-8.8.1","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
os: linux
- compiler: ghc-8.6.5
addons: {"apt":{"sources":["hvr-ghc"],"packages":["ghc-8.6.5","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
addons: {"apt":{"sources":[{"sourceline":"deb bionic main","key_url":""}],"packages":["ghc-8.6.5","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
os: linux
- compiler: ghc-8.4.4
addons: {"apt":{"sources":["hvr-ghc"],"packages":["ghc-8.4.4","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
addons: {"apt":{"sources":[{"sourceline":"deb bionic main","key_url":""}],"packages":["ghc-8.4.4","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
os: linux
- compiler: ghc-8.2.2
addons: {"apt":{"sources":["hvr-ghc"],"packages":["ghc-8.2.2","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
addons: {"apt":{"sources":[{"sourceline":"deb bionic main","key_url":""}],"packages":["ghc-8.2.2","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
os: linux
- compiler: ghc-8.0.2
addons: {"apt":{"sources":["hvr-ghc"],"packages":["ghc-8.0.2","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
addons: {"apt":{"sources":[{"sourceline":"deb bionic main","key_url":""}],"packages":["ghc-8.0.2","cabal-install-3.0"]}}
os: linux
- |
if echo $CC | grep -q ghcjs; then
@ -50,21 +59,11 @@ before_install:
- |
if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = "linux" ]; then
if $GHCJS ; then sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:hvr/ghcjs ; fi;
if $GHCJS ; then curl -s | sudo apt-key add - ; fi;
if $GHCJS ; then sudo apt-add-repository ' xenial main' ; fi;
if $GHCJS ; then sudo apt-get update ; fi;
sudo apt-get install $CC;
if $GHCJS ; then sudo apt-get install -y nodejs cabal-install-3.0 ; fi;
- HC=$(echo "/opt/$CC/bin/ghc" | sed 's/-/\//')
- if $GHCJS ; then HC=${HC}js ; fi
- if $GHCJS ; then WITHCOMPILER="--ghcjs ${WITHCOMPILER}js" ; fi
- HADDOCK=$(echo "/opt/$CC/bin/haddock" | sed 's/-/\//')
- if $GHCJS ; then sudo apt-get install -y ghc-8.4.4 ; fi
- if $GHCJS ; then PATH="/opt/ghc/8.4.4/bin:$PATH" ; fi
- HCPKG="$HC-pkg"
- unset CC
@ -74,26 +73,8 @@ before_install:
- TOP=$(pwd)
- "HCNUMVER=$(${HC} --numeric-version|perl -ne '/^(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)(\\.(\\d+))?$/; print(10000 * $1 + 100 * $2 + ($3 == 0 ? $5 != 1 : $3))')"
- echo $HCNUMVER
- CABAL="$CABAL -vnormal+nowrap+markoutput"
- CABAL="$CABAL -vnormal+nowrap"
- set -o pipefail
- |
echo 'function blue(s) { printf "\033[0;34m" s "\033[0m " }' >> .colorful.awk
echo 'BEGIN { state = "output"; }' >> .colorful.awk
echo '/^-----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT-----$/ { state = "cabal" }' >> .colorful.awk
echo '/^-----END CABAL OUTPUT-----$/ { state = "output" }' >> .colorful.awk
echo '!/^(-----BEGIN CABAL OUTPUT-----|-----END CABAL OUTPUT-----)/ {' >> .colorful.awk
echo ' if (state == "cabal") {' >> .colorful.awk
echo ' print blue($0)' >> .colorful.awk
echo ' } else {' >> .colorful.awk
echo ' print $0' >> .colorful.awk
echo ' }' >> .colorful.awk
echo '}' >> .colorful.awk
- cat .colorful.awk
- |
color_cabal_output () {
awk -f $TOP/.colorful.awk
- echo text | color_cabal_output
- ${CABAL} --version
- echo "$(${HC} --version) [$(${HC} --print-project-git-commit-id 2> /dev/null || echo '?')]"
@ -104,21 +85,29 @@ install:
- rm -f $CABALHOME/config
- |
echo "verbose: normal +nowrap +markoutput" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "remote-build-reporting: anonymous" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "write-ghc-environment-files: always" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "remote-repo-cache: $CABALHOME/packages" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "logs-dir: $CABALHOME/logs" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "world-file: $CABALHOME/world" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "extra-prog-path: $CABALHOME/bin" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "symlink-bindir: $CABALHOME/bin" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "installdir: $CABALHOME/bin" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "build-summary: $CABALHOME/logs/build.log" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "store-dir: $CABALHOME/store" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "install-dirs user" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " prefix: $CABALHOME" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "repository" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " url:" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "verbose: normal +nowrap +markoutput" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "remote-build-reporting: anonymous" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "write-ghc-environment-files: always" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "remote-repo-cache: $CABALHOME/packages" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "logs-dir: $CABALHOME/logs" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "world-file: $CABALHOME/world" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "extra-prog-path: $CABALHOME/bin" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "symlink-bindir: $CABALHOME/bin" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "installdir: $CABALHOME/bin" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "build-summary: $CABALHOME/logs/build.log" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "store-dir: $CABALHOME/store" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "install-dirs user" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " prefix: $CABALHOME" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo "repository" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " url:" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " secure: True" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " key-threshold: 3" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " root-keys:" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " fe331502606802feac15e514d9b9ea83fee8b6ffef71335479a2e68d84adc6b0" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " 1ea9ba32c526d1cc91ab5e5bd364ec5e9e8cb67179a471872f6e26f0ae773d42" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " 2c6c3627bd6c982990239487f1abd02e08a02e6cf16edb105a8012d444d870c3" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " 0a5c7ea47cd1b15f01f5f51a33adda7e655bc0f0b0615baa8e271f4c3351e21d" >> $CABALHOME/config
echo " 51f0161b906011b52c6613376b1ae937670da69322113a246a09f807c62f6921" >> $CABALHOME/config
- |
echo "program-default-options" >> $CABALHOME/config
@ -126,8 +115,9 @@ install:
- cat $CABALHOME/config
- rm -fv cabal.project cabal.project.local cabal.project.freeze
- travis_retry ${CABAL} v2-update -v
- if $GHCJS ; then (cd /tmp && ${CABAL} v2-install -w ghc-8.4.4 cabal-plan --constraint='cabal-plan ^>=' --constraint='cabal-plan +exe' | color_cabal_output) ; fi
- if $GHCJS ; then (cd /tmp && ${CABAL} v2-install -w ghc-8.4.4 hspec-discover | color_cabal_output) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd /tmp && ${CABAL} v2-install $WITHCOMPILER -j2 doctest --constraint='doctest ==0.16.2.*') ; fi
- if $GHCJS ; then (cd /tmp && ${CABAL} v2-install -w ghc-8.4.4 cabal-plan --constraint='cabal-plan ^>=' --constraint='cabal-plan +exe') ; fi
- if $GHCJS ; then (cd /tmp && ${CABAL} v2-install -w ghc-8.4.4 hspec-discover) ; fi
# Generate cabal.project
- rm -rf cabal.project cabal.project.local cabal.project.freeze
- touch cabal.project
@ -143,7 +133,6 @@ install:
if ! $GHCJS ; then echo "packages: servant-machines" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS ; then echo "packages: servant-conduit" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS ; then echo "packages: servant-pipes" >> cabal.project ; fi
if $GHCJS || ! $GHCJS && [ $HCNUMVER -lt 80800 ] ; then echo "packages: servant-jsaddle" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS && [ $HCNUMVER -ge 80400 ] ; then echo "packages: doc/cookbook/basic-auth" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS && [ $HCNUMVER -ge 80400 ] ; then echo "packages: doc/cookbook/curl-mock" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS && [ $HCNUMVER -ge 80400 ] ; then echo "packages: doc/cookbook/basic-streaming" >> cabal.project ; fi
@ -159,6 +148,7 @@ install:
echo "constraints: foundation >=0.0.14" >> cabal.project
echo "constraints: memory <0.14.12 || >0.14.12" >> cabal.project
echo "constraints: sqlite-simple < 0" >> cabal.project
echo "constraints: base-compat ^>=0.11" >> cabal.project
echo "allow-newer: aeson-pretty-0.8.7:base-compat" >> cabal.project
echo "allow-newer: vault-" >> cabal.project
echo "allow-newer: psqueues-" >> cabal.project
@ -168,7 +158,7 @@ install:
echo "allow-newer: io-streams-" >> cabal.project
echo "allow-newer: openssl-streams-" >> cabal.project
echo "optimization: False" >> cabal.project
- "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 's/-[^-]*$//' | (grep -vE -- '^(cookbook-basic-auth|cookbook-basic-streaming|cookbook-curl-mock|cookbook-db-postgres-pool|cookbook-file-upload|cookbook-generic|cookbook-pagination|cookbook-structuring-apis|cookbook-testing|cookbook-using-custom-monad|cookbook-using-free-client|servant|servant-client|servant-client-core|servant-conduit|servant-docs|servant-foreign|servant-http-streams|servant-jsaddle|servant-machines|servant-pipes|servant-server|tutorial)$' || true) | sed 's/^/constraints: /' | sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done"
- "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 's/-[^-]*$//' | (grep -vE -- '^(cookbook-basic-auth|cookbook-basic-streaming|cookbook-curl-mock|cookbook-db-postgres-pool|cookbook-file-upload|cookbook-generic|cookbook-pagination|cookbook-structuring-apis|cookbook-testing|cookbook-using-custom-monad|cookbook-using-free-client|servant|servant-client|servant-client-core|servant-conduit|servant-docs|servant-foreign|servant-http-streams|servant-machines|servant-pipes|servant-server|tutorial)$' || true) | sed 's/^/constraints: /' | sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done"
- cat cabal.project || true
- cat cabal.project.local || true
- if [ -f "servant/" ]; then (cd "servant" && autoreconf -i); fi
@ -182,7 +172,6 @@ install:
- if [ -f "servant-machines/" ]; then (cd "servant-machines" && autoreconf -i); fi
- if [ -f "servant-conduit/" ]; then (cd "servant-conduit" && autoreconf -i); fi
- if [ -f "servant-pipes/" ]; then (cd "servant-pipes" && autoreconf -i); fi
- if [ -f "servant-jsaddle/" ]; then (cd "servant-jsaddle" && autoreconf -i); fi
- if [ -f "doc/cookbook/basic-auth/" ]; then (cd "doc/cookbook/basic-auth" && autoreconf -i); fi
- if [ -f "doc/cookbook/curl-mock/" ]; then (cd "doc/cookbook/curl-mock" && autoreconf -i); fi
- if [ -f "doc/cookbook/basic-streaming/" ]; then (cd "doc/cookbook/basic-streaming" && autoreconf -i); fi
@ -194,14 +183,14 @@ install:
- if [ -f "doc/cookbook/structuring-apis/" ]; then (cd "doc/cookbook/structuring-apis" && autoreconf -i); fi
- if [ -f "doc/cookbook/using-custom-monad/" ]; then (cd "doc/cookbook/using-custom-monad" && autoreconf -i); fi
- if [ -f "doc/cookbook/using-free-client/" ]; then (cd "doc/cookbook/using-free-client" && autoreconf -i); fi
- ${CABAL} v2-freeze $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} | color_cabal_output
- "cat cabal.project.freeze | sed -E 's/^(constraints: *| *)//' | sed 's/any.//'"
- rm cabal.project.freeze
- DISTDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/dist-test.XXXX)
# Packaging...
- echo 'Packaging...' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:sdist\\r'
- ${CABAL} v2-sdist all | color_cabal_output
- ${CABAL} v2-sdist all
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:sdist\\r'
# Unpacking...
- echo 'Unpacking...' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:unpack\\r'
@ -220,7 +209,6 @@ script:
- PKGDIR_servant_machines="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/servant-machines-[0-9.]*')"
- PKGDIR_servant_conduit="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/servant-conduit-[0-9.]*')"
- PKGDIR_servant_pipes="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/servant-pipes-[0-9.]*')"
- PKGDIR_servant_jsaddle="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/servant-jsaddle-[0-9.]*')"
- PKGDIR_cookbook_basic_auth="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/cookbook-basic-auth-[0-9.]*')"
- PKGDIR_cookbook_curl_mock="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/cookbook-curl-mock-[0-9.]*')"
- PKGDIR_cookbook_basic_streaming="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -regex '.*/cookbook-basic-streaming-[0-9.]*')"
@ -247,7 +235,6 @@ script:
if ! $GHCJS ; then echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_servant_machines}" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS ; then echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_servant_conduit}" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS ; then echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_servant_pipes}" >> cabal.project ; fi
if $GHCJS || ! $GHCJS && [ $HCNUMVER -lt 80800 ] ; then echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_servant_jsaddle}" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS && [ $HCNUMVER -ge 80400 ] ; then echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_cookbook_basic_auth}" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS && [ $HCNUMVER -ge 80400 ] ; then echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_cookbook_curl_mock}" >> cabal.project ; fi
if ! $GHCJS && [ $HCNUMVER -ge 80400 ] ; then echo "packages: ${PKGDIR_cookbook_basic_streaming}" >> cabal.project ; fi
@ -263,6 +250,7 @@ script:
echo "constraints: foundation >=0.0.14" >> cabal.project
echo "constraints: memory <0.14.12 || >0.14.12" >> cabal.project
echo "constraints: sqlite-simple < 0" >> cabal.project
echo "constraints: base-compat ^>=0.11" >> cabal.project
echo "allow-newer: aeson-pretty-0.8.7:base-compat" >> cabal.project
echo "allow-newer: vault-" >> cabal.project
echo "allow-newer: psqueues-" >> cabal.project
@ -272,7 +260,7 @@ script:
echo "allow-newer: io-streams-" >> cabal.project
echo "allow-newer: openssl-streams-" >> cabal.project
echo "optimization: False" >> cabal.project
- "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 's/-[^-]*$//' | (grep -vE -- '^(cookbook-basic-auth|cookbook-basic-streaming|cookbook-curl-mock|cookbook-db-postgres-pool|cookbook-file-upload|cookbook-generic|cookbook-pagination|cookbook-structuring-apis|cookbook-testing|cookbook-using-custom-monad|cookbook-using-free-client|servant|servant-client|servant-client-core|servant-conduit|servant-docs|servant-foreign|servant-http-streams|servant-jsaddle|servant-machines|servant-pipes|servant-server|tutorial)$' || true) | sed 's/^/constraints: /' | sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done"
- "for pkg in $($HCPKG list --simple-output); do echo $pkg | sed 's/-[^-]*$//' | (grep -vE -- '^(cookbook-basic-auth|cookbook-basic-streaming|cookbook-curl-mock|cookbook-db-postgres-pool|cookbook-file-upload|cookbook-generic|cookbook-pagination|cookbook-structuring-apis|cookbook-testing|cookbook-using-custom-monad|cookbook-using-free-client|servant|servant-client|servant-client-core|servant-conduit|servant-docs|servant-foreign|servant-http-streams|servant-machines|servant-pipes|servant-server|tutorial)$' || true) | sed 's/^/constraints: /' | sed 's/$/ installed/' >> cabal.project.local; done"
- cat cabal.project || true
- cat cabal.project.local || true
- |
@ -289,7 +277,6 @@ script:
servant-machines) echo ${PKGDIR_servant_machines} ;;
servant-conduit) echo ${PKGDIR_servant_conduit} ;;
servant-pipes) echo ${PKGDIR_servant_pipes} ;;
servant-jsaddle) echo ${PKGDIR_servant_jsaddle} ;;
cookbook-basic-auth) echo ${PKGDIR_cookbook_basic_auth} ;;
cookbook-curl-mock) echo ${PKGDIR_cookbook_curl_mock} ;;
cookbook-basic-streaming) echo ${PKGDIR_cookbook_basic_streaming} ;;
@ -307,15 +294,29 @@ script:
# Building with tests and benchmarks...
- echo 'Building with tests and benchmarks...' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:build-everything\\r'
# build & run tests, build benchmarks
- ${CABAL} v2-build $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all | color_cabal_output
- ${CABAL} v2-build $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:build-everything\\r'
# Testing...
- if ! $GHCJS ; then ${CABAL} v2-test $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all | color_cabal_output ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then ${CABAL} v2-test $WITHCOMPILER ${TEST} ${BENCH} all ; fi
- if $GHCJS ; then cabal-plan list-bins '*:test:*' | while read -r line; do testpkg=$(echo "$line" | perl -pe 's/:.*//'); testexe=$(echo "$line" | awk '{ print $2 }'); echo "testing $textexe in package $textpkg"; (cd "$(pkgdir $testpkg)" && nodejs "$testexe".jsexe/all.js); done ; fi
# Doctest...
- echo 'Doctest...' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:doctest\\r'
- perl -i -e 'while (<ARGV>) { print unless /package-id\s+(base-compat-batteries)-\d+(\.\d+)*/; }' .ghc.environment.*
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant} && doctest src) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant_client} && doctest src) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant_client_core} && doctest src) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant_http_streams} && doctest src) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant_docs} && doctest src) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant_foreign} && doctest src) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant_server} && doctest src) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant_machines} && doctest src) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant_conduit} && doctest src) ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then (cd ${PKGDIR_servant_pipes} && doctest src) ; fi
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:doctest\\r'
# haddock...
- echo 'haddock...' && echo -en 'travis_fold:start:haddock\\r'
- if ! $GHCJS ; then ${CABAL} v2-haddock $WITHCOMPILER --with-haddock $HADDOCK ${TEST} ${BENCH} all | color_cabal_output ; fi
- if ! $GHCJS ; then ${CABAL} v2-haddock $WITHCOMPILER --with-haddock $HADDOCK ${TEST} ${BENCH} all ; fi
- echo -en 'travis_fold:end:haddock\\r'
# REGENDATA ["--config=cabal.haskell-ci","--output=.travis.yml","cabal.project"]
# REGENDATA ("0.9.20200110",["--config=cabal.haskell-ci","--output=.travis.yml","cabal.project"])

View file

@ -35,7 +35,34 @@ Some things we like:
Though we aren't sticklers for style, the `.stylish-haskell.yaml` and `HLint.hs`
files in the repository provide a good baseline for consistency.
**Important**: please do not modify the changelog files nor the versions of the servant packages you are sending patches for. We take care of this before every release and do it uniformly for all the servant packages, so there's no need to worry about this for your pull requests.
**Important**: please do not modify the versions of the servant packages you are sending patches for.
## Changelog entries
We experiment with using [changelog-d tool]( to assemble changelogs.
You are not required to install it.
In each PR please add a file to `changelog.d` directory named after issue you are solving or the pull request itself (in a separate commit after you know the pull request number). For example
synopsis: One sentence summary of the change.
prs: #1219
issues: #1028
description: {
A longer description. Small changes don't need this.
Bigger ones definitely do, for example we try to include migration hints
for breaking changes.
However if you don't know what to write, that's ok too.
By the way, the braces around are omitted when the file is parsed.
They can be used so the field doesn't need to be indented, which is handy
for prose.
## PR process

View file

@ -20,3 +20,13 @@ build-ghcjs :
packdeps :
packdeps */*.cabal
doctest : doctest-servant doctest-servant-server
perl -i -e 'while (<ARGV>) { print unless /package-id\s+base-compat-\d+(\.\d+)*/; }' .ghc.environment.*
doctest-servant :
(cd servant && doctest src)
(cd servant && doctest test/Servant/LinksSpec.hs)
doctest-servant-server :
(cd servant-server && doctest src)

View file

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
distribution: bionic
folds: all-but-test
branches: master
jobs-selection: any
google-chrome: True
ghcjs-tests: True
doctest: True
doctest-filter-packages: base-compat-batteries
doctest-skip: tutorial
ghcjs-tools: hspec-discover

View file

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ packages:
-- servant GHCJS
-- packages:
-- servant-jsaddle/
-- Cookbooks
@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ packages:
-- doc/cookbook/open-id-connect
tests: True
optimization: False
-- reorder-goals: True
@ -62,3 +60,8 @@ allow-newer: openssl-streams-
-- MonadFail
constraints: sqlite-simple < 0
constraints: base-compat ^>=0.11
-- needed for doctests
write-ghc-environment-files: always

changelog.d/config Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
organization: haskell-servant
repository: servant

changelog.d/issue1028 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
synopsis: Add NoContentVerb
prs: #1228 #1219
issues: #1028
significance: significant
description: {
The `NoContent` API endpoints should now use `NoContentVerb` combinator.
The API type changes are usually of the kind
- :<|> PostNoContent '[JSON] NoContent
+ :<|> PostNoContent
i.e. one doesn't need to specify the content-type anymore. There is no content.

changelog.d/issue1200 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
synopsis: Fix Verb with headers checking content type differently
packages: servant-client-core servant-client
prs: #1204
issues: #1200
packages: servant-client servant-client-core servant-http-streams
description: {
For `Verb`s with response `Headers`, the implementation didn't check
for the content-type of the response. Now it does.

changelog.d/issue1240 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
synopsis: Merge documentation from duplicate routes
packages: servant-docs
prs: #1241
issues: #1240
description: {
Servant supports defining the same route multiple times with different
content-types and result-types, but servant-docs was only documenting
the first of copy of such duplicated routes. It now combines the
documentation from all the copies.
Unfortunately, it is not yet possible for the documentation to specify
multiple status codes.

changelog.d/jsaddle Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
synopsis: Progress on servant-jsaddle
packages: servant-jsaddle
prs: #1216

changelog.d/pr1156 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
synopsis: `Capture` can be `Lenient`
issues: #1155
prs: #1156
significance: significant
description: {
You can specify a lenient capture as
:<|> "capture-lenient" :> Capture' '[Lenient] "foo" Int :> GET
which will make the capture always succeed. Handlers will be of the
type `Either String CapturedType`, where `Left err` represents
the possible parse failure.

changelog.d/pr1190 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
synopsis: Add sponsorship button
prs: #1190
description: {

changelog.d/pr1194 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
synopsis: Prevent race-conditions in testing
packages: servant-docs
prs: #1194

changelog.d/pr1197 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
synopsis: `HasClient` instance for `Stream` with `Headers`
packages: servant-client servant-client servant-http-streams
prs: #1197
issues: #1170

changelog.d/pr1201 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
synopsis: Remove unused extensions from cabal file
packages: servant
prs: #1201

changelog.d/pr1213 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
synopsis: Added a function to create Client.Request in ClientEnv
packages: servant-client
significance: significant
prs: #1213 #1255
description: {
The new member `makeClientRequest` of `ClientEnv` is used to create
`http-client` `Request` from `servant-client-core` `Request`.
This functionality can be used for example to set
dynamic timeouts for each request.

changelog.d/pr1238 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
synopsis: Redact the authorization header in Show and exceptions
packages: servant-client
prs: #1238

changelog.d/pr1249 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
synopsis: use queryString to parse QueryParam, QueryParams and QueryFlag
packages: servant-server
prs: #1249 #1262
significance: significant
description: {
Some APIs need query parameters rewriting, e.g. in order to support
for multiple casing (camel, snake, etc) or something to that effect.
This could be easily achieved by using WAI Middleware and modyfing
request's `Query`. But QueryParam, QueryParams and QueryFlag use
`rawQueryString`. By using `queryString` rather then `rawQueryString`
we can enable such rewritings.

changelog.d/pr1263 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
synopsis: Make packages `build-type: Simple`
packages: servant servant-server
prs: #1263
significance: significant
description: {
We used `build-type: Custom`, but it's problematic e.g.
for cross-compiling. The benefit is small, as the doctests
can be run other ways too (though not so conviniently).

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
synopsis: Try changelog-d for changelog management
prs: #1230
description: {
Check the []( for details

changelog.d/z-ci-tweaks Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
synopsis: CI and testing tweaks.
description: {
We are experiencing some bitrotting of cookbook recipe dependencies,
therefore some of them aren't build as part of our CI anymore.

changelog.d/z-cookbook Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
synopsis: New cookbook recipes
prs: #1171 #1088 #1198
description: {
- [OIDC Recipe](#TODO)
- [MySQL Recipe](#TODO)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
synopsis: Dependency upgrades

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
synopsis: Documentation updates

View file

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ Now we can use `servant-client`'s internals to convert servant's `Request`
to http-client's `Request`, and we can inspect it:
let req' = I.requestToClientRequest burl req
let req' = I.defaultMakeClientRequest burl req
putStrLn $ "Making request: " ++ show req'

View file

@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ genAuthAPI = Proxy
Now we need to bring everything together for the server. We have the
`AuthHandler Request Account` value and an `AuthProtected` endpoint. To bind these
together, we need to provide a [Type Family](
together, we need to provide a [Type Family](
instance that tells the `HasServer` instance that our `Context` will supply a
`Account` (via `AuthHandler Request Account`) and that downstream combinators will
have access to this `Account` value (or an error will be thrown if authentication
@ -368,10 +368,10 @@ genAuthMain = run 8080 (serveWithContext genAuthAPI genAuthServerContext genAuth
$ curl -XGET localhost:8080/private
Missing auth header
$ curl -XGET localhost:8080/private -H "servant-auth-cookie: key3"
$ curl -XGET localhost:8080/private -H "Cookie: servant-auth-cookie=key3"
[{"ssshhh":"this is a secret: Ghédalia Tazartès"}]
$ curl -XGET localhost:8080/private -H "servant-auth-cookie: bad-key"
$ curl -XGET localhost:8080/private -H "Cookie: servant-auth-cookie=bad-key"
Invalid Cookie
$ curl -XGET localhost:8080/public

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
# Querying an API
While defining handlers that [serve an API](Server.lhs) has a lot to it, querying an API is simpler: we do not care about what happens inside the webserver, we just need to know how to talk to it and get a response back. That said, we usually have to write the querying functions by hand because the structure of the API isn't a first class citizen and can't be inspected to generate the client-side functions.
While defining handlers that [serve an API](Server.html) has a lot to it, querying an API is simpler: we do not care about what happens inside the webserver, we just need to know how to talk to it and get a response back. That said, we usually have to write the querying functions by hand because the structure of the API isn't a first class citizen and can't be inspected to generate the client-side functions.
**servant** however has a way to inspect APIs, because APIs are just Haskell types and (GHC) Haskell lets us do quite a few things with types. In the same way that we look at an API type to deduce the types the handlers should have, we can inspect the structure of the API to *derive* Haskell functions that take one argument for each occurrence of `Capture`, `ReqBody`, `QueryParam`
and friends (see [the tutorial introduction](ApiType.lhs) for an overview). By *derive*, we mean that there's no code generation involved - the functions are defined just by the structure of the API type.
and friends (see [the tutorial introduction](ApiType.html) for an overview). By *derive*, we mean that there's no code generation involved - the functions are defined just by the structure of the API type.
The source for this tutorial section is a literate Haskell file, so first we need to have some language extensions and imports:

View file

@ -1 +1,11 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}
module Main where
import qualified JavascriptSpec
import Test.Hspec (Spec, hspec, describe)
main :: IO ()
main = hspec spec
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Javascript" JavascriptSpec.spec

View file

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ library
blaze-html >= && < 0.10
, blaze-markup >= && < 0.9
, cookie >= 0.4.3 && < 0.5
, js-jquery >= 3.2.1 && < 3.3
, js-jquery >= 3.3.1 && < 3.4
, lucid >= 2.9.11 && < 2.10
, random >= 1.1 && < 1.2
, servant-js >= 0.9 && < 0.10
@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ test-suite spec
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Spec.hs
other-modules: JavascriptSpec
build-depends: base
, tutorial
, hspec

View file

@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ test-suite spec
main-is: Spec.hs
-- Dependencies inherited from the library. No need to specify bounds.

View file

@ -67,8 +67,32 @@ data RequestF body path = Request
, requestHeaders :: Seq.Seq Header
, requestHttpVersion :: HttpVersion
, requestMethod :: Method
} deriving (Generic, Typeable, Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
} deriving (Generic, Typeable, Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance (Show a, Show b) =>
Show (Servant.Client.Core.Request.RequestF a b) where
showsPrec p req
= showParen
(p >= 11)
( showString "Request {requestPath = "
. showsPrec 0 (requestPath req)
. showString ", requestQueryString = "
. showsPrec 0 (requestQueryString req)
. showString ", requestBody = "
. showsPrec 0 (requestBody req)
. showString ", requestAccept = "
. showsPrec 0 (requestAccept req)
. showString ", requestHeaders = "
. showsPrec 0 (redactSensitiveHeader <$> requestHeaders req))
. showString ", requestHttpVersion = "
. showsPrec 0 (requestHttpVersion req)
. showString ", requestMethod = "
. showsPrec 0 (requestMethod req)
. showString "}"
redactSensitiveHeader :: Header -> Header
redactSensitiveHeader ("Authorization", _) = ("Authorization", "<REDACTED>")
redactSensitiveHeader h = h
instance Bifunctor RequestF where bimap = bimapDefault
instance Bifoldable RequestF where bifoldMap = bifoldMapDefault
instance Bitraversable RequestF where

View file

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Servant.Client.Core.RequestSpec (spec) where
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Monad
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
import Servant.Client.Core.Request
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Request" $ do
describe "show" $ do
it "redacts the authorization header" $ do
let request = void $ defaultRequest { requestHeaders = pure ("authorization", "secret") }
isInfixOf "secret" (show request) `shouldBe` False

View file

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
[The latest version of this document is on GitHub.](
[Changelog for `servant` package contains significant entries for all core packages.](
- Allow `base-compat-0.11`

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cabal-version: >=1.10
name: servant-client
version: 0.16
synopsis: Automatic derivation of querying functions for servant
category: Servant, Web

View file

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Servant.Client
, runClientM
, ClientEnv(..)
, mkClientEnv
, defaultMakeClientRequest
, hoistClient
, module Servant.Client.Core.Reexport
) where

View file

@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
(modifyMVar, newMVar)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import Control.Exception
(SomeException (..), catch)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Base
(MonadBase (..))
import Control.Monad.Catch
@ -27,15 +28,18 @@ import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
(MonadError (..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
(MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Reader
(MonadReader, ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.STM
(STM, atomically)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
(MonadBaseControl (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
(ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Data.Bifunctor
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
@ -64,20 +68,31 @@ import Network.HTTP.Types
(hContentType, renderQuery, statusCode)
import Servant.Client.Core
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as Client
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
-- | The environment in which a request is run.
-- The 'baseUrl' and 'makeClientRequest' function are used to create a @http-client@ request.
-- Cookies are then added to that request if a 'CookieJar' is set on the environment.
-- Finally the request is executed with the 'manager'.
-- The 'makeClientRequest' function can be used to modify the request to execute and set values which
-- are not specified on a @servant@ 'Request' like 'responseTimeout' or 'redirectCount'
data ClientEnv
= ClientEnv
{ manager :: Client.Manager
, baseUrl :: BaseUrl
, cookieJar :: Maybe (TVar Client.CookieJar)
, makeClientRequest :: BaseUrl -> Request -> Client.Request
-- ^ this function can be used to customize the creation of @http-client@ requests from @servant@ requests. Default value: 'defaultMakeClientRequest'
-- Note that:
-- 1. 'makeClientRequest' exists to allow overriding operational semantics e.g. 'responseTimeout' per request,
-- If you need global modifications, you should use 'managerModifyRequest'
-- 2. the 'cookieJar', if defined, is being applied after 'makeClientRequest' is called.
-- | 'ClientEnv' smart constructor.
mkClientEnv :: Client.Manager -> BaseUrl -> ClientEnv
mkClientEnv mgr burl = ClientEnv mgr burl Nothing
mkClientEnv mgr burl = ClientEnv mgr burl Nothing defaultMakeClientRequest
-- | Generates a set of client functions for an API.
@ -148,8 +163,8 @@ runClientM cm env = runExceptT $ flip runReaderT env $ unClientM cm
performRequest :: Request -> ClientM Response
performRequest req = do
ClientEnv m burl cookieJar' <- ask
let clientRequest = requestToClientRequest burl req
ClientEnv m burl cookieJar' createClientRequest <- ask
let clientRequest = createClientRequest burl req
request <- case cookieJar' of
Nothing -> pure clientRequest
Just cj -> liftIO $ do
@ -158,7 +173,7 @@ performRequest req = do
oldCookieJar <- readTVar cj
let (newRequest, newCookieJar) =
(requestToClientRequest burl req)
writeTVar cj newCookieJar
@ -211,8 +226,11 @@ clientResponseToResponse f r = Response
, responseHttpVersion = Client.responseVersion r
requestToClientRequest :: BaseUrl -> Request -> Client.Request
requestToClientRequest burl r = Client.defaultRequest
-- | Create a @http-client@ 'Client.Request' from a @servant@ 'Request'
-- The '', 'Client.path' and 'Client.port' fields are extracted from the 'BaseUrl'
-- otherwise the body, headers and query string are derived from the @servant@ 'Request'
defaultMakeClientRequest :: BaseUrl -> Request -> Client.Request
defaultMakeClientRequest burl r = Client.defaultRequest
{ Client.method = requestMethod r
, = fromString $ baseUrlHost burl
, Client.port = baseUrlPort burl

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Servant.Client.Internal.HttpClient.Streaming (
ClientEnv (..),
) where
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ import Servant.Client.Core
import Servant.Client.Internal.HttpClient
(ClientEnv (..), catchConnectionError,
clientResponseToResponse, mkClientEnv, mkFailureResponse,
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ runClientM cm env = withClientM cm env (evaluate . force)
performRequest :: Request -> ClientM Response
performRequest req = do
-- TODO: should use Client.withResponse here too
ClientEnv m burl cookieJar' <- ask
let clientRequest = requestToClientRequest burl req
ClientEnv m burl cookieJar' createClientRequest <- ask
let clientRequest = createClientRequest burl req
request <- case cookieJar' of
Nothing -> pure clientRequest
Just cj -> liftIO $ do
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ performRequest req = do
oldCookieJar <- readTVar cj
let (newRequest, newCookieJar) =
(requestToClientRequest burl req)
writeTVar cj newCookieJar
@ -173,7 +173,8 @@ performWithStreamingRequest :: Request -> (StreamingResponse -> IO a) -> ClientM
performWithStreamingRequest req k = do
m <- asks manager
burl <- asks baseUrl
let request = requestToClientRequest burl req
createClientRequest <- asks makeClientRequest
let request = createClientRequest burl req
ClientM $ lift $ lift $ Codensity $ \k1 ->
Client.withResponse request m $ \res -> do
let status = Client.responseStatus res

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Servant.Client.Streaming
, runClientM
, ClientEnv(..)
, mkClientEnv
, defaultMakeClientRequest
, hoistClient
, module Servant.Client.Core.Reexport
) where

View file

@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ type Api =
:<|> "params" :> QueryParams "names" String :> Get '[JSON] [Person]
:<|> "flag" :> QueryFlag "flag" :> Get '[JSON] Bool
:<|> "rawSuccess" :> Raw
:<|> "rawSuccessPassHeaders" :> Raw
:<|> "rawFailure" :> Raw
:<|> "multiple" :>
Capture "first" String :>
@ -118,6 +119,7 @@ getQueryParam :: Maybe String -> ClientM Person
getQueryParams :: [String] -> ClientM [Person]
getQueryFlag :: Bool -> ClientM Bool
getRawSuccess :: HTTP.Method -> ClientM Response
getRawSuccessPassHeaders :: HTTP.Method -> ClientM Response
getRawFailure :: HTTP.Method -> ClientM Response
getMultiple :: String -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> [(String, [Rational])]
-> ClientM (String, Maybe Int, Bool, [(String, [Rational])])
@ -135,6 +137,7 @@ getRoot
:<|> getQueryParams
:<|> getQueryFlag
:<|> getRawSuccess
:<|> getRawSuccessPassHeaders
:<|> getRawFailure
:<|> getMultiple
:<|> getRespHeaders
@ -157,6 +160,7 @@ server = serve api (
:<|> (\ names -> return (zipWith Person names [0..]))
:<|> return
:<|> (Tagged $ \ _request respond -> respond $ Wai.responseLBS HTTP.ok200 [] "rawSuccess")
:<|> (Tagged $ \ request respond -> (respond $ Wai.responseLBS HTTP.ok200 (Wai.requestHeaders $ request) "rawSuccess"))
:<|> (Tagged $ \ _request respond -> respond $ Wai.responseLBS HTTP.badRequest400 [] "rawFailure")
:<|> (\ a b c d -> return (a, b, c, d))
:<|> (return $ addHeader 1729 $ addHeader "eg2" True)

View file

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ import Servant.API
(NoContent (NoContent), getHeaders)
import Servant.Client
import qualified Servant.Client.Core.Request as Req
import Servant.Client.Internal.HttpClient (defaultMakeClientRequest)
import Servant.Test.ComprehensiveAPI
import Servant.ClientTestUtils
@ -125,11 +126,24 @@ successSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp server) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
it "Stores Cookie in CookieJar after a redirect" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
mgr <- C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
cj <- atomically . newTVar $ C.createCookieJar []
_ <- runClientM (getRedirectWithCookie HTTP.methodGet) (ClientEnv mgr baseUrl (Just cj))
_ <- runClientM (getRedirectWithCookie HTTP.methodGet) (ClientEnv mgr baseUrl (Just cj) defaultMakeClientRequest)
cookie <- listToMaybe . C.destroyCookieJar <$> atomically (readTVar cj)
C.cookie_name <$> cookie `shouldBe` Just "testcookie"
C.cookie_value <$> cookie `shouldBe` Just "test"
it "Can modify the outgoing Request using the ClientEnv" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
mgr <- C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
-- In proper situation, extra headers should probably be visible in API type.
-- However, testing for response timeout is difficult, so we test with something which is easy to observe
let createClientRequest url r = (defaultMakeClientRequest url r) { C.requestHeaders = [("X-Added-Header", "XXX")] }
let clientEnv = (mkClientEnv mgr baseUrl) { makeClientRequest = createClientRequest }
res <- runClientM (getRawSuccessPassHeaders HTTP.methodGet) clientEnv
case res of
Left e ->
assertFailure $ show e
Right r ->
("X-Added-Header", "XXX") `elem` toList (responseHeaders r) `shouldBe` True
modifyMaxSuccess (const 20) $ do
it "works for a combination of Capture, QueryParam, QueryFlag and ReqBody" $ \(_, baseUrl) ->
property $ forAllShrink pathGen shrink $ \(NonEmpty cap) num flag body ->
@ -137,4 +151,3 @@ successSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp server) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
result <- left show <$> runClient (getMultiple cap num flag body) baseUrl
return $
result === Right (cap, num, flag, body)

View file

@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ test-suite example
, servant-server >=0.15 && <0.17
, servant-client >=0.15 && <0.17
, wai >= && <3.3
, warp >=3.2.25 && <3.3
, warp >=3.2.25 && <3.4
, http-client
default-language: Haskell2010

View file

@ -134,7 +134,8 @@ instance Semigroup API where
(<>) = mappend
instance Monoid API where
API a1 b1 `mappend` API a2 b2 = API (a1 `mappend` a2) (b1 `mappend` b2)
API a1 b1 `mappend` API a2 b2 = API (a1 `mappend` a2)
(HM.unionWith combineAction b1 b2)
mempty = API mempty mempty
-- | An empty 'API'
@ -243,6 +244,15 @@ data Response = Response
, _respHeaders :: [HTTP.Header]
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Combine two Responses, we can't make a monoid because merging Status breaks
-- the laws.
-- As such, we invent a non-commutative, left associative operation
-- 'combineResponse' to mush two together taking the status from the very left.
combineResponse :: Response -> Response -> Response
Response s ts bs hs `combineResponse` Response _ ts' bs' hs'
= Response s (ts <> ts') (bs <> bs') (hs <> hs')
-- | Default response: status code 200, no response body.
-- Can be tweaked with four lenses.
@ -287,11 +297,10 @@ data Action = Action
-- laws.
-- As such, we invent a non-commutative, left associative operation
-- 'combineAction' to mush two together taking the response, body and content
-- types from the very left.
-- 'combineAction' to mush two together taking the response from the very left.
combineAction :: Action -> Action -> Action
Action a c h p n m ts body resp `combineAction` Action a' c' h' p' n' m' _ _ _ =
Action (a <> a') (c <> c') (h <> h') (p <> p') (n <> n') (m <> m') ts body resp
Action a c h p n m ts body resp `combineAction` Action a' c' h' p' n' m' ts' body' resp' =
Action (a <> a') (c <> c') (h <> h') (p <> p') (n <> n') (m <> m') (ts <> ts') (body <> body') (resp `combineResponse` resp')
-- | Default 'Action'. Has no 'captures', no query 'params', expects
-- no request body ('rqbody') and the typical response is 'defResponse'.

View file

@ -73,8 +73,10 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Docs" $ do
golden "comprehensive API" "golden/" (markdown comprehensiveDocs)
describe "markdown" $ do
let md = markdown (docs (Proxy :: Proxy TestApi1))
tests md
let md1 = markdown (docs (Proxy :: Proxy TestApi1))
tests1 md1
let md2 = markdown (docs (Proxy :: Proxy TestApi2))
tests2 md2
describe "markdown with extra info" $ do
@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Docs" $ do
(Proxy :: Proxy ("postJson" :> ReqBody '[JSON] String :> Post '[JSON] Datatype1))
(defAction & notes <>~ [DocNote "Post data" ["Posts some Json data"]])
md = markdown (docsWith defaultDocOptions [] extra (Proxy :: Proxy TestApi1))
tests md
tests1 md
it "contains the extra info provided" $ do
md `shouldContain` "Get an Integer"
md `shouldContain` "Post data"
@ -114,7 +116,7 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Docs" $ do
tests md = do
tests1 md = do
it "mentions supported content-types" $ do
md `shouldContain` "application/json"
md `shouldContain` "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
@ -149,6 +151,11 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Docs" $ do
it "does not generate any docs mentioning the 'empty-api' path" $
md `shouldNotContain` "empty-api"
tests2 md = do
it "mentions the content-types from both copies of the route" $ do
md `shouldContain` "application/json"
md `shouldContain` "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
-- * APIs
@ -178,6 +185,10 @@ type TestApi1 = Get '[JSON, PlainText] (Headers '[Header "Location" String] Int)
:<|> "header" :> Header "X-Test" Int :> Put '[JSON] Int
:<|> "empty-api" :> EmptyAPI
type TestApi2 = "duplicate-endpoint" :> Get '[JSON] Datatype1
:<|> "duplicate-endpoint" :> Get '[PlainText] Int
data TT = TT1 | TT2 deriving (Show, Eq)
data UT = UT1 | UT2 deriving (Show, Eq)

View file

@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
[The latest version of this document is on GitHub.](
[Changelog for `servant` package contains significant entries for all core packages.](
- Allow `base-compat-0.11`

View file

@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import Control.DeepSeq
(NFData, force)
import Control.Exception
(IOException, SomeException (..), catch, evaluate, throwIO)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Base
(MonadBase (..))
import Control.Monad.Codensity
@ -25,9 +27,13 @@ import Control.Monad.Codensity
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
(MonadError (..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
(MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Reader
(MonadReader, ReaderT, ask, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
(ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Data.Bifunctor
(bimap, first)
import Data.ByteString.Builder

View file

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Initial release

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Zalora South East Asia Pte Ltd, Servant Contributors
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Zalora South East Asia Pte Ltd nor the names of other
contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
from this software without specific prior written permission.

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
# `servant-client-jsaddle`
This is a an implementation of the `servant-client-core` API on top of `jsaddle`, a framework that lets you write Haskell programs that compile to javascript to run in a browser or compile to native code that connects to a browser.
It is similar to `servant-client-ghcjs`, except it supports native compilation and native GHCi. It even reuses some of the logic from `servant-client-ghcjs`.
# Build
This package comes with a test suite that depends on `jsaddle-webkit2gtk`. You may want to skip that because of the heavy dependency footprint.
cabal new-build --allow-newer=aeson,http-types --disable-tests
# Usage
TBD. Similar to `servant-client` and `servant-client-ghcjs`.

View file

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

View file

@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
name: servant-jsaddle
version: 0.16
automatic derivation of querying functions for servant webservices for jsaddle
This library lets you automatically derive Haskell functions that
let you query each endpoint of a < servant> webservice.
See < the client section of the tutorial>.
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Servant Contributors
2014-2016 Zalora South East Asia Pte Ltd, 2016-2017 Servant Contributors
category: Servant, Web
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
GHC ==8.0.2 || ==8.2.2 || ==8.4.4 || ==8.6.5
, GHCJS ==8.4
source-repository head
type: git
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: src
ghc-options: -Wall
-- Bundled with GHC: Lower bound to not force re-installs
-- text and mtl are bundled starting with GHC-8.4
base >=4.9 && <4.13
, bytestring >= && <0.11
, containers >= && <0.7
, mtl >=2.2.2 && <2.3
, text >= && <1.3
, transformers >= && <0.6
if impl(ghcjs -any)
build-depends: ghcjs-base
-- Servant dependencies.
-- Strict dependency on `servant-client-core` as we re-export things.
build-depends: servant-client-core >=0.16 && <0.16.1
base-compat >=0.10.5 && <0.11
, case-insensitive >= && <1.3
, exceptions >=0.10.0 && <0.11
, ghcjs-dom
, http-media >= && <0.9
, http-types >=0.12.2 && <0.13
, jsaddle >= && <0.10
, monad-control >= && <1.1
, semigroupoids >=5.3.1 && <5.4
, string-conversions >=0.3 && <0.5
, transformers-base >=0.4.4 && <0.5
if impl(ghc >=8.0)
ghc-options: -Wno-redundant-constraints
test-suite spec
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
ghc-options: -Wall
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: test
main-is: Spec.hs
if impl(ghcjs -any)
, servant-jsaddle
other-modules: Servant.Client.JSaddleSpec
-- Dependencies inherited from the library. No need to specify bounds.
, bytestring
, containers
, exceptions
, ghcjs-dom
, http-media
, http-types
, jsaddle
, mtl
, process
, semigroupoids
, servant
, servant-client-core
, servant-jsaddle
, servant-server
, string-conversions
, text
, wai
, wai-cors
, wai-extra
, warp
, websockets
-- Additonal dependencies
, hspec
, jsaddle-warp
, QuickCheck
build-tool-depends: hspec-discover:hspec-discover >=2.4.4 && <2.5

View file

@ -1,311 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Servant.Client.Internal.JSaddleXhrClient where
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Concurrent
(MVar, newEmptyMVar, takeMVar, tryPutMVar)
import Control.Exception
(Exception, toException)
import Control.Monad
(forM_, unless, void)
import Control.Monad.Catch
(MonadCatch, MonadThrow, catch)
import Control.Monad.Error.Class
(MonadError (..))
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
(MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Reader
(MonadReader, ReaderT, asks, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
(ExceptT, runExceptT)
import Data.Bifunctor
(bimap, first, second)
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.CaseInsensitive
(mk, original)
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Alt
(Alt (..))
import Data.Proxy
(Proxy (..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.String.Conversions
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T
import GHC.Generics
import qualified GHCJS.Buffer as Buffer
import qualified GHCJS.DOM
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.EventM as JSDOM
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Location as Location
import GHCJS.DOM.Types
(DOM, DOMContext, askDOM, runDOM)
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as JS
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Window as Window
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.XMLHttpRequest as JS
import qualified JavaScript.TypedArray.ArrayBuffer as ArrayBuffer
import qualified Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Types as JSaddle
import Network.HTTP.Media
import Network.HTTP.Types
(ResponseHeaders, http11, mkStatus, renderQuery, statusCode)
import System.IO
(hPutStrLn, stderr)
import Servant.Client.Core
-- Note: assuming encoding UTF-8
data ClientEnv
= ClientEnv
{ baseUrl :: BaseUrl
-- | Modify the XMLHttpRequest at will, right before sending.
, fixUpXhr :: JS.XMLHttpRequest -> DOM ()
data JSaddleConnectionError = JSaddleConnectionError
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Exception JSaddleConnectionError
-- | Default 'ClientEnv'
mkClientEnv :: BaseUrl -> ClientEnv
mkClientEnv burl = ClientEnv burl (const (pure ()))
instance Show ClientEnv where
showsPrec prec (ClientEnv burl _) =
showParen (prec >= 11)
( showString "ClientEnv {"
. showString "baseUrl = "
. showsPrec 0 burl
. showString ", fixUpXhr = <function>"
. showString "}"
client :: HasClient ClientM api => Proxy api -> Client ClientM api
client api = api `clientIn` (Proxy :: Proxy ClientM)
newtype ClientM a = ClientM
{ fromClientM :: ReaderT ClientEnv (ExceptT ClientError DOM) a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, Generic
, MonadReader ClientEnv, MonadError ClientError)
deriving instance MonadThrow DOM => MonadThrow ClientM
deriving instance MonadCatch DOM => MonadCatch ClientM
-- | Try clients in order, last error is preserved.
instance Alt ClientM where
a <!> b = a `catchError` const b
instance RunClient ClientM where
throwClientError = throwError
runRequest r = do
d <- ClientM askDOM
performRequest d r
runClientM :: ClientM a -> ClientEnv -> DOM (Either ClientError a)
runClientM cm env = runExceptT $ flip runReaderT env $ fromClientM cm
runClientM' :: ClientM a -> DOM (Either ClientError a)
runClientM' m = do
burl <- getDefaultBaseUrl
runClientM m (mkClientEnv burl)
getDefaultBaseUrl :: DOM BaseUrl
getDefaultBaseUrl = do
win <- GHCJS.DOM.currentWindow >>= \mw -> case mw of
Just x -> pure x
Nothing -> fail "Can not determine default base url without window."
curLoc <- Window.getLocation win
protocolStr <- Location.getProtocol curLoc
portStr <- Location.getPort curLoc
hostname <- Location.getHostname curLoc
let protocol
| (protocolStr :: JS.JSString) == "https:"
= Https
| otherwise = Http
port :: Int
port | null portStr = case protocol of
Http -> 80
Https -> 443
| otherwise = read portStr
pure (BaseUrl protocol hostname port "")
performRequest :: DOMContext -> Request -> ClientM Response
performRequest domc req = do
xhr <- JS.newXMLHttpRequest `runDOM` domc
burl <- asks baseUrl
fixUp <- asks fixUpXhr
performXhr xhr burl req fixUp `runDOM` domc
resp <- toResponse domc xhr
let status = statusCode (responseStatusCode resp)
unless (status >= 200 && status < 300) $
throwError $ mkFailureResponse burl req resp
pure resp
-- * performing requests
-- Performs the xhr and blocks until the response was received
performXhr :: JS.XMLHttpRequest -> BaseUrl -> Request -> (JS.XMLHttpRequest -> DOM ()) -> DOM ()
performXhr xhr burl request fixUp = do
let username, password :: Maybe JS.JSString
username = Nothing; password = Nothing xhr (decodeUtf8Lenient $ requestMethod request) (toUrl burl request) True username password
setHeaders xhr request
fixUp xhr
waiter <- liftIO $ newEmptyMVar
cleanup <- JSDOM.on xhr JS.readyStateChange $ do
state <- JS.getReadyState xhr
case state of
-- onReadyStateChange's callback can fire state 4
-- (which means "request finished and response is ready")
-- multiple times. By using tryPutMVar, only the first time
-- state 4 is fired will cause an MVar to be put. Subsequent
-- fires are ignored.
4 -> void $ liftIO $ tryPutMVar waiter ()
_ -> return ()
sendXhr xhr (toBody request) `catch` handleXHRError waiter -- We handle any errors in `toResponse`.
liftIO $ takeMVar waiter
handleXHRError :: MVar () -> JS.XHRError -> DOM ()
handleXHRError waiter e = do
liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "servant-client-jsaddle: exception in `sendXhr` (should get handled in response handling): " <> show e
void $ liftIO $ tryPutMVar waiter ()
toUrl :: BaseUrl -> Request -> JS.JSString
toUrl burl request =
let pathS = JS.toJSString $ decodeUtf8Lenient $ L.toStrict $ toLazyByteString $
requestPath request
queryS =
JS.toJSString $ decodeUtf8Lenient $
renderQuery True $
toList $
requestQueryString request
in JS.toJSString (showBaseUrl burl) <> pathS <> queryS :: JS.JSString
setHeaders :: JS.XMLHttpRequest -> Request -> DOM ()
setHeaders xhr request = do
forM_ (toList $ requestAccept request) $ \mediaType -> -- FIXME review
("Accept" :: JS.JSString)
(decodeUtf8Lenient $ renderHeader mediaType)
forM_ (requestBody request) $ \(_, mediaType) ->
("Content-Type" :: JS.JSString)
(decodeUtf8Lenient $ renderHeader mediaType)
forM_ (toList $ requestHeaders request) $ \(key, value) ->
JS.setRequestHeader xhr (decodeUtf8Lenient $ original key) (decodeUtf8Lenient value)
-- ArrayBufferView is a type that only exists in the spec and covers many concrete types.
castMutableArrayBufferToArrayBufferView :: ArrayBuffer.MutableArrayBuffer -> DOM JS.ArrayBufferView
castMutableArrayBufferToArrayBufferView x = JS.liftJSM $ do
JS.fromJSValUnchecked $ JS.pToJSVal x
mkFailureResponse :: BaseUrl -> Request -> ResponseF BSL.ByteString -> ClientError
mkFailureResponse burl request =
FailureResponse (bimap (const ()) f request)
f b = (burl, BSL.toStrict $ toLazyByteString b)
sendXhr :: JS.XMLHttpRequest -> Maybe L.ByteString -> DOM ()
sendXhr xhr Nothing = JS.send xhr
sendXhr xhr (Just body) = do
-- Reason for copy: hopefully offset will be 0 and length b == len
-- FIXME: use a typed array constructor that accepts offset and length and skip the copy
(b, _offset, _len) <- JSaddle.ghcjsPure $ Buffer.fromByteString $ BS.copy $ L.toStrict body
b' <- Buffer.thaw b
b'' <- JSaddle.ghcjsPure $ Buffer.getArrayBuffer b'
JS.sendArrayBuffer xhr =<< castMutableArrayBufferToArrayBufferView b''
toBody :: Request -> Maybe L.ByteString
toBody request = case requestBody request of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (RequestBodyLBS "", _) -> Nothing
Just (RequestBodyLBS x, _) -> Just x
Just (RequestBodyBS "", _) -> Nothing
Just (RequestBodyBS x, _) -> Just $ L.fromStrict x
Just (RequestBodySource _, _) -> error "RequestBodySource isn't supported"
-- * inspecting the xhr response
-- This function is only supposed to handle 'ConnectionError's. Other
-- 'ClientError's are created in Servant.Client.Req.
toResponse :: DOMContext -> JS.XMLHttpRequest -> ClientM Response
toResponse domc xhr = do
let inDom :: DOM a -> ClientM a
inDom = flip runDOM domc
status <- inDom $ JS.getStatus xhr
case status of
0 -> throwError $ ConnectionError $ toException JSaddleConnectionError
_ -> inDom $ do
statusText <- BS.pack <$> JS.getStatusText xhr
headers <- parseHeaders <$> JS.getAllResponseHeaders xhr
responseText <- maybe "" (L.fromStrict . BS.pack) <$> JS.getResponseText xhr -- FIXME: Text/Binary? Performance? Test?
pure Response
{ responseStatusCode = mkStatus (fromIntegral status) statusText
, responseBody = responseText
, responseHeaders = Seq.fromList headers
, responseHttpVersion = http11 -- this is made up
parseHeaders :: String -> ResponseHeaders
parseHeaders s =
(first mk . first strip . second strip . parseHeader) <$>
splitOn "\r\n" (cs s)
parseHeader :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)
parseHeader h = case BS.breakSubstring ":" (cs h) of
(key, BS.drop 1 -> value) -> (key, value)
splitOn :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString -> [BS.ByteString]
splitOn separator input = case BS.breakSubstring separator input of
(prefix, "") -> [prefix]
(prefix, rest) -> prefix : splitOn separator (BS.drop (BS.length separator) rest)
strip :: BS.ByteString -> BS.ByteString
strip = BS.dropWhile isSpace . BS.reverse . BS.dropWhile isSpace . BS.reverse
decodeUtf8Lenient :: BS.ByteString -> JS.JSString
decodeUtf8Lenient = JS.toJSString . T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-- | This module provides 'client' which can automatically generate
-- querying functions for each endpoint just from the type representing your
-- API.
module Servant.Client.JSaddle
, ClientM
, runClientM
, runClientM'
-- * Configuration
, ClientEnv(..)
, mkClientEnv
, getDefaultBaseUrl
, module Servant.Client.Core.Reexport
) where
import Servant.Client.Internal.JSaddleXhrClient
import Servant.Client.Core.Reexport

View file

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Servant.Client.JSaddleSpec where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar)
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Proxy
import Data.String
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics
import qualified GHCJS.DOM
import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Window as Window
import Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Monad
import qualified Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Monad as JSaddle
import qualified Language.Javascript.JSaddle.Run as Run
import qualified Language.Javascript.JSaddle.WebSockets as WS
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as Http
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp
import qualified System.Process as P
import Network.Wai.Middleware.AddHeaders
import Network.Wai.Middleware.Cors
import Network.WebSockets
import Servant.API
import Servant.Client.JSaddle
import Servant.Server
import Test.Hspec
type TestApi = ReqBody '[OctetStream] ByteString :> Post '[JSON] TestResponse
testApi :: Proxy TestApi
testApi = Proxy
data TestResponse = TestResponse { byteList :: [Word8] }
deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Show, Eq)
testServer :: Server TestApi
testServer x = do
pure . TestResponse . B.unpack $ x
testClient :: Client ClientM TestApi
testClient = client testApi
-- WARNING: approximation!
jsaddleFinally :: JSM b -> JSM a -> JSM a
jsaddleFinally handler m = JSaddle.bracket (pure ()) (const handler) (const m)
-- jsaddleFinally handler m = JSaddle.catch (m <* handler) (\e -> handler >> throw (e :: SomeException))
close :: JSM ()
close = do
mw <- GHCJS.DOM.currentWindow
case mw of
Just w -> do
liftIO $ putStrLn "Closing window..."
Window.close w
Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Can't close the window!"
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Servant.Client.JSaddle" $ do
it "Receive a properly encoded response" $ do
-- A mvar to tell promptly when we are done
done <- newEmptyMVar
-- How this work:
-- 1. we start server warp, which serves simple API
-- 2. we start client warp, which serves jsaddle running the 'action'
-- 3. we run google-chrome-stable to open jsaddle page and to run the test
let action :: Int -> JSM ()
action serverPort = do
liftIO $ threadDelay $ 500 * 1000
-- a mix of valid utf-8 and non-utf8 bytes
let bytes = [0x01, 0xff, 0x02, 0xfe, 0x03, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x64, 0xc3, 0xbb, 0x68, 0xc3]
response <- flip runClientM clientEnv $ testClient (B.pack bytes)
liftIO $ print response
liftIO $ response `shouldBe` Right (TestResponse bytes)
-- we are done.
liftIO $ putMVar done ()
clientEnv = mkClientEnv BaseUrl
{ baseUrlScheme = Http
, baseUrlHost = "localhost"
, baseUrlPort = fromIntegral serverPort
, baseUrlPath = "/"
let serverApp :: IO Application
serverApp = pure $ logRequest $ addCors $ serve testApi testServer
Warp.testWithApplication serverApp $ \serverPort -> do
let clientApp :: IO Application
clientApp = WS.jsaddleOr defaultConnectionOptions (action serverPort >> Run.syncPoint) WS.jsaddleApp
Warp.testWithApplication (simpleCors <$> clientApp) $ \clientPort -> do
putStrLn $ "server http://localhost:" ++ show serverPort
putStrLn $ "client http://localhost:" ++ show clientPort
putStrLn $ "google-chrome-stable --headless --disable-gpu --screenshot http://localhost:" ++ show clientPort
-- threadDelay $ 1000 * 1000 * 1000
-- Run headless chrome
hdl <- P.spawnProcess "google-chrome-stable"
[ "--headless"
, "--disable-gpu"
, "--remote-debugging-port=9222" -- TODO: bind to random port
, "http://localhost:" ++ show clientPort
-- wait for test to run.
takeMVar done
-- kill chrome
P.terminateProcess hdl
-- Logger middleware
logRequest :: Wai.Middleware
logRequest app request respond = do
putStrLn "Request"
print request
app request $ \response -> do
putStrLn "Response Headers"
mapM_ print (Wai.responseHeaders response)
respond response
corsHeaders :: (IsString s1, IsString s2) => [(s1, s2)]
corsHeaders =
[ ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
, ("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST")
, ("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "content-type")
addCors :: Wai.Middleware
addCors app request respond =
if Wai.requestMethod request == "OPTIONS"
then respond $ Wai.responseLBS Http.status200 corsHeaders ""
else addHeaders corsHeaders app request respond

View file

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __GHCJS__
module Main (main) where
main :: IO ()
main = return ()
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}

View file

@ -60,6 +60,6 @@ test-suite example
, servant-server >=0.15 && <0.17
, servant-client >=0.15 && <0.17
, wai >= && <3.3
, warp >=3.2.25 && <3.3
, warp >=3.2.25 && <3.4
, http-client
default-language: Haskell2010

View file

@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ test-suite example
, servant-server >=0.15 && <0.17
, servant-client >=0.15 && <0.17
, wai >= && <3.3
, warp >=3.2.25 && <3.3
, warp >=3.2.25 && <3.4
, http-client
default-language: Haskell2010

View file

@ -1,33 +1,2 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Main (main) where
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_cabal_doctest
#define MIN_VERSION_cabal_doctest(x,y,z) 0
#if MIN_VERSION_cabal_doctest(1,0,0)
import Distribution.Extra.Doctest ( defaultMainWithDoctests )
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMainWithDoctests "doctests"
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_Cabal
-- If the macro is defined, we have new cabal-install,
-- but for some reason we don't have cabal-doctest in package-db
-- Probably we are running cabal sdist, when otherwise using new-build
-- workflow
#warning You are configuring this package without cabal-doctest installed. \
The doctests test-suite will not work as a result. \
To fix this, install cabal-doctest before configuring.
import Distribution.Simple
main :: IO ()
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ license-file: LICENSE
author: Servant Contributors
copyright: 2014-2016 Zalora South East Asia Pte Ltd, 2016-2019 Servant Contributors
build-type: Custom
build-type: Simple
GHC ==8.0.2
|| ==8.2.2
@ -38,12 +38,6 @@ source-repository head
type: git
base >= 4 && <5,
cabal-doctest >= 1.0.6 && <1.1
@ -121,7 +115,7 @@ executable greet
aeson >= && < 1.5
, warp >= 3.2.25 && < 3.3
, warp >= 3.2.25 && < 3.4
test-suite spec
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
@ -166,7 +160,7 @@ test-suite spec
aeson >= && < 1.5
, directory >= && < 1.4
, hspec >= 2.6.0 && < 2.8
, hspec-wai >= 0.9.0 && < 0.10
, hspec-wai >= 0.10.1 && < 0.11
, QuickCheck >= && < 2.14
, should-not-typecheck >= 2.1.0 && < 2.2
, temporary >= 1.3 && < 1.4
@ -174,16 +168,3 @@ test-suite spec
hspec-discover:hspec-discover >= 2.6.0 && <2.8
test-suite doctests
, servant-server
, doctest >= 0.16.0 && <0.17
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: test/doctests.hs
buildable: True
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
if impl(ghc >= 8.2)
x-doctest-options: -fdiagnostics-color=never

View file

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ import Network.Socket
import Network.Wai
(Application, Request, httpVersion, isSecure, lazyRequestBody,
rawQueryString, remoteHost, requestBody, requestHeaders,
queryString, rawQueryString, remoteHost, requestBody, requestHeaders,
requestMethod, responseLBS, responseStream, vault)
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ import Servant.API
import Servant.API.ContentTypes
(AcceptHeader (..), AllCTRender (..), AllCTUnrender (..),
AllMime, MimeRender (..), MimeUnrender (..), canHandleAcceptH,
NoContent (NoContent))
import Servant.API.Modifiers
(FoldLenient, FoldRequired, RequestArgument,
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ import Web.FormUrlEncoded
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
import Web.HttpApiData
(FromHttpApiData, parseHeader, parseQueryParam,
parseUrlPieceMaybe, parseUrlPieces, parseUrlPiece)
parseUrlPieces, parseUrlPiece)
import Servant.Server.Internal.BasicAuth
import Servant.Server.Internal.Context
@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ noContentRouter method status action = leafRouter route'
route' env request respond =
runAction (action `addMethodCheck` methodCheck method request)
env request respond $ \ output ->
env request respond $ \ _output ->
Route $ responseLBS status [] ""
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ instance
hoistServerWithContext _ pc nt s = hoistServerWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy api) pc nt . s
route Proxy context subserver =
let querytext req = parseQueryText $ rawQueryString req
let querytext = queryToQueryText . queryString
paramname = cs $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
parseParam :: Request -> DelayedIO (RequestArgument mods a)
@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer api context)
params :: [T.Text]
params = mapMaybe snd
. filter (looksLikeParam . fst)
. parseQueryText
. rawQueryString
. queryToQueryText
. queryString
$ req
looksLikeParam name = name == paramname || name == (paramname <> "[]")
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasServer api context)
hoistServerWithContext _ pc nt s = hoistServerWithContext (Proxy :: Proxy api) pc nt . s
route Proxy context subserver =
let querytext r = parseQueryText $ rawQueryString r
let querytext = queryToQueryText . queryString
param r = case lookup paramname (querytext r) of
Just Nothing -> True -- param is there, with no value
Just (Just v) -> examine v -- param with a value

View file

@ -12,13 +12,12 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Trans
(MonadIO (..), MonadTrans (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control
(ComposeSt, MonadBaseControl (..), MonadTransControl (..),
defaultLiftBaseWith, defaultRestoreM)
(MonadBaseControl (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
(MonadResource (..), ResourceT, runInternalState,
runResourceT, transResourceT, withInternalState)
transResourceT, withInternalState)
import Network.Wai
(Application, Request, Response, ResponseReceived)
import Servant.Server.Internal.RouteResult
import Servant.Server.Internal.ServerError

View file

@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
(Proxy (Proxy))
import Data.String
@ -35,26 +37,26 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import Network.HTTP.Types
(Status (..), hAccept, hContentType, imATeapot418,
(QueryItem, Status (..), hAccept, hContentType, imATeapot418,
methodDelete, methodGet, methodHead, methodPatch, methodPost,
methodPut, ok200, parseQuery)
import Network.Wai
(Application, Request, pathInfo, queryString, rawQueryString,
requestHeaders, responseLBS)
(Application, Middleware, Request, pathInfo, queryString,
rawQueryString, requestHeaders, responseLBS)
import Network.Wai.Test
(defaultRequest, request, runSession, simpleBody,
simpleHeaders, simpleStatus)
import Servant.API
((:<|>) (..), (:>), AuthProtect, BasicAuth,
BasicAuthData (BasicAuthData), Capture, Capture', CaptureAll, Lenient, Strict, Delete,
EmptyAPI, Get, Header, Headers, HttpVersion, IsSecure (..),
JSON, NoContent (..), NoFraming, OctetStream, Patch,
PlainText, Post, Put, QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams, QueryParamForm, Raw,
RemoteHost, ReqBody, SourceIO, StdMethod (..), Stream, Verb,
NoContentVerb, addHeader)
BasicAuthData (BasicAuthData), Capture, Capture', CaptureAll,
Delete, EmptyAPI, Get, Header, Headers, HttpVersion,
IsSecure (..), JSON, Lenient, NoContent (..), NoContentVerb,
NoFraming, OctetStream, Patch, PlainText, Post, Put,
QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams, QueryParamForm, Raw, RemoteHost, ReqBody,
SourceIO, StdMethod (..), Stream, Strict, Verb, addHeader)
import Servant.Server
(Context ((:.), EmptyContext), Handler, Server, Tagged (..),
emptyServer, err400, err401, err403, err404, serve, serveWithContext)
emptyServer, err401, err403, err404, serve, serveWithContext)
import Servant.Test.ComprehensiveAPI
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
import Test.Hspec
@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ captureServer = getLegs :<|> getEars :<|> getEyes
_ -> throwError err404
getEars :: Either String Integer -> Handler Animal
getEars (Left e) = return chimera -- ignore integer parse error, return weird animal
getEars (Left _) = return chimera -- ignore integer parse error, return weird animal
getEars (Right 2) = return jerry
getEars (Right _) = throwError err404
@ -342,117 +344,123 @@ qpServer = queryParamServer :<|> qpNames :<|> qpCapitalize :<|> qpAge :<|> qpAge
queryParamServer (Just name_) = return alice{name = name_}
queryParamServer Nothing = return alice
queryParamSpec :: Spec
queryParamSpec = do
let mkRequest params pinfo = Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest
{ rawQueryString = params
, queryString = parseQuery params
, pathInfo = pinfo
describe "Servant.API.QueryParam" $ do
it "allows retrieving simple GET parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params1 = "?name=bob"
response1 <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params1,
queryString = parseQuery params1
liftIO $ do
decode' (simpleBody response1) `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "bob"
it "allows retrieving lists in GET parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params2 = "?names[]=bob&names[]=john"
response2 <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params2,
queryString = parseQuery params2,
pathInfo = ["a"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response2) `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "john"
it "parses a query parameter" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params = "?age=55"
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params,
queryString = parseQuery params,
pathInfo = ["param"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice{
age = 55
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response1 <- mkRequest "?name=bob" []
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response1) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "bob"
it "allows retrieving lists in GET parameters" $
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response2 <- mkRequest "?names[]=bob&names[]=john" ["a"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response2) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "john"
it "parses a query parameter" $
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response <- mkRequest "?age=55" ["param"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ age = 55
it "generates an error on query parameter parse failure" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params = "?age=foo"
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params,
queryString = parseQuery params,
pathInfo = ["param"]
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response <- mkRequest "?age=foo" ["param"]
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response) `shouldBe` 400
return ()
it "parses multiple query parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params = "?ages=10&ages=22"
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params,
queryString = parseQuery params,
pathInfo = ["multiparam"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice{
age = 32
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response <- mkRequest "?ages=10&ages=22" ["multiparam"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ age = 32
it "generates an error on parse failures of multiple parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params = "?ages=2&ages=foo"
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params,
queryString = parseQuery params,
pathInfo = ["multiparam"]
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response <- mkRequest "?ages=2&ages=foo" ["multiparam"]
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response) `shouldBe` 400
return ()
it "allows retrieving value-less GET parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params3 = "?capitalize"
response3 <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params3,
queryString = parseQuery params3,
pathInfo = ["b"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response3) `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "ALICE"
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response3 <- mkRequest "?capitalize" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "ALICE"
let params3' = "?capitalize="
response3' <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params3',
queryString = parseQuery params3',
pathInfo = ["b"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response3') `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "ALICE"
response3' <- mkRequest "?capitalize=" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3') `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "ALICE"
let params3'' = "?unknown="
response3'' <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params3'',
queryString = parseQuery params3'',
pathInfo = ["b"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response3'') `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "Alice"
response3'' <- mkRequest "?unknown=" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3'') `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "Alice"
describe "Uses queryString instead of rawQueryString" $ do
-- test query parameters rewriter
let queryRewriter :: Middleware
queryRewriter app req = app req
{ queryString = fmap rewrite $ queryString req
rewrite :: QueryItem -> QueryItem
rewrite (k, v) = (fromMaybe k (BS.stripPrefix "person_" k), v)
let app = queryRewriter $ serve queryParamApi qpServer
it "allows rewriting for simple GET/query parameters" $
flip runSession app $ do
response1 <- mkRequest "?person_name=bob" []
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response1) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "bob"
it "allows rewriting for lists in GET parameters" $
flip runSession app $ do
response2 <- mkRequest "?person_names[]=bob&person_names[]=john" ["a"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response2) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "john"
it "allows rewriting when parsing multiple query parameters" $
flip runSession app $ do
response <- mkRequest "?person_ages=10&person_ages=22" ["multiparam"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ age = 32
it "allows retrieving value-less GET parameters" $
flip runSession app $ do
response3 <- mkRequest "?person_capitalize" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "ALICE"
response3' <- mkRequest "?person_capitalize=" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3') `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "ALICE"
response3'' <- mkRequest "?person_unknown=" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3'') `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "Alice"
-- * queryParamFormSpec {{{
@ -665,7 +673,7 @@ rawSpec :: Spec
rawSpec = do
describe "Servant.API.Raw" $ do
it "runs applications" $ do
(flip runSession) (serve rawApi (rawApplication (const (42 :: Integer)))) $ do
flip runSession (serve rawApi (rawApplication (const (42 :: Integer)))) $ do
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
pathInfo = ["foo"]
@ -673,7 +681,7 @@ rawSpec = do
simpleBody response `shouldBe` "42"
it "gets the pathInfo modified" $ do
(flip runSession) (serve rawApi (rawApplication pathInfo)) $ do
flip runSession (serve rawApi (rawApplication pathInfo)) $ do
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
pathInfo = ["foo", "bar"]

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-- |
-- Module : Main (doctests)
-- Copyright : (C) 2012-14 Edward Kmett
-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- This module provides doctests for a project based on the actual versions
-- of the packages it was built with. It requires a corresponding Setup.lhs
-- to be added to the project
module Main where
import Build_doctests
(flags, module_sources, pkgs)
import Data.Foldable
import Test.DocTest
main :: IO ()
main = do
traverse_ putStrLn args
doctest args
args = flags ++ pkgs ++ module_sources

View file

@ -1,33 +1,2 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Main (main) where
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_cabal_doctest
#define MIN_VERSION_cabal_doctest(x,y,z) 0
#if MIN_VERSION_cabal_doctest(1,0,0)
import Distribution.Extra.Doctest ( defaultMainWithDoctests )
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMainWithDoctests "doctests"
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_Cabal
-- If the macro is defined, we have new cabal-install,
-- but for some reason we don't have cabal-doctest in package-db
-- Probably we are running cabal sdist, when otherwise using new-build
-- workflow
#warning You are configuring this package without cabal-doctest installed. \
The doctests test-suite will not work as a result. \
To fix this, install cabal-doctest before configuring.
import Distribution.Simple
main :: IO ()
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

View file

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ license-file: LICENSE
author: Servant Contributors
copyright: 2014-2016 Zalora South East Asia Pte Ltd, 2016-2019 Servant Contributors
build-type: Custom
build-type: Simple
GHC ==8.0.2
@ -35,12 +35,6 @@ source-repository head
type: git
base >= 4 && <5,
cabal-doctest >= 1.0.6 && <1.1
@ -177,26 +171,3 @@ test-suite spec
hspec-discover:hspec-discover >= 2.6.0 && < 2.8
test-suite doctests
if impl(ghcjs)
buildable: False
, servant
, doctest >= 0.16.0 && <0.17
-- We test Links failure with doctest, so we need extra dependencies
hspec >= 2.6.0 && < 2.8
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: test/doctests.hs
buildable: True
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -threaded
if impl(ghc >= 8.2)
x-doctest-options: -fdiagnostics-color=never
x-doctest-source-dirs: test
x-doctest-modules: Servant.LinksSpec

View file

@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ data Summary (sym :: Symbol)
--type MyApi = Description
-- "This comment is visible in multiple Servant interpretations \
-- \and can be really long if necessary. \
-- \Haskell multiline support is not perfect \
-- \Haskell multiline String support is not perfect \
-- \but it's still very readable."
-- :> Get '[JSON] Book
-- :}
data Description (sym :: Symbol)
deriving (Typeable)
-- | Fold modifier list to decide whether argument should be parsed strictly or leniently.
-- | Fold list of modifiers to extract description as a type-level String.
-- >>> :kind! FoldDescription '[]
-- FoldDescription '[] :: Symbol

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Typeable
-- a modified (stripped) 'pathInfo' if the 'Application' is being routed with 'Servant.API.Sub.:>'.
-- In addition to just letting you plug in your existing WAI 'Application's,
-- this can also be used with < serveDirectory> to serve
-- static files stored in a particular directory on your filesystem
-- this can also be used with functions from
-- < Servant.Server.StaticFiles>
-- to serve static files stored in a particular directory on your filesystem
data Raw deriving Typeable

View file

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ type family IsStrictSubAPI sub api :: Constraint where
-- | Check that every element of @xs@ is an endpoint of @api@ (using @'IsIn'@).
-- ok (Proxy :: Proxy (AllIsIn (Endpoints SampleAPI) SampleAPI))
-- >>> ok (Proxy :: Proxy (AllIsIn (Endpoints SampleAPI) SampleAPI))
-- OK
type family AllIsIn xs api :: Constraint where
AllIsIn '[] api = ()

View file

@ -133,6 +133,9 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Links" $ do
let firstLink :<|> _ = allLinks comprehensiveAPIWithoutRaw
firstLink `shouldBeLink` ""
-- The doctests below aren't run on CI, setting that up is tricky.
-- They are run by makefile rule, however.
-- |
-- Before is fixed,
-- we'll just use doctest

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-- |
-- Module : Main (doctests)
-- Copyright : (C) 2012-14 Edward Kmett
-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- This module provides doctests for a project based on the actual versions
-- of the packages it was built with. It requires a corresponding Setup.lhs
-- to be added to the project
module Main where
import Build_doctests
(flags, module_sources, pkgs)
import Data.Foldable
import Test.DocTest
main :: IO ()
main = do
traverse_ putStrLn args
doctest args
args = flags ++ pkgs ++ module_sources

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# Let's try to keep resolver at the first day of the month
resolver: nightly-2018-09-28 # Last nightly with GHC-8.4.3
resolver: lts-14.17
- servant-client/
- servant-client-core/
- servant-client/
- servant-docs/
- servant-foreign/
- servant-http-streams/
- servant-server/
- servant/
@ -16,17 +16,4 @@ packages:
# - doc/tutorial/
- base-compat-0.10.5
- conduit-1.3.1
- hspec-2.6.0
- hspec-core-2.6.0
- hspec-discover-2.6.0
- http-api-data-0.4
- http-media-
- network-
- pipes-safe-2.3.1
- QuickCheck-
- resourcet-1.2.2
- sop-core-
- wai-extra-
- tasty-
- hspec-wai-0.10.1