Fix servant-docs test suite and add Headers to TestApi

This commit is contained in:
Nickolay Kudasov 2015-09-24 14:02:21 +03:00
parent 0082d2bd2f
commit 5aa0e2e733

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Docs" $ do
describe "markdown with extra info" $ do
extra = extraInfo
(Proxy :: Proxy (Get '[JSON, PlainText] Int))
(Proxy :: Proxy (Get '[JSON, PlainText] (Headers '[Header "Location" String] Int)))
(defAction & notes <>~ [DocNote "Get an Integer" ["get an integer in Json or plain text"]])
@ -90,26 +90,26 @@ data Datatype1 = Datatype1 { dt1field1 :: String
instance ToJSON Datatype1
instance ToSample Datatype1 Datatype1 where
instance ToSample Datatype1 where
toSamples _ = singleSample $ Datatype1 "field 1" 13
instance ToSample Char Char where
instance ToSample Char where
toSamples _ = samples ['a'..'z']
instance ToSample Int Int where
instance ToSample Int where
toSamples _ = singleSample 17
instance MimeRender PlainText Int where
mimeRender _ = cs . show
type TestApi1 = Get '[JSON, PlainText] Int
type TestApi1 = Get '[JSON, PlainText] (Headers '[Header "Location" String] Int)
:<|> ReqBody '[JSON] String :> Post '[JSON] Datatype1
data TT = TT1 | TT2 deriving (Show, Eq)
data UT = UT1 | UT2 deriving (Show, Eq)
instance ToSample TT TT where
instance ToSample TT where
toSamples _ = [("eins", TT1), ("zwei", TT2)]
instance ToSample UT UT where
instance ToSample UT where
toSamples _ = [("yks", UT1), ("kaks", UT2)]