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5 changed files with 108 additions and 74 deletions
@ -28,10 +28,11 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (runResourceT)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs, (<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, KnownSymbol, natVal,
@ -319,10 +320,9 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer api context)
Just Nothing -> return Nothing -- param present with no value -> Nothing
Just (Just v) ->
case parseQueryParam v of
-- TODO: This should set an error description (including
-- paramname)
Left _e -> delayedFailFatal err400 -- parsing the request
-- paramter failed
Left e -> delayedFailFatal err400
{ errBody = cs $ "Error parsing query parameter " <> paramname <> " failed: " <> e
Right param -> return $ Just param
delayed = addParameterCheck subserver . withRequest $ \req ->
@ -356,26 +356,25 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer api context)
type ServerT (QueryParams sym a :> api) m =
[a] -> ServerT api m
route Proxy context subserver =
let querytext r = parseQueryText $ rawQueryString r
-- if sym is "foo", we look for query string parameters
-- named "foo" or "foo[]" and call parseQueryParam on the
-- corresponding values
parameters r = filter looksLikeParam (querytext r)
parseParam (paramName, paramTxt) =
case parseQueryParam (fromMaybe "" paramTxt) of
Left _e -> Left paramName -- On error, remember name of parameter
Right paramVal -> Right paramVal
parseParams req =
case partitionEithers $ parseParam <$> parameters req of
([], params) -> return params -- No errors
-- TODO: This should set an error description
(_errors, _) -> delayedFailFatal err400
delayed = addParameterCheck subserver . withRequest $ \req ->
parseParams req
in route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context delayed
where paramname = cs $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
looksLikeParam (name, _) = name == paramname || name == (paramname <> "[]")
route Proxy context subserver = route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $
subserver `addParameterCheck` withRequest paramsCheck
paramname = cs $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
paramsCheck req =
case partitionEithers $ fmap parseQueryParam params of
([], parsed) -> return parsed
(errs, _) -> delayedFailFatal err400
{ errBody = cs $ "Error parsing query parameter(s) " <> paramname <> " failed: " <> T.intercalate ", " errs
params :: [T.Text]
params = mapMaybe snd
. filter (looksLikeParam . fst)
. parseQueryText
. rawQueryString
$ req
looksLikeParam name = name == paramname || name == (paramname <> "[]")
-- | If you use @'QueryFlag' "published"@ in one of the endpoints for your API,
-- this automatically requires your server-side handler to be a function
@ -457,22 +456,28 @@ instance ( AllCTUnrender list a, HasServer api context
type ServerT (ReqBody list a :> api) m =
a -> ServerT api m
route Proxy context subserver =
route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context (addBodyCheck subserver bodyCheck)
route Proxy context subserver
= route (Proxy :: Proxy api) context $
addBodyCheck subserver ctCheck bodyCheck
bodyCheck = withRequest $ \ request -> do
-- Content-Type check, we only lookup we can try to parse the request body
ctCheck = withRequest $ \ request -> do
-- See HTTP RFC 2616, section 7.2.1
-- See also "W3C Internet Media Type registration, consistency of use"
let contentTypeH = fromMaybe "application/octet-stream"
$ lookup hContentType $ requestHeaders request
mrqbody <- handleCTypeH (Proxy :: Proxy list) (cs contentTypeH)
<$> liftIO (lazyRequestBody request)
case canHandleCTypeH (Proxy :: Proxy list) (cs contentTypeH) :: Maybe (BL.ByteString -> Either String a) of
Nothing -> delayedFailFatal err415
Just f -> return f
-- Body check, we get a body parsing functions as the first argument.
bodyCheck f = withRequest $ \ request -> do
mrqbody <- f <$> liftIO (lazyRequestBody request)
case mrqbody of
Nothing -> delayedFailFatal err415
Just (Left e) -> delayedFailFatal err400 { errBody = cs e }
Just (Right v) -> return v
Left e -> delayedFailFatal err400 { errBody = cs e }
Right v -> return v
-- | Make sure the incoming request starts with @"/path"@, strip it and
-- pass the rest of the request path to @api@.
@ -132,14 +132,14 @@ toApplication ra request respond = ra request routingRespond
-- 405 (bad method)
-- 401 (unauthorized)
-- 415 (unsupported media type)
-- 400 (bad request)
-- 406 (not acceptable)
-- 400 (bad request)
-- @
-- Therefore, while routing, we delay most checks so that they
-- will ultimately occur in the right order.
-- A 'Delayed' contains four delayed blocks of tests, and
-- A 'Delayed' contains many delayed blocks of tests, and
-- the actual handler:
-- 1. Delayed captures. These can actually cause 404, and
@ -148,24 +148,28 @@ toApplication ra request respond = ra request routingRespond
-- check order from the error reporting, see above). Delayed
-- captures can provide inputs to the actual handler.
-- 2. Query parameter checks. They require parsing and can cause 400 if the
-- parsing fails. Query parameter checks provide inputs to the handler
-- 3. Method check(s). This can cause a 405. On success,
-- 2. Method check(s). This can cause a 405. On success,
-- it does not provide an input for the handler. Method checks
-- are comparatively cheap.
-- 4. Body and accept header checks. The request body check can
-- cause both 400 and 415. This provides an input to the handler.
-- The accept header check can be performed as the final
-- computation in this block. It can cause a 406.
-- 3. Authentication checks. This can cause 401.
-- 4. Accept and content type header checks. These checks
-- can cause 415 and 406 errors.
-- 5. Query parameter checks. They require parsing and can cause 400 if the
-- parsing fails. Query parameter checks provide inputs to the handler
-- 6. Body check. The request body check can cause 400.
data Delayed env c where
Delayed :: { capturesD :: env -> DelayedIO captures
, paramsD :: DelayedIO params
, methodD :: DelayedIO ()
, authD :: DelayedIO auth
, bodyD :: DelayedIO body
, acceptD :: DelayedIO ()
, contentD :: DelayedIO contentType
, paramsD :: DelayedIO params
, bodyD :: contentType -> DelayedIO body
, serverD :: captures
-> params
-> auth
@ -209,7 +213,7 @@ runDelayedIO m req = transResourceT runRouteResultT $ runReaderT (runDelayedIO'
-- | A 'Delayed' without any stored checks.
emptyDelayed :: RouteResult a -> Delayed env a
emptyDelayed result =
Delayed (const r) r r r r (\ _ _ _ _ _ -> result)
Delayed (const r) r r r r r (const r) (\ _ _ _ _ _ -> result)
r = return ()
@ -270,20 +274,25 @@ addAuthCheck Delayed{..} new =
, ..
} -- Note [Existential Record Update]
-- | Add a body check to the end of the body block.
-- | Add a content type and body checks around parameter checks.
-- We'll report failed content type check (415), before trying to parse
-- query parameters (400). Which, in turn, happens before request body parsing.
addBodyCheck :: Delayed env (a -> b)
-> DelayedIO a
-> DelayedIO c -- ^ content type check
-> (c -> DelayedIO a) -- ^ body check
-> Delayed env b
addBodyCheck Delayed{..} new =
addBodyCheck Delayed{..} newContentD newBodyD =
{ bodyD = (,) <$> bodyD <*> new
{ contentD = (,) <$> contentD <*> newContentD
, bodyD = \(content, c) -> (,) <$> bodyD content <*> newBodyD c
, serverD = \ c p a (z, v) req -> ($ v) <$> serverD c p a z req
, ..
} -- Note [Existential Record Update]
-- | Add an accept header check to the beginning of the body
-- block. There is a tradeoff here. In principle, we'd like
-- | Add an accept header check before handling parameters.
-- In principle, we'd like
-- to take a bad body (400) response take precedence over a
-- failed accept check (406). BUT to allow streaming the body,
-- we cannot run the body check and then still backtrack.
@ -297,7 +306,7 @@ addAcceptCheck :: Delayed env a
-> Delayed env a
addAcceptCheck Delayed{..} new =
{ bodyD = new *> bodyD
{ acceptD = acceptD *> new
, ..
} -- Note [Existential Record Update]
@ -322,12 +331,14 @@ runDelayed :: Delayed env a
-> Request
-> ResourceT IO (RouteResult a)
runDelayed Delayed{..} env = runDelayedIO $ do
r <- ask
c <- capturesD env
a <- authD
b <- bodyD
r <- ask
p <- paramsD -- Has to be after body to respect the relative error order
content <- contentD
p <- paramsD -- Has to be before body parsing, but after content-type checks
b <- bodyD content
liftRouteResult (serverD c p a b r)
-- | Runs a delayed server and the resulting action.
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Servant.Server.ErrorSpec (spec) where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Aeson (encode)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BCL
@ -114,10 +115,19 @@ errorOrderSpec =
`shouldRespondWith` 415
it "has 400 as its sixth highest priority error" $ do
request goodMethod badParams [goodAuth, goodContentType, goodAccept] goodBody
`shouldRespondWith` 400
request goodMethod goodUrl [goodAuth, goodContentType, goodAccept] badBody
`shouldRespondWith` 400
badParamsRes <- request goodMethod badParams [goodAuth, goodContentType, goodAccept] goodBody
badBodyRes <- request goodMethod goodUrl [goodAuth, goodContentType, goodAccept] badBody
-- Both bad body and bad params result in 400
return badParamsRes `shouldRespondWith` 400
return badBodyRes `shouldRespondWith` 400
-- Param check should occur before body checks
both <- request goodMethod badParams [goodAuth, goodContentType, goodAccept ] badBody
when (both /= badParamsRes) $ liftIO $
expectationFailure $ "badParams + badBody /= badParams: " ++ show both ++ ", " ++ show badParamsRes
when (both == badBodyRes) $ liftIO $
expectationFailure $ "badParams + badBody == badBody: " ++ show both
it "has handler-level errors as last priority" $ do
request goodMethod goodUrl [goodAuth, goodContentType, goodAccept] goodBody
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import Servant
import Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplication
import Network.Wai (defaultRequest)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Wai (request, shouldRespondWith, with)
@ -56,12 +57,14 @@ freeTestResource = modifyIORef delayedTestRef $ \r -> case r of
delayed :: DelayedIO () -> RouteResult (Handler ()) -> Delayed () (Handler ())
delayed body srv = Delayed
{ capturesD = \_ -> return ()
{ capturesD = \() -> return ()
, methodD = return ()
, authD = return ()
, acceptD = return ()
, contentD = return ()
, paramsD = return ()
, bodyD = do
liftIO (writeTestResource"hia" >> putStrLn "garbage created")
, bodyD = \() -> do
liftIO (writeTestResource "hia" >> putStrLn "garbage created")
_ <- register (freeTestResource >> putStrLn "garbage collected")
, serverD = \() () () _body _req -> srv
@ -70,7 +73,7 @@ delayed body srv = Delayed
simpleRun :: Delayed () (Handler ())
-> IO ()
simpleRun d = fmap (either ignoreE id) . try $
runAction d () undefined (\_ -> return ()) (\_ -> FailFatal err500)
runAction d () defaultRequest (\_ -> return ()) (\_ -> FailFatal err500)
where ignoreE :: SomeException -> ()
ignoreE = const ()
@ -85,10 +88,10 @@ data Res (sym :: Symbol)
instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasServer api ctx) => HasServer (Res sym :> api) ctx where
type ServerT (Res sym :> api) m = IORef (TestResource String) -> ServerT api m
route Proxy ctx server = route (Proxy :: Proxy api) ctx $
server `addBodyCheck` check
addBodyCheck server (return ()) check
sym = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
check = do
check () = do
liftIO $ writeTestResource sym
_ <- register freeTestResource
return delayedTestRef
@ -220,14 +220,20 @@ class Accept ctype => MimeUnrender ctype a where
{-# MINIMAL mimeUnrender | mimeUnrenderWithType #-}
class AllCTUnrender (list :: [*]) a where
:: Proxy list
-> ByteString -- Content-Type header
-> Maybe (ByteString -> Either String a)
handleCTypeH :: Proxy list
-> ByteString -- Content-Type header
-> ByteString -- Request body
-> Maybe (Either String a)
handleCTypeH p ctypeH body = ($ body) `fmap` canHandleCTypeH p ctypeH
instance ( AllMimeUnrender ctyps a ) => AllCTUnrender ctyps a where
handleCTypeH _ ctypeH body = M.mapContentMedia lkup (cs ctypeH)
where lkup = allMimeUnrender (Proxy :: Proxy ctyps) body
canHandleCTypeH p ctypeH =
M.mapContentMedia (allMimeUnrender p) (cs ctypeH)
-- * Utils (Internal)
@ -292,20 +298,19 @@ instance OVERLAPPING_
class (AllMime list) => AllMimeUnrender (list :: [*]) a where
allMimeUnrender :: Proxy list
-> ByteString
-> [(M.MediaType, Either String a)]
-> [(M.MediaType, ByteString -> Either String a)]
instance AllMimeUnrender '[] a where
allMimeUnrender _ _ = []
allMimeUnrender _ = []
instance ( MimeUnrender ctyp a
, AllMimeUnrender ctyps a
) => AllMimeUnrender (ctyp ': ctyps) a where
allMimeUnrender _ bs =
allMimeUnrender _ =
(map mk $ NE.toList $ contentTypes pctyp)
++ allMimeUnrender pctyps bs
++ allMimeUnrender pctyps
mk ct = (ct, mimeUnrenderWithType pctyp ct bs)
mk ct = (ct, \bs -> mimeUnrenderWithType pctyp ct bs)
pctyp = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp
pctyps = Proxy :: Proxy ctyps
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