Spec for WithRoutingHeader
API combinator
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 110 additions and 8 deletions
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ test-suite spec
, base-compat
, base64-bytestring
, bytestring
, containers
, http-types
, mtl
, resourcet
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
import Data.Char
import Data.Map
(fromList, notMember)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
@ -49,20 +52,21 @@ import Network.Wai.Test
import Servant.API
((:<|>) (..), (:>), AuthProtect, BasicAuth,
BasicAuthData (BasicAuthData), Capture, Capture', CaptureAll,
Delete, EmptyAPI, Fragment, Get, HasStatus (StatusOf), Header,
Headers, HttpVersion, IsSecure (..), JSON, Lenient,
NoContent (..), NoContentVerb, NoFraming, OctetStream, Patch,
PlainText, Post, Put, QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams, Raw,
RemoteHost, ReqBody, SourceIO, StdMethod (..), Stream, Strict,
UVerb, Union, Verb, WithStatus (..), addHeader)
Delete, EmptyAPI, Fragment, Get, GetNoContent,
HasStatus (StatusOf), Header, Headers, HttpVersion,
IsSecure (..), JSON, Lenient, NoContent (..), NoContentVerb,
NoFraming, OctetStream, Patch, PlainText, Post, Put,
QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams, Raw, RemoteHost, ReqBody,
SourceIO, StdMethod (..), Stream, StreamGet, Strict, UVerb,
Union, Verb, WithRoutingHeader, WithStatus (..), addHeader)
import Servant.Server
(Context ((:.), EmptyContext), Handler, Server, Tagged (..),
emptyServer, err401, err403, err404, respond, serve,
emptyServer, err401, err403, err404, err500, respond, serve,
import Servant.Test.ComprehensiveAPI
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
import Test.Hspec
(Spec, context, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldContain)
(Spec, context, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldContain, shouldSatisfy)
import Test.Hspec.Wai
(get, liftIO, matchHeaders, matchStatus, shouldRespondWith,
with, (<:>))
@ -103,6 +107,7 @@ spec = do
-- * verbSpec {{{
@ -842,6 +847,102 @@ genAuthSpec = do
it "plays nice with subsequent Raw endpoints" $ do
get "/foo" `shouldRespondWith` 418
-- }}}
-- * Routed path response headers {{{
type RoutedPathApi = WithRoutingHeader :>
( "content" :> Get '[JSON] Person
:<|> "noContent" :> GetNoContent
:<|> "header" :> Get '[JSON] (Headers '[Header "H" Int] Person)
:<|> "stream" :> StreamGet NoFraming OctetStream (SourceIO BS.ByteString)
:<|> "animal" :> ( Capture "legs" Int :> Get '[JSON] Animal
:<|> CaptureAll "legs" Int :> Get '[JSON] Animal
:<|> Capture "name" String :> Get '[JSON] Animal
) :<|> "withoutHeader" :> Get '[JSON] Person
routedPathApi :: Proxy RoutedPathApi
routedPathApi = Proxy
routedPathServer :: Server RoutedPathApi
routedPathServer =
( return alice
:<|> return NoContent
:<|> return (addHeader 5 alice)
:<|> return (S.source ["bytestring"])
:<|> (( \case
2 -> return tweety
4 -> return jerry
_ -> throwError err500
):<|>( \ legs -> case sum legs of
2 -> return tweety
4 -> return jerry
_ -> throwError err500
):<|>( \case
"tweety" -> return tweety
"jerry" -> return jerry
"bob" -> return beholder
_ -> throwError err404
) :<|> return alice
routedPathHeadersSpec :: Spec
routedPathHeadersSpec = do
describe "Server routing header" $ do
with (return $ serve routedPathApi routedPathServer) $ do
it "returns the routed path on verbs" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/content" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldContain`
[("Servant-Routed-Path", "/content")]
it "returns the routed path on noContent verbs" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/noContent" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldContain`
[("Servant-Routed-Path", "/noContent")]
it "returns the routed path on streams" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/stream" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldContain`
[("Servant-Routed-Path", "/stream")]
it "plays nice with manually added headers" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/header" [] ""
liftIO $ do
simpleHeaders response `shouldContain` [("Servant-Routed-Path", "/header")]
simpleHeaders response `shouldContain` [("H", "5")]
it "abstracts captured values" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/animal/4" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldContain`
[("Servant-Routed-Path", "/animal/<legs::Int>")]
it "abstracts captured lists" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/animal/1/1/0" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldContain`
[("Servant-Routed-Path", "/animal/<legs::[Int]>")]
it "supports backtracking on routing errors" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/animal/jerry" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldContain`
[("Servant-Routed-Path", "/animal/<name::[Char]>")]
it "returns the routed path on a failing route" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/animal/0" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldContain`
[("Servant-Routed-Path", "/animal/<legs::Int>")]
it "is missing when no route matches" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/wrongPath" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldSatisfy`
(notMember "Servant-Routed-Path") . fromList
it "is missing when WithRoutingHeader is missing" $ do
response <- THW.request methodGet "/withoutHeader" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldSatisfy`
(notMember "Servant-Routed-Path") . fromList
-- }}}
-- * UVerb {{{
Add table
Reference in a new issue