Adding paragraph to generic cookbook

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akhesaCaro 2022-02-24 12:35:33 +01:00
parent ddfbac9dfc
commit 53f722d41c

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@ -10,6 +10,79 @@ case](../namedRoutes/NamedRoutes.html) cookbook that broaches the subject.
Shall we begin?
## Why would I want to use `Records` over the alternative `:<|>` operator?
With a record-based API, we dont need to care about the declaration order of the endpoints.
For example, with the `:<|>` operator theres room for error when the order of the API type
type API1 = "version" :> Get '[JSON] Version
:<|> "movies" :> Get '[JSON] [Movie]
does not follow the `Handler` implementation order
apiHandler :: ServerT API1 Handler
apiHandler = getMovies
:<|> getVersion
GHC could scold you with a very tedious message such as :
• Couldn't match type 'Handler NoContent'
with 'Movie -> Handler NoContent'
Expected type: ServerT MovieCatalogAPI Handler
Actual type: Handler Version
:<|> ((Maybe SortBy -> Handler [Movie])
:<|> ((MovieId -> Handler (Maybe Movie))
:<|> ((MovieId -> Movie -> Handler NoContent)
:<|> (MovieId -> Handler NoContent))))
• In the expression:
getMovieHandler :<|> updateMovieHandler :<|> deleteMovieHandler
In an equation for 'server':
= versionHandler
getMovieHandler :<|> updateMovieHandler :<|> deleteMovieHandler
226 | server = versionHandler
On the contrary, with the record-based technique, we refer to the routes by their name:
data API mode = API
{ list :: "list" :> ...
, delete :: "delete" :> ...
and GHC follows the lead :
• Couldn't match type 'NoContent' with 'Movie'
Expected type: AsServerT Handler :- Delete '[JSON] Movie
Actual type: Handler NoContent
• In the 'delete' field of a record
In the expression:
{get = getMovieHandler movieId,
update = updateMovieHandler movieId,
delete = deleteMovieHandler movieId}
In an equation for 'movieHandler':
movieHandler movieId
= MovieAPI
{get = getMovieHandler movieId,
update = updateMovieHandler movieId,
delete = deleteMovieHandler movieId}
252 | , delete = deleteMovieHandler movieId
So, records are more readable for a human, and GHC gives you more accurate error messages.
What are we waiting for?
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}