Merge pull request #245 from arianvp/servant-client-hspec-discover-fix
Fix servant-client tests to properly use hspec-discover.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 171 additions and 156 deletions
@ -32,12 +32,19 @@ data BaseUrl = BaseUrl
, baseUrlHost :: String -- ^ host (eg "")
, baseUrlPort :: Int -- ^ port (eg 80)
, baseUrlPath :: String -- ^ path (eg "/a/b/c")
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
} deriving (Show, Ord, Generic)
instance Eq BaseUrl where
BaseUrl a b c path == BaseUrl a' b' c' path'
= a == a' && b == b' && c == c' && s path == s path'
where s ('/':x) = x
s x = x
showBaseUrl :: BaseUrl -> String
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl urlscheme host port path) =
schemeString ++ "//" ++ host ++ portString ++ path
schemeString ++ "//" ++ host ++ (portString </> path)
a </> b = if "/" `isPrefixOf` b || null b then a ++ b else a ++ '/':b
schemeString = case urlscheme of
Http -> "http:"
Https -> "https:"
@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fcontext-stack=100 #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
@ -20,20 +29,20 @@ import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Aeson
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Monoid hiding (getLast)
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C
import Network.HTTP.Media
import Network.HTTP.Types hiding (Header)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Network.Socket
import Network.Wai hiding (Response)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.HUnit
@ -43,6 +52,12 @@ import Servant.API
import Servant.Client
import Servant.Server
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "Servant.Client" $ do
-- * test data types
data Person = Person {
@ -122,8 +137,6 @@ server = serve api (
:<|> return ()
withServer :: (BaseUrl -> IO a) -> IO a
withServer action = withWaiDaemon (return server) action
type FailApi =
"get" :> Raw
@ -139,93 +152,72 @@ failServer = serve failApi (
:<|> (\_request respond -> respond $ responseLBS ok200 [("content-type", "fooooo")] "")
withFailServer :: (BaseUrl -> IO a) -> IO a
withFailServer action = withWaiDaemon (return failServer) action
{-# NOINLINE manager #-}
manager :: C.Manager
manager = unsafePerformIO $ C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
spec :: IO ()
spec = withServer $ \ baseUrl -> do
manager <- C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
let getGet :: ExceptT ServantError IO Person
getDeleteEmpty :: ExceptT ServantError IO ()
getCapture :: String -> ExceptT ServantError IO Person
getBody :: Person -> ExceptT ServantError IO Person
getQueryParam :: Maybe String -> ExceptT ServantError IO Person
getQueryParams :: [String] -> ExceptT ServantError IO [Person]
getQueryFlag :: Bool -> ExceptT ServantError IO Bool
getMatrixParam :: Maybe String -> ExceptT ServantError IO Person
getMatrixParams :: [String] -> ExceptT ServantError IO [Person]
getMatrixFlag :: Bool -> ExceptT ServantError IO Bool
getRawSuccess :: Method -> ExceptT ServantError IO (Int, ByteString, MediaType, [HTTP.Header], C.Response ByteString)
getRawFailure :: Method -> ExceptT ServantError IO (Int, ByteString, MediaType, [HTTP.Header], C.Response ByteString)
getMultiple :: String -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> [(String, [Rational])] -> ExceptT ServantError IO (String, Maybe Int, Bool, [(String, [Rational])])
getRespHeaders :: ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers TestHeaders Bool)
getDeleteContentType :: ExceptT ServantError IO ()
( getGet
:<|> getDeleteEmpty
:<|> getCapture
:<|> getBody
:<|> getQueryParam
:<|> getQueryParams
:<|> getQueryFlag
:<|> getMatrixParam
:<|> getMatrixParams
:<|> getMatrixFlag
:<|> getRawSuccess
:<|> getRawFailure
:<|> getMultiple
:<|> getRespHeaders
:<|> getDeleteContentType)
= client api baseUrl manager
sucessSpec :: Spec
sucessSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp server) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
hspec $ do
it "Servant.API.Get" $ do
it "Servant.API.Get" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getGet = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 0) $ client api baseUrl manager
(left show <$> runExceptT getGet) `shouldReturn` Right alice
describe "Servant.API.Delete" $ do
it "allows empty content type" $ do
it "allows empty content type" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getDeleteEmpty = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 1) $ client api baseUrl manager
(left show <$> runExceptT getDeleteEmpty) `shouldReturn` Right ()
it "allows content type" $ do
it "allows content type" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getDeleteContentType = getLast $ client api baseUrl manager
(left show <$> runExceptT getDeleteContentType) `shouldReturn` Right ()
it "Servant.API.Capture" $ do
it "Servant.API.Capture" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getCapture = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 2) $ client api baseUrl manager
(left show <$> runExceptT (getCapture "Paula")) `shouldReturn` Right (Person "Paula" 0)
it "Servant.API.ReqBody" $ do
it "Servant.API.ReqBody" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let p = Person "Clara" 42
getBody = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 3) $ client api baseUrl manager
(left show <$> runExceptT (getBody p)) `shouldReturn` Right p
it "Servant.API.QueryParam" $ do
it "Servant.API.QueryParam" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getQueryParam = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 4) $ client api baseUrl manager
left show <$> runExceptT (getQueryParam (Just "alice")) `shouldReturn` Right alice
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runExceptT (getQueryParam (Just "bob"))
responseStatus `shouldBe` Status 400 "bob not found"
it "Servant.API.QueryParam.QueryParams" $ do
it "Servant.API.QueryParam.QueryParams" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getQueryParams = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 5) $ client api baseUrl manager
(left show <$> runExceptT (getQueryParams [])) `shouldReturn` Right []
(left show <$> runExceptT (getQueryParams ["alice", "bob"]))
`shouldReturn` Right [Person "alice" 0, Person "bob" 1]
context "Servant.API.QueryParam.QueryFlag" $
forM_ [False, True] $ \ flag ->
it (show flag) $ do
forM_ [False, True] $ \ flag -> it (show flag) $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getQueryFlag = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 6) $ client api baseUrl manager
(left show <$> runExceptT (getQueryFlag flag)) `shouldReturn` Right flag
it "Servant.API.MatrixParam" $ do
it "Servant.API.MatrixParam" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getMatrixParam = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 7) $ client api baseUrl manager
left show <$> runExceptT (getMatrixParam (Just "alice")) `shouldReturn` Right alice
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runExceptT (getMatrixParam (Just "bob"))
responseStatus `shouldBe` Status 400 "bob not found"
it "Servant.API.MatrixParam.MatrixParams" $ do
it "Servant.API.MatrixParam.MatrixParams" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getMatrixParams = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 8) $ client api baseUrl manager
left show <$> runExceptT (getMatrixParams []) `shouldReturn` Right []
left show <$> runExceptT (getMatrixParams ["alice", "bob"])
`shouldReturn` Right [Person "alice" 0, Person "bob" 1]
context "Servant.API.MatrixParam.MatrixFlag" $
forM_ [False, True] $ \ flag ->
it (show flag) $ do
it (show flag) $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getMatrixFlag = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 9) $ client api baseUrl manager
left show <$> runExceptT (getMatrixFlag flag) `shouldReturn` Right flag
it "Servant.API.Raw on success" $ do
it "Servant.API.Raw on success" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getRawSuccess = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 10) $ client api baseUrl manager
res <- runExceptT (getRawSuccess methodGet)
case res of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
@ -234,7 +226,8 @@ spec = withServer $ \ baseUrl -> do
C.responseBody response `shouldBe` body
C.responseStatus response `shouldBe` ok200
it "Servant.API.Raw on failure" $ do
it "Servant.API.Raw on failure" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getRawFailure = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 11) $ client api baseUrl manager
res <- runExceptT (getRawFailure methodGet)
case res of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
@ -243,81 +236,75 @@ spec = withServer $ \ baseUrl -> do
C.responseBody response `shouldBe` body
C.responseStatus response `shouldBe` badRequest400
it "Returns headers appropriately" $ withServer $ \ _ -> do
it "Returns headers appropriately" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getRespHeaders = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 13) $ client api baseUrl manager
res <- runExceptT getRespHeaders
case res of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right val -> getHeaders val `shouldBe` [("X-Example1", "1729"), ("X-Example2", "eg2")]
modifyMaxSuccess (const 20) $ do
it "works for a combination of Capture, QueryParam, QueryFlag and ReqBody" $
property $ forAllShrink pathGen shrink $ \(NonEmpty cap) num flag body ->
it "works for a combination of Capture, QueryParam, QueryFlag and ReqBody" $ \(_, baseUrl) ->
let getMultiple = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 12) $ client api baseUrl manager
in property $ forAllShrink pathGen shrink $ \(NonEmpty cap) num flag body ->
ioProperty $ do
result <- left show <$> runExceptT (getMultiple cap num flag body)
return $
result === Right (cap, num, flag, body)
context "client correctly handles error status codes" $ do
let test :: (WrappedApi, String) -> Spec
test (WrappedApi api, desc) =
it desc $
withWaiDaemon (return (serve api (throwE $ ServantErr 500 "error message" "" []))) $
\ host -> do
let getResponse :: ExceptT ServantError IO ()
getResponse = client api host manager
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runExceptT getResponse
responseStatus `shouldBe` (Status 500 "error message")
mapM_ test $
wrappedApiSpec :: Spec
wrappedApiSpec = describe "error status codes" $ do
let serveW api = serve api $ throwE $ ServantErr 500 "error message" "" []
context "are correctly handled by the client" $
let test :: (WrappedApi, String) -> Spec
test (WrappedApi api, desc) =
it desc $ bracket (startWaiApp $ serveW api) endWaiApp $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getResponse :: ExceptT ServantError IO ()
getResponse = client api baseUrl manager
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runExceptT getResponse
responseStatus `shouldBe` (Status 500 "error message")
in mapM_ test $
(WrappedApi (Proxy :: Proxy (Delete '[JSON] ())), "Delete") :
(WrappedApi (Proxy :: Proxy (Get '[JSON] ())), "Get") :
(WrappedApi (Proxy :: Proxy (Post '[JSON] ())), "Post") :
(WrappedApi (Proxy :: Proxy (Put '[JSON] ())), "Put") :
failSpec :: IO ()
failSpec = withFailServer $ \ baseUrl -> do
manager <- C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
let getGet :: ExceptT ServantError IO Person
getDeleteEmpty :: ExceptT ServantError IO ()
getCapture :: String -> ExceptT ServantError IO Person
getBody :: Person -> ExceptT ServantError IO Person
( getGet
:<|> getDeleteEmpty
:<|> getCapture
:<|> getBody
:<|> _ )
= client api baseUrl manager
getGetWrongHost :: ExceptT ServantError IO Person
(getGetWrongHost :<|> _) = client api (BaseUrl Http "" 19872 "") manager
failSpec :: Spec
failSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp failServer) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
hspec $ do
context "client returns errors appropriately" $ do
it "reports FailureResponse" $ do
it "reports FailureResponse" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let (_ :<|> getDeleteEmpty :<|> _) = client api baseUrl manager
Left res <- runExceptT getDeleteEmpty
case res of
FailureResponse (Status 404 "Not Found") _ _ -> return ()
_ -> fail $ "expected 404 response, but got " <> show res
it "reports DecodeFailure" $ do
it "reports DecodeFailure" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let (_ :<|> _ :<|> getCapture :<|> _) = client api baseUrl manager
Left res <- runExceptT (getCapture "foo")
case res of
DecodeFailure _ ("application/json") _ -> return ()
_ -> fail $ "expected DecodeFailure, but got " <> show res
it "reports ConnectionError" $ do
it "reports ConnectionError" $ \_ -> do
let (getGetWrongHost :<|> _) = client api (BaseUrl Http "" 19872 "") manager
Left res <- runExceptT getGetWrongHost
case res of
ConnectionError _ -> return ()
_ -> fail $ "expected ConnectionError, but got " <> show res
it "reports UnsupportedContentType" $ do
it "reports UnsupportedContentType" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let (getGet :<|> _ ) = client api baseUrl manager
Left res <- runExceptT getGet
case res of
UnsupportedContentType ("application/octet-stream") _ -> return ()
_ -> fail $ "expected UnsupportedContentType, but got " <> show res
it "reports InvalidContentTypeHeader" $ do
it "reports InvalidContentTypeHeader" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let (_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> getBody :<|> _) = client api baseUrl manager
Left res <- runExceptT (getBody alice)
case res of
InvalidContentTypeHeader "fooooo" _ -> return ()
@ -331,36 +318,16 @@ data WrappedApi where
-- * utils
withWaiDaemon :: IO Application -> (BaseUrl -> IO a) -> IO a
withWaiDaemon mkApplication action = do
application <- mkApplication
bracket (acquire application) free (\ (_, _, baseUrl) -> action baseUrl)
acquire application = do
(notifyStart, waitForStart) <- lvar
(notifyKilled, waitForKilled) <- lvar
thread <- forkIO $ (do
(krakenPort, socket) <- openTestSocket
let settings =
setPort krakenPort $ -- set here just for consistency, shouldn't be
-- used (it's set in the socket)
setBeforeMainLoop (notifyStart krakenPort)
runSettingsSocket settings socket application)
`finally` notifyKilled ()
krakenPort <- waitForStart
let baseUrl = (BaseUrl Http "localhost" 80 ""){baseUrlPort = krakenPort}
return (thread, waitForKilled, baseUrl)
free (thread, waitForKilled, _) = do
killThread thread
startWaiApp :: Application -> IO (ThreadId, BaseUrl)
startWaiApp app = do
(port, socket) <- openTestSocket
let settings = setPort port $ defaultSettings
thread <- forkIO $ runSettingsSocket settings socket app
return (thread, BaseUrl Http "localhost" port "")
lvar :: IO (a -> IO (), IO a)
lvar = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
let put = putMVar mvar
wait = readMVar mvar
return (put, wait)
endWaiApp :: (ThreadId, BaseUrl) -> IO ()
endWaiApp (thread, _) = killThread thread
openTestSocket :: IO (Port, Socket)
openTestSocket = do
@ -378,3 +345,37 @@ pathGen = fmap NonEmpty path
filter (not . (`elem` ("?%[]/#;" :: String))) $
filter isPrint $
map chr [0..127]
class GetNth (n :: Nat) a b | n a -> b where
getNth :: Proxy n -> a -> b
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
GetNth 0 (x :<|> y) x where
getNth _ (x :<|> _) = x
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
(GetNth (n - 1) x y) => GetNth n (a :<|> x) y where
getNth _ (_ :<|> x) = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy (n - 1)) x
class GetLast a b | a -> b where
getLast :: a -> b
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
(GetLast b c) => GetLast (a :<|> b) c where
getLast (_ :<|> b) = getLast b
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
GetLast a a where
getLast a = a
@ -13,60 +13,73 @@ import Servant.Common.BaseUrl
spec :: Spec
spec = do
let parse = parseBaseUrl :: String -> Maybe BaseUrl
describe "showBaseUrl" $ do
it "shows a BaseUrl" $ do
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Http "" 80) `shouldBe` ""
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Http "" 80 "") `shouldBe` ""
it "shows a https BaseUrl" $ do
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Https "" 443) `shouldBe` ""
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Https "" 443 "") `shouldBe` ""
it "shows the path of a BaseUrl" $ do
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Http "" 80 "api") `shouldBe` ""
it "shows the path of an https BaseUrl" $ do
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Https "" 443 "api") `shouldBe` ""
it "handles leading slashes in path" $ do
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Https "" 443 "/api") `shouldBe` ""
describe "httpBaseUrl" $ do
it "allows to construct default http BaseUrls" $ do
BaseUrl Http "bar" 80 `shouldBe` BaseUrl Http "bar" 80
BaseUrl Http "bar" 80 "" `shouldBe` BaseUrl Http "bar" 80 ""
describe "parseBaseUrl" $ do
it "is total" $ do
property $ \ string ->
deepseq (fmap show (parseBaseUrl string)) True
deepseq (fmap show (parse string )) True
it "is the inverse of showBaseUrl" $ do
property $ \ baseUrl ->
counterexample (showBaseUrl baseUrl) $
parseBaseUrl (showBaseUrl baseUrl) ===
Right baseUrl
property $ \ baseUrl -> counterexample (showBaseUrl baseUrl) $
parse (showBaseUrl baseUrl) === Just baseUrl
it "allows trailing slashes" $ do
parseBaseUrl "" `shouldBe` Right (BaseUrl Http "" 80)
context "trailing slashes" $ do
it "allows trailing slashes" $ do
parse "" `shouldBe` Just (BaseUrl Http "" 80 "")
it "allows trailing slashes in paths" $ do
parse "" `shouldBe` Just (BaseUrl Http "" 80 "api")
context "urls without scheme" $ do
it "assumes http" $ do
parseBaseUrl "" `shouldBe` Right (BaseUrl Http "" 80)
parse "" `shouldBe` Just (BaseUrl Http "" 80 "")
it "allows port numbers" $ do
parseBaseUrl "" `shouldBe` Right (BaseUrl Http "" 8080)
parse "" `shouldBe` Just (BaseUrl Http "" 8080 "")
it "can parse paths" $ do
parse "" `shouldBe` Just (BaseUrl Http "" 80 "api")
it "rejects ftp urls" $ do
parseBaseUrl "" `shouldSatisfy` isLeft
parse "" `shouldBe` Nothing
instance Arbitrary BaseUrl where
arbitrary = BaseUrl <$>
elements [Http, Https] <*>
hostNameGen <*>
portGen <*>
letters = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']
-- this does not perfectly mirror the url standard, but I hope it's good
-- enough.
hostNameGen = do
let letters = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z']
first <- elements letters
middle <- listOf1 $ elements (letters ++ ['0' .. '9'] ++ ['.', '-'])
last <- elements letters
return (first : middle ++ [last])
last' <- elements letters
return (first : middle ++ [last'])
portGen = frequency $
(1, return 80) :
(1, return 443) :
(1, choose (1, 20000)) :
pathGen = listOf1 . elements $ letters
isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool
isLeft = either (const True) (const False)
@ -1,7 +1 @@
import Servant.ClientSpec (failSpec, spec)
main :: IO ()
main = do
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF hspec-discover #-}
Add table
Reference in a new issue