add query rewriting tests and changelog item
add prs: #1249 add ps1249 changelog item
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 127 additions and 105 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
synopsis: use queryString to parse QueryParam, QueryParams and QueryFlag
packages: servant-server
prs: #1249
description: {
Some APIs need query parameters rewriting, e.g. in order to support
for multiple casing (camel, snake, etc) or something to that effect.
This could be easily achieved by using WAI Middleware and modyfing
request's `Query`. But QueryParam, QueryParams and QueryFlag use
`rawQueryString`. By using `queryString` rather then `rawQueryString`
we can enable such rewritings.
@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as Base64
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
(Proxy (Proxy))
import Data.String
@ -35,26 +37,26 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import Network.HTTP.Types
(Status (..), hAccept, hContentType, imATeapot418,
(QueryItem, Status (..), hAccept, hContentType, imATeapot418,
methodDelete, methodGet, methodHead, methodPatch, methodPost,
methodPut, ok200, parseQuery)
import Network.Wai
(Application, Request, pathInfo, queryString, rawQueryString,
requestHeaders, responseLBS)
(Application, Middleware, Request, pathInfo, queryString,
rawQueryString, requestHeaders, responseLBS)
import Network.Wai.Test
(defaultRequest, request, runSession, simpleBody,
simpleHeaders, simpleStatus)
import Servant.API
((:<|>) (..), (:>), AuthProtect, BasicAuth,
BasicAuthData (BasicAuthData), Capture, Capture', CaptureAll, Lenient, Strict, Delete,
EmptyAPI, Get, Header, Headers, HttpVersion, IsSecure (..),
JSON, NoContent (..), NoFraming, OctetStream, Patch,
PlainText, Post, Put, QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams, Raw,
RemoteHost, ReqBody, SourceIO, StdMethod (..), Stream, Verb,
NoContentVerb, addHeader)
BasicAuthData (BasicAuthData), Capture, Capture', CaptureAll,
Delete, EmptyAPI, Get, Header, Headers, HttpVersion,
IsSecure (..), JSON, Lenient, NoContent (..), NoContentVerb,
NoFraming, OctetStream, Patch, PlainText, Post, Put,
QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams, Raw, RemoteHost, ReqBody,
SourceIO, StdMethod (..), Stream, Strict, Verb, addHeader)
import Servant.Server
(Context ((:.), EmptyContext), Handler, Server, Tagged (..),
emptyServer, err400, err401, err403, err404, serve, serveWithContext)
emptyServer, err401, err403, err404, serve, serveWithContext)
import Servant.Test.ComprehensiveAPI
import qualified Servant.Types.SourceT as S
import Test.Hspec
@ -218,7 +220,7 @@ captureServer = getLegs :<|> getEars :<|> getEyes
_ -> throwError err404
getEars :: Either String Integer -> Handler Animal
getEars (Left e) = return chimera -- ignore integer parse error, return weird animal
getEars (Left _) = return chimera -- ignore integer parse error, return weird animal
getEars (Right 2) = return jerry
getEars (Right _) = throwError err404
@ -339,117 +341,123 @@ qpServer = queryParamServer :<|> qpNames :<|> qpCapitalize :<|> qpAge :<|> qpAge
queryParamServer (Just name_) = return alice{name = name_}
queryParamServer Nothing = return alice
queryParamSpec :: Spec
queryParamSpec = do
let mkRequest params pinfo = Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest
{ rawQueryString = params
, queryString = parseQuery params
, pathInfo = pinfo
describe "Servant.API.QueryParam" $ do
it "allows retrieving simple GET parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params1 = "?name=bob"
response1 <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params1,
queryString = parseQuery params1
liftIO $ do
decode' (simpleBody response1) `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "bob"
it "allows retrieving lists in GET parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params2 = "?names[]=bob&names[]=john"
response2 <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params2,
queryString = parseQuery params2,
pathInfo = ["a"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response2) `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "john"
it "parses a query parameter" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params = "?age=55"
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params,
queryString = parseQuery params,
pathInfo = ["param"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice{
age = 55
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response1 <- mkRequest "?name=bob" []
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response1) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "bob"
it "allows retrieving lists in GET parameters" $
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response2 <- mkRequest "?names[]=bob&names[]=john" ["a"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response2) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "john"
it "parses a query parameter" $
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response <- mkRequest "?age=55" ["param"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ age = 55
it "generates an error on query parameter parse failure" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params = "?age=foo"
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params,
queryString = parseQuery params,
pathInfo = ["param"]
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response <- mkRequest "?age=foo" ["param"]
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response) `shouldBe` 400
return ()
it "parses multiple query parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params = "?ages=10&ages=22"
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params,
queryString = parseQuery params,
pathInfo = ["multiparam"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice{
age = 32
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response <- mkRequest "?ages=10&ages=22" ["multiparam"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ age = 32
it "generates an error on parse failures of multiple parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params = "?ages=2&ages=foo"
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params,
queryString = parseQuery params,
pathInfo = ["multiparam"]
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response <- mkRequest "?ages=2&ages=foo" ["multiparam"]
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response) `shouldBe` 400
return ()
it "allows retrieving value-less GET parameters" $
(flip runSession) (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
let params3 = "?capitalize"
response3 <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params3,
queryString = parseQuery params3,
pathInfo = ["b"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response3) `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "ALICE"
flip runSession (serve queryParamApi qpServer) $ do
response3 <- mkRequest "?capitalize" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "ALICE"
let params3' = "?capitalize="
response3' <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params3',
queryString = parseQuery params3',
pathInfo = ["b"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response3') `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "ALICE"
response3' <- mkRequest "?capitalize=" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3') `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "ALICE"
let params3'' = "?unknown="
response3'' <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
rawQueryString = params3'',
queryString = parseQuery params3'',
pathInfo = ["b"]
liftIO $
decode' (simpleBody response3'') `shouldBe` Just alice{
name = "Alice"
response3'' <- mkRequest "?unknown=" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3'') `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "Alice"
describe "Uses queryString instead of rawQueryString" $ do
-- test query parameters rewriter
let queryRewriter :: Middleware
queryRewriter app req = app req
{ queryString = fmap rewrite $ queryString req
rewrite :: QueryItem -> QueryItem
rewrite (k, v) = (fromMaybe k (BS.stripPrefix "person_" k), v)
let app = queryRewriter $ serve queryParamApi qpServer
it "allows rewriting for simple GET/query parameters" $
flip runSession app $ do
response1 <- mkRequest "?person_name=bob" []
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response1) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "bob"
it "allows rewriting for lists in GET parameters" $
flip runSession app $ do
response2 <- mkRequest "?person_names[]=bob&person_names[]=john" ["a"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response2) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "john"
it "allows rewriting when parsing multiple query parameters" $
flip runSession app $ do
response <- mkRequest "?person_ages=10&person_ages=22" ["multiparam"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ age = 32
it "allows retrieving value-less GET parameters" $
flip runSession app $ do
response3 <- mkRequest "?person_capitalize" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3) `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "ALICE"
response3' <- mkRequest "?person_capitalize=" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3') `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "ALICE"
response3'' <- mkRequest "?person_unknown=" ["b"]
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response3'') `shouldBe` Just alice
{ name = "Alice"
-- }}}
@ -544,7 +552,7 @@ rawSpec :: Spec
rawSpec = do
describe "Servant.API.Raw" $ do
it "runs applications" $ do
(flip runSession) (serve rawApi (rawApplication (const (42 :: Integer)))) $ do
flip runSession (serve rawApi (rawApplication (const (42 :: Integer)))) $ do
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
pathInfo = ["foo"]
@ -552,7 +560,7 @@ rawSpec = do
simpleBody response `shouldBe` "42"
it "gets the pathInfo modified" $ do
(flip runSession) (serve rawApi (rawApplication pathInfo)) $ do
flip runSession (serve rawApi (rawApplication pathInfo)) $ do
response <- Network.Wai.Test.request defaultRequest{
pathInfo = ["foo", "bar"]
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