Add test cases for the priority of error codes.

Due to the delayed treatment of checks during the server interpretation,
we now have the ability to produce "better" error codes for certain
APIs. This change introduces test cases for some of these situations and
their new, desired results. These tests would mostly fail with the old
approach to routing.
This commit is contained in:
Andres Loeh 2015-06-01 10:24:09 +02:00
parent f9b1e7fc50
commit 404bfdd89c

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@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ spec = do
@ -572,6 +573,54 @@ responseHeadersSpec = describe "ResponseHeaders" $ do
Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "" [(hAccept, "crazy/mime")] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 415
type PrioErrorsApi = ReqBody '[JSON] Person :> "foo" :> Get '[JSON] Integer
prioErrorsApi :: Proxy PrioErrorsApi
prioErrorsApi = Proxy
-- | Test the relative priority of error responses from the server.
-- In particular, we check whether matching continues even if a 'ReqBody'
-- or similar construct is encountered early in a path. We don't want to
-- see a complaint about the request body unless the path actually matches.
prioErrorsSpec :: Spec
prioErrorsSpec = describe "PrioErrors" $ do
let server = return . age
with (return $ serve prioErrorsApi server) $ do
let check (mdescr, method) path (cdescr, ctype, body) resp =
it fulldescr $
Test.Hspec.Wai.request method path [(hContentType, ctype)] body
`shouldRespondWith` resp
fulldescr = "returns " ++ show (matchStatus resp) ++ " on " ++ mdescr
++ " " ++ cs path ++ " (" ++ cdescr ++ ")"
get' = ("GET", methodGet)
put' = ("PUT", methodPut)
txt = ("text" , "text/plain;charset=utf8" , "42" )
ijson = ("invalid json", "application/json;charset=utf8", "invalid" )
vjson = ("valid json" , "application/json;charset=utf8", encode alice)
check get' "/" txt 404
check get' "/bar" txt 404
check get' "/foo" txt 415
check put' "/" txt 404
check put' "/bar" txt 404
check put' "/foo" txt 405
check get' "/" ijson 404
check get' "/bar" ijson 404
check get' "/foo" ijson 400
check put' "/" ijson 404
check put' "/bar" ijson 404
check put' "/foo" ijson 405
check get' "/" vjson 404
check get' "/bar" vjson 404
check get' "/foo" vjson 200
check put' "/" vjson 404
check put' "/bar" vjson 404
check put' "/foo" vjson 405
-- | Test server error functionality.
errorsSpec :: Spec