Add tests for Servant.Client.Generic
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 67 additions and 0 deletions
@ -98,3 +98,4 @@ test-suite spec
, transformers-compat
, wai
, warp
, generics-sop
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import Data.Char (chr, isPrint)
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.Monoid hiding (getLast)
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Generics.SOP as SOP
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C
import Network.HTTP.Media
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ import Web.FormUrlEncoded (FromForm, ToForm)
import Servant.API
import Servant.API.Internal.Test.ComprehensiveAPI
import Servant.Client
import Servant.Client.Generic
import qualified Servant.Common.Req as SCR
import Servant.Server
import Servant.Server.Experimental.Auth
@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Client" $ do
-- * test data types
@ -222,6 +225,53 @@ genAuthServerContext = genAuthHandler :. EmptyContext
genAuthServer :: Application
genAuthServer = serveWithContext genAuthAPI genAuthServerContext (const (return alice))
-- * generic client stuff
type GenericClientAPI
= QueryParam "sqr" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int
:<|> Capture "foo" String :> NestedAPI1
data GenericClient = GenericClient
{ getSqr :: Maybe Int -> SCR.ClientM Int
, mkNestedClient1 :: String -> NestedClient1
} deriving Generic
instance SOP.Generic GenericClient
instance (Client GenericClientAPI ~ client) => ClientLike client GenericClient
type NestedAPI1
= QueryParam "int" Int :> NestedAPI2
:<|> QueryParam "id" Char :> Get '[JSON] Char
data NestedClient1 = NestedClient1
{ mkNestedClient2 :: Maybe Int -> NestedClient2
, idChar :: Maybe Char -> SCR.ClientM Char
} deriving Generic
instance SOP.Generic NestedClient1
instance (Client NestedAPI1 ~ client) => ClientLike client NestedClient1
type NestedAPI2
= "sum" :> Capture "first" Int :> Capture "second" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int
:<|> "void" :> Post '[JSON] ()
data NestedClient2 = NestedClient2
{ getSum :: Int -> Int -> SCR.ClientM Int
, doNothing :: SCR.ClientM ()
} deriving Generic
instance SOP.Generic NestedClient2
instance (Client NestedAPI2 ~ client) => ClientLike client NestedClient2
genericClientServer :: Application
genericClientServer = serve (Proxy :: Proxy GenericClientAPI) (
(\ mx -> case mx of
Just x -> return (x*x)
Nothing -> throwE $ ServantErr 400 "missing parameter" "" []
:<|> nestedServer1
nestedServer1 _str = nestedServer2 :<|> (maybe (throwE $ ServantErr 400 "missing parameter" "" []) return)
nestedServer2 _int = (\ x y -> return (x + y)) :<|> return ()
{-# NOINLINE manager #-}
manager :: C.Manager
manager = unsafePerformIO $ C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
@ -392,6 +442,22 @@ genAuthSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp genAuthServer) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runClientM (getProtected authRequest) (ClientEnv manager baseUrl)
responseStatus `shouldBe` (HTTP.Status 401 "Unauthorized")
genericClientSpec :: Spec
genericClientSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp genericClientServer) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
describe "Servant.Client.Generic" $ do
let GenericClient{..} = mkClient (client (Proxy :: Proxy GenericClientAPI))
NestedClient1{..} = mkNestedClient1 "example"
NestedClient2{..} = mkNestedClient2 (Just 42)
it "works for top-level client function" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
(left show <$> (runClientM (getSqr (Just 5)) (ClientEnv manager baseUrl))) `shouldReturn` Right 25
it "works for nested clients" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
(left show <$> (runClientM (idChar (Just 'c')) (ClientEnv manager baseUrl))) `shouldReturn` Right 'c'
(left show <$> (runClientM (getSum 3 4) (ClientEnv manager baseUrl))) `shouldReturn` Right 7
(left show <$> (runClientM doNothing (ClientEnv manager baseUrl))) `shouldReturn` Right ()
-- * utils
startWaiApp :: Application -> IO (ThreadId, BaseUrl)
Add table
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