Merge pull request #276 from haskell-servant/jkarni/emptyWithHeaders
Consolidate verbs
This commit is contained in:
30 changed files with 639 additions and 1017 deletions
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
@ -23,7 +24,6 @@ module Servant.Client
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.List
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import Servant.Common.Req
-- | 'client' allows you to produce operations to query an API from a client.
-- > type MyApi = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book] -- GET /books
-- > :<|> "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post Book -- POST /books
-- > :<|> "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post '[JSON] Book -- POST /books
-- >
-- > myApi :: Proxy MyApi
-- > myApi = Proxy
@ -118,62 +118,48 @@ instance (KnownSymbol capture, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient sublayout)
where p = unpack (toUrlPiece val)
-- | If you have a 'Delete' endpoint in your API, the client
-- side querying function that is created when calling 'client'
-- will just require an argument that specifies the scheme, host
-- and port to send the request to.
(MimeUnrender ct a, cts' ~ (ct ': cts)) => HasClient (Delete cts' a) where
type Client (Delete cts' a) = ExceptT ServantError IO a
-- Note [Non-Empty Content Types]
(MimeUnrender ct a, ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts)
) => HasClient (Verb method status cts' a) where
type Client (Verb method status cts' a) = ExceptT ServantError IO a
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
snd <$> performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodDelete req baseurl manager
snd <$> performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) method req baseurl manager
where method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
HasClient (Delete cts ()) where
type Client (Delete cts ()) = ExceptT ServantError IO ()
(ReflectMethod method) => HasClient (Verb method status cts NoContent) where
type Client (Verb method status cts NoContent) = ExceptT ServantError IO NoContent
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
void $ performRequestNoBody H.methodDelete req baseurl manager
performRequestNoBody method req baseurl manager >> return NoContent
where method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
-- | If you have a 'Delete xs (Headers ls x)' endpoint, the client expects the
-- corresponding headers.
( MimeUnrender ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls, cts' ~ (ct ': cts)
) => HasClient (Delete cts' (Headers ls a)) where
type Client (Delete cts' (Headers ls a)) = ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls a)
-- Note [Non-Empty Content Types]
( MimeUnrender ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls, ReflectMethod method, cts' ~ (ct ': cts)
) => HasClient (Verb method status cts' (Headers ls a)) where
type Client (Verb method status cts' (Headers ls a))
= ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls a)
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager = do
(hdrs, resp) <- performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodDelete req baseurl manager
let method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
(hdrs, resp) <- performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) method req baseurl manager
return $ Headers { getResponse = resp
, getHeadersHList = buildHeadersTo hdrs
-- | If you have a 'Get' endpoint in your API, the client
-- side querying function that is created when calling 'client'
-- will just require an argument that specifies the scheme, host
-- and port to send the request to.
(MimeUnrender ct result) => HasClient (Get (ct ': cts) result) where
type Client (Get (ct ': cts) result) = ExceptT ServantError IO result
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
snd <$> performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodGet req baseurl manager
HasClient (Get (ct ': cts) ()) where
type Client (Get (ct ': cts) ()) = ExceptT ServantError IO ()
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
performRequestNoBody H.methodGet req baseurl manager
-- | If you have a 'Get xs (Headers ls x)' endpoint, the client expects the
-- corresponding headers.
( MimeUnrender ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls
) => HasClient (Get (ct ': cts) (Headers ls a)) where
type Client (Get (ct ': cts) (Headers ls a)) = ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls a)
( BuildHeadersTo ls, ReflectMethod method
) => HasClient (Verb method status cts (Headers ls NoContent)) where
type Client (Verb method status cts (Headers ls NoContent))
= ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls NoContent)
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager = do
(hdrs, resp) <- performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodGet req baseurl manager
return $ Headers { getResponse = resp
let method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
hdrs <- performRequestNoBody method req baseurl manager
return $ Headers { getResponse = NoContent
, getHeadersHList = buildHeadersTo hdrs
-- | If you use a 'Header' in one of your endpoints in your API,
-- the corresponding querying function will automatically take
-- an additional argument of the type specified by your 'Header',
@ -217,90 +203,6 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToHttpApiData a, HasClient sublayout)
where hname = symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
-- | If you have a 'Post' endpoint in your API, the client
-- side querying function that is created when calling 'client'
-- will just require an argument that specifies the scheme, host
-- and port to send the request to.
(MimeUnrender ct a) => HasClient (Post (ct ': cts) a) where
type Client (Post (ct ': cts) a) = ExceptT ServantError IO a
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
snd <$> performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodPost req baseurl manager
HasClient (Post (ct ': cts) ()) where
type Client (Post (ct ': cts) ()) = ExceptT ServantError IO ()
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
void $ performRequestNoBody H.methodPost req baseurl manager
-- | If you have a 'Post xs (Headers ls x)' endpoint, the client expects the
-- corresponding headers.
( MimeUnrender ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls
) => HasClient (Post (ct ': cts) (Headers ls a)) where
type Client (Post (ct ': cts) (Headers ls a)) = ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls a)
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager = do
(hdrs, resp) <- performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodPost req baseurl manager
return $ Headers { getResponse = resp
, getHeadersHList = buildHeadersTo hdrs
-- | If you have a 'Put' endpoint in your API, the client
-- side querying function that is created when calling 'client'
-- will just require an argument that specifies the scheme, host
-- and port to send the request to.
(MimeUnrender ct a) => HasClient (Put (ct ': cts) a) where
type Client (Put (ct ': cts) a) = ExceptT ServantError IO a
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
snd <$> performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodPut req baseurl manager
HasClient (Put (ct ': cts) ()) where
type Client (Put (ct ': cts) ()) = ExceptT ServantError IO ()
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
void $ performRequestNoBody H.methodPut req baseurl manager
-- | If you have a 'Put xs (Headers ls x)' endpoint, the client expects the
-- corresponding headers.
( MimeUnrender ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls
) => HasClient (Put (ct ': cts) (Headers ls a)) where
type Client (Put (ct ': cts) (Headers ls a)) = ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls a)
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager= do
(hdrs, resp) <- performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodPut req baseurl manager
return $ Headers { getResponse = resp
, getHeadersHList = buildHeadersTo hdrs
-- | If you have a 'Patch' endpoint in your API, the client
-- side querying function that is created when calling 'client'
-- will just require an argument that specifies the scheme, host
-- and port to send the request to.
(MimeUnrender ct a) => HasClient (Patch (ct ': cts) a) where
type Client (Patch (ct ': cts) a) = ExceptT ServantError IO a
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
snd <$> performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodPatch req baseurl manager
HasClient (Patch (ct ': cts) ()) where
type Client (Patch (ct ': cts) ()) = ExceptT ServantError IO ()
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
void $ performRequestNoBody H.methodPatch req baseurl manager
-- | If you have a 'Patch xs (Headers ls x)' endpoint, the client expects the
-- corresponding headers.
( MimeUnrender ct a, BuildHeadersTo ls
) => HasClient (Patch (ct ': cts) (Headers ls a)) where
type Client (Patch (ct ': cts) (Headers ls a)) = ExceptT ServantError IO (Headers ls a)
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager = do
(hdrs, resp) <- performRequestCT (Proxy :: Proxy ct) H.methodPatch req baseurl manager
return $ Headers { getResponse = resp
, getHeadersHList = buildHeadersTo hdrs
-- | If you use a 'QueryParam' in one of your endpoints in your API,
-- the corresponding querying function will automatically take
-- an additional argument of the type specified by your 'QueryParam',
@ -503,3 +405,20 @@ instance HasClient api => HasClient (IsSecure :> api) where
clientWithRoute Proxy req baseurl manager =
clientWithRoute (Proxy :: Proxy api) req baseurl manager
{- Note [Non-Empty Content Types]
Rather than have
instance (..., cts' ~ (ct ': cts)) => ... cts' ...
It may seem to make more sense to have:
instance (...) => ... (ct ': cts) ...
But this means that if another instance exists that does *not* require
non-empty lists, but is otherwise more specific, no instance will be overall
more specific. This in turn generally means adding yet another instance (one
for empty and one for non-empty lists).
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ performRequest reqMethod req reqHost manager = do
Right response -> do
let status = Client.responseStatus response
body = Client.responseBody response
hrds = Client.responseHeaders response
hdrs = Client.responseHeaders response
status_code = statusCode status
ct <- case lookup "Content-Type" $ Client.responseHeaders response of
Nothing -> pure $ "application"//"octet-stream"
@ -151,23 +151,26 @@ performRequest reqMethod req reqHost manager = do
Just t' -> pure t'
unless (status_code >= 200 && status_code < 300) $
throwE $ FailureResponse status ct body
return (status_code, body, ct, hrds, response)
return (status_code, body, ct, hdrs, response)
performRequestCT :: MimeUnrender ct result =>
Proxy ct -> Method -> Req -> BaseUrl -> Manager -> ExceptT ServantError IO ([HTTP.Header], result)
Proxy ct -> Method -> Req -> BaseUrl -> Manager
-> ExceptT ServantError IO ([HTTP.Header], result)
performRequestCT ct reqMethod req reqHost manager = do
let acceptCT = contentType ct
(_status, respBody, respCT, hrds, _response) <-
(_status, respBody, respCT, hdrs, _response) <-
performRequest reqMethod (req { reqAccept = [acceptCT] }) reqHost manager
unless (matches respCT (acceptCT)) $ throwE $ UnsupportedContentType respCT respBody
case mimeUnrender ct respBody of
Left err -> throwE $ DecodeFailure err respCT respBody
Right val -> return (hrds, val)
Right val -> return (hdrs, val)
performRequestNoBody :: Method -> Req -> BaseUrl -> Manager -> ExceptT ServantError IO ()
performRequestNoBody reqMethod req reqHost manager =
void $ performRequest reqMethod req reqHost manager
performRequestNoBody :: Method -> Req -> BaseUrl -> Manager
-> ExceptT ServantError IO [HTTP.Header]
performRequestNoBody reqMethod req reqHost manager = do
(_status, _body, _ct, hdrs, _response) <- performRequest reqMethod req reqHost manager
return hdrs
catchConnectionError :: IO a -> IO (Either ServantError a)
catchConnectionError action =
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ type TestHeaders = '[Header "X-Example1" Int, Header "X-Example2" String]
type Api =
"get" :> Get '[JSON] Person
:<|> "deleteEmpty" :> Delete '[] ()
:<|> "deleteEmpty" :> DeleteNoContent '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "capture" :> Capture "name" String :> Get '[JSON,FormUrlEncoded] Person
:<|> "body" :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded,JSON] Person :> Post '[JSON] Person
:<|> "param" :> QueryParam "name" String :> Get '[FormUrlEncoded,JSON] Person
@ -105,14 +105,14 @@ type Api =
ReqBody '[JSON] [(String, [Rational])] :>
Get '[JSON] (String, Maybe Int, Bool, [(String, [Rational])])
:<|> "headers" :> Get '[JSON] (Headers TestHeaders Bool)
:<|> "deleteContentType" :> Delete '[JSON] ()
:<|> "deleteContentType" :> DeleteNoContent '[JSON] NoContent
api :: Proxy Api
api = Proxy
server :: Application
server = serve api (
return alice
:<|> return ()
:<|> return NoContent
:<|> (\ name -> return $ Person name 0)
:<|> return
:<|> (\ name -> case name of
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ server = serve api (
:<|> (\ _request respond -> respond $ responseLBS badRequest400 [] "rawFailure")
:<|> (\ a b c d -> return (a, b, c, d))
:<|> (return $ addHeader 1729 $ addHeader "eg2" True)
:<|> return ()
:<|> return NoContent
@ -157,11 +157,11 @@ sucessSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp server) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
describe "Servant.API.Delete" $ do
it "allows empty content type" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getDeleteEmpty = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 1) $ client api baseUrl manager
(left show <$> runExceptT getDeleteEmpty) `shouldReturn` Right ()
(left show <$> runExceptT getDeleteEmpty) `shouldReturn` Right NoContent
it "allows content type" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getDeleteContentType = getLast $ client api baseUrl manager
(left show <$> runExceptT getDeleteContentType) `shouldReturn` Right ()
(left show <$> runExceptT getDeleteContentType) `shouldReturn` Right NoContent
it "Servant.API.Capture" $ \(_, baseUrl) -> do
let getCapture = getNth (Proxy :: Proxy 2) $ client api baseUrl manager
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ failSpec = beforeAll (startWaiApp failServer) $ afterAll endWaiApp $ do
_ -> fail $ "expected InvalidContentTypeHeader, but got " <> show res
data WrappedApi where
WrappedApi :: (HasServer api, Server api ~ ExceptT ServantErr IO a,
WrappedApi :: (HasServer (api :: *), Server api ~ ExceptT ServantErr IO a,
HasClient api, Client api ~ ExceptT ServantError IO ()) =>
Proxy api -> WrappedApi
@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ module Servant.Docs
, ToCapture(..)
, -- * ADTs to represent an 'API'
, Endpoint, path, method, defEndpoint
Endpoint, path, method, defEndpoint
, API, apiIntros, apiEndpoints, emptyAPI
, DocCapture(..), capSymbol, capDesc
, DocQueryParam(..), ParamKind(..), paramName, paramValues, paramDesc, paramKind
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
@ -49,21 +49,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.HTTP.Media as M
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
-- | Supported HTTP request methods
data Method = DocDELETE -- ^ the DELETE method
| DocGET -- ^ the GET method
| DocPOST -- ^ the POST method
| DocPUT -- ^ the PUT method
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Show Method where
show DocGET = "GET"
show DocPOST = "POST"
show DocPUT = "PUT"
instance Hashable Method
-- | An 'Endpoint' type that holds the 'path' and the 'method'.
-- Gets used as the key in the 'API' hashmap. Modify 'defEndpoint'
@ -75,12 +60,12 @@ instance Hashable Method
-- GET /
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"]
-- GET /foo
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"] & 'method' '.~' 'DocPOST'
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"] & 'method' '.~' 'HTTP.methodPost'
-- POST /foo
-- @
data Endpoint = Endpoint
{ _path :: [String] -- type collected
, _method :: Method -- type collected
{ _path :: [String] -- type collected
, _method :: HTTP.Method -- type collected
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
instance Show Endpoint where
@ -94,7 +79,7 @@ showPath :: [String] -> String
showPath [] = "/"
showPath ps = concatMap ('/' :) ps
-- | An 'Endpoint' whose path is `"/"` and whose method is 'DocGET'
-- | An 'Endpoint' whose path is `"/"` and whose method is @GET@
-- Here's how you can modify it:
@ -103,11 +88,11 @@ showPath ps = concatMap ('/' :) ps
-- GET /
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"]
-- GET /foo
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"] & 'method' '.~' 'DocPOST'
-- λ> 'defEndpoint' & 'path' '<>~' ["foo"] & 'method' '.~' 'HTTP.methodPost'
-- POST /foo
-- @
defEndpoint :: Endpoint
defEndpoint = Endpoint [] DocGET
defEndpoint = Endpoint [] HTTP.methodGet
instance Hashable Endpoint
@ -476,8 +461,8 @@ instance (ToByteString l, AllHeaderSamples ls, ToSample l, KnownSymbol h)
-- | Synthesise a sample value of a type, encoded in the specified media types.
:: forall ctypes a. (ToSample a, IsNonEmpty ctypes, AllMimeRender ctypes a)
=> Proxy ctypes
:: forall ct cts a. (ToSample a, AllMimeRender (ct ': cts) a)
=> Proxy (ct ': cts)
-> Proxy a
-> [(M.MediaType, ByteString)]
sampleByteString ctypes@Proxy Proxy =
@ -486,8 +471,8 @@ sampleByteString ctypes@Proxy Proxy =
-- | Synthesise a list of sample values of a particular type, encoded in the
-- specified media types.
:: forall ctypes a. (ToSample a, IsNonEmpty ctypes, AllMimeRender ctypes a)
=> Proxy ctypes
:: forall ct cts a. (ToSample a, AllMimeRender (ct ': cts) a)
=> Proxy (ct ': cts)
-> Proxy a
-> [(Text, M.MediaType, ByteString)]
sampleByteStrings ctypes@Proxy Proxy =
@ -689,124 +674,37 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToCapture (Capture sym a), HasDocs sublayout)
(ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a)
=> HasDocs (Delete cts a) where
(ToSample a, AllMimeRender (ct ': cts) a, KnownNat status
, ReflectMethod method)
=> HasDocs (Verb method status (ct ': cts) a) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) DocOptions{..} =
single endpoint' action'
where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocDELETE
where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ method'
action' = action & response.respBody .~ take _maxSamples (sampleByteStrings t p)
& response.respTypes .~ allMime t
t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
& response.respStatus .~ status
t = Proxy :: Proxy (ct ': cts)
method' = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
status = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy status)
p = Proxy :: Proxy a
(ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a
, AllHeaderSamples ls , GetHeaders (HList ls) )
=> HasDocs (Delete cts (Headers ls a)) where
(ToSample a, AllMimeRender (ct ': cts) a, KnownNat status
, ReflectMethod method, AllHeaderSamples ls, GetHeaders (HList ls))
=> HasDocs (Verb method status (ct ': cts) (Headers ls a)) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) DocOptions{..} =
single endpoint' action'
where hdrs = allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocDELETE
where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ method'
action' = action & response.respBody .~ take _maxSamples (sampleByteStrings t p)
& response.respTypes .~ allMime t
& response.respStatus .~ status
& response.respHeaders .~ hdrs
t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
p = Proxy :: Proxy a
(ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a)
=> HasDocs (Get cts a) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) DocOptions{..} =
single endpoint' action'
where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocGET
action' = action & response.respBody .~ take _maxSamples (sampleByteStrings t p)
& response.respTypes .~ allMime t
t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
p = Proxy :: Proxy a
(ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a
, AllHeaderSamples ls , GetHeaders (HList ls) )
=> HasDocs (Get cts (Headers ls a)) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) DocOptions{..} =
single endpoint' action'
where hdrs = allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocGET
action' = action & response.respBody .~ take _maxSamples (sampleByteStrings t p)
& response.respTypes .~ allMime t
& response.respHeaders .~ hdrs
t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
p = Proxy :: Proxy a
instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasDocs sublayout)
=> HasDocs (Header sym a :> sublayout) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint, action')
where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
action' = over headers (|> headername) action
headername = pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
(ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a)
=> HasDocs (Post cts a) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) DocOptions{..} =
single endpoint' action'
where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocPOST
action' = action & response.respBody .~ take _maxSamples (sampleByteStrings t p)
& response.respTypes .~ allMime t
& response.respStatus .~ 201
t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
p = Proxy :: Proxy a
(ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a
, AllHeaderSamples ls , GetHeaders (HList ls) )
=> HasDocs (Post cts (Headers ls a)) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) DocOptions{..} =
single endpoint' action'
where hdrs = allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocPOST
action' = action & response.respBody .~ take _maxSamples (sampleByteStrings t p)
& response.respTypes .~ allMime t
& response.respStatus .~ 201
& response.respHeaders .~ hdrs
t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
p = Proxy :: Proxy a
(ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a)
=> HasDocs (Put cts a) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) DocOptions{..} =
single endpoint' action'
where endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocPUT
action' = action & response.respBody .~ take _maxSamples (sampleByteStrings t p)
& response.respTypes .~ allMime t
& response.respStatus .~ 200
t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
p = Proxy :: Proxy a
( ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a,
AllHeaderSamples ls , GetHeaders (HList ls) )
=> HasDocs (Put cts (Headers ls a)) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) DocOptions{..} =
single endpoint' action'
where hdrs = allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
endpoint' = endpoint & method .~ DocPUT
action' = action & response.respBody .~ take _maxSamples (sampleByteStrings t p)
& response.respTypes .~ allMime t
& response.respStatus .~ 200
& response.respHeaders .~ hdrs
t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
t = Proxy :: Proxy (ct ': cts)
hdrs = allHeaderToSample (Proxy :: Proxy ls)
method' = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
status = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy status)
p = Proxy :: Proxy a
instance (KnownSymbol sym, ToParam (QueryParam sym a), HasDocs sublayout)
@ -849,8 +747,8 @@ instance HasDocs Raw where
-- example data. However, there's no reason to believe that the instances of
-- 'AllMimeUnrender' and 'AllMimeRender' actually agree (or to suppose that
-- both are even defined) for any particular type.
instance (ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a, HasDocs sublayout)
=> HasDocs (ReqBody cts a :> sublayout) where
instance (ToSample a, AllMimeRender (ct ': cts) a, HasDocs sublayout)
=> HasDocs (ReqBody (ct ': cts) a :> sublayout) where
docsFor Proxy (endpoint, action) =
docsFor sublayoutP (endpoint, action')
@ -858,7 +756,7 @@ instance (ToSample a, IsNonEmpty cts, AllMimeRender cts a, HasDocs sublayout)
where sublayoutP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
action' = action & rqbody .~ sampleByteString t p
& rqtypes .~ allMime t
t = Proxy :: Proxy cts
t = Proxy :: Proxy (ct ': cts)
p = Proxy :: Proxy a
instance (KnownSymbol path, HasDocs sublayout) => HasDocs (path :> sublayout) where
@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ spec = describe "Servant.Docs" $ do
it "mentions status codes" $ do
md `shouldContain` "Status code 200"
md `shouldContain` "Status code 201"
it "mentions methods" $ do
md `shouldContain` "POST"
@ -27,10 +27,11 @@ source-repository head
exposed-modules: Servant.Foreign, Servant.Foreign.Internal
build-depends: base == 4.*
, lens == 4.*
, servant == 0.5.*
, text >= 1.2 && < 1.3
build-depends: base == 4.*
, lens == 4.*
, servant == 0.5.*
, text >= 1.2 && < 1.3
, http-types
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ test-suite spec
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
hs-source-dirs: test
ghc-options: -Wall
include-dirs: include
main-is: Spec.hs
@ -13,18 +13,21 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
-- | Generalizes all the data needed to make code generation work with
-- arbitrary programming languages.
module Servant.Foreign.Internal where
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (%~), (&), (.~), (<>~))
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Control.Lens (makeLenses, (%~), (&), (.~), (<>~))
import qualified Data.Char as C
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Text
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import GHC.TypeLits
import Prelude hiding (concat)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Prelude hiding (concat)
import Servant.API
-- | Function name builder that simply concat each part together
@ -86,11 +89,10 @@ defUrl :: Url
defUrl = Url [] []
type FunctionName = [Text]
type Method = Text
data Req = Req
{ _reqUrl :: Url
, _reqMethod :: Method
, _reqMethod :: HTTP.Method
, _reqHeaders :: [HeaderArg]
, _reqBody :: Maybe ForeignType
, _reqReturnType :: ForeignType
@ -185,27 +187,18 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType lang a, HasForeign lang sublayout)
str = pack . symbolVal $ (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
arg = (str, typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy a))
instance (Elem JSON list, HasForeignType lang a)
=> HasForeign lang (Delete list a) where
type Foreign (Delete list a) = Req
instance (Elem JSON list, HasForeignType lang a, ReflectMethod method)
=> HasForeign lang (Verb method status list a) where
type Foreign (Verb method status list a) = Req
foreignFor lang Proxy req =
req & funcName %~ ("delete" :)
& reqMethod .~ "DELETE"
req & funcName %~ (methodLC :)
& reqMethod .~ method
& reqReturnType .~ retType
retType = typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance (Elem JSON list, HasForeignType lang a)
=> HasForeign lang (Get list a) where
type Foreign (Get list a) = Req
foreignFor lang Proxy req =
req & funcName %~ ("get" :)
& reqMethod .~ "GET"
& reqReturnType .~ retType
retType = typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy a)
retType = typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy a)
method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
methodLC = toLower $ decodeUtf8 method
instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType lang a, HasForeign lang sublayout)
=> HasForeign lang (Header sym a :> sublayout) where
@ -220,28 +213,6 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType lang a, HasForeign lang sublayout)
arg = (hname, typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy a))
subP = Proxy :: Proxy sublayout
instance (Elem JSON list, HasForeignType lang a)
=> HasForeign lang (Post list a) where
type Foreign (Post list a) = Req
foreignFor lang Proxy req =
req & funcName %~ ("post" :)
& reqMethod .~ "POST"
& reqReturnType .~ retType
retType = typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance (Elem JSON list, HasForeignType lang a)
=> HasForeign lang (Put list a) where
type Foreign (Put list a) = Req
foreignFor lang Proxy req =
req & funcName %~ ("put" :)
& reqMethod .~ "PUT"
& reqReturnType .~ retType
retType = typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy a)
instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType lang a, HasForeign lang sublayout)
=> HasForeign lang (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) where
type Foreign (QueryParam sym a :> sublayout) = Foreign sublayout
@ -279,10 +250,10 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, HasForeignType lang a, a ~ Bool, HasForeign lang subl
arg = (str, typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy a))
instance HasForeign lang Raw where
type Foreign Raw = Method -> Req
type Foreign Raw = HTTP.Method -> Req
foreignFor _ Proxy req method =
req & funcName %~ ((toLower method) :)
req & funcName %~ ((toLower $ decodeUtf8 method) :)
& reqMethod .~ method
instance (Elem JSON list, HasForeignType lang a, HasForeign lang sublayout)
@ -346,4 +317,3 @@ instance (GenerateList start, GenerateList rest) => GenerateList (start :<|> res
-- describing one endpoint from your API type.
listFromAPI :: (HasForeign lang api, GenerateList (Foreign api)) => Proxy lang -> Proxy api -> [Req]
listFromAPI lang p = generateList (foreignFor lang p defReq)
@ -7,9 +7,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
#include "overlapping-compat.h"
module Servant.ForeignSpec where
@ -41,9 +40,9 @@ instance HasForeignType LangX Int where
typeFor _ _ = "intX"
instance HasForeignType LangX Bool where
typeFor _ _ = "boolX"
instance {-# Overlapping #-} HasForeignType LangX String where
instance OVERLAPPING_ HasForeignType LangX String where
typeFor _ _ = "stringX"
instance {-# Overlappable #-} HasForeignType LangX a => HasForeignType LangX [a] where
instance OVERLAPPABLE_ HasForeignType LangX a => HasForeignType LangX [a] where
typeFor lang _ = "listX of " <> typeFor lang (Proxy :: Proxy a)
type TestApi
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Servant.Foreign
import Servant.JS.Internal
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ generateAngularJSWith ngOptions opts req = "\n" <>
<> " { url: " <> url <> "\n"
<> dataBody
<> reqheaders
<> " , method: '" <> method <> "'\n"
<> " , method: '" <> decodeUtf8 method <> "'\n"
<> " });\n"
<> "}\n"
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import Control.Lens
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Servant.Foreign
import Servant.JS.Internal
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ generateAxiosJSWith aopts opts req = "\n" <>
fname = namespace <> (functionNameBuilder opts $ req ^. funcName)
method = T.toLower $ req ^. reqMethod
method = T.toLower . decodeUtf8 $ req ^. reqMethod
url = if url' == "'" then "'/'" else url'
url' = "'"
<> urlPrefix opts
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Servant.Foreign
import Servant.JS.Internal
@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ generateJQueryJSWith opts req = "\n" <>
<> dataBody
<> reqheaders
<> " , error: " <> onError <> "\n"
<> " , type: '" <> method <> "'\n"
<> " , type: '" <> decodeUtf8 method <> "'\n"
<> " });\n"
<> "}\n"
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ module Servant.JS.Vanilla where
import Control.Lens
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid
import Servant.Foreign
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ generateVanillaJSWith opts req = "\n" <>
fname <> " = function(" <> argsStr <> ")\n"
<> "{\n"
<> " var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n"
<> "'" <> method <> "', " <> url <> ", true);\n"
<> "'" <> decodeUtf8 method <> "', " <> url <> ", true);\n"
<> reqheaders
<> " xhr.setRequestHeader(\"Accept\",\"application/json\");\n"
<> (if isJust (req ^. reqBody) then " xhr.setRequestHeader(\"Content-Type\",\"application/json\");\n" else "")
@ -139,19 +139,8 @@ instance (KnownSymbol s, HasMock rest) => HasMock (QueryFlag s :> rest) where
instance (KnownSymbol h, FromHttpApiData a, HasMock rest) => HasMock (Header h a :> rest) where
mock _ = \_ -> mock (Proxy :: Proxy rest)
instance (Arbitrary a, AllCTRender ctypes a) => HasMock (Delete ctypes a) where
mock _ = mockArbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a, AllCTRender ctypes a) => HasMock (Get ctypes a) where
mock _ = mockArbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a, AllCTRender ctypes a) => HasMock (Patch ctypes a) where
mock _ = mockArbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a, AllCTRender ctypes a) => HasMock (Post ctypes a) where
mock _ = mockArbitrary
instance (Arbitrary a, AllCTRender ctypes a) => HasMock (Put ctypes a) where
instance (Arbitrary a, KnownNat status, ReflectMethod method, AllCTRender ctypes a)
=> HasMock (Verb method status ctypes a) where
mock _ = mockArbitrary
instance HasMock Raw where
@ -21,26 +21,33 @@ module Servant.Server.Internal
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (ConvertibleStrings, cs, (<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs, (<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, symbolVal)
import Network.HTTP.Types hiding (Header, ResponseHeaders)
import Network.Socket (SockAddr)
import Network.Wai (Application, lazyRequestBody,
rawQueryString, requestHeaders,
requestMethod, responseLBS, remoteHost,
isSecure, vault, httpVersion, Response,
Request, pathInfo)
import GHC.TypeLits (KnownNat, KnownSymbol, natVal,
import Network.HTTP.Types hiding (Header, ResponseHeaders)
import Network.Socket (SockAddr)
import Network.Wai (Application, Request, Response,
httpVersion, isSecure,
lazyRequestBody, pathInfo,
rawQueryString, remoteHost,
requestHeaders, requestMethod,
responseLBS, vault)
import Web.HttpApiData (FromHttpApiData)
import Web.HttpApiData.Internal (parseHeaderMaybe,
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..), (:>), Capture,
Delete, Get, Header,
IsSecure(..), Patch, Post, Put,
Verb, ReflectMethod(reflectMethod),
IsSecure(..), Header,
QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams,
Raw, RemoteHost, ReqBody, Vault)
import Servant.API.ContentTypes (AcceptHeader (..),
@ -55,8 +62,6 @@ import Servant.Server.Internal.Router
import Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplication
import Servant.Server.Internal.ServantErr
import Web.HttpApiData (FromHttpApiData)
import Web.HttpApiData.Internal (parseUrlPieceMaybe, parseHeaderMaybe, parseQueryParamMaybe)
class HasServer layout where
type ServerT layout (m :: * -> *) :: *
@ -129,8 +134,7 @@ allowedMethodHead method request = method == methodGet && requestMethod request
allowedMethod :: Method -> Request -> Bool
allowedMethod method request = allowedMethodHead method request || requestMethod request == method
processMethodRouter :: forall a. ConvertibleStrings a B.ByteString
=> Maybe (a, BL.ByteString) -> Status -> Method
processMethodRouter :: Maybe (BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString) -> Status -> Method
-> Maybe [(HeaderName, B.ByteString)]
-> Request -> RouteResult Response
processMethodRouter handleA status method headers request = case handleA of
@ -160,7 +164,7 @@ methodRouter method proxy status action = LeafRouter route'
| pathIsEmpty request =
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
in runAction (action `addMethodCheck` methodCheck method request
`addAcceptCheck` acceptCheck proxy accH
`addAcceptCheck` acceptCheck proxy accH
) respond $ \ output -> do
let handleA = handleAcceptH proxy (AcceptHeader accH) output
processMethodRouter handleA status method Nothing request
@ -176,95 +180,33 @@ methodRouterHeaders method proxy status action = LeafRouter route'
| pathIsEmpty request =
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
in runAction (action `addMethodCheck` methodCheck method request
`addAcceptCheck` acceptCheck proxy accH
`addAcceptCheck` acceptCheck proxy accH
) respond $ \ output -> do
let headers = getHeaders output
handleA = handleAcceptH proxy (AcceptHeader accH) (getResponse output)
processMethodRouter handleA status method (Just headers) request
| otherwise = respond $ Fail err404
methodRouterEmpty :: Method
-> Delayed (ExceptT ServantErr IO ())
-> Router
methodRouterEmpty method action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request = do
runAction (addMethodCheck action (methodCheck method request)) respond $ \ () ->
Route $! responseLBS noContent204 [] ""
| otherwise = respond $ Fail err404
-- | If you have a 'Delete' endpoint in your API,
-- the handler for this endpoint is meant to delete
-- a resource.
-- The code of the handler will, just like
-- for 'Servant.API.Get.Get', 'Servant.API.Post.Post' and
-- 'Servant.API.Put.Put', run in @ExceptT ServantErr IO ()@.
-- The 'Int' represents the status code and the 'String' a message
-- to be returned. You can use 'Control.Monad.Trans.Except.throwE' to
-- painlessly error out if the conditions for a successful deletion
-- are not met.
( AllCTRender ctypes a
) => HasServer (Delete ctypes a) where
( AllCTRender ctypes a, ReflectMethod method, KnownNat status
) => HasServer (Verb method status ctypes a) where
type ServerT (Delete ctypes a) m = m a
type ServerT (Verb method status ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy = methodRouter methodDelete (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
route Proxy = methodRouter method (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) status
where method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
status = toEnum . fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy status)
HasServer (Delete ctypes ()) where
( AllCTRender ctypes a, ReflectMethod method, KnownNat status
, GetHeaders (Headers h a)
) => HasServer (Verb method status ctypes (Headers h a)) where
type ServerT (Delete ctypes ()) m = m ()
type ServerT (Verb method status ctypes (Headers h a)) m = m (Headers h a)
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodDelete
-- Add response headers
( GetHeaders (Headers h v), AllCTRender ctypes v
) => HasServer (Delete ctypes (Headers h v)) where
type ServerT (Delete ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodDelete (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
-- | When implementing the handler for a 'Get' endpoint,
-- just like for 'Servant.API.Delete.Delete', 'Servant.API.Post.Post'
-- and 'Servant.API.Put.Put', the handler code runs in the
-- @ExceptT ServantErr IO@ monad, where the 'Int' represents
-- the status code and the 'String' a message, returned in case of
-- failure. You can quite handily use 'Control.Monad.Trans.Except.throwE'
-- to quickly fail if some conditions are not met.
-- If successfully returning a value, we use the type-level list, combined
-- with the request's @Accept@ header, to encode the value for you
-- (returning a status code of 200). If there was no @Accept@ header or it
-- was @*\/\*@, we return encode using the first @Content-Type@ type on the
-- list.
( AllCTRender ctypes a ) => HasServer (Get ctypes a) where
type ServerT (Get ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy = methodRouter methodGet (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
-- '()' ==> 204 No Content
HasServer (Get ctypes ()) where
type ServerT (Get ctypes ()) m = m ()
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodGet
-- Add response headers
( GetHeaders (Headers h v), AllCTRender ctypes v
) => HasServer (Get ctypes (Headers h v)) where
type ServerT (Get ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodGet (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders method (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) status
where method = reflectMethod (Proxy :: Proxy method)
status = toEnum . fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy status)
-- | If you use 'Header' in one of the endpoints for your API,
-- this automatically requires your server-side handler to be a function
@ -297,113 +239,6 @@ instance (KnownSymbol sym, FromHttpApiData a, HasServer sublayout)
in route (Proxy :: Proxy sublayout) (passToServer subserver mheader)
where str = fromString $ symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy sym)
-- | When implementing the handler for a 'Post' endpoint,
-- just like for 'Servant.API.Delete.Delete', 'Servant.API.Get.Get'
-- and 'Servant.API.Put.Put', the handler code runs in the
-- @ExceptT ServantErr IO@ monad, where the 'Int' represents
-- the status code and the 'String' a message, returned in case of
-- failure. You can quite handily use 'Control.Monad.Trans.Except.throwE'
-- to quickly fail if some conditions are not met.
-- If successfully returning a value, we use the type-level list, combined
-- with the request's @Accept@ header, to encode the value for you
-- (returning a status code of 201). If there was no @Accept@ header or it
-- was @*\/\*@, we return encode using the first @Content-Type@ type on the
-- list.
( AllCTRender ctypes a
) => HasServer (Post ctypes a) where
type ServerT (Post ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy = methodRouter methodPost (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) created201
HasServer (Post ctypes ()) where
type ServerT (Post ctypes ()) m = m ()
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodPost
-- Add response headers
( GetHeaders (Headers h v), AllCTRender ctypes v
) => HasServer (Post ctypes (Headers h v)) where
type ServerT (Post ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodPost (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) created201
-- | When implementing the handler for a 'Put' endpoint,
-- just like for 'Servant.API.Delete.Delete', 'Servant.API.Get.Get'
-- and 'Servant.API.Post.Post', the handler code runs in the
-- @ExceptT ServantErr IO@ monad, where the 'Int' represents
-- the status code and the 'String' a message, returned in case of
-- failure. You can quite handily use 'Control.Monad.Trans.Except.throwE'
-- to quickly fail if some conditions are not met.
-- If successfully returning a value, we use the type-level list, combined
-- with the request's @Accept@ header, to encode the value for you
-- (returning a status code of 200). If there was no @Accept@ header or it
-- was @*\/\*@, we return encode using the first @Content-Type@ type on the
-- list.
( AllCTRender ctypes a) => HasServer (Put ctypes a) where
type ServerT (Put ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy = methodRouter methodPut (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
HasServer (Put ctypes ()) where
type ServerT (Put ctypes ()) m = m ()
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodPut
-- Add response headers
( GetHeaders (Headers h v), AllCTRender ctypes v
) => HasServer (Put ctypes (Headers h v)) where
type ServerT (Put ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodPut (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
-- | When implementing the handler for a 'Patch' endpoint,
-- just like for 'Servant.API.Delete.Delete', 'Servant.API.Get.Get'
-- and 'Servant.API.Put.Put', the handler code runs in the
-- @ExceptT ServantErr IO@ monad, where the 'Int' represents
-- the status code and the 'String' a message, returned in case of
-- failure. You can quite handily use 'Control.Monad.Trans.Except.throwE'
-- to quickly fail if some conditions are not met.
-- If successfully returning a value, we just require that its type has
-- a 'ToJSON' instance and servant takes care of encoding it for you,
-- yielding status code 200 along the way.
( AllCTRender ctypes a) => HasServer (Patch ctypes a) where
type ServerT (Patch ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy = methodRouter methodPatch (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
HasServer (Patch ctypes ()) where
type ServerT (Patch ctypes ()) m = m ()
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodPatch
-- Add response headers
( GetHeaders (Headers h v), AllCTRender ctypes v
) => HasServer (Patch ctypes (Headers h v)) where
type ServerT (Patch ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodPatch (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
-- | If you use @'QueryParam' "author" Text@ in one of the endpoints for your API,
-- this automatically requires your server-side handler to be a function
-- that takes an argument of type @'Maybe' 'Text'@.
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ errorRetrySpec = describe "Handler search"
it "should continue when URLs don't match" $ do
request methodPost "" [jsonCT, jsonAccept] jsonBody
`shouldRespondWith` 201 { matchBody = Just $ encode (7 :: Int) }
`shouldRespondWith` 200 { matchBody = Just $ encode (7 :: Int) }
it "should continue when methods don't match" $ do
request methodGet "a" [jsonCT, jsonAccept] jsonBody
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ enterSpec = describe "Enter" $ do
it "allows running arbitrary monads" $ do
get "int" `shouldRespondWith` "1797"
post "string" "3" `shouldRespondWith` "\"hi\""{ matchStatus = 201 }
post "string" "3" `shouldRespondWith` "\"hi\""{ matchStatus = 200 }
with (return (serve combinedAPI combinedReaderServer)) $ do
it "allows combnation of enters" $ do
@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ module Servant.ServerSpec where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import Control.Monad (forM_, when, unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT, throwE)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, decode', encode)
import Data.ByteString.Conversion ()
@ -23,82 +25,144 @@ import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.String.Conversions (cs)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Network.HTTP.Types (hAccept, hContentType,
methodDelete, methodGet, methodHead,
methodPatch, methodPost, methodPut,
ok200, parseQuery, Status(..))
import Network.HTTP.Types (Status (..), hAccept, hContentType,
methodDelete, methodGet,
methodHead, methodPatch,
methodPost, methodPut, ok200,
import Network.Wai (Application, Request, pathInfo,
queryString, rawQueryString,
responseLBS, responseBuilder)
import Network.Wai.Internal (Response(ResponseBuilder))
responseBuilder, responseLBS)
import Network.Wai.Internal (Response (ResponseBuilder))
import Network.Wai.Test (defaultRequest, request,
runSession, simpleBody)
runSession, simpleBody,
simpleHeaders, simpleStatus)
import Servant.API ((:<|>) (..), (:>), Capture, Delete,
Get, Header (..), Headers,
HttpVersion, IsSecure (..), JSON,
Patch, PlainText, Post, Put,
Get, Header (..),
Headers, HttpVersion,
IsSecure (..), JSON,
NoContent (..), Patch, PlainText,
Post, Put,
QueryFlag, QueryParam, QueryParams,
Raw, RemoteHost, ReqBody,
import Servant.Server (Server, serve, ServantErr(..), err404)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe)
StdMethod (..), Verb, addHeader)
import Servant.Server (ServantErr (..), Server, err404,
import Test.Hspec (Spec, context, describe, it,
shouldBe, shouldContain)
import Test.Hspec.Wai (get, liftIO, matchHeaders,
matchStatus, post, request,
matchStatus, request,
shouldRespondWith, with, (<:>))
import Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplication (toApplication, RouteResult(..))
import Servant.Server.Internal.RoutingApplication
(toApplication, RouteResult(..))
import Servant.Server.Internal.Router
(tweakResponse, runRouter,
Router, Router'(LeafRouter))
-- * test data types
data Person = Person {
name :: String,
age :: Integer
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Person
instance FromJSON Person
alice :: Person
alice = Person "Alice" 42
data Animal = Animal {
species :: String,
numberOfLegs :: Integer
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Animal
instance FromJSON Animal
jerry :: Animal
jerry = Animal "Mouse" 4
tweety :: Animal
tweety = Animal "Bird" 2
-- * specs
-- * Specs
spec :: Spec
spec = do
-- * verbSpec {{{
type VerbApi method status
= Verb method status '[JSON] Person
:<|> "noContent" :> Verb method status '[JSON] NoContent
:<|> "header" :> Verb method status '[JSON] (Headers '[Header "H" Int] Person)
:<|> "headerNC" :> Verb method status '[JSON] (Headers '[Header "H" Int] NoContent)
verbSpec :: Spec
verbSpec = describe "Servant.API.Verb" $ do
let server :: Server (VerbApi method status)
server = return alice
:<|> return NoContent
:<|> return (addHeader 5 alice)
:<|> return (addHeader 10 NoContent)
get200 = Proxy :: Proxy (VerbApi 'GET 200)
post210 = Proxy :: Proxy (VerbApi 'POST 210)
put203 = Proxy :: Proxy (VerbApi 'PUT 203)
delete280 = Proxy :: Proxy (VerbApi 'DELETE 280)
patch214 = Proxy :: Proxy (VerbApi 'PATCH 214)
wrongMethod m = if m == methodPatch then methodPost else methodPatch
test desc api method (status :: Int) = context desc $
with (return $ serve api server) $ do
-- HEAD and 214/215 need not return bodies
unless (status `elem` [214, 215] || method == methodHead) $
it "returns the person" $ do
response <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "/" [] ""
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response) `shouldBe` status
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice
it "returns no content on NoContent" $ do
response <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "/noContent" [] ""
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response) `shouldBe` status
liftIO $ simpleBody response `shouldBe` ""
-- HEAD should not return body
when (method == methodHead) $
it "HEAD returns no content body" $ do
response <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "/" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleBody response `shouldBe` ""
it "throws 405 on wrong method " $ do
Test.Hspec.Wai.request (wrongMethod method) "/" [] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 405
it "returns headers" $ do
response1 <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "/header" [] ""
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response1) `shouldBe` status
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response1 `shouldContain` [("H", "5")]
response2 <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "/header" [] ""
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response2) `shouldBe` status
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response2 `shouldContain` [("H", "5")]
it "handles trailing '/' gracefully" $ do
response <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "/headerNC/" [] ""
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response) `shouldBe` status
it "returns 406 if the Accept header is not supported" $ do
Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "" [(hAccept, "crazy/mime")] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 406
it "responds if the Accept header is supported" $ do
response <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request method ""
[(hAccept, "application/json")] ""
liftIO $ statusCode (simpleStatus response) `shouldBe` status
it "sets the Content-Type header" $ do
response <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "" [] ""
liftIO $ simpleHeaders response `shouldContain`
[("Content-Type", "application/json")]
test "GET 200" get200 methodGet 200
test "POST 210" post210 methodPost 210
test "PUT 203" put203 methodPut 203
test "DELETE 280" delete280 methodDelete 280
test "PATCH 214" patch214 methodPatch 214
test "GET 200 with HEAD" get200 methodHead 200
-- }}}
-- * captureSpec {{{
type CaptureApi = Capture "legs" Integer :> Get '[JSON] Animal
captureApi :: Proxy CaptureApi
@ -128,63 +192,10 @@ captureSpec = do
it "strips the captured path snippet from pathInfo" $ do
get "/captured/foo" `shouldRespondWith` (fromString (show ["foo" :: String]))
type GetApi = Get '[JSON] Person
:<|> "empty" :> Get '[] ()
:<|> "post" :> Post '[] ()
getApi :: Proxy GetApi
getApi = Proxy
getSpec :: Spec
getSpec = do
describe "Servant.API.Get" $ do
let server = return alice :<|> return () :<|> return ()
with (return $ serve getApi server) $ do
it "allows to GET a Person" $ do
response <- get "/"
return response `shouldRespondWith` 200
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice
it "throws 405 (wrong method) on POSTs" $ do
post "/" "" `shouldRespondWith` 405
post "/empty" "" `shouldRespondWith` 405
it "returns 204 if the type is '()'" $ do
get "/empty" `shouldRespondWith` ""{ matchStatus = 204 }
it "returns 406 if the Accept header is not supported" $ do
Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodGet "" [(hAccept, "crazy/mime")] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 406
headSpec :: Spec
headSpec = do
describe "Servant.API.Head" $ do
let server = return alice :<|> return () :<|> return ()
with (return $ serve getApi server) $ do
it "allows to GET a Person" $ do
response <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodHead "/" [] ""
return response `shouldRespondWith` 200
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` (Nothing :: Maybe Person)
it "does not allow HEAD to POST route" $ do
response <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodHead "/post" [] ""
return response `shouldRespondWith` 405
it "throws 405 (wrong method) on POSTs" $ do
post "/" "" `shouldRespondWith` 405
post "/empty" "" `shouldRespondWith` 405
it "returns 204 if the type is '()'" $ do
response <- Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodHead "/empty" [] ""
return response `shouldRespondWith` ""{ matchStatus = 204 }
it "returns 406 if the Accept header is not supported" $ do
Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodHead "" [(hAccept, "crazy/mime")] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 406
-- }}}
-- * queryParamSpec {{{
type QueryParamApi = QueryParam "name" String :> Get '[JSON] Person
:<|> "a" :> QueryParams "names" String :> Get '[JSON] Person
@ -269,131 +280,41 @@ queryParamSpec = do
name = "Alice"
type PostApi =
ReqBody '[JSON] Person :> Post '[JSON] Integer
:<|> "bla" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Person :> Post '[JSON] Integer
:<|> "empty" :> Post '[] ()
-- }}}
-- * reqBodySpec {{{
type ReqBodyApi = ReqBody '[JSON] Person :> Post '[JSON] Person
:<|> "blah" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Person :> Put '[JSON] Integer
postApi :: Proxy PostApi
postApi = Proxy
reqBodyApi :: Proxy ReqBodyApi
reqBodyApi = Proxy
postSpec :: Spec
postSpec = do
describe "Servant.API.Post and .ReqBody" $ do
let server = return . age :<|> return . age :<|> return ()
with (return $ serve postApi server) $ do
let post' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodPost x [(hContentType
, "application/json;charset=utf-8")]
reqBodySpec :: Spec
reqBodySpec = describe "Servant.API.ReqBody" $ do
it "allows to POST a Person" $ do
post' "/" (encode alice) `shouldRespondWith` "42"{
matchStatus = 201
let server :: Server ReqBodyApi
server = return :<|> return . age
mkReq method x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request method x
[(hContentType, "application/json;charset=utf-8")]
it "allows alternative routes if all have request bodies" $ do
post' "/bla" (encode alice) `shouldRespondWith` "42"{
matchStatus = 201
with (return $ serve reqBodyApi server) $ do
it "handles trailing '/' gracefully" $ do
post' "/bla/" (encode alice) `shouldRespondWith` "42"{
matchStatus = 201
it "passes the argument to the handler" $ do
response <- mkReq methodPost "" (encode alice)
liftIO $ decode' (simpleBody response) `shouldBe` Just alice
it "correctly rejects invalid request bodies with status 400" $ do
post' "/" "some invalid body" `shouldRespondWith` 400
it "rejects invalid request bodies with status 400" $ do
mkReq methodPut "/blah" "some invalid body" `shouldRespondWith` 400
it "returns 204 if the type is '()'" $ do
post' "empty" "" `shouldRespondWith` ""{ matchStatus = 204 }
it "responds with 415 if the request body media type is unsupported" $ do
Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodPost "/"
[(hContentType, "application/nonsense")] "" `shouldRespondWith` 415
it "responds with 415 if the request body media type is unsupported" $ do
let post'' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodPost x [(hContentType
, "application/nonsense")]
post'' "/" "anything at all" `shouldRespondWith` 415
type PutApi =
ReqBody '[JSON] Person :> Put '[JSON] Integer
:<|> "bla" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Person :> Put '[JSON] Integer
:<|> "empty" :> Put '[] ()
putApi :: Proxy PutApi
putApi = Proxy
putSpec :: Spec
putSpec = do
describe "Servant.API.Put and .ReqBody" $ do
let server = return . age :<|> return . age :<|> return ()
with (return $ serve putApi server) $ do
let put' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodPut x [(hContentType
, "application/json;charset=utf-8")]
it "allows to put a Person" $ do
put' "/" (encode alice) `shouldRespondWith` "42"{
matchStatus = 200
it "allows alternative routes if all have request bodies" $ do
put' "/bla" (encode alice) `shouldRespondWith` "42"{
matchStatus = 200
it "handles trailing '/' gracefully" $ do
put' "/bla/" (encode alice) `shouldRespondWith` "42"{
matchStatus = 200
it "correctly rejects invalid request bodies with status 400" $ do
put' "/" "some invalid body" `shouldRespondWith` 400
it "returns 204 if the type is '()'" $ do
put' "empty" "" `shouldRespondWith` ""{ matchStatus = 204 }
it "responds with 415 if the request body media type is unsupported" $ do
let put'' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodPut x [(hContentType
, "application/nonsense")]
put'' "/" "anything at all" `shouldRespondWith` 415
type PatchApi =
ReqBody '[JSON] Person :> Patch '[JSON] Integer
:<|> "bla" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Person :> Patch '[JSON] Integer
:<|> "empty" :> Patch '[] ()
patchApi :: Proxy PatchApi
patchApi = Proxy
patchSpec :: Spec
patchSpec = do
describe "Servant.API.Patch and .ReqBody" $ do
let server = return . age :<|> return . age :<|> return ()
with (return $ serve patchApi server) $ do
let patch' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodPatch x [(hContentType
, "application/json;charset=utf-8")]
it "allows to patch a Person" $ do
patch' "/" (encode alice) `shouldRespondWith` "42"{
matchStatus = 200
it "allows alternative routes if all have request bodies" $ do
patch' "/bla" (encode alice) `shouldRespondWith` "42"{
matchStatus = 200
it "handles trailing '/' gracefully" $ do
patch' "/bla/" (encode alice) `shouldRespondWith` "42"{
matchStatus = 200
it "correctly rejects invalid request bodies with status 400" $ do
patch' "/" "some invalid body" `shouldRespondWith` 400
it "returns 204 if the type is '()'" $ do
patch' "empty" "" `shouldRespondWith` ""{ matchStatus = 204 }
it "responds with 415 if the request body media type is unsupported" $ do
let patch'' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodPatch x [(hContentType
, "application/nonsense")]
patch'' "/" "anything at all" `shouldRespondWith` 415
-- }}}
-- * headerSpec {{{
type HeaderApi a = Header "MyHeader" a :> Delete '[JSON] ()
headerApi :: Proxy (HeaderApi a)
@ -411,23 +332,30 @@ headerSpec = describe "Servant.API.Header" $ do
expectsString Nothing = error "Expected a string"
with (return (serve headerApi expectsInt)) $ do
let delete' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodDelete x [("MyHeader" ,"5")]
let delete' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodDelete x [("MyHeader", "5")]
it "passes the header to the handler (Int)" $
delete' "/" "" `shouldRespondWith` 204
delete' "/" "" `shouldRespondWith` 200
with (return (serve headerApi expectsString)) $ do
let delete' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodDelete x [("MyHeader" ,"more from you")]
let delete' x = Test.Hspec.Wai.request methodDelete x [("MyHeader", "more from you")]
it "passes the header to the handler (String)" $
delete' "/" "" `shouldRespondWith` 204
delete' "/" "" `shouldRespondWith` 200
-- }}}
-- * rawSpec {{{
type RawApi = "foo" :> Raw
rawApi :: Proxy RawApi
rawApi = Proxy
rawApplication :: Show a => (Request -> a) -> Application
rawApplication f request_ respond = respond $ responseLBS ok200 [] (cs $ show $ f request_)
rawApplication f request_ respond = respond $ responseLBS ok200 []
(cs $ show $ f request_)
rawSpec :: Spec
rawSpec = do
@ -448,7 +376,10 @@ rawSpec = do
liftIO $ do
simpleBody response `shouldBe` cs (show ["bar" :: String])
-- }}}
-- * alternativeSpec {{{
type AlternativeApi =
"foo" :> Get '[JSON] Person
:<|> "bar" :> Get '[JSON] Animal
@ -456,11 +387,12 @@ type AlternativeApi =
:<|> "bar" :> Post '[JSON] Animal
:<|> "bar" :> Put '[JSON] Animal
:<|> "bar" :> Delete '[JSON] ()
unionApi :: Proxy AlternativeApi
unionApi = Proxy
unionServer :: Server AlternativeApi
unionServer =
alternativeApi :: Proxy AlternativeApi
alternativeApi = Proxy
alternativeServer :: Server AlternativeApi
alternativeServer =
return alice
:<|> return jerry
:<|> return "a string"
@ -468,10 +400,10 @@ unionServer =
:<|> return jerry
:<|> return ()
unionSpec :: Spec
unionSpec = do
alternativeSpec :: Spec
alternativeSpec = do
describe "Servant.API.Alternative" $ do
with (return $ serve unionApi unionServer) $ do
with (return $ serve alternativeApi alternativeServer) $ do
it "unions endpoints" $ do
response <- get "/foo"
@ -488,7 +420,10 @@ unionSpec = do
it "returns 404 if the path does not exist" $ do
get "/nonexistent" `shouldRespondWith` 404
-- }}}
-- * responseHeaderSpec {{{
type ResponseHeadersApi =
Get '[JSON] (Headers '[Header "H1" Int, Header "H2" String] String)
:<|> Post '[JSON] (Headers '[Header "H1" Int, Header "H2" String] String)
@ -505,26 +440,29 @@ responseHeadersSpec :: Spec
responseHeadersSpec = describe "ResponseHeaders" $ do
with (return $ serve (Proxy :: Proxy ResponseHeadersApi) responseHeadersServer) $ do
let methods = [(methodGet, 200), (methodPost, 201), (methodPut, 200), (methodPatch, 200)]
let methods = [methodGet, methodPost, methodPut, methodPatch]
it "includes the headers in the response" $
forM_ methods $ \(method, expected) ->
forM_ methods $ \method ->
Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "/" [] ""
`shouldRespondWith` "\"hi\""{ matchHeaders = ["H1" <:> "5", "H2" <:> "kilroy"]
, matchStatus = expected
, matchStatus = 200
it "responds with not found for non-existent endpoints" $
forM_ methods $ \(method,_) ->
forM_ methods $ \method ->
Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "blahblah" [] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 404
it "returns 406 if the Accept header is not supported" $
forM_ methods $ \(method,_) ->
forM_ methods $ \method ->
Test.Hspec.Wai.request method "" [(hAccept, "crazy/mime")] ""
`shouldRespondWith` 406
-- }}}
-- * routerSpec {{{
routerSpec :: Spec
routerSpec = do
describe "Servant.Server.Internal.Router" $ do
@ -543,6 +481,10 @@ routerSpec = do
it "calls f on route result" $ do
get "" `shouldRespondWith` 202
-- }}}
-- * miscCombinatorSpec {{{
type MiscCombinatorsAPI
= "version" :> HttpVersion :> Get '[JSON] String
:<|> "secure" :> IsSecure :> Get '[JSON] String
@ -561,8 +503,8 @@ miscServ = versionHandler
secureHandler NotSecure = return "not secure"
hostHandler = return . show
miscReqCombinatorsSpec :: Spec
miscReqCombinatorsSpec = with (return $ serve miscApi miscServ) $
miscCombinatorSpec :: Spec
miscCombinatorSpec = with (return $ serve miscApi miscServ) $
describe "Misc. combinators for request inspection" $ do
it "Successfully gets the HTTP version specified in the request" $
go "/version" "\"HTTP/1.0\""
@ -574,3 +516,35 @@ miscReqCombinatorsSpec = with (return $ serve miscApi miscServ) $
go "/host" "\"\""
where go path res = Test.Hspec.Wai.get path `shouldRespondWith` res
-- }}}
-- * Test data types {{{
data Person = Person {
name :: String,
age :: Integer
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Person
instance FromJSON Person
alice :: Person
alice = Person "Alice" 42
data Animal = Animal {
species :: String,
numberOfLegs :: Integer
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Animal
instance FromJSON Animal
jerry :: Animal
jerry = Animal "Mouse" 4
tweety :: Animal
tweety = Animal "Bird" 2
-- }}}
@ -15,12 +15,7 @@ import System.IO.Temp (withSystemTempDirectory)
import Test.Hspec (Spec, around_, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Wai (get, shouldRespondWith, with)
import Servant.API (JSON)
import Servant.API.Alternative ((:<|>) ((:<|>)))
import Servant.API.Capture (Capture)
import Servant.API.Get (Get)
import Servant.API.Raw (Raw)
import Servant.API.Sub ((:>))
import Servant.API ((:<|>) ((:<|>)), Capture, Get, Raw, (:>), JSON)
import Servant.Server (Server, serve)
import Servant.ServerSpec (Person (Person))
import Servant.Utils.StaticFiles (serveDirectory)
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ HEAD
* Use `http-api-data` instead of `Servant.Common.Text`
* Remove matrix params.
* Add PlainText String MimeRender and MimeUnrender instances.
* Add new `Verbs` combinator, and make all existing and new verb combinators
type synonyms of it.
@ -29,14 +29,9 @@ library
@ -44,6 +39,7 @@ library
base >=4.7 && <5
@ -25,16 +25,7 @@ module Servant.API (
-- | Access the location for arbitrary data to be shared by applications and middleware
-- * Actual endpoints, distinguished by HTTP method
module Servant.API.Get,
-- | @GET@ requests
module Servant.API.Post,
-- | @POST@ requests
module Servant.API.Delete,
-- | @DELETE@ requests
module Servant.API.Put,
-- | @PUT@ requests
module Servant.API.Patch,
-- | @PATCH@ requests
module Servant.API.Verbs,
-- * Content Types
module Servant.API.ContentTypes,
@ -61,17 +52,12 @@ import Servant.API.Alternative ((:<|>) (..))
import Servant.API.Capture (Capture)
import Servant.API.ContentTypes (Accept (..), FormUrlEncoded,
FromFormUrlEncoded (..), JSON,
MimeRender (..),
MimeRender (..), NoContent (NoContent),
MimeUnrender (..), OctetStream,
PlainText, ToFormUrlEncoded (..))
import Servant.API.Delete (Delete)
import Servant.API.Get (Get)
import Servant.API.Header (Header (..))
import Servant.API.HttpVersion (HttpVersion (..))
import Servant.API.IsSecure (IsSecure (..))
import Servant.API.Patch (Patch)
import Servant.API.Post (Post)
import Servant.API.Put (Put)
import Servant.API.QueryParam (QueryFlag, QueryParam,
import Servant.API.Raw (Raw)
@ -84,7 +70,25 @@ import Servant.API.ResponseHeaders (AddHeader (addHeader),
getHeadersHList, getResponse)
import Servant.API.Sub ((:>))
import Servant.API.Vault (Vault)
import Web.HttpApiData (FromHttpApiData (..), ToHttpApiData (..))
import Servant.API.Verbs (PostCreated, Delete, DeleteAccepted,
DeleteNonAuthoritative, Get,
GetAccepted, GetNoContent,
PatchAccepted, PatchNoContent,
PatchNonAuthoritative, Post,
PostAccepted, PostNoContent,
PostResetContent, Put,
PutAccepted, PutNoContent,
PutNoContent, PutNonAuthoritative,
ReflectMethod (reflectMethod),
Verb, StdMethod(..))
import Servant.Utils.Links (HasLink (..), IsElem, IsElem',
URI (..), safeLink)
import Web.HttpApiData (FromHttpApiData (..),
ToHttpApiData (..))
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
@ -12,6 +13,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
#include "overlapping-compat.h"
-- | A collection of basic Content-Types (also known as Internet Media
-- Types, or MIME types). Additionally, this module provides classes that
-- encapsulate how to serialize or deserialize values to or from
@ -19,7 +22,7 @@
-- Content-Types are used in `ReqBody` and the method combinators:
-- >>> type MyEndpoint = ReqBody '[JSON, PlainText] Book :> Get '[JSON, PlainText] :> Book
-- >>> type MyEndpoint = ReqBody '[JSON, PlainText] Book :> Get '[JSON, PlainText] Book
-- Meaning the endpoint accepts requests of Content-Type @application/json@
-- or @text/plain;charset-utf8@, and returns data in either one of those
@ -53,6 +56,9 @@ module Servant.API.ContentTypes
, MimeRender(..)
, MimeUnrender(..)
-- * NoContent
, NoContent(..)
-- * Internal
, AcceptHeader(..)
, AllCTRender(..)
@ -62,7 +68,6 @@ module Servant.API.ContentTypes
, AllMimeUnrender(..)
, FromFormUrlEncoded(..)
, ToFormUrlEncoded(..)
, IsNonEmpty
, eitherDecodeLenient
, canHandleAcceptH
) where
@ -72,8 +77,7 @@ import Control.Applicative ((*>), (<*))
import Control.Arrow (left)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON, encode,
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), encode)
import Data.Aeson.Parser (value)
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseEither)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (endOfInput, parseOnly,
@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TextS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TextL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TextL
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Exts (Constraint)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Media as M
import Network.URI (escapeURIString,
isUnreserved, unEscapeString)
@ -137,7 +141,7 @@ instance Accept OctetStream where
contentType _ = "application" M.// "octet-stream"
newtype AcceptHeader = AcceptHeader BS.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Typeable, Generic)
-- * Render (serializing)
@ -159,19 +163,19 @@ newtype AcceptHeader = AcceptHeader BS.ByteString
class Accept ctype => MimeRender ctype a where
mimeRender :: Proxy ctype -> a -> ByteString
class (AllMimeRender list a) => AllCTRender (list :: [*]) a where
class (AllMime list) => AllCTRender (list :: [*]) a where
-- If the Accept header can be matched, returns (Just) a tuple of the
-- Content-Type and response (serialization of @a@ into the appropriate
-- mimetype).
handleAcceptH :: Proxy list -> AcceptHeader -> a -> Maybe (ByteString, ByteString)
instance (AllMimeRender ctyps a, IsNonEmpty ctyps) => AllCTRender ctyps a where
(AllMimeRender (ct ': cts) a) => AllCTRender (ct ': cts) a where
handleAcceptH _ (AcceptHeader accept) val = M.mapAcceptMedia lkup accept
where pctyps = Proxy :: Proxy ctyps
where pctyps = Proxy :: Proxy (ct ': cts)
amrs = allMimeRender pctyps val
lkup = fmap (\(a,b) -> (a, (fromStrict $ M.renderHeader a, b))) amrs
-- * Unrender
@ -199,14 +203,13 @@ instance (AllMimeRender ctyps a, IsNonEmpty ctyps) => AllCTRender ctyps a where
class Accept ctype => MimeUnrender ctype a where
mimeUnrender :: Proxy ctype -> ByteString -> Either String a
class (IsNonEmpty list) => AllCTUnrender (list :: [*]) a where
class AllCTUnrender (list :: [*]) a where
handleCTypeH :: Proxy list
-> ByteString -- Content-Type header
-> ByteString -- Request body
-> Maybe (Either String a)
instance ( AllMimeUnrender ctyps a, IsNonEmpty ctyps
) => AllCTUnrender ctyps a where
instance ( AllMimeUnrender ctyps a ) => AllCTUnrender ctyps a where
handleCTypeH _ ctypeH body = M.mapContentMedia lkup (cs ctypeH)
where lkup = allMimeUnrender (Proxy :: Proxy ctyps) body
@ -235,11 +238,12 @@ class (AllMime list) => AllMimeRender (list :: [*]) a where
-> a -- value to serialize
-> [(M.MediaType, ByteString)] -- content-types/response pairs
instance ( MimeRender ctyp a ) => AllMimeRender '[ctyp] a where
instance OVERLAPPABLE_ ( MimeRender ctyp a ) => AllMimeRender '[ctyp] a where
allMimeRender _ a = [(contentType pctyp, mimeRender pctyp a)]
where pctyp = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp
instance ( MimeRender ctyp a
( MimeRender ctyp a
, AllMimeRender (ctyp' ': ctyps) a
) => AllMimeRender (ctyp ': ctyp' ': ctyps) a where
allMimeRender _ a = (contentType pctyp, mimeRender pctyp a)
@ -248,8 +252,17 @@ instance ( MimeRender ctyp a
pctyps = Proxy :: Proxy (ctyp' ': ctyps)
instance AllMimeRender '[] a where
allMimeRender _ _ = []
-- Ideally we would like to declare a 'MimeRender a NoContent' instance, and
-- then this would be taken care of. However there is no more specific instance
-- between that and 'MimeRender JSON a', so we do this instead
instance OVERLAPPING_ ( Accept ctyp ) => AllMimeRender '[ctyp] NoContent where
allMimeRender _ _ = [(contentType pctyp, "")]
where pctyp = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp
( AllMime (ctyp ': ctyp' ': ctyps)
) => AllMimeRender (ctyp ': ctyp' ': ctyps) NoContent where
allMimeRender p _ = zip (allMime p) (repeat "")
-- Check that all elements of list are instances of MimeUnrender
@ -270,21 +283,19 @@ instance ( MimeUnrender ctyp a
where pctyp = Proxy :: Proxy ctyp
pctyps = Proxy :: Proxy ctyps
type family IsNonEmpty (list :: [*]) :: Constraint where
IsNonEmpty (x ': xs) = ()
-- * MimeRender Instances
-- | `encode`
instance ToJSON a => MimeRender JSON a where
ToJSON a => MimeRender JSON a where
mimeRender _ = encode
-- | @encodeFormUrlEncoded . toFormUrlEncoded@
-- Note that the @mimeUnrender p (mimeRender p x) == Right x@ law only
-- holds if every element of x is non-null (i.e., not @("", "")@)
instance ToFormUrlEncoded a => MimeRender FormUrlEncoded a where
ToFormUrlEncoded a => MimeRender FormUrlEncoded a where
mimeRender _ = encodeFormUrlEncoded . toFormUrlEncoded
-- | `TextL.encodeUtf8`
@ -307,6 +318,10 @@ instance MimeRender OctetStream ByteString where
instance MimeRender OctetStream BS.ByteString where
mimeRender _ = fromStrict
-- | A type for responses without content-body.
data NoContent = NoContent
deriving (Show, Eq, Read)
-- * MimeUnrender Instances
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Servant.API.Delete (Delete) where
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
-- | Combinator for DELETE requests.
-- Example:
-- >>> -- DELETE /books/:isbn
-- >>> type MyApi = "books" :> Capture "isbn" Text :> Delete '[] ()
data Delete (contentTypes :: [*]) a
deriving Typeable
-- $setup
-- >>> import Servant.API
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> data Book
-- >>> instance ToJSON Book where { toJSON = undefined }
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Servant.API.Get (Get) where
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
-- | Endpoint for simple GET requests. Serves the result as JSON.
-- Example:
-- >>> type MyApi = "books" :> Get '[JSON] [Book]
data Get (contentTypes :: [*]) a
deriving Typeable
-- $setup
-- >>> import Servant.API
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> data Book
-- >>> instance ToJSON Book where { toJSON = undefined }
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Servant.API.Patch (Patch) where
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
-- | Endpoint for PATCH requests. The type variable represents the type of the
-- response body (not the request body, use 'Servant.API.ReqBody.ReqBody' for
-- that).
-- If the HTTP response is empty, only () is supported.
-- Example:
-- >>> -- PATCH /books
-- >>> -- with a JSON encoded Book as the request body
-- >>> -- returning the just-created Book
-- >>> type MyApi = "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Patch '[JSON] Book
data Patch (contentTypes :: [*]) a
deriving Typeable
-- $setup
-- >>> import Servant.API
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> data Book
-- >>> instance ToJSON Book where { toJSON = undefined }
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Servant.API.Post (Post) where
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
-- | Endpoint for POST requests. The type variable represents the type of the
-- response body (not the request body, use 'Servant.API.ReqBody.ReqBody' for
-- that).
-- Example:
-- >>> -- POST /books
-- >>> -- with a JSON encoded Book as the request body
-- >>> -- returning the just-created Book
-- >>> type MyApi = "books" :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Post '[JSON] Book
data Post (contentTypes :: [*]) a
deriving Typeable
-- $setup
-- >>> import Servant.API
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> data Book
-- >>> instance ToJSON Book where { toJSON = undefined }
@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Servant.API.Put (Put) where
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
-- | Endpoint for PUT requests, usually used to update a ressource.
-- The type @a@ is the type of the response body that's returned.
-- Example:
-- >>> -- PUT /books/:isbn
-- >>> -- with a Book as request body, returning the updated Book
-- >>> type MyApi = "books" :> Capture "isbn" Text :> ReqBody '[JSON] Book :> Put '[JSON] Book
data Put (contentTypes :: [*]) a
deriving Typeable
-- $setup
-- >>> import Servant.API
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> data Book
-- >>> instance ToJSON Book where { toJSON = undefined }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
module Servant.API.Verbs
( module Servant.API.Verbs
) where
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method (Method, StdMethod (..),
methodDelete, methodGet, methodHead,
methodPatch, methodPost, methodPut)
-- | @Verb@ is a general type for representing HTTP verbs (a.k.a. methods). For
-- convenience, type synonyms for each verb with a 200 response code are
-- provided, but you are free to define your own:
-- >>> type Post204 contentTypes a = Verb 'POST 204 contentTypes a
data Verb (method :: k1) (statusCode :: Nat) (contentTypes :: [*]) a
deriving (Typeable, Generic)
-- * 200 responses
-- The 200 response is the workhorse of web servers, but also fairly generic.
-- When appropriate, you should prefer the more specific success combinators.
-- More information about the definitions of status codes can be found in
-- < RFC2615> and
-- < RFC7231 Section 6>;
-- the relevant information is summarily presented here.
-- | 'GET' with 200 status code.
type Get contentTypes a = Verb 'GET 200 contentTypes a
-- | 'POST' with 200 status code.
type Post contentTypes a = Verb 'POST 200 contentTypes a
-- | 'PUT' with 200 status code.
type Put contentTypes a = Verb 'PUT 200 contentTypes a
-- | 'DELETE' with 200 status code.
type Delete contentTypes a = Verb 'DELETE 200 contentTypes a
-- | 'PATCH' with 200 status code.
type Patch contentTypes a = Verb 'PATCH 200 contentTypes a
-- * Other responses
-- ** 201 Created
-- Indicates that a new resource has been created. The URI corresponding to the
-- resource should be given in the @Location@ header field.
-- If the resource cannot be created immediately, use 'PostAccepted'.
-- Consider using 'Servant.Utils.Links.safeLink' for the @Location@ header
-- field.
-- | 'POST' with 201 status code.
type PostCreated contentTypes a = Verb 'POST 201 contentTypes a
-- ** 202 Accepted
-- Indicates that the request has been accepted for processing, but the
-- processing has not yet completed. The status of the processing should be
-- included, as well as either a link to a status monitoring endpoint or an
-- estimate of when the processing will be finished.
-- | 'GET' with 202 status code.
type GetAccepted contentTypes a = Verb 'GET 202 contentTypes a
-- | 'POST' with 202 status code.
type PostAccepted contentTypes a = Verb 'POST 202 contentTypes a
-- | 'DELETE' with 202 status code.
type DeleteAccepted contentTypes a = Verb 'DELETE 202 contentTypes a
-- | 'PATCH' with 202 status code.
type PatchAccepted contentTypes a = Verb 'PATCH 202 contentTypes a
-- | 'PUT' with 202 status code.
type PutAccepted contentTypes a = Verb 'PUT 202 contentTypes a
-- ** 203 Non-Authoritative Information
-- Indicates that the request has been successfully processed, but the
-- information may come from a third-party.
-- | 'GET' with 203 status code.
type GetNonAuthoritative contentTypes a = Verb 'GET 203 contentTypes a
-- | 'POST' with 203 status code.
type PostNonAuthoritative contentTypes a = Verb 'POST 203 contentTypes a
-- | 'DELETE' with 203 status code.
type DeleteNonAuthoritative contentTypes a = Verb 'DELETE 203 contentTypes a
-- | 'PATCH' with 203 status code.
type PatchNonAuthoritative contentTypes a = Verb 'PATCH 203 contentTypes a
-- | 'PUT' with 203 status code.
type PutNonAuthoritative contentTypes a = Verb 'PUT 203 contentTypes a
-- ** 204 No Content
-- Indicates that no response body is being returned. Handlers for these should
-- return 'NoContent', possibly with headers.
-- If the document view should be reset, use @205 Reset Content@.
-- | 'GET' with 204 status code.
type GetNoContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'GET 204 contentTypes noContent
-- | 'POST' with 204 status code.
type PostNoContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'POST 204 contentTypes noContent
-- | 'DELETE' with 204 status code.
type DeleteNoContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'DELETE 204 contentTypes noContent
-- | 'PATCH' with 204 status code.
type PatchNoContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'PATCH 204 contentTypes noContent
-- | 'PUT' with 204 status code.
type PutNoContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'PUT 204 contentTypes noContent
-- ** 205 Reset Content
-- Indicates that no response body is being returned. Handlers for these should
-- return 'NoContent', possibly with Headers.
-- If the document view should not be reset, use @204 No Content@.
-- | 'GET' with 205 status code.
type GetResetContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'GET 205 contentTypes noContent
-- | 'POST' with 205 status code.
type PostResetContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'POST 205 contentTypes noContent
-- | 'DELETE' with 205 status code.
type DeleteResetContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'DELETE 205 contentTypes noContent
-- | 'PATCH' with 205 status code.
type PatchResetContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'PATCH 205 contentTypes noContent
-- | 'PUT' with 205 status code.
type PutResetContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'PUT 205 contentTypes noContent
-- ** 206 Partial Content
-- Indicates that the server is delivering part of the resource due to a range
-- header in the request.
-- For more information, see <
-- RFC7233 Section 4.1>
-- | 'GET' with 206 status code.
type GetPartialContent contentTypes noContent = Verb 'GET 206 contentTypes noContent
class ReflectMethod a where
reflectMethod :: Proxy a -> Method
instance ReflectMethod 'GET where
reflectMethod _ = methodGet
instance ReflectMethod 'POST where
reflectMethod _ = methodPost
instance ReflectMethod 'PUT where
reflectMethod _ = methodPut
instance ReflectMethod 'DELETE where
reflectMethod _ = methodDelete
instance ReflectMethod 'PATCH where
reflectMethod _ = methodPatch
instance ReflectMethod 'HEAD where
reflectMethod _ = methodHead
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
-- >>> safeLink api bad_link
-- ...
-- Could not deduce (Or
-- (IsElem' (Delete '[JSON] ()) (Get '[JSON] Int))
-- (IsElem' (Verb 'DELETE 200 '[JSON] ()) (Verb 'GET 200 '[JSON] Int))
-- (IsElem'
-- ("hello" :> Delete '[JSON] ())
-- ("bye" :> (QueryParam "name" String :> Delete '[JSON] ()))))
@ -119,11 +119,7 @@ import Servant.API.Capture ( Capture )
import Servant.API.ReqBody ( ReqBody )
import Servant.API.QueryParam ( QueryParam, QueryParams, QueryFlag )
import Servant.API.Header ( Header )
import Servant.API.Get ( Get )
import Servant.API.Post ( Post )
import Servant.API.Put ( Put )
import Servant.API.Patch ( Patch )
import Servant.API.Delete ( Delete )
import Servant.API.Verbs ( Verb )
import Servant.API.Sub ( type (:>) )
import Servant.API.Raw ( Raw )
import Servant.API.Alternative ( type (:<|>) )
@ -177,11 +173,8 @@ type family IsElem endpoint api :: Constraint where
IsElem sa (QueryParam x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryParams x y :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem sa (QueryFlag x :> sb) = IsElem sa sb
IsElem (Get ct typ) (Get ct' typ) = IsSubList ct ct'
IsElem (Post ct typ) (Post ct' typ) = IsSubList ct ct'
IsElem (Put ct typ) (Put ct' typ) = IsSubList ct ct'
IsElem (Patch ct typ) (Patch ct' typ) = IsSubList ct ct'
IsElem (Delete ct typ) (Delete ct' typ) = IsSubList ct ct'
IsElem (Verb m s ct typ) (Verb m s ct' typ)
= IsSubList ct ct'
IsElem e e = ()
IsElem e a = IsElem' e a
@ -303,24 +296,8 @@ instance HasLink sub => HasLink (Header sym a :> sub) where
toLink _ = toLink (Proxy :: Proxy sub)
-- Verb (terminal) instances
instance HasLink (Get y r) where
type MkLink (Get y r) = URI
toLink _ = linkURI
instance HasLink (Post y r) where
type MkLink (Post y r) = URI
toLink _ = linkURI
instance HasLink (Put y r) where
type MkLink (Put y r) = URI
toLink _ = linkURI
instance HasLink (Patch y r) where
type MkLink (Patch y r) = URI
toLink _ = linkURI
instance HasLink (Delete y r) where
type MkLink (Delete y r) = URI
instance HasLink (Verb m s ct a) where
type MkLink (Verb m s ct a) = URI
toLink _ = linkURI
instance HasLink Raw where
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