Refactoring: abstracting common parts of method handlers.
This change makes an attempt of abstracting out some of the common functionality found in the handlers for the different request methods. There's still a bit of code duplication between the cases for headers and no headers and empty responses. But it's a significant relative improvement already.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 65 additions and 181 deletions
@ -120,6 +120,56 @@ instance (KnownSymbol capture, FromText a, HasServer sublayout)
where captureProxy = Proxy :: Proxy (Capture capture a)
methodRouter :: (AllCTRender ctypes a)
=> Method -> Proxy ctypes -> Status
-> IO (RouteResult (EitherT ServantErr IO a))
-> Router
methodRouter method proxy status action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == method = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
case handleAcceptH proxy (AcceptHeader accH) output of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status [ ("Content-Type" , cs contentT)] body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= method =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
methodRouterHeaders :: (GetHeaders (Headers h v), AllCTRender ctypes v)
=> Method -> Proxy ctypes -> Status
-> IO (RouteResult (EitherT ServantErr IO (Headers h v)))
-> Router
methodRouterHeaders method proxy status action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == method = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
headers = getHeaders output
case handleAcceptH proxy (AcceptHeader accH) (getResponse output) of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status ( ("Content-Type" , cs contentT) : headers) body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= method =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
methodRouterEmpty :: Method
-> IO (RouteResult (EitherT ServantErr IO ()))
-> Router
methodRouterEmpty method action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == method = do
runAction action respond $ \ () ->
succeedWith $ responseLBS noContent204 [] ""
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= method =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
-- | If you have a 'Delete' endpoint in your API,
-- the handler for this endpoint is meant to delete
-- a resource.
@ -140,19 +190,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Delete ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodDelete = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) output of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status200 [ ("Content-Type" , cs contentT)] body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodDelete =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouter methodDelete (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
@ -162,15 +200,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Delete ctypes ()) m = m ()
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodDelete = do
runAction action respond $ \ () ->
succeedWith $ responseLBS noContent204 [] ""
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodDelete =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodDelete
-- Add response headers
@ -182,20 +212,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Delete ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodDelete = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
headers = getHeaders output
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) (getResponse output) of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status200 ( ("Content-Type" , cs contentT) : headers) body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodDelete =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodDelete (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
-- | When implementing the handler for a 'Get' endpoint,
-- just like for 'Servant.API.Delete.Delete', 'Servant.API.Post.Post'
@ -218,19 +235,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Get ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodGet = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) output of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS ok200 [ ("Content-Type" , cs contentT)] body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodGet =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouter methodGet (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
-- '()' ==> 204 No Content
@ -241,15 +246,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Get ctypes ()) m = m ()
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodGet = do
runAction action respond $ \ () ->
succeedWith $ responseLBS noContent204 [] ""
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodGet =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodGet
-- Add response headers
@ -261,20 +258,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Get ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodGet = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
headers = getHeaders output
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) (getResponse output) of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS ok200 ( ("Content-Type" , cs contentT) : headers) body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodGet =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodGet (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
-- | If you use 'Header' in one of the endpoints for your API,
-- this automatically requires your server-side handler to be a function
@ -329,19 +313,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Post ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodPost = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) output of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status201 [ ("Content-Type" , cs contentT)] body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodPost =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouter methodPost (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) created201
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
@ -351,15 +323,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Post ctypes ()) m = m ()
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodPost = do
runAction action respond $ \ () ->
succeedWith $ responseLBS noContent204 [] ""
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodPost =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodPost
-- Add response headers
@ -371,20 +335,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Post ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodPost = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
headers = getHeaders output
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) (getResponse output) of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status201 ( ("Content-Type" , cs contentT) : headers) body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodPost =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodPost (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) created201
-- | When implementing the handler for a 'Put' endpoint,
-- just like for 'Servant.API.Delete.Delete', 'Servant.API.Get.Get'
@ -407,19 +358,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Put ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodPut = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) output of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status200 [ ("Content-Type" , cs contentT)] body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodPut =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouter methodPut (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
@ -429,15 +368,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Put ctypes ()) m = m ()
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodPut = do
runAction action respond $ \ () ->
succeedWith $ responseLBS noContent204 [] ""
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodPut =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodPut
-- Add response headers
@ -449,20 +380,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Put ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodPut = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
headers = getHeaders output
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) (getResponse output) of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status200 ( ("Content-Type" , cs contentT) : headers) body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodPut =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodPut (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
-- | When implementing the handler for a 'Patch' endpoint,
-- just like for 'Servant.API.Delete.Delete', 'Servant.API.Get.Get'
@ -483,19 +401,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Patch ctypes a) m = m a
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodPatch = do
runAction action respond $ \ output -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) output of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status200 [ ("Content-Type" , cs contentT)] body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodPatch =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouter methodPatch (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
@ -505,15 +411,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Patch ctypes ()) m = m ()
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodPatch = do
runAction action respond $ \ () ->
succeedWith $ responseLBS noContent204 [] ""
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodPatch =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterEmpty methodPatch
-- Add response headers
@ -525,20 +423,7 @@ instance
type ServerT (Patch ctypes (Headers h v)) m = m (Headers h v)
route Proxy action = LeafRouter route'
route' request respond
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request == methodPatch = do
runAction action respond $ \ outpatch -> do
let accH = fromMaybe ct_wildcard $ lookup hAccept $ requestHeaders request
headers = getHeaders outpatch
case handleAcceptH (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) (AcceptHeader accH) (getResponse outpatch) of
Nothing -> failWith UnsupportedMediaType
Just (contentT, body) -> succeedWith $
responseLBS status200 ( ("Content-Type" , cs contentT) : headers) body
| pathIsEmpty request && requestMethod request /= methodPatch =
respond $ failWith WrongMethod
| otherwise = respond $ failWith NotFound
route Proxy = methodRouterHeaders methodPatch (Proxy :: Proxy ctypes) ok200
-- | If you use @'QueryParam' "author" Text@ in one of the endpoints for your API,
-- this automatically requires your server-side handler to be a function
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ instance Monoid (RouteResult a) where
-- Note that the ordering of the constructors has great significance! It
-- determines the Ord instance and, consequently, the monoid instance.
-- * Route mismatch
data RouteMismatch =
NotFound -- ^ the usual "not found" error
| WrongMethod -- ^ a more informative "you just got the HTTP method wrong" error
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