Merge pull request from LumiGuide/feat-binary-requests

servant-client-ghcjs: Support binary requests
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Oleg Grenrus 2018-07-01 11:03:22 +03:00 committed by GitHub
commit 187c3f49d2
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

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@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.ByteString.Builder (toLazyByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.CaseInsensitive
import Data.Char
import Data.Foldable (toList)
@ -34,11 +35,14 @@ import Data.IORef (modifyIORef, newIORef, readIORef)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy (..))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.String.Conversions
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Foreign.StablePtr
import GHC.Generics
import qualified GHCJS.Buffer as Buffer
import GHCJS.Foreign.Callback
import GHCJS.Prim
import GHCJS.Types
import JavaScript.TypedArray.ArrayBuffer ( ArrayBuffer )
import JavaScript.Web.Location
import Network.HTTP.Media (renderHeader)
import Network.HTTP.Types
@ -48,14 +52,34 @@ newtype JSXMLHttpRequest = JSXMLHttpRequest JSVal
newtype JSXMLHttpRequestClass = JSXMLHttpRequestClass JSVal
-- | The environment in which a request is run.
newtype ClientEnv
= ClientEnv
{ baseUrl :: BaseUrl }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Generates a set of client functions for an API.
-- Example:
-- > type API = Capture "no" Int :> Get '[JSON] Int
-- > :<|> Get '[JSON] [Bool]
-- >
-- > api :: Proxy API
-- > api = Proxy
-- >
-- > getInt :: Int -> ClientM Int
-- > getBools :: ClientM [Bool]
-- > getInt :<|> getBools = client api
-- NOTE: Does not support constant space streaming of the request body!
client :: HasClient ClientM api => Proxy api -> Client ClientM api
client api = api `clientIn` (Proxy :: Proxy ClientM)
-- | @ClientM@ is the monad in which client functions run. Contains the
-- 'BaseUrl' used for requests in the reader environment.
-- NOTE: Does not support constant space streaming of the request body!
newtype ClientM a = ClientM
{ runClientM' :: ReaderT ClientEnv (ExceptT ServantError IO) a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, Generic
@ -76,8 +100,15 @@ instance MonadBaseControl IO ClientM where
instance Alt ClientM where
a <!> b = a `catchError` const b
data StreamingNotSupportedException = StreamingNotSupportedException
deriving ( Typeable, Show )
instance Exception StreamingNotSupportedException where
displayException _ = "streamingRequest: streaming is not supported!"
instance RunClient ClientM where
runRequest = performRequest
streamingRequest _ = liftIO $ throwIO StreamingNotSupportedException
throwServantError = throwError
instance ClientLike (ClientM a) (ClientM a) where
@ -153,6 +184,7 @@ performXhr xhr burl request = do
openXhr xhr (cs $ requestMethod request) (toUrl burl request) True
setHeaders xhr request
js_setResponseType xhr "arraybuffer"
body <- toBody request
sendXhr xhr body
takeMVar waiter
@ -187,6 +219,9 @@ openXhr xhr method url =
foreign import javascript unsafe "$$2, $3, $4)"
js_openXhr :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> JSVal -> JSVal -> Bool -> IO ()
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.responseType = $2;"
js_setResponseType :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> JSString -> IO ()
toUrl :: BaseUrl -> Request -> String
toUrl burl request =
let pathS = cs $ toLazyByteString $ requestPath request
@ -217,35 +252,38 @@ setHeaders xhr request = do
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.setRequestHeader($2, $3)"
js_setRequestHeader :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
sendXhr :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> Maybe String -> IO ()
sendXhr :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> Maybe ArrayBuffer -> IO ()
sendXhr xhr Nothing = js_sendXhr xhr
sendXhr xhr (Just body) =
js_sendXhrWithBody xhr (toJSString body)
js_sendXhrWithBody xhr body
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.send()"
js_sendXhr :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO ()
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.send($2)"
js_sendXhrWithBody :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_sendXhrWithBody :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> ArrayBuffer -> IO ()
toBody :: Request -> IO (Maybe String)
toBody :: Request -> IO (Maybe ArrayBuffer)
toBody request = case requestBody request of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (a, _) -> go a
Just (a, _) -> Just <$> go a
go :: RequestBody -> IO (Maybe String)
go :: RequestBody -> IO ArrayBuffer
go x = case x of
RequestBodyLBS x -> return $ mBody x
RequestBodyLBS x -> return $ mBody $ BL.toStrict x
RequestBodyBS x -> return $ mBody x
RequestBodyBuilder _ x -> return $ mBody $ toLazyByteString x
RequestBodyBuilder _ x -> return $ mBody $ BL.toStrict $ toLazyByteString x
RequestBodyStream _ x -> mBody <$> readBody x
RequestBodyStreamChunked x -> mBody <$> readBody x
RequestBodyIO x -> x >>= go
mBody :: ConvertibleStrings a String => a -> Maybe String
mBody x = let y = cs x in if y == "" then Nothing else Just y
mBody :: BS.ByteString -> ArrayBuffer
mBody bs = js_bufferSlice offset len $ Buffer.getArrayBuffer buffer
(buffer, offset, len) = Buffer.fromByteString bs
readBody :: ((IO BS.ByteString -> IO ()) -> IO a) -> IO BS.ByteString
readBody writer = do
m <- newIORef mempty
_ <- writer (\bsAct -> do
@ -253,6 +291,8 @@ toBody request = case requestBody request of
modifyIORef m (<> bs))
readIORef m
foreign import javascript unsafe "$3.slice($1, $1 + $2)"
js_bufferSlice :: Int -> Int -> ArrayBuffer -> ArrayBuffer
-- * inspecting the xhr response
@ -266,10 +306,10 @@ toResponse xhr = do
_ -> liftIO $ do
statusText <- cs <$> getStatusText xhr
headers <- parseHeaders <$> getAllResponseHeaders xhr
responseText <- cs <$> getResponseText xhr
response <- getResponse xhr
pure Response
{ responseStatusCode = mkStatus status statusText
, responseBody = responseText
, responseBody = response
, responseHeaders = Seq.fromList headers
, responseHttpVersion = http11 -- this is made up
@ -288,14 +328,19 @@ getAllResponseHeaders xhr =
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.getAllResponseHeaders()"
js_getAllResponseHeaders :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO JSVal
getResponseText :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO String
getResponseText xhr = fromJSString <$> js_responseText xhr
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.responseText"
js_responseText :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO JSVal
getResponse :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO BL.ByteString
getResponse xhr =
. Buffer.toByteString 0 Nothing
. Buffer.createFromArrayBuffer
<$> js_response xhr
foreign import javascript unsafe "$1.response"
js_response :: JSXMLHttpRequest -> IO ArrayBuffer
parseHeaders :: String -> ResponseHeaders
parseHeaders s =
(first mk . first strip . second strip . parseHeader) <$>
first mk . first strip . second strip . parseHeader <$>
splitOn "\r\n" (cs s)
parseHeader :: BS.ByteString -> (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString)