2 changed files with 18 additions and 5 deletions
@ -64,6 +64,6 @@ runBasicAuth req realm (BasicAuthCheck ba) =
Just e -> ba e >>= \res -> case res of
BadPassword -> plzAuthenticate
NoSuchUser -> plzAuthenticate
Unauthorized -> return $ Fail err403
Unauthorized -> return $ FailFatal err403
Authorized usr -> return $ Route usr
where plzAuthenticate = return $ Fail err401 { errHeaders = [mkBAChallengerHdr realm] }
where plzAuthenticate = return $ FailFatal err401 { errHeaders = [mkBAChallengerHdr realm] }
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Network.HTTP.Types (Status (..), hAccept, hContentType,
methodDelete, methodGet,
methodHead, methodPatch,
methodPost, methodPut, ok200,
import Network.Wai (Application, Request, requestHeaders, pathInfo,
queryString, rawQueryString,
@ -542,13 +543,17 @@ miscCombinatorSpec = with (return $ serve miscApi miscServ) $
-- * Basic Authentication {{{
type BasicAuthAPI = BasicAuth "foo" () :> "basic" :> Get '[JSON] Animal
type BasicAuthAPI =
BasicAuth "foo" () :> "basic" :> Get '[JSON] Animal
:<|> Raw
basicAuthApi :: Proxy BasicAuthAPI
basicAuthApi = Proxy
basicAuthServer :: Server BasicAuthAPI
basicAuthServer = const (return jerry)
basicAuthServer =
const (return jerry) :<|>
(\ _ respond -> respond $ responseLBS imATeaPot418 [] "")
basicAuthContext :: Context '[ BasicAuthCheck () ]
basicAuthContext =
@ -564,14 +569,22 @@ basicAuthSpec = do
with (return (serveWithContext basicAuthApi basicAuthContext basicAuthServer)) $ do
context "Basic Authentication" $ do
it "returns 401 with bad password" $ do
it "returns 401 when no credentials given" $ do
get "/basic" `shouldRespondWith` 401
it "returns 403 when invalid credentials given" $ do
let invalid = [("Authorization", "Basic bbbbbbbbbDpzZXJ2ZXI=")] -- fixme: how do I create basic auth tokens?
THW.request methodGet "/basic" invalid ""
`shouldRespondWith` 403
it "returns 200 with the right password" $ do
let validCredentials = [("Authorization", "Basic c2VydmFudDpzZXJ2ZXI=")]
THW.request methodGet "/basic" validCredentials ""
`shouldRespondWith` 200
it "plays nice with subsequent Raw endpoints" $ do
get "/foo" `shouldRespondWith` 418
-- }}}
-- * General Authentication {{{
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