Fix path concatenation, Eq instance, for BaseUrl

This commit is contained in:
Julian K. Arni 2015-10-07 21:07:07 +02:00
parent 47f4cec53b
commit 110196e23f
2 changed files with 15 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -32,12 +32,19 @@ data BaseUrl = BaseUrl
, baseUrlHost :: String -- ^ host (eg "")
, baseUrlPort :: Int -- ^ port (eg 80)
, baseUrlPath :: String -- ^ path (eg "/a/b/c")
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Generic)
} deriving (Show, Ord, Generic)
instance Eq BaseUrl where
BaseUrl a b c path == BaseUrl a' b' c' path'
= a == a' && b == b' && c == c' && s path == s path'
where s ('/':x) = x
s x = x
showBaseUrl :: BaseUrl -> String
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl urlscheme host port path) =
schemeString ++ "//" ++ host ++ portString ++ path
schemeString ++ "//" ++ host ++ (portString </> path)
a </> b = if "/" `isPrefixOf` b || null b then a ++ b else a ++ '/':b
schemeString = case urlscheme of
Http -> "http:"
Https -> "https:"

View file

@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ spec = do
it "shows the path of a BaseUrl" $ do
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Http "" 80 "api") `shouldBe` ""
it "shows the path of an https BaseUrl" $ do
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Https "" 80 "api") `shouldBe` ""
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Https "" 443 "api") `shouldBe` ""
it "handles leading slashes in path" $ do
showBaseUrl (BaseUrl Https "" 443 "/api") `shouldBe` ""
describe "httpBaseUrl" $ do
it "allows to construct default http BaseUrls" $ do
@ -34,8 +36,8 @@ spec = do
deepseq (fmap show (parse string )) True
it "is the inverse of showBaseUrl" $ do
property $ \ baseUrl ->
counterexample (showBaseUrl baseUrl) $ parse (showBaseUrl baseUrl) === Just baseUrl
property $ \ baseUrl -> counterexample (showBaseUrl baseUrl) $
parse (showBaseUrl baseUrl) === Just baseUrl
context "trailing slashes" $ do
it "allows trailing slashes" $ do
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ spec = do
parse "" `shouldBe` Just (BaseUrl Http "" 80 "api")
it "rejects ftp urls" $ do
(parse "") `shouldBe` Nothing
parse "" `shouldBe` Nothing
instance Arbitrary BaseUrl where
arbitrary = BaseUrl <$>