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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Servant.Server.UsingConfigSpec where
import Network.Wai
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it)
import Test.Hspec.Wai
import Servant
2016-01-10 15:39:55 +01:00
import Servant.Server.UsingConfigSpec.CustomCombinator
-- * API
data Tag1
data Tag2
type OneEntryAPI =
CustomCombinator Tag1 :> Get '[JSON] String
testServer :: Server OneEntryAPI
testServer (CustomConfig s) = return s
oneEntryApp :: Application
oneEntryApp =
serve (Proxy :: Proxy OneEntryAPI) config testServer
config :: Config '[ConfigEntry Tag1 CustomConfig]
2016-01-10 15:39:55 +01:00
config = CustomConfig "configValue" .:. EmptyConfig
type OneEntryTwiceAPI =
"foo" :> CustomCombinator Tag1 :> Get '[JSON] String :<|>
"bar" :> CustomCombinator Tag1 :> Get '[JSON] String
oneEntryTwiceApp :: Application
oneEntryTwiceApp = serve (Proxy :: Proxy OneEntryTwiceAPI) config $
testServer :<|>
config :: Config '[ConfigEntry Tag1 CustomConfig]
config = CustomConfig "configValueTwice" .:. EmptyConfig
type TwoDifferentEntries =
"foo" :> CustomCombinator Tag1 :> Get '[JSON] String :<|>
"bar" :> CustomCombinator Tag2 :> Get '[JSON] String
twoDifferentEntries :: Application
twoDifferentEntries = serve (Proxy :: Proxy TwoDifferentEntries) config $
testServer :<|>
config :: Config '[ConfigEntry Tag1 CustomConfig, ConfigEntry Tag2 CustomConfig]
config =
CustomConfig "firstConfigValue" .:.
CustomConfig "secondConfigValue" .:.
-- * tests
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "using Config in a custom combinator" $ do
with (return oneEntryApp) $ do
it "allows to retrieve a ConfigEntry" $ do
get "/" `shouldRespondWith` "\"configValue\""
with (return oneEntryTwiceApp) $ do
it "allows to retrieve the same ConfigEntry twice" $ do
get "/foo" `shouldRespondWith` "\"configValueTwice\""
get "/bar" `shouldRespondWith` "\"configValueTwice\""
with (return twoDifferentEntries) $ do
it "allows to retrieve different ConfigEntries for the same combinator" $ do
get "/foo" `shouldRespondWith` "\"firstConfigValue\""
get "/bar" `shouldRespondWith` "\"secondConfigValue\""