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{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Servant.Auth.Server.Internal.AddSetCookie where
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder (toByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Tagged (Tagged (..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Network.Wai (mapResponseHeaders)
import Servant
import Web.Cookie
-- What are we doing here? Well, the idea is to add headers to the response,
-- but the headers come from the authentication check. In order to do that, we
-- tweak a little the general theme of recursing down the API tree; this time,
-- we recurse down a variation of it that adds headers to all the endpoints.
-- This involves the usual type-level checks.
-- TODO: If the endpoints already have headers, this will not work as is.
data Nat = Z | S Nat
type family AddSetCookiesApi (n :: Nat) a where
AddSetCookiesApi ('S 'Z) a = AddSetCookieApi a
AddSetCookiesApi ('S n) a = AddSetCookiesApi n (AddSetCookieApi a)
type family AddSetCookieApiVerb a where
AddSetCookieApiVerb (Headers ls a) = Headers (Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie ': ls) a
AddSetCookieApiVerb a = Headers '[Header "Set-Cookie" SetCookie] a
type family AddSetCookieApi a :: *
type instance AddSetCookieApi (a :> b) = a :> AddSetCookieApi b
type instance AddSetCookieApi (a :<|> b) = AddSetCookieApi a :<|> AddSetCookieApi b
type instance AddSetCookieApi (Verb method stat ctyps a)
= Verb method stat ctyps (AddSetCookieApiVerb a)
type instance AddSetCookieApi Raw = Raw
#if MIN_VERSION_servant_server(0,15,0)
type instance AddSetCookieApi (Stream method stat framing ctyps a)
= Stream method stat framing ctyps (AddSetCookieApiVerb a)
type instance AddSetCookieApi (Headers hs a) = AddSetCookieApiVerb (Headers hs a)
data SetCookieList (n :: Nat) :: * where
SetCookieNil :: SetCookieList 'Z
SetCookieCons :: Maybe SetCookie -> SetCookieList n -> SetCookieList ('S n)
class AddSetCookies (n :: Nat) orig new where
addSetCookies :: SetCookieList n -> orig -> new
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} AddSetCookies ('S n) oldb newb
=> AddSetCookies ('S n) (a -> oldb) (a -> newb) where
addSetCookies cookies oldfn = addSetCookies cookies . oldfn
instance AddSetCookies 'Z orig orig where
addSetCookies _ = id
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
( Functor m
, AddSetCookies n (m old) (m cookied)
, AddHeader "Set-Cookie" SetCookie cookied new
) => AddSetCookies ('S n) (m old) (m new) where
addSetCookies (mCookie `SetCookieCons` rest) oldVal =
case mCookie of
Nothing -> noHeader <$> addSetCookies rest oldVal
Just cookie -> addHeader cookie <$> addSetCookies rest oldVal
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-}
(AddSetCookies ('S n) a a', AddSetCookies ('S n) b b')
=> AddSetCookies ('S n) (a :<|> b) (a' :<|> b') where
addSetCookies cookies (a :<|> b) = addSetCookies cookies a :<|> addSetCookies cookies b
-- | for @servant <0.11@
AddSetCookies ('S n) Application Application where
addSetCookies cookies r request respond
= r request $ respond . mapResponseHeaders (++ mkHeaders cookies)
-- | for @servant >=0.11@
AddSetCookies ('S n) (Tagged m Application) (Tagged m Application) where
addSetCookies cookies r = Tagged $ \request respond ->
unTagged r request $ respond . mapResponseHeaders (++ mkHeaders cookies)
mkHeaders :: SetCookieList x -> [HTTP.Header]
mkHeaders x = ("Set-Cookie",) <$> mkCookies x
mkCookies :: forall y. SetCookieList y -> [BS.ByteString]
mkCookies SetCookieNil = []
mkCookies (SetCookieCons Nothing rest) = mkCookies rest
mkCookies (SetCookieCons (Just y) rest)
= toByteString (renderSetCookie y) : mkCookies rest