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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Servant.ClientSpec where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Data.Proxy
import Network.Socket
import Network.URI
import Network.Wai
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp
import Test.Hspec
2014-10-30 13:47:43 +01:00
import Servant.API
2014-10-30 14:08:41 +01:00
import Servant.Client
import Servant.Server
import Servant.ServerSpec
type Api =
2014-10-30 13:50:53 +01:00
"get" :> Get Person
:<|> "capture" :> Capture "name" String :> Get Person
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:<|> "body" :> ReqBody Person :> Post Person
api :: Proxy Api
api = Proxy
server :: Application
server = serve api (
2014-10-30 13:47:43 +01:00
return alice
:<|> (\ name -> return $ Person name 0)
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:<|> return
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withServer :: (URIAuth -> IO a) -> IO a
withServer action = withWaiDaemon (return server) (action . mkHost "localhost")
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getGet :: URIAuth -> EitherT String IO Person
getCapture :: String -> URIAuth -> EitherT String IO Person
getBody :: Person -> URIAuth -> EitherT String IO Person
(getGet :<|> getCapture :<|> getBody) = client api
spec :: Spec
spec = do
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it "Servant.API.Get" $ withServer $ \ host -> do
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runEitherT (getGet host) `shouldReturn` Right alice
2014-10-30 13:47:43 +01:00
it "Servant.API.Capture" $ withServer $ \ host -> do
2014-10-30 14:08:41 +01:00
runEitherT (getCapture "Paula" host) `shouldReturn` Right (Person "Paula" 0)
it "Servant.API.ReqBody" $ withServer $ \ host -> do
let p = Person "Clara" 42
runEitherT (getBody p host) `shouldReturn` Right p
-- * utils
withWaiDaemon :: IO Application -> (Port -> IO a) -> IO a
withWaiDaemon mkApplication action = do
application <- mkApplication
bracket (acquire application) free (\ (_, _, port) -> action port)
acquire application = do
(notifyStart, waitForStart) <- lvar
(notifyKilled, waitForKilled) <- lvar
thread <- forkIO $ (do
(krakenPort, socket) <- openTestSocket
let settings =
setPort krakenPort $ -- set here just for consistency, shouldn't be
-- used (it's set in the socket)
setBeforeMainLoop (notifyStart krakenPort)
runSettingsSocket settings socket application)
`finally` notifyKilled ()
krakenPort <- waitForStart
return (thread, waitForKilled, krakenPort)
free (thread, waitForKilled, _) = do
killThread thread
lvar :: IO (a -> IO (), IO a)
lvar = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
let put = putMVar mvar
wait = readMVar mvar
return (put, wait)
openTestSocket :: IO (Port, Socket)
openTestSocket = do
s <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol
localhost <- inet_addr ""
bind s (SockAddrInet aNY_PORT localhost)
listen s 1
port <- socketPort s
return (fromIntegral port, s)