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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
2015-05-02 03:21:03 +02:00
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fcontext-stack=100 #-}
2015-03-08 23:59:40 +01:00
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Servant.ClientSpec where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
2015-09-12 14:11:24 +02:00
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
2015-09-12 14:11:24 +02:00
import Control.Arrow (left)
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT, throwE)
2015-04-19 18:31:23 +02:00
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
2015-10-09 00:02:43 +02:00
import Data.Char (chr, isPrint)
2015-04-19 18:31:23 +02:00
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.Monoid hiding (getLast)
2015-04-19 18:31:23 +02:00
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Text as T
2015-10-09 00:02:43 +02:00
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
2015-04-19 18:31:23 +02:00
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as C
import Network.HTTP.Media
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as HTTP
import Network.Wai (responseLBS)
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
import System.Exit
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
import Test.HUnit
2015-04-19 18:31:23 +02:00
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck
import Servant.API
import Servant.Client
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
import Servant.Client.TestServer
import qualified Servant.Common.Req as SCR
2015-04-19 18:31:23 +02:00
import Servant.Server
import Servant.Server.Experimental.Auth
spec :: Spec
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
spec = do
runIO buildTestServer
describe "Servant.Client" $ do
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
-- | Run a test-server (identified by name) while performing the given action.
-- The provided 'BaseUrl' points to the running server.
-- Running the test-servers is done differently depending on the compiler
-- (ghc or ghcjs).
-- With ghc it's somewhat straight-forward: a wai 'Application' is being started
-- on a free port inside the same process using 'warp'.
-- When running the test-suite with ghcjs all the test-servers are compiled into
-- a single external executable (with ghc and warp). This is done through
-- 'buildTestServer' once at the start of the test-suite. This built executable
-- will provide all the test-servers on a free port under a path that
-- corresponds to the test-servers name, for example under
-- 'http://localhost:82923/failServer'. 'withTestServer' will then
-- start this executable as an external process while the given action is being
-- executed and provide it with the correct BaseUrl.
-- This rather cumbersome approach is taken because it's not easy to run a wai
-- Application as a http server when using ghcjs.
withTestServer :: String -> (BaseUrl -> IO a) -> IO a
withTestServer name action = do
server <- lookupTestServer name
withServer server action
lookupTestServer :: String -> IO TestServer
lookupTestServer name = case lookup name mapping of
Nothing -> die ("test server not found: " ++ name)
Just testServer -> return testServer
mapping :: [(String, TestServer)]
mapping = map (\ server -> (testServerName server, server)) allTestServers
-- | All test-servers must be registered here.
allTestServers :: [TestServer]
allTestServers =
server :
errorServer :
failServer :
basicAuthServer :
genAuthServer :
-- * test data types
data Person = Person {
name :: String,
age :: Integer
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Person
instance FromJSON Person
2015-02-24 23:56:06 +01:00
instance ToFormUrlEncoded Person where
toFormUrlEncoded Person{..} =
[("name", T.pack name), ("age", T.pack (show age))]
lookupEither :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> [(a,b)] -> Either String b
lookupEither x xs = do
maybe (Left $ "could not find key " <> show x) return $ lookup x xs
instance FromFormUrlEncoded Person where
fromFormUrlEncoded xs = do
n <- lookupEither "name" xs
a <- lookupEither "age" xs
return $ Person (T.unpack n) (read $ T.unpack a)
alice :: Person
alice = Person "Alice" 42
2015-05-02 03:21:03 +02:00
type TestHeaders = '[Header "X-Example1" Int, Header "X-Example2" String]
type Api =
"get" :> Get '[JSON] Person
:<|> "deleteEmpty" :> DeleteNoContent '[JSON] NoContent
2015-02-24 23:56:06 +01:00
:<|> "capture" :> Capture "name" String :> Get '[JSON,FormUrlEncoded] Person
:<|> "body" :> ReqBody '[FormUrlEncoded,JSON] Person :> Post '[JSON] Person
:<|> "param" :> QueryParam "name" String :> Get '[FormUrlEncoded,JSON] Person
:<|> "params" :> QueryParams "names" String :> Get '[JSON] [Person]
:<|> "flag" :> QueryFlag "flag" :> Get '[JSON] Bool
:<|> "rawSuccess" :> Raw
:<|> "rawFailure" :> Raw
:<|> "multiple" :>
Capture "first" String :>
QueryParam "second" Int :>
QueryFlag "third" :>
ReqBody '[JSON] [(String, [Rational])] :>
Get '[JSON] (String, Maybe Int, Bool, [(String, [Rational])])
2015-05-02 03:21:03 +02:00
:<|> "headers" :> Get '[JSON] (Headers TestHeaders Bool)
:<|> "deleteContentType" :> DeleteNoContent '[JSON] NoContent
api :: Proxy Api
api = Proxy
getGet :: C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getDeleteEmpty :: C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM NoContent
getCapture :: String -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getBody :: Person -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getQueryParam :: Maybe String -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Person
getQueryParams :: [String] -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM [Person]
getQueryFlag :: Bool -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM Bool
getRawSuccess :: HTTP.Method -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl
-> SCR.ClientM (Int, BS.ByteString, MediaType, [HTTP.Header], C.Response BS.ByteString)
getRawFailure :: HTTP.Method -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl
-> SCR.ClientM (Int, BS.ByteString, MediaType, [HTTP.Header], C.Response BS.ByteString)
getMultiple :: String -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> [(String, [Rational])] -> C.Manager -> BaseUrl
-> SCR.ClientM (String, Maybe Int, Bool, [(String, [Rational])])
getRespHeaders :: C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM (Headers TestHeaders Bool)
getDeleteContentType :: C.Manager -> BaseUrl -> SCR.ClientM NoContent
:<|> getDeleteEmpty
:<|> getCapture
:<|> getBody
:<|> getQueryParam
:<|> getQueryParams
:<|> getQueryFlag
:<|> getRawSuccess
:<|> getRawFailure
:<|> getMultiple
:<|> getRespHeaders
:<|> getDeleteContentType = client api
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
server :: TestServer
server = TestServer "server" $ serve api (
return alice
:<|> return NoContent
:<|> (\ name -> return $ Person name 0)
:<|> return
:<|> (\ name -> case name of
Just "alice" -> return alice
2015-10-09 00:02:43 +02:00
Just n -> throwE $ ServantErr 400 (n ++ " not found") "" []
2015-09-12 14:11:24 +02:00
Nothing -> throwE $ ServantErr 400 "missing parameter" "" [])
:<|> (\ names -> return (zipWith Person names [0..]))
:<|> return
:<|> (\ _request respond -> respond $ responseLBS HTTP.ok200 [] "rawSuccess")
:<|> (\ _request respond -> respond $ responseLBS HTTP.badRequest400 [] "rawFailure")
2015-05-02 03:21:03 +02:00
:<|> (\ a b c d -> return (a, b, c, d))
:<|> (return $ addHeader 1729 $ addHeader "eg2" True)
:<|> return NoContent
2015-03-09 04:38:32 +01:00
type FailApi =
"get" :> Raw
:<|> "capture" :> Capture "name" String :> Raw
:<|> "body" :> Raw
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
2015-03-09 04:38:32 +01:00
failApi :: Proxy FailApi
failApi = Proxy
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
failServer :: TestServer
failServer = TestServer "failServer" $ serve failApi (
(\ _request respond -> respond $ responseLBS HTTP.ok200 [] "")
:<|> (\ _capture _request respond -> respond $ responseLBS HTTP.ok200 [("content-type", "application/json")] "")
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
:<|> (\ _request respond -> respond $ responseLBS HTTP.ok200 [("content-type", "fooooo")] "")
2015-03-09 04:38:32 +01:00
-- * basic auth stuff
type BasicAuthAPI =
BasicAuth "foo-realm" () :> "private" :> "basic" :> Get '[JSON] Person
basicAuthAPI :: Proxy BasicAuthAPI
basicAuthAPI = Proxy
basicAuthHandler :: BasicAuthCheck ()
basicAuthHandler =
let check (BasicAuthData username password) =
if username == "servant" && password == "server"
then return (Authorized ())
else return Unauthorized
in BasicAuthCheck check
basicServerContext :: Context '[ BasicAuthCheck () ]
basicServerContext = basicAuthHandler :. EmptyContext
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
basicAuthServer :: TestServer
basicAuthServer = TestServer "basicAuthServer" $
serveWithContext basicAuthAPI basicServerContext (const (return alice))
-- * general auth stuff
type GenAuthAPI =
AuthProtect "auth-tag" :> "private" :> "auth" :> Get '[JSON] Person
genAuthAPI :: Proxy GenAuthAPI
genAuthAPI = Proxy
type instance AuthServerData (AuthProtect "auth-tag") = ()
type instance AuthClientData (AuthProtect "auth-tag") = ()
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
genAuthHandler :: AuthHandler Wai.Request ()
genAuthHandler =
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
let handler req = case lookup "AuthHeader" (Wai.requestHeaders req) of
Nothing -> throwE (err401 { errBody = "Missing auth header" })
Just _ -> return ()
in mkAuthHandler handler
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
genAuthServerContext :: Context '[ AuthHandler Wai.Request () ]
genAuthServerContext = genAuthHandler :. EmptyContext
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
genAuthServer :: TestServer
genAuthServer = TestServer "genAuthServer" $
serveWithContext genAuthAPI genAuthServerContext (const (return alice))
{-# NOINLINE manager #-}
manager :: C.Manager
manager = unsafePerformIO $ C.newManager C.defaultManagerSettings
sucessSpec :: Spec
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
sucessSpec = around (withTestServer "server") $ do
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "Servant.API.Get" $ \baseUrl -> do
(left show <$> runExceptT (getGet manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right alice
describe "Servant.API.Delete" $ do
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "allows empty content type" $ \baseUrl -> do
(left show <$> runExceptT (getDeleteEmpty manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right NoContent
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "allows content type" $ \baseUrl -> do
(left show <$> runExceptT (getDeleteContentType manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right NoContent
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "Servant.API.Capture" $ \baseUrl -> do
(left show <$> runExceptT (getCapture "Paula" manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right (Person "Paula" 0)
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "Servant.API.ReqBody" $ \baseUrl -> do
let p = Person "Clara" 42
(left show <$> runExceptT (getBody p manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right p
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "Servant.API.QueryParam" $ \baseUrl -> do
left show <$> runExceptT (getQueryParam (Just "alice") manager baseUrl) `shouldReturn` Right alice
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runExceptT (getQueryParam (Just "bob") manager baseUrl)
responseStatus `shouldBe` HTTP.Status 400 "bob not found"
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "Servant.API.QueryParam.QueryParams" $ \baseUrl -> do
(left show <$> runExceptT (getQueryParams [] manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right []
(left show <$> runExceptT (getQueryParams ["alice", "bob"] manager baseUrl))
`shouldReturn` Right [Person "alice" 0, Person "bob" 1]
context "Servant.API.QueryParam.QueryFlag" $
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
forM_ [False, True] $ \ flag -> it (show flag) $ \baseUrl -> do
(left show <$> runExceptT (getQueryFlag flag manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right flag
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "Servant.API.Raw on success" $ \baseUrl -> do
res <- runExceptT (getRawSuccess HTTP.methodGet manager baseUrl)
2015-03-08 23:59:40 +01:00
case res of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right (code, body, ct, _, response) -> do
(code, body, ct) `shouldBe` (200, "rawSuccess", "application"//"octet-stream")
C.responseBody response `shouldBe` body
C.responseStatus response `shouldBe` HTTP.ok200
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "Servant.API.Raw should return a Left in case of failure" $ \baseUrl -> do
res <- runExceptT (getRawFailure HTTP.methodGet manager baseUrl)
2015-03-09 04:38:32 +01:00
case res of
Right _ -> assertFailure "expected Left, but got Right"
Left e -> do
Servant.Client.responseStatus e `shouldBe` HTTP.status400
Servant.Client.responseBody e `shouldBe` "rawFailure"
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "Returns headers appropriately" $ \baseUrl -> do
res <- runExceptT (getRespHeaders manager baseUrl)
2015-03-08 23:59:40 +01:00
case res of
Left e -> assertFailure $ show e
Right val -> getHeaders val `shouldBe` [("X-Example1", "1729"), ("X-Example2", "eg2")]
modifyMaxSuccess (const 20) $ do
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "works for a combination of Capture, QueryParam, QueryFlag and ReqBody" $ \baseUrl ->
property $ forAllShrink pathGen shrink $ \(NonEmpty cap) num flag body ->
ioProperty $ do
result <- left show <$> runExceptT (getMultiple cap num flag body manager baseUrl)
return $
result === Right (cap, num, flag, body)
2015-03-09 04:38:32 +01:00
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
type ErrorApi =
Delete '[JSON] () :<|>
Get '[JSON] () :<|>
Post '[JSON] () :<|>
Put '[JSON] ()
errorApi :: Proxy ErrorApi
errorApi = Proxy
errorServer :: TestServer
errorServer = TestServer "errorServer" $ serve errorApi $
err :<|> err :<|> err :<|> err
err = throwE $ ServantErr 500 "error message" "" []
errorSpec :: Spec
errorSpec =
around (withTestServer "errorServer") $ do
describe "error status codes" $
it "reports error statuses correctly" $ \baseUrl -> do
let delete :<|> get :<|> post :<|> put =
client errorApi
actions = map (\ f -> f manager baseUrl) [delete, get, post, put]
forM_ actions $ \ clientAction -> do
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runExceptT clientAction
responseStatus `shouldBe` HTTP.Status 500 "error message"
basicAuthSpec :: Spec
basicAuthSpec = around (withTestServer "basicAuthServer") $ do
context "Authentication works when requests are properly authenticated" $ do
it "Authenticates a BasicAuth protected server appropriately" $ \baseUrl -> do
let getBasic = client basicAuthAPI
let basicAuthData = BasicAuthData "servant" "server"
(left show <$> runExceptT (getBasic basicAuthData manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right alice
2015-03-09 04:38:32 +01:00
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
context "Authentication is rejected when requests are not authenticated properly" $ do
it "Authenticates a BasicAuth protected server appropriately" $ \baseUrl -> do
let getBasic = client basicAuthAPI
let basicAuthData = BasicAuthData "not" "password"
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runExceptT (getBasic basicAuthData manager baseUrl)
responseStatus `shouldBe` HTTP.Status 403 "Forbidden"
genAuthSpec :: Spec
genAuthSpec = around (withTestServer "genAuthServer") $ do
context "Authentication works when requests are properly authenticated" $ do
it "Authenticates a AuthProtect protected server appropriately" $ \baseUrl -> do
let getProtected = client genAuthAPI
let authRequest = mkAuthenticateReq () (\_ req -> SCR.addHeader "AuthHeader" ("cool" :: String) req)
(left show <$> runExceptT (getProtected authRequest manager baseUrl)) `shouldReturn` Right alice
context "Authentication is rejected when requests are not authenticated properly" $ do
it "Authenticates a AuthProtect protected server appropriately" $ \baseUrl -> do
let getProtected = client genAuthAPI
let authRequest = mkAuthenticateReq () (\_ req -> SCR.addHeader "Wrong" ("header" :: String) req)
Left FailureResponse{..} <- runExceptT (getProtected authRequest manager baseUrl)
responseStatus `shouldBe` (HTTP.Status 401 "Unauthorized")
failSpec :: Spec
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
failSpec = around (withTestServer "failServer") $ do
context "client returns errors appropriately" $ do
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "reports FailureResponse" $ \baseUrl -> do
let (_ :<|> getDeleteEmpty :<|> _) = client api
Left res <- runExceptT (getDeleteEmpty manager baseUrl)
case res of
FailureResponse (HTTP.Status 404 "Not Found") _ _ -> return ()
_ -> fail $ "expected 404 response, but got " <> show res
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "reports DecodeFailure" $ \baseUrl -> do
let (_ :<|> _ :<|> getCapture :<|> _) = client api
Left res <- runExceptT (getCapture "foo" manager baseUrl)
case res of
DecodeFailure _ ("application/json") _ -> return ()
_ -> fail $ "expected DecodeFailure, but got " <> show res
it "reports ConnectionError" $ \_ -> do
let (getGetWrongHost :<|> _) = client api
Left res <- runExceptT (getGetWrongHost manager (BaseUrl Http "" 19872 ""))
case res of
2015-05-25 09:51:35 +02:00
ConnectionError _ -> return ()
_ -> fail $ "expected ConnectionError, but got " <> show res
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "reports UnsupportedContentType" $ \baseUrl -> do
let (getGet :<|> _ ) = client api
Left res <- runExceptT (getGet manager baseUrl)
case res of
UnsupportedContentType ("application/octet-stream") _ -> return ()
_ -> fail $ "expected UnsupportedContentType, but got " <> show res
2016-05-12 15:20:15 +02:00
it "reports InvalidContentTypeHeader" $ \baseUrl -> do
let (_ :<|> _ :<|> _ :<|> getBody :<|> _) = client api
Left res <- runExceptT (getBody alice manager baseUrl)
case res of
InvalidContentTypeHeader "fooooo" _ -> return ()
_ -> fail $ "expected InvalidContentTypeHeader, but got " <> show res
2015-03-08 23:59:40 +01:00
-- * utils
2015-02-02 03:35:10 +01:00
pathGen :: Gen (NonEmptyList Char)
pathGen = fmap NonEmpty path
path = listOf1 $ elements $
2015-04-20 19:52:29 +02:00
filter (not . (`elem` ("?%[]/#;" :: String))) $
2015-02-02 03:35:10 +01:00
filter isPrint $
map chr [0..127]