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{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
-- |
-- Module : Main (doctests)
-- Copyright : (C) 2012-14 Edward Kmett
-- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Edward Kmett <>
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- This module provides doctests for a project based on the actual versions
-- of the packages it was built with. It requires a corresponding Setup.lhs
-- to be added to the project
module Main where
import Build_doctests (flags, pkgs, module_sources)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Test.DocTest
##if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
##if defined(i386_HOST_ARCH)
##define USE_CP
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Foreign.C.Types
foreign import stdcall "windows.h SetConsoleCP" c_SetConsoleCP :: CUInt -> IO Bool
foreign import stdcall "windows.h GetConsoleCP" c_GetConsoleCP :: IO CUInt
##elif defined(x86_64_HOST_ARCH)
##define USE_CP
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception
import Foreign.C.Types
foreign import ccall "windows.h SetConsoleCP" c_SetConsoleCP :: CUInt -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall "windows.h GetConsoleCP" c_GetConsoleCP :: IO CUInt
-- | Run in a modified codepage where we can print UTF-8 values on Windows.
withUnicode :: IO a -> IO a
##ifdef USE_CP
withUnicode m = do
cp <- c_GetConsoleCP
(c_SetConsoleCP 65001 >> m) `finally` c_SetConsoleCP cp
withUnicode m = m
main :: IO ()
main = withUnicode $ do
traverse_ putStrLn args
doctest args
args =
"-XOverloadedStrings" :
"-XFlexibleInstances" :
"-XMultiParamTypeClasses" :
"-XDataKinds" :
"-XTypeOperators" :
flags ++ pkgs ++ module_sources