{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let audioFiles = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "kekrby"; repo = "t2-better-audio"; rev = "e46839a28963e2f7d364020518b9dac98236bcae"; hash = "sha256-x7K0qa++P1e1vuCGxnsFxL1d9+nwMtZUJ6Kd9e27TFs="; }; overrideAudioFiles = package: pluginsPath: package.overrideAttrs (new: old: { preConfigurePhases = old.preConfigurePhases or [ ] ++ [ "postPatchPhase" ]; postPatchPhase = '' cp -r ${audioFiles}/files/{profile-sets,paths} ${pluginsPath}/alsa/mixer/ ''; }); pipewirePackage = overrideAudioFiles pkgs.pipewire "spa/plugins/"; apple-set-os-loader-installer = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec { name = "apple-set-os-loader-installer-1.0"; src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "Redecorating"; repo = "apple_set_os-loader"; rev = "r33.9856dc4"; sha256 = "hvwqfoF989PfDRrwU0BMi69nFjPeOmSaD6vR6jIRK2Y="; }; buildInputs = [ pkgs.gnu-efi ]; buildPhase = '' substituteInPlace Makefile --replace "/usr" '$(GNU_EFI)' export GNU_EFI=${pkgs.gnu-efi} make ''; installPhase = '' install -D bootx64_silent.efi $out/bootx64.efi ''; }; t2Cfg = config.appleT2Config; in { options = { appleT2Config.enableAppleSetOsLoader = lib.mkOption { default = false; type = lib.types.bool; description = "Whether to enable the appleSetOsLoader activation script."; }; }; config = { # For keyboard and touchbar boot.kernelPackages = with pkgs; recurseIntoAttrs (linuxPackagesFor (callPackage ./pkgs/linux-t2.nix { })); boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ "apple-bce" ]; # For audio boot.kernelParams = [ "pcie_ports=compat" "intel_iommu=on" "iommu=pt" ]; services.udev.extraRules = builtins.readFile (pkgs.substitute { src = "${audioFiles}/files/91-audio-custom.rules"; replacements = [ "--replace" "/usr/bin/sed" "${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed" ]; }); hardware.pulseaudio.package = overrideAudioFiles pkgs.pulseaudio "src/modules/"; services.pipewire.package = pipewirePackage; services.pipewire.wireplumber.package = pkgs.wireplumber.override { pipewire = pipewirePackage; }; # Make sure post-resume.service exists powerManagement.enable = true; systemd.services.fix-keyboard-backlight-and-touchbar = { path = [ pkgs.kmod ]; serviceConfig.ExecStart = ''${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemd-inhibit --what=sleep --why="fixing keyboard backlight and touchbar must finish before sleep" --mode=delay ${./fix-keyboard-backlight-and-touchbar.sh}''; serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot"; description = "reload touchbar driver and restart upower"; wantedBy = [ "display-manager.service" "post-resume.target" ]; after = [ "post-resume.target" ]; }; # Activation script to install apple-set-os-loader in order to unlock the iGPU system.activationScripts.appleSetOsLoader = lib.optionalString t2Cfg.enableAppleSetOsLoader '' if [[ -e /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64_original.efi ]]; then true # It's already installed, no action required elif [[ -e /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi ]]; then # Copy the new bootloader to a temporary location cp ${apple-set-os-loader-installer}/bootx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64_temp.efi # Rename the original bootloader mv /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64_original.efi # Move the new bootloader to the final destination mv /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64_temp.efi /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi else echo "Error: /boot/efi/efi/boot/bootx64.efi is missing" >&2 fi ''; # Enable the iGPU by default if present environment.etc."modprobe.d/apple-gmux.conf".text = lib.optionalString t2Cfg.enableAppleSetOsLoader '' options apple-gmux force_igd=y ''; }; }