# NOTE: Structure changes from 2023-11-11 Please read the [Deprecated Behaviour README](./OLD-BEHAVIOUR-DEPRECATION.md) to understand how some structural changes to the code might affect you! # [Framework Laptops](https://frame.work/) ## Updating Firmware First put enable `fwupd` ```nix services.fwupd.enable = true; ``` > [!Note] > For Intel CPU's, even [stable BIOS versions](https://community.frame.work/t/responded-11th-gen-intel-core-bios-3-17-release/25137#update-april-11-2023-2) are currently marked as [test versions](https://fwupd.org/lvfs/devices/work.frame.Laptop.TGL.BIOS.firmware) in LVFS (the default remote fwupd uses to get firmware). > > If you want to use these versions, you'll have to [explicitly enable the lvfs-testing remote](https://community.frame.work/t/responded-11th-gen-intel-core-bios-3-17-release/25137#linuxlvfs-7): > > ```nix > services.fwupd.extraRemotes = [ "lvfs-testing" ]; > # Might be necessary once to make the update succeed > services.fwupd.uefiCapsuleSettings.DisableCapsuleUpdateOnDisk = true; > ``` > [!Caution] > Before running the update, make sure you have a [NixOS live ISO](https://nixos.org/download/#nixos-iso) on a USB stick, because some firmware updates [make your system unbootable](https://community.frame.work/t/drive-not-bootable-after-bios-update/12887). Then run ```sh $ fwupdmgr update ``` If you cannot boot into your system after upgrading: 1. Boot into the live USB 2. Mount your system into `/mnt` 3. Run ``` sudo nixos-enter ``` 4. Run ``` NIXOS_INSTALL_BOOTLOADER=1 /run/current-system/bin/switch-to-configuration boot ``` ## Common Modules For the Framework 13 laptops, there are common configuration modules available under the `13-inch/common/` directory, including some modules specific to AMD- or Intel-based laptops. By preference, there will already be a specialised module for your model's configuration. Otherwise, it can be added alongside the existing modules. ## Support Tools ### fw-ectool There is a `fw-ectool` package available in nixpkgs that provides some system configuration options via the EC. This ectool only works with the Intel-based Framework laptops at present, as the Framework EC for AMD-based mainboards is based on the Zephyr port of the ChromeOS EC, which involves a slightly changed communication interface.