{ stdenv, gcc11Stdenv, buildUBoot, fetchurl, fetchFromGitLab, lib, bison }:
  firmware-imx = stdenv.mkDerivation (fa: {
    pname = "firmware-imx";
    version = "8.20";
    src = fetchurl {
      url = "https://www.nxp.com/lgfiles/NMG/MAD/YOCTO/${fa.pname}-${fa.version}.bin";
      hash = "sha256-9txqXI/ZuROhU2DTzNU9GI2wWgioWUxRjldiJHjHI4M=";
    unpackPhase = ''
      cp $src firmware
      chmod +x firmware
      ./firmware --auto-accept
    installPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out
      cd ${fa.pname}-${fa.version}/firmware
      cp ddr/synopsys/lpddr4*.bin hdmi/cadence/signed_*_imx8m.bin $out
    meta.license = lib.licenses.unfree;

  arm-trusted-firmware-imx8mq = gcc11Stdenv.mkDerivation (fa: {
    pname = "arm-trusted-firmware-bl31";
    version = "unstable-2020-07-08";
    src = fetchFromGitLab {
      domain = "source.puri.sm";
      owner = "Librem5";
      repo = "arm-trusted-firmware";
      rev = "1fd3ff86cd4a05cd3e5637bf5a6902ac58fcafb9";
      hash = "sha256-fzpUxq+Hz7pijv5Mvzz+bUkaH79YSaugVUnViF7NB3A=";
    enableParallelBuilding = true;
    hardeningDisable = [ "all" ];
    NIX_LDFLAGS = "--no-warn-rwx-segments";
    buildFlags = [ "PLAT=imx8mq" "bl31" ];
    installPhase = ''
      mkdir -p $out
      cp build/imx8mq/release/bl31.bin $out
    dontStrip = true;

  ubootLibrem5 = buildUBoot {
    version = "unstable-2022-12-15";
    defconfig = "librem5_defconfig";
    src = fetchFromGitLab {
      domain = "source.puri.sm";
      owner = "Librem5";
      repo = "uboot-imx";
      rev = "956aa590c93977992743b41c45d3c7ee5a024915"; # this is the latest commit on the upstream/librem5 branch
      hash = "sha256-MsIIlarN+WFFEzc0ptLAgS7BwJ6Cosy42xo0EwPn1AU=";
    BL31 = "${arm-trusted-firmware-imx8mq}/bl31.bin";
    preConfigure = ''
      cp $BL31 .
      cp ${firmware-imx}/* .
    preInstall = ''
      cp flash.bin u-boot.imx
    filesToInstall = [ "u-boot.imx" ];
    postInstall = ''
      mkdir $out/bin
      sed 's|TARGET="/usr/lib/u-boot/librem5.*"|TARGET="${placeholder "out"}"|' \
        $src/debian/bin/u-boot-install-librem5 > $out/bin/u-boot-install-librem5
      chmod +x $out/bin/u-boot-install-librem5